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The Warlord Forever

Page 7

by Alyssa Morgan

  “What do you believe?” He could tell she didn’t believe either of the scenarios she’d just stated.

  “It would be an understatement to say I think foul play was involved. I just don’t know why, and I don’t have any proof.”

  “You were hoping to get answers from Connor Flemming.”

  She nodded, staring out the window ahead of her. “You read my uncle’s journal. The only thing he knew was where to find your tomb, and how to open it. He hoped the rest would be revealed when he released you.”

  “I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing.” He was relieved Duncan Douglas hadn’t had time to write what he’d learned of the immortal potion in his journal. And he had a feeling Connor Flemming wouldn’t be heard from again. The only living person who knew the truth, aside from him, was David Wilkes.

  And his time was running out.

  “You were awake in your tomb the whole time they were there, weren’t you?” She cast him a calculating glance.

  Ian couldn’t lie to her.

  But he had to.

  The truth could kill her.

  “No’ exactly,” he said, knowing where she was headed with her line of questioning.

  “You told me you heard everything that happened in my house. Did you hear everything that happened in the cave where they found you?”


  “I’d been so stunned at first, I dinna realize there were people around.”

  “What do you remember hearing?” She continued her interrogation.

  She probably wouldn’t stop until she had some satisfying bit of knowledge. Like the truth.

  “I know the men were arguing. They couldn’t agree on what to do with my tomb. Open it and then bring it out, or bring it out to open it.”

  All three men had their own agendas. David wanted to open it on live television. Duncan wanted to study it further before revealing it. Connor, not being impressed, had wanted to go on to his next find.

  “In the end, your uncle won out and decided to wait and study it further. He spent the night inspecting the interior of my cave and taking notes in his journal. The next day, it was only David’s voice I recognized. I drifted off, until I heard you.” He cupped her face in his hand.

  How he wanted to get her back in bed, strip away all her clothes, and taste her sweet nectar. To slide between her legs and take her until she cried out with ecstasy. His shaft grew hard.

  “How convenient for David that Connor left and my uncle died,” she commented. “He must have planned on having the media involved from the moment you were shipped out. I don’t think he expected Evan and I to challenge him.”

  “Why did you?”

  Why did she care anything about him?

  “My uncle spent most of his life trying to find your tomb. I couldn’t give it over to David without knowing more.” Her gaze locked with his. “I wanted to know what he was so obsessed with.”

  She’d found out. And she didn’t want it. “You must be the only person in existence who isna interested in immortality.”

  “I didn’t say I wasn’t interested,” she pointed out. “I just think it would be a long, lonely life.”

  The train halted and the doors hissed open to allow passengers to come and go.

  It had been a long and lonely life for Ian. Was there hope of having a future with Kenna?

  One filled with laughter and joy.

  With love.

  Did he dare to reach for the one thing he wanted?


  “Don’t let this upset you.” Ian walked with Kenna to her bedroom and opened the door.

  “I can’t help but think something awful happened to Connor Flemming.”

  Why would he call her, wanting to meet, and then not show up? It didn’t make sense.

  “We canna do anything about it tonight.” He glanced into her room, at her bed, then back to her, his bright green eyes swirling with lust.

  Please let him kiss me.

  Kenna tilted her head back, wondering if she should part her lips and close her eyes to give the warlord a clue. But the man already knew what she wanted—what he wanted—and brought his mouth down over hers, kissing her with raw hunger and desire.

  She dug her fingers into his shoulders as he opened his mouth over hers. His tongue darted in and out, exploring her mouth, licking at her lips. Kenna moaned and twirled her tongue with his. He tasted of spice and man, and kissed like the fearsome warlord he was.

  Without breaking their kiss, he swept her into his arms and carried her over to the bed. He set her on the edge and tugged at the buttons on his shirt, finally ripping some of the last ones open so he could tear it off and fling it to the floor. He closed her bedroom door and came back to kneel in front of her.

  She watched him remove her shoes and pull down her jeans as if she were in a daze. Her whole body bloomed with heat as he knelt between her legs and lifted her sweater over her head. Her every nerve ending tingled when his hands slid under the straps of her bra and dragged them down her shoulders.

  He leaned close to her and kissed her neck. His hot mouth on her skin shocked her, sent pleasure rushing through her, made her ache for even more of him. Rising up, he pushed her back on the bed, covering her with his strong, warm body as he removed her bra. He cupped her breasts in his big hands, gently kneading them, as his mouth moved from her neck to take one of her nipples between his lips.

  Kenna moaned as he suckled her. She placed her hands on the back of his head and held him to her, arching into him as the pleasure of his touch licked through her veins. He groaned with satisfaction and moved to her other nipple, sucking and flicking it with his tongue. His touch was skilled, gentle, and it set her afire. Why had she ever stopped this man before?


  Ian kissed his way down her stomach, inhaling the sweet scent of her skin, tasting it on his tongue. He moved lower down her body, and as much as he liked the look of the silky undergarment covering her most intimate flesh, he wanted to put his mouth there next.

