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Loving Dean (Mafia Generations Book 3)

Page 7

by Roxanne Greening

  Her sleepover was cut short, and I’m sure she was disappointed. They always were. Never has anyone stayed past the initial fuck.

  The sight of it ripped into my heart, and I hated how it hurt. I hated her, but most of all, I hated him. I hated Reyes for not seeing me, and for not wanting me the way I so desperately wanted him.

  Why did I have to feel this way? My heart was ripping to shreds and getting worse each day.

  “Alanna, your nails are wet,” Bianca shouted as I ran my fingers through my long blond hair.

  I grimaced as the paint smudged and clumped, then cursed at my stupidity. My feelings for Reyes were making me careless.

  “Shit!” I shouted.

  Bianca laughed as she tried unsuccessfully to blow on her wet nails.

  “What were you looking at so forlornly?” she asks.

  How do I reply? Oh, I was looking at the bitch your brother fucked? How about, I turned eighteen a couple weeks ago, and he still hasn’t looked my way? Better yet, I am in love with your brother.

  “You need a date,” Bianca continued when I stayed silent.

  I didn’t want any other boys and that right there was part of the problem. They were just boys where Reyes was all man. Every tattooed sexy inch of him.

  Reyes was twenty-five and the president of the local Grimm Brothers MC. He was also my best friend’s brother. He was sex on a stick, my own personal catnip, and my drug of choice.

  “Like Reyes would ever let you date,” I tell her with a smile.

  And he wouldn’t. Not now and probably not ever. There was one man in particular that she wanted. I knew, just like me, that she would never have him.

  “One day I’m going to marry Ryan,” she tells me with a smile.

  “Yeah, if Reyes ever lets him near you,” I tell her.

  “Stop trying to change the subject. What were you looking at? You looked like someone killed your puppy,” she says with a laugh.

  “First off, I don’t have a puppy, and you know it,” I tell her completely avoiding my problem.

  “So, what’s the problem, Alanna,” she asked me and got all serious.

  Shit! She wasn’t going to let this go. I could see it written all over her face.

  “Your brother’s a dick,” I tell her honestly.

  “Again, tell me something I don’t know. What did he do this time?” she asked as she extended her hand and looked at her nails.

  “Another woman just sneaked out and left,” I tell her as I turned my back to the window. I then caught Reyes walking to his bike. The glow from the porch light shined on his black leather cut.

  “I don’t know what the fuck they see in him. He’s only going to fuck them once and discard them. And they know it! My brother isn’t very subtle,” she says with a smirk.

  I knew exactly what they saw in Reyes. His short dark hair looked like the dark, night sky. It was his black, deep green eyes, and his tan, muscular skin that was silky smooth and hard in all the right places.

  Suddenly I was exhausted. Turning from the site in front of me, I looked at my best friend, Bianca. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed with her long dark hair a few shades lighter than her brothers. It was pulled into a messy bun, and her green-blue eyes sparkled in the light from the lamp.

  I couldn’t help but compare myself to her. We were almost exact opposites. My long blond hair reached my waist, and my blue eyes were plain in comparison.

  I looked down at my tight cami tank top and my short silky boy short pajama bottoms. They were a matching set. I was slim and toned, but at the same time average, I blended well into the background.

  I suddenly needed distance more then I needed anything else. I walked out of the room and ignored Bianca’s call to me. I waved my hand and headed down the long hallway. I made my way to the kitchen, and a cup of water screamed my name like it held all the answers in the world.

  Needing Reyes

  Chapter 1


  Four Months Ago

  She was out to fucking kill me. If I had to watch her shake that fucking ass one more time, I was going to bend her the fuck over and take that sweet ass. I wouldn’t give two shits if she were my little sister’s best friend.

  Alanna turned eighteen about three weeks ago. I was once again here for the night, and I watched as the light upstairs shut off. So, I headed back into the house.

