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Loving Dean (Mafia Generations Book 3)

Page 8

by Roxanne Greening

  Closing my eyes, I pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger. Applying increasing pressure until the ache dulled and it was slightly numb.

  Taking a deep calming breath, I opened my eyes and centered my attention on the asshole who just ruined my day. All six-foot-four, black-haired, snarling inch of him. Reyes may be my president, but he was also a dick. I wanted to punch said dick in the face.

  Looking around the room, I watched as barely clad women sipped from their drinks. They were all trying to entice my brothers into having a good time.

  They gave little tugs on their shirts in a southern direction trying to expose more and more cleavage. At the same time, they were pulling their skirts in a northern direction exposing different colored panties.

  I wanted to be one of those stupid bastards.

  “What the fuck man?” I growled at Reyes.

  “Shut the fuck up and get a move on,” Ryan said with a laugh.

  They were both cock blocking bastards. The last time I went to the club, the pussy begged for attention, but they were not ones I wanted to play with.

  “Fucking pricks,” I mumbled to them.

  “Get a move on. I need intel, and I know those assholes are up to no good. The last time Sal was here, he was sweating a little too much,” Reyes informs me.

  This changed shit. If that club were on the wrong side, then they would be taken out. Every dirty motherfucker in there would meet the angel of death, and I was one of the fuckers who’d send them there.

  “How bad?” I ask him to try to gauge what I was walking into.

  “Bad. Shit hasn’t been right over there for some time. My guess it began not long after I took the gavel,” Reyes dark voice would have had a weaker man pissing his pants.

  “Right, so I get to go in and see how far up shit creek I have to paddle?” I snapped.

  “That sounds about right, don’t you think Ryan?” Reyes asked my Vice President.

  “Yeah, although I would wear goggles. I heard that shit burns the eyes,” he replied while laughing.

  “Both of you are assholes,” I growl.

  “Fucker,” Reyes laughs.

  “He summed it up,” Ryan tells me with a shrug.

  Motherfucker! I don’t even get a fucking hand job before I have to walk into whatever shit storm the Portland chapter has stirred up?

  “A little warning brother,” Reyes grabbed my shoulder.

  Turning, I look at him and wait for him to spit out whatever has his panties in a wad.

  “Hands off Sal’s daughter,” he says.

  “Cassie? Isn’t she like sixteen or some shit?” I ask him.

  “No man she’s in her twenty’s, but hands fucking off. I need you on the good side of the table not missing pieces,” he tells me coldly.

  “Whatever. There’s easier pussy to be had,” I tell him shrugging it off.

  “Good,” Ryan tells me and walks off to find himself a little bit of fun.

  Fucking prick. Reyes follows, and I give him a big fuck you gesture. He laughs and shakes his head before running his fingers through some blonde’s hair.

  I fucking hated them both. As I walked through the room and down the gray hallway, I snarled as I passed a door with loud screams and grunts. Frustrated, I made my way to my room and felt the need riding me hard. I had to pack some shit, but I wasn’t sure how long I was going to be gone. But if I had my way, it wouldn’t be for long.

  Hating Gunner

  Chapter 2


  Four Months Ago.

  I felt like one of those girls at a One Direction concert, flipping their hair and screaming for attention. Just my screams were silent, and I only used my eyes.

  I wanted him to do what all the others wouldn’t. I wanted him to touch me, kiss me, and fuck me.

  “Cassie,” I tell him while I held out my hand. He sat heavily on one of the black leather bar stools that I religiously clean. Those stools and the bar were the cleanest things in this place.

  “Gunner,” he replied while taking my hand in his. He gave it a slight shake while his fingers caressed the underside of my wrist. It seemed like he purposely did that, so no one would see, and it damn near sent me into a swoon.

  Tingles raced up my arm and into my chest warming me as he continued to rub the sensitive skin just above my hand.

  “Long way from home?” I asked him stupidly. The mother chapter was only five hours away.