  He stripped Kenna bare and rocked back on his heels to look at her. All that pale flesh revealed, her lips swollen from his kisses, her body flushed with heat and desire, her long hair spread out on the bed.

  His cock ached painfully, needing to find its release inside this beautiful woman. He would have her begging for him before he finally took her. He needed her surrender, for her to know who was pleasuring her and want him never to stop.

  He brushed his fingers over her sex, smoothing the pad of his thumb around her swollen bud. Her hips bucked and she gave a small cry. Wanting more of that wonderful response, he lapped at her with his tongue, running it through her soft folds and thrusting it into her.

  “Oh, yes, Ian.” Her hips rocked against him.

  He tongued her faster, making her wet for him, then slowly suckled her clit, taking it between his teeth and flicking it with his tongue.

  “Ian!” She screamed, her hips bucking wildly.

  He had to hold her in place with his hands while he brought her pleasure higher and higher, had her crying out and writhing in his hands.

  “Do I pleasure you, lass?” He rumbled against her aroused flesh.

  “Oh, yes! Yes...” Her body arched into him.

  “Do you want me?” He slid his finger into her slick, wet heat, working her up, then a second finger, spreading her further.

  “Yes, Ian,” she moaned. “I want you.”

  His cock swelled as he moved his fingers in and out of her, ready to burst. He needed to be inside her. To shaft himself deep and ride her hard and long.

  He got free of his trousers and lowered his body over her, guiding his cock to her wet folds as he mounted her, shoving up into her.


  Unimaginable pleasure tore through her as he filled her with his entire length, thick and hard. Kenna wrapped her legs around his waist as he thrust into her, grinding his hips against her in a steady rhythm, groaning low in his throat as he stroked her, taking her d

  Pleasure consumed her. Exquisite, delicious pleasure. She moved her hips with him, trying to keep up with his frenzied pace. Every hard thrust sent pleasure flowing into her. She grasped at his shoulders, pulling him down on her. His skin was hot to the touch, his muscles bulging with strain.

  Kenna looked up into his eyes, holding his gaze, and he smiled. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever experienced. He thrust into her harder and faster, and she moaned as pleasure filled her. He moved faster, driving her pleasure higher.

  “Oh, oh!” she cried out as he brought her to that keen edge.

  “I want you to come, lass,” he growled at her ear.

  “Please!” She gave herself to him.

  He moved over her, faster and faster, until the pleasure flooded her, crashing into her. The most sharp, intense pleasure she’d ever felt.


  Ian’s cock throbbed as she came around him, her body clasping him as she cried his name, digging her fingers into his arms. Ian rode her steadily through her climax, feeling his own building with such intensity he feared he might lose control.

  He bucked hard, desperate to reach his release. He shuddered as that heavy feeling arose and the pleasure erupted from him in a powerful explosion. He yelled out as he spent himself inside her, his cock pulsing with his release.

  Ian could spend the rest of eternity making love to this incredible woman.

  He wanted to.

  For now, he’d have to settle for the rest of the night.


  Kenna woke that morning to an empty bed. She wasn’t surprised Ian wasn’t there with her. The man didn’t seem to need sleep or any rest at all. He was insatiable. Had made love to her all night.

  She stumbled downstairs, roused by the smell of cooking food and fresh-brewed coffee. When she passed by her uncle’s study, she noticed Ian, Evan and Rosa gathered in front of the television. Evan gave her a worried look as she came into the room.

  “What is it?” she wondered, joining them.

  She glanced at the television. They were watching the morning news.

  “Police are asking anyone with information to contact their local law enforcement department.” The news anchor stood in front of City Hall.

  Her stomach dropped.

  Information about what?

  “Connor Flemming was found face down in the L.A. river last night,” Evan said, frowning.

  “What?” She couldn’t believe she was hearing this. Connor Flemming was dead?

  “It explains why he didn’t meet us last night,” Ian said.

  “I wish you’d told me where you were going,” Evan complained. “I would have liked to go along.”

  “Why?” She shrugged. “Nothing happened. He was already dead.”

  What did that mean for her? What if whoever had killed him knew he’d called her? Was she next?

  “I don’t want you leaving the house until this is over,” Evan ordered, turning into the protector she’d always known. “Things have just gone from bad, to worse.”

  “When will it all be over?” she wondered. “When we’re all dead?”

  Ian had brought nothing but death into her life. Not intentionally, but he seemed to hold the secret to something everyone wanted. Something they were willing to kill to obtain.

  What were they supposed to do now? Hide out until death came to their front steps?

  “I could put a vanishing curse on him,” Rosa offered. “My cousin will bring the chicken.”

  The chicken?


  How much did the housekeeper know about what was happening?

  “David isn’t going anywhere,” Ian bellowed, his face turning to stone. “I alone will finish this.”

  “You’re doing a bang up job so far,” Kenna mocked. “Why don’t you go down to the museum and take his head with your sword?”

  If only it were that easy.

  “I’d love nothing more,” he said. “But your world has too many rules. Criminals have more rights than their victims.”

  Wasn’t that the truth?