  I so need a beer. I walked into the kitchen and stopped dead as Alanna froze. Her little boy shorts dangled on one of her small ankles. She was bent over ready to pull it off.

  “I ah... I spilled water… I thought you were gone,” she stumbled over her words with her huge eyes staring at me.

  “I needed a beer,” I tell her. My eyes were still glued to those light blue lace panties.

  “Oh god,” she mumbled in embarrassment.

  I watched as she took a step backward. She then took another and tripped over her forgotten shorts causing her to stumble into the counter.

  “Alanna,” I warn.

  Instead of running for cover, she took another step away from me. It was like she was trying to escape without drawing too much attention.

  My cock was rock hard and throbbing as I watched her little nipples bead and press against the thin material of her tank top.

  I needed to be inside her now. Without a word, I closed the space between us and cupped her face in my hands. My lips crashed down hard onto hers.

  I silently begged her to push my ass away, but instead, her little hands looped around my neck pulling me in closer. Her little moans sent me over the edge.

  Pulling back, I turned her away from me and press her waist against the counter. Placing my hand between her shoulder blades, I pressed until her chest was flush with the counter.

  She was standing on her toes since she was too short for what I was making her body do.

  “Tell me to stop,” I demanded. I needed her to do what I couldn’t on my own.

  “Please,” she begged as she pressed back against me. Alanna’s soft ass brushed against my throbbing cock.

  Reaching for the button on my jeans, I let them drop to the floor. My boxer briefs followed in their wake. I don’t do gentle or sweet, so I gripped her panties and ripped them off her body.

  My eyes go to the soft ass waiting for my touch and begging for my slap. Raising my hand, I slammed it down hard onto one smooth cheek.

  Alanna cried out and pressed closer to the counter, trying to put space between us. Reaching down, I pressed my fingers against her wet clit. I rubbed it in little circles, and her ass started to press against me again. I rubbed over the silky skin of my dick while precum leaked from the tip. With my other hand, I lined my throbbing cock up to her pussy and pressed the head against her opening.

  Once again, she shifted as if to put space between us, but this time I was having none of it. Without a word, I pressed inside her and fuck was she tight. I gave her short hard thrusts and didn’t slow down until I broke through her barrier and hit her womb.

  “Fuck!” I growled as Alanna cried out in pain.

  Her tense body wiggled trying to find relief.

  “Stay still,” I demanded.

  Instantly she stills as my fingers glided into her hair. I formed a fist and pulled her head off the marble countertop forcing her to look into my eyes.

  “What the fuck, Alanna,” I growled.

  “Please, it hurts,” she whispered.

  Pressing my free hand against her clit, I rubbed it between two fingers. I gave it little tugs and groaned when her pussy clenched around my aching cock.

  “I can’t fucking wait any more baby,” I tell her as I pulled out and slowly sank back in. Groaning, I started pumping, and it felt like fucking heaven. I’ve never had pussy this good.

  Pumping into her harder and faster, I listened as the moans poured from between her parted lips. I pulled further out and slammed into her harder and harder.

  “This pussy is mine,” I tell her firmly.

I didn’t want anyone else to touch her, no one but me. I didn’t want anyone else to hear her cries of pleasure.

  “Oh god.” She cried out as her pussy gushed around my tunneling cock.

  I didn’t slow. I crammed my whole nine-inch cock into her pussy as hard and as fast as I could. Soon she was pushing back onto me. Tingles started at the base of my spine as my orgasm approached.

  She needed to go before me. I wasn’t going to find my pleasure until she found hers. Pinching her clit, I tugged harder.

  Alanna screamed against my lips as I kissed her deeply. I let myself go as she milked my cock for all it was worth. Load after load of hot cum shot from my cock and into her clenching hot pussy.

  Keeping myself embedded in the best pussy I’ve ever felt, I pulled back and looked into her passion drunk eyes.

  “Your mine,” I tell her.

  “And you?” she asks with a soft voice.

  “What about me?” I asked, already knowing where this is going and not liking it.