  “Yeah, darlin’.” He tells me. His voice was deep and gruff sending those sparks and tingles straight to my pussy.

  I fought the urge to squeeze my legs together. I needed to desperately relieve the ache.

  “Beer, please.” Gunner tells me. His manners had me smiling. No need to reprehend this one.

  “Got it,” I tell him with my biggest smile.

  “Guinness, none of that light shit.” He tells me gruffly.

  For a girlish moment I thought he might be flirting with me, but when I turned my head, he was looking at Zane, not me.

  The disappointment was raw and climbed all over me like ants searching for some sugar.

  “Why you here?” Zane asked him and not too kindly.

  “Manners, Zane,” I reminded him.

  “Cassie,” Zane smiled knowing full well that his smile didn’t do a damn thing to me. Just because it had other women’s panties combust, it did nothing but irritate me.

  Gunner turned and looked me over with curiosity.

  “How do you keep that attuite in a place like this?” He asked me with a smile.

  Oh, god, that smile had my panties dampen, and my legs squeeze unconsciously. My mind blanked, and my heart raced. I felt like a horse being let out of the chute at a race.

  “I’ve been dealing with them all my life, been raised around crude men,” I tell him honestly.

  “Why are you here, Gunner?” Zane asked this time a little more pleasantly for my benefit, I was sure.

  “I needed a change of scenery. Had I known you had this beautiful woman, I would have been here sooner,” he tells Zane while casting me a look. His eyes haven’t left mine, not even to answer Zane.

  “Cassie is off limits, period,” Zane snarls at him.

  Save me from this overbearing man. At this rate, I will have cobwebs and die a virgin.

  “Back off, Zane,” I tell him firmly.

  Zane’s head turns my way, and his eyes widen with surprise.

  “Cassie,” he says my name quietly.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him instantly, feeling bad for being so rude.

  “Shit darlin’, don’t feel bad for putting a man in his place,” Gunner tells me. His voice was gruff and filled with honesty.

  “I shouldn’t have been so rude,” I tell Gunner.

  “Darlin if that were rude, I’d love to see you angry,” he tells me with a laugh.

  I should have been offended but this man got to me in ways I didn’t understand.

  Gunner reached up and grabbed a lock of my hair placing it behind my ear gently. Instantly, two guns were pointed at his head. One belonging to my dad and the other my Uncle Slim.

  “Keep those filthy hands off my daughter,” daddy tells him.

  “Daddy,” I beg.

  “You need to lower that gun, Sal. I’m sergeant of arms of the mother chapter,” Gunner tells him coldly.

  Gone was the gruff, sexy, sweet biker and in his place was a man who was cold and calculating.

  Something about this man had me wanting to step between him and those guns. There was just something about him that had me wanting to protect him even from himself. I felt dangerous and strong. He made me want to do things I shouldn’t.

  “Daddy, please,” I tried again.

  “I don’t care what fucking ranking you have, this is my daughter. Hands the fuck off,” my father snarls, spit forming at the corners of his lips.

  Gunner placed his beer down in front of him. I give him a sweet smile and then turned to glare at the men in my fami
ly. Making sure they could see my displeasure at his treatment. It was an innocent gesture.

  Some had the good graces to look around the room. Pretending they weren’t thinking of doing the same thing my dad did.

  “For goodness sakes, daddy. Button your pants,” I cried.

  The man was walking around with a hard-on, and I was pretty sure it wasn’t because he was holding a gun. Daddy gave me an apologetic smile before turning around to holster his gun.

  And just like that, any hope of having this man was ruined. That was until he gave me that sexy as fuck wink. My panties went from damp to soaked.

  Mia’s Wolf


  I couldn’t believe my eyes, Jack was running his fingers over Sally’s thigh. I continue to watch as he comes closer to the hem of her short skirt. That bastard! He’s a cheating, no good, low-down scum of the earth.

  There was no mistaking the pair. The sun shimmered off their hair. Jack’s overly blond and Sally’s bleach bottle blond hair could not be missed. He was basically fucking her under the tree which was near the picnic table that I normal ate my lunch at.