  “Aside from a voodoo ritual and decapitation, does anyone else have any bright ideas?” She studied the three of them, her eyes stopping on Evan.

  “We could go to the cops with what we know,” he proposed. “Take out a restraining order to keep him away from the house.”

  “Oh, right!” She dragged her hands through her hair in frustration. “What do you suppose they’ll do to us when we tell them about Ian and the tomb? I’m not ready to be committed.”

  “And you have no proof of what David has done,” Ian reminded. “If you intend to involve the authorities, you’ll need to have evidence.”

  Kenna angled her head at him, impressed. “How much television have you been watching?” He sounded like a detective who’d come straight from C.S.I. Miami.

  “Enough to learn how the laws of this land work.”

  She was losing every advantage she had over him. Ian wouldn’t need her help for much longer. She had no doubts he’d get along in the world without any problems. Did everything come so easy for him?

  Having slept with him, it was hard for her to be angry with him when he was just being himself. It wasn’t his fault he was smart and gorgeous and sexy. Irresistible. The man of her dreams.

  It was her fault for liking him so much.

  “We should at least inform the police about your phone call last night,” Evan said.

  “Yes, Mija,” Rosa agreed. “You need to tell them. What if it’s information they need?”

  There was no point in arguing. They were right.

  “Evan can drive me to the station after breakfast.” She decided it was the best plan of action.

  She was also curious to discover exactly what the cops knew. Get a little information of her own. Then they would figure out what to do about David.


  The world looked different at night.

  This simple fact put him at ease as he wandered through the city streets, because nothing about this world was normal to him.

  Not yet.

  Only Kenna gave him the comfort he needed. She alone touched some part of him he never expected to feel again. Made him dream of having a life he’d never thought possible.

  As much as he hated the Fates, he’d ended up in a remarkable place. He was grateful to be alive. This new life he’d been given had opened his eyes. He no longer saw his immortality as a curse, but as an opportunity to experience things most people would never have the chance to.

  The gentle ocean breezes swirled through his hair, and he made his way down to the shore. This late at night, no stores or restaurants were open. The only people he passed on the streets were the homeless, or people up to no good. Thankfully that lot knew enough not to bother him. He wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation.

  He walked out onto the sand and sat for a good while, watching the moon reflected on the water, and the ebb and flow of the waves dancing on the beach. The ocean brought him peace. Clarity. Left him feeling refreshed and confident.

  He finally had a place in the world. One he didn’t want to lose. And he had the most amazing woman to share it with.

  How lucky Duncan Douglas had found him. That he should end up in the man’s house, in America, with his beautiful niece. It was almost too good to be true.

  Ian wandered through the sullied part of town. Past abandoned buildings covered in graffiti, the windows broken out. Shady characters kept to the shadows, doling out drugs and prostitutes to those in need or want of such things.

  He had centuries of pent up need he was dying to release. A sexual appetite to rival the Gods. But a hundred women couldn’t satisfy him tonight.

  Because he only wanted one.

  For the rest of his nights.

  From the moment Kenna had become a part of his dreams, his only desire was to join her in the physical realm. To touch her, hold her, feel her. To taste her. To know her.

  They were connecte
d in a way he’d never known was possible. He’d gotten inside of her, using her dreams to help her open his tomb. He’d seen all that she was. She had given him the greatest gift: his freedom. And he loved her.

  He would spend his life showing her how thankful he was. How much she meant to him. And he would spend eternity protecting her and loving her, whether she chose immortality, or not.

  As the night sky faded and the stars began to disappear, he realized morning was coming. He’d left the house earlier that afternoon, wanting to walk and experience things on his own. He watched the sun rise over the horizon, chasing away the black of night with the bright colors of a new day.

  Did Kenna miss him? Was she worried about him?

  With David Wilkes still out there, was she even alive?

  Cursing his stupidity at leaving her alone for so long, he raced to her house.


  Where in the hell was Ian?

  The warlord had been missing since this afternoon when she and Evan arrived home from the police station.

  She was still pissed at how easily the cops had brushed her and Evan’s concerns about David aside. They thought the two of them were over-reacting. That Connor Flemming’s phone call to her and his death were unrelated.

  When she’d mentioned her uncle’s expedition in Scotland, they only wanted to know about the curse and the mummy, and had sent her and Evan off without taking them seriously.

  If someone didn’t take her seriously, and soon, she would go nuts. Something had to give. She had a madman obsessed with immortality stalking her, a growing body count, and a sexually charged warlord, who happened to be the best looking man she’d ever seen, who made love like a warrior and wanted to gift her with immortality.

  It was quite a load for a girl to carry.

  Evan assured her Ian would return, but when he hadn’t come back by dawn, she’d sent her cousin out looking for him. He could have gotten lost, or into some kind of trouble. She was worried about him. She didn’t want anything to happen to him.

  She’d gotten so used to having him around, that having him gone left some part of her feeling empty and lost. She wanted to know where he’d gone, and why. She wanted to go with him. To watch him discover this new world so foreign to him. To see his eyes light up with wonder and awe.


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