  “Are you mine?” she asked as her voice turned firm.

  “It doesn’t work that way, baby,” I tell her honestly.

  No one was going to touch this pussy, but my dick liked variety.

  “Get the fuck off of me,” her voice was weak but threaded with steel.

  Pulling out, I released her hair and stepped back. She quickly gathered her wet shorts, not caring about her ruined panties. And just walked away without a word.

  “I meant what I said Alanna, You. Are. Mine.” I called after her.

  She didn’t pause as she ran from the room. I will kill any motherfucker who got within spitting distance of her. She made one mistake tonight. She gave me her virgin pussy, and that was what sealed her fate. Only I was getting in there, and I would make damn sure of it. I then pulled up my boxers and jeans. As I fastened it, a flash of blue caught my attention. I bent down and grabbed the silky lace panties and cram them into my jeans pocket.

  Needing Reyes

  Chapter 2


  Three Months and Three Weeks Ago

  It’s been a week since the night Reyes had me bent over the counter and fucked me three ways from Sunday. Seven days since I felt him move inside me. One hundred and sixty-eight hours since I felt his heat against me. Ten thousand eighty minutes since I’ve felt his lips pressed against mine and six hundred four thousand and eight hundred seconds since he said I was his.

  Now here I stood. All that time has passed, and I see Reyes pull up to the clubhouse with the bimbo on the back of his bike.

  She had red hair, and it was cut at her shoulders. She had something resembling scraps of clothes on her body.

  The bimbo wrapped her arms around his waist as she held him close with his back to her front. Bianca was draped over Ryan, and it was the reason why we were here breathing in this stale beer infested air.

  My eyes watered at what I saw. I watched as Reyes parked the bike and climbed off. My heart was bleeding, and my lungs stilled. I hated this, and I hated him.

  As if feeling my eyes on him, he lifted his head and our gazes locked. It was like tunnel vision, everything but us fell away. My gut was tied into knots as pain and longing filled me.

  He was a bastard, and this proved he wasn’t what I needed. Even if he was, all I ever wanted. Reyes was a girl’s walking fantasy, but like all other fantasies, he needed to stay in the wanting but never having category.

  You’ve already had him, my mind whispered.

  My fists clenched at the reminder. I then noticed movement behind him, and it pulled me from the intense starring match we had going on.

  It was a reminder that he wasn’t mine as well as a slap to the head as to why. Turning from the pair, I looked for Bianca and rushed in her direction. I needed to get out of here before I witnessed something even eye bleach and pints of ice cream couldn’t cure.

  I couldn’t resist turning and catching Reyes out of the corner of my eye. He was currently talking to the redhead.

  “B, I need to go,” I tell her in a rush.

  “Why? We just got here,” she asked me with her fingers running up Ryan’s chest.

  “You stay and have fun, but I need to go,” I told her and turned away from her without another word.

  My eyes connected with Reyes again and the red-haired bimbo had her front pressed against his. Her lips were at his ear whispering god knows what.

  I don’t know what I expected, but I knew what I hoped for. I hoped Reyes would push the bimbo away saying he was just trying to be nice to her. That he only gave her a ride, but that wasn’t happening.

  Dragging my gaze from his, I let the sour feeling in my gut rise and walked away from all my foolish hopes.

  It was time that I grew up and moved the fuck on. Reyes would never change, but I was going to start right now.

  Hating Gunner


  Four Months Ago.

  When I was younger, I often thought of my future. I contemplated being an artist, selling stuff in a gallery, hosting galas, and maybe even going to a boring old accountant school. I also imagined that I could find a desk job in some place where I would be a faceless, nameless nobody. I wouldn’t have minded any job that didn’t involve my over-protective family. It would be a place where I could have a life.

  What I didn’t imagine was not wanting to leave my father. Yeah, that defiantly hadn’t been in the cards. And I literally mean in the cards. I had my fortune told by a fortune teller at the county fair when I was sixteen. She promised me a great future filled with everything my heart desired.