  Today I had planned to go to the Halloween store to find a costume for tomorrow night’s party. But at the last minute, I decided to eat my lunch at my favorite spot. Well, it’s not my favorite anymore.

  Currently, I was standing over Jack and Sally and watched their progress. Jack had the top down on his luxurious convertible, so I could see them clearly. My hand started to clench the cold soft drink that I was holding. The condensation on the sides became slippery against my fingers. Then, a wicked smile started to blossom over my face.

  I loved the south, even in October. It was still warm, but it had a small bite of cool air. As I stood there, I reminded myself that Jack thought I was shopping. Oh, how wrong he was!

  His hand slid a little farther up Sally’s barely there fabric, and my teeth sank into my lip as my hand clenched my cup a little harder.

  “Oh, Jack,” Sally whispered in a husky voice, and my stomach revolted at the sound.

  “That’s it, babe,” Jack tells Sally as his non-calloused fingers climbed higher up the inside of her thigh.

  The bile that I was fighting rose a little higher.

  “Oh, Jack,” I mimicked Sally when she said his name in a breathless husky tone.

  I mean really? What the fuck! Sally couldn’t find her own boyfriend, why did she have to go fuck mine?

  Satisfaction hit me like a runaway train as both froze in place. Jack quickly moved his hand and straightened up in his seat. He tried to look innocent and obviously he failed.

  I should be crying, right? Maybe even shed some tears. Instead, I felt nothing but anger and regret? I didn’t regret not sleeping with him, so why did I feel this deep regret?

  “Mia, it’s not what it looks like, babe,” he tells me.

  His voice grated on my nerves, I mean, do I look blind? Was I some sort of airhead? I could see exactly what was happening here.

  “So, you didn’t come to my favorite spot and feel Sally up?” I ask in a sickly-sweet voice.

  “Mia,” Sally says, her voice filled with a slight chill like the cool air of October.

  “Bitch,” I tell her.

  Her eyes grew bigger, and her mouth turned down into a frown. Although, I had a big smile that was all teeth.

  “Look, Mia…” Jack started.

  The hand that was holding my drink continued to squeeze. The longer I stood there, the tighter my hand squeezed the cup. My fingers twitched when Jack said my name, and it caused the top to pop off. The plastic cup splashed everywhere, and Sally was the unfortunate victim of the soda. It poured all over her, and my toothy smile grew.

  “I’m sorry, babe,” I snarled, “But it seems we have hit a rough patch in the road.”

  “Mia,” he tried again, but his voice sounded desperate.

  “I think this is where our trip together ends, Jack,” I tell him with fake sincerity.

  I leaned in closer, and the half-empty cup was still clutched in my hand. Sally leaned back to give me room, but she was probably fearful that I might bite her. Who the hell knows, maybe I will.

  “I wouldn’t spread my fucking thighs for you, so you go to Sally?” I ask him, “And what makes you think that you could fuck her and then come back to me?”

  I don’t wait for a response, I just release the cup that I was holding and followed its decent with my eyes. It was like watching a car wreck in slow motion. It was falling, and then it hit Jack’s lap with a thud. The rest of the cola sprayed all over his lap. I’m sure it hurt his little balls, the impact was pretty hard.

  “I’m going to the party without you, Jack,” I tell him coldly.

  He could probably feel his status already starting to drop. He wasn’t invited to the party in the woods, I was. And well, my plus one just went to minus one.

  “Mia, please,” Jack calls after me as I speed walk away from the pair. My forgotten lunch still dangling from my fingers.

  Being a senior in college was hard. This was our last hurrah before we walked across the stage. I thought I was going to marry Jack Dalton and become Mrs. Mia Dalton. Fucking asshole. After today, he would be just a smudge on my past, and I wouldn’t remember who and what he was to me.

  Mia’s Wolf

  Chapter 1


  There was a rouge on our property. It kept toeing the line, and as alpha, it was my job to see the fucker off Blackroad’s property.