  I turned around and looked at the clubhouse. The tables were filthy and scattered around the middle of the room. The black leather couches lined the walls, and they have seen more things then I wanted to imagine. The once white walls were now a dingy gray, and I laughed lightly. Yeah, I see many great things, and none of them are good.

  Like right now, I see Uncle Slims bare ass as he pounds some girl into the nearest table. It’s like he wants to make her one with the furniture.

  If her screams were anything to go by, she was having one hell of a good time. Not that I would know what it felt like to have that good of a time. I have so many uncles, brothers, and a very overprotective father. They all carry guns, wear leather, and ride motorcycles. That has kept the boys both in awe and away from me.

  Yeah, that means no playtime for Cassie.

  I shudder as my Uncle groans. Who the hell wants to see their family’s sex life? Definitely not me! Yet I stick around this filthy place like a phantom haunting and clinging to the present in fear of what was next.

  Casting my eyes away from the pair I looked into Zane’s amber colored eyes. His light brown hair gave him a god-like appearance. If I didn’t love him like a brother, I would have been fawning over him like this chick to his right.

  The girl has blonde and brown dyed hair and overly caked on mascara. How she kept her eyes open was beyond me. I don’t even get me started on the lips stick and eyeshadow.

  She definitely wasn’t getting the hint that he wasn’t interested.

  “Cassie,” Zane nodded and gave me his full attention. The poor girl wasn’t even being acknowledged.

  “What can I get for you?” I asked him sweetly.

  “What does this bitch have that I don’t?” The girl to his right heatedly grumbled.

  “Class,” Zane says coldly.

  Ouch. I winced as the nasty, yet sophisticated response reached my ears. Even I felt the burn from his words and they weren’t even directed at me.

  “Fuck you,” she snapped at him as her voice wavered slightly.

  I watched as he turned and looked her over. His eyes were going up and down. He wasn’t rushing it. It was a slow and sadly bored look.

  “Not much to look at,” he replied with a toothy smile.

  “Asshole,” she screeched as she raised her hand as if to smack him.

  Not that I blame her, he was acting like a real asshole.
br />   “Why are you still here?” He asked her.

  I watched with fascination and pity as she stood and tried to collect her crumbled dignity and walk away on her five-inch heels.

  “Cassie?” Zane’s humor-filled voice drew my eyes back to him.

  “Can I have a beer, please?” He asked with humor still in his voice. He was acting like nothing happened, as if he didn’t just demolish that girl.

  “Oh, shit! Yeah, hold on,” I stumbled over my words as he laughed.

  “Asshole,” I muttered to him affectionately.

  I placed the beer in front of him and cast him a look. The kind of look that said I was waiting.

  “Thank you,” he tells me.

  “You’re most welcome,” I replied with a smile.

  “So, what’s new with you?” Zane asked.

  I opened my mouth to reply, and froze as the clubhouse door opened. In walked the hottest man to grace this place in I don’t know how long, maybe forever! He had a scruffy dark beard, and long, yet not too long, dark hair which was slicked back. His gray eyes had my breath stilling in my lungs and my legs clenching together.

  I wanted, no I needed, the instant throbbing between my legs to dissipate. His eyes met mine, and everything in me seemed to wake up.

  Mary mother of God, my mind whispered. I was the only twenty-two-year-old virgin that I knew of, and I was panting over the first man in years to graced this place that wasn’t family.

  In our defense, my mind whispered, he’s the hottest man we’ve ever seen. He was sex on a stick, and I want to give him a nice long lick.

  I laughed to myself. What the fuck was wrong with me?

  Little did I know that in four months’ time, instead of desiring this man with every fiber of my being, I would hate him with a heat hotter than hell’s fire.

  Hating Gunner

  Chapter 1


  Four Months Ago.

  “Gear up man, you’re headed to the Portland chapter,” Reyes said while slapping my shoulder and laughing. The fucking bastard.


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