  I walked through the pack’s land watching as the children played and the autumn leaves fall to the hard ground. Autumn was my favorite time of the year. The various scents that were released as the cold started to set in was my favorite.

  Before Dirk said a word, I smelled him. He smelled like moss and fresh grass.

  “Bastien,” Dirk shouted.

  Turning I looked at the pack enforcer. He was jogging away from the cabins.

  “Yeah?” I asked him.

  “The fucker’s scent was picked up in the west,” he tells me.

  “Did anyone see him?” I growled. This rouge wolf had a way of just coming a few minutes before a sentinel was passing by. He was lucky, a little too lucky for my taste.

  “No,” Dirk said while he shook his head and clenched his fist.

  This bastard was toying with us. We were chasing our own fucking tails.

  “Alpha,” a little hand tugged on my black t-shirt. Turning, I look down at Tommy.

  “Tommy,” I acknowledged him with a smile. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.

  “Look what I found,” he said while he held up his little hand proudly. I crouched down and examined the little stones that he held in his fist like they were national treasures.

  “You found some pretty amazing rocks,” I tell him as a calm started to settle over me. He didn’t need to feel the anger and frustration I felt.

  His little five-year-old chest puffed up with pride. He was going to be a great sentinel when he got older. I could see it in the way he presented himself.

  “You should go show your mom what you found. I bet she’s going to love them,” I tell him gently.

  His eyes grew round as he turned from me. His little legs took him as fast as he could go in search of his mother.

  “Call in my beta and a few of the sentinels. We need to have a meeting,” I sighed as I stood up. This fucker needed to be brought down before someone got hurt.

  Mia’s Wolf

  Chapter 2


  Stella: I can’t believe Jack would do something like that.

  I reread Stella’s text and sighed.

  Me: I should have seen it coming.

  Stella: Bitch, please! Four fucking years with that dick. I didn’t see it coming, and I wasn’t even with him.

  I laughed hard as I read what she wrote.

  Me: He thought I was fucking stupid. ‘Mia, it’s not what it looks like.’ Yeah, your hand wasn’t just almost in her snatch.

; Stella: Wish I could have seen his face.

  Me: He looked like a dying fish.

  Stella: Oh, god, and I missed it!

  My phone shook as I remembered his face. Laughter bubbled up.

  Stella: Going solo?

  Me: Fuck, my plus one was doing his own plus one.

  Stella: In a place where so many have gone before….

  Me: Why does that remind me of Star Trek, the old tv show?

  Stella: Because you are full of awesomeness.

  Me: I know ??

  Stella: What are you going to be?

  I looked down at my Little Red Riding Hood costume. The red cape was long and silky. I pulled up my short jean shorts and adjusted my tight red top. It showed just a hint of my stomach.

  My army boots would make stomping through the forest a little less of a hazard for my feet. Basically, I was Little Red on steroids. The thought made me smile.

  Me: Little Red Riding Hood.

  Stella: Boring…

  Me: Little Red on steroids.

  Stella: On the sexy side, I hope.

  Me: No shit!

  Me: What about you?

  Stella: What about me?

  Me: What are you going as?

  Stella: Jane

  Me: Jane?

  Stella: Hoping for my Tarzan ??

  Me: Ugh! Jack won’t leave me alone! ☹

  Jack kept calling me, and I was at the point where I considered blocking his number. Didn’t he get the fucking hint yesterday? If not, he should have when I never answered the hundred and twenty times he called since then. I wish I were exaggerating on how many times he called!

  I never gave him the location of the party, I figured we were going together, and it wouldn’t matter. At least not until it was time to head in that direction.

  Anger coursed through my veins at the thought of Jack. I waisted four fucking years on that bastard. Two in high school and two here in college.

  I love kids, so I decided to take an early childhood development class. I loved it and decided to get a degree in it. It was something he didn’t understand and didn’t support. That right there should have sent up a red flag.


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