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Maybe This Time

Page 4

by Shawn Lane

  Win rose and followed Farley out of the cubicle. “Maybe I will ask Randy to come to the barbecue with me after all.”

  “Trying to show Dean you’ve moved on?”

  “I have moved on.”

  “All the more reason to bring the dancer.”


  Farley nodded. “Yeah. Want the diner or fast food?”

  “How about a salad?”

  “Seriously?” Farley groaned. “You must really like this guy.”

  “Yeah. So where can we get a good salad?”

  His friend snorted. “How the hell should I know? I wanted chili fries.”

  Win looked at him as they stepped out of the building into fresh air. “How do you keep in such good shape eating like that?”

  “Good genes. Let’s try the diner. I think they have more variety and they’re bound to have your rabbit food.”

  “All right, all right. But you drive.”

  * * * *

  Win ended up having to stay a bit later at work due to some papers needing to be filed for court, so he called and asked Randy to meet him at the restaurant. He’d chosen a seafood restaurant after checking with Randy to confirm he really would eat fish.

  Randy was already waiting for him in the restaurant foyer when Win walked inside. Randy wore his usual skintight jeans paired this time with an aqua short-sleeved T-shirt with a graphic of a male dancer doing a pirouette.

  Hmm, maybe he did ballet after all.

  His sandy highlighted hair looked picture perfect in spite of the breezy conditions outside, and his blue eyes had been lined with a rather shimmery aqua that pretty much matched the color of his shirt.

  Win could barely breath, he was so stunning.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” Randy said, smiling wide when he noticed Win arrive.

  It seemed ridiculous to have such a beautiful man call him gorgeous, but warmth filled him at the compliment anyway.

  “Hi, how are you?” he asked.

  “Great, now that you’re here.” Randy turned to the smiling perky teenaged hostess. “A table by the window if you have one.”

  “Right this way, gentlemen.”

  They followed her to a table for two next to a big window overlooking the Pacific, and she handed them their menus after they sat across from each other.

  “Enjoy your meal,” she said as she walked away.

  “Ever been here?” Win asked.

  “Oh, years and years ago. When I was just a teen and the family was still talking to me. We went for my sister’s birthday or something. You?”

  Win nodded. “A few times. Mostly with friends, but a couple times with dates. They serve great fish and the atmosphere is good.”

  After the waiter came and took their drink order, water with lime for Randy and iced tea for Win, Randy smiled at him.

  “You could have had a glass of wine or something.” Randy shrugged. “I don’t do much in the way of drinking because it doesn’t really make my body feel right when performing. The other night at the bar was probably my drinking for two months. When I was working out the next day I felt pretty crappy.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I don’t need to have a drink. Besides you make me want to be healthier,” Win said, laughing.

  “Well, from my perspective you have nothing to worry about.” Randy picked up his menu. “You look great.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere.”

  “As long as it gets me laid.”

  Win chuckled. “I can guarantee that.”

  “The evening is definitely going well then.” Randy’s smile was sweet and sexy at the same time. Win wondered how that was possible.

  “What are you having?”

  “The ahi I think. You?”

  “Hmm. I think the macadamia crusted halibut.”

  “Ooh, I’ll have to try yours.”

  The waiter came by with their drinks and then took their orders.

  “How was work?”

  Win opened his straw and stuck it in his iced tea. “Not bad. To be honest I spent a lot of time thinking about you.”

  Randy grinned. “No need to keep up the flattery, you’re already getting my ass.”

  He laughed, feeling his cheeks heat. He glanced around to see if any of the nearby diners had heard Randy’s words, but no one paid any attention. Win wasn’t used to someone speaking so openly, especially in public.

  “Seriously, I have been thinking of you a lot.”

  “I’ve been thinking about you, too,” Randy said.

  Win thought, maybe, he should ask Randy to the firm’s barbecue after all. It would be kind of nice to walk in with Randy if Dean was going to be there. Not that he really cared what Dean thought.

  “Speaking of work, this coming weekend, Saturday, we’re having a barbecue. It’s kind of an annual thing. Would you want to go with me?”


  “Sure, sounds like fun.”

  Win snorted. “Oh, I am sure it won’t be. But I’d love it if you came, anyway.”

  Randy smiled. “Okay.”

  “So, I wanted to ask you about your dancing.”


  “Mostly stuff like, how did you get started? What kind of dancing do you do? I just realized I don’t know that much about it other than you went to New York.”

  The waiter arrived with Randy’s side salad and Win’s clam chowder, then disappeared again.

  “Well, basically when other boys were playing softball and soccer, I was taking ballet and contemporary dancing.” Randy forked a bite of salad. “Family was less than thrilled, but Grandma paid for it so there was little they could say about it.”

  “That was nice of her.”

  Randy nodded. “We always had a connection, she and I. We used to talk about dancing a lot, because that’s what she loved, too. So when I showed an interest she paid for me to go. Mom wasn’t happy, but she didn’t feel like she could flat out defy her mother. Mom had to drive me and pick me up. It was something they put up with, but I don’t think they ever thought I was serious enough to become a professional dancer.”

  “I’d love to see you dance.”

  “I have a video of me dancing Swan Lake and then stuff from some of the Broadway shows. I can show you those.”

  “You liked that sort of dancing better than ballet?”

  Randy looked thoughtful. “I don’t know if I’d say better. I just don’t think I was very good at ballet. Or as good as some of the other types of dancing anyway.”

  “You’re so beautiful and graceful when you move I can only imagine what it’s like to see you dance.” Win found himself blushing again, as he realized he sounded like a gushing pre-teen.

  “Thank you, Win. That’s very sweet of you to say.”

  And Win ducked his head, taking a ridiculous interest in his clam chowder. But Lord, he had just made a big fool of himself.

  * * * *

  Randy parked his car in his grandmother’s parking space and got out. She didn’t have a car, so the space had become his. He waited for Win to join him from parking in a visitor spot in the underground garage.

  “Whose place are we going to?” Randy asked.

  Win bit his bottom lip. “How about yours?”

  “Don’t want to shock your Gran?”

  “I think she shocked me, really, but yours is fine. Just keep in mind I have to work tomorrow so I’ll probably check out when we’re…um…done.”

  Ah, there was that awkward fluster.

  Randy thought Win was adorable. He grabbed Win’s hand and flashed him a smile. “That’s no problem.”

  As they headed up in the elevator to the condo’s floor, Randy wondered if he should have mentioned his possible audition in Vegas when they were talking about his dancing. Probably. But part of him liked where they were going without bringing in his maybe leaving. He knew that would change things. How could it not?

  Still, he felt a bit guilty.

  “You okay?” Win asked, frowning.
  “Yeah, why?”

  “You seemed a million miles away.”

  Randy squeezed Win’s hand. “Maybe I was. Just thinking a little.”

  “Would you rather not do this?” Win’s gaze searched his.

  He laughed. “Are you kidding? I’m so ready to have your dick in my ass, you have no idea.”

  And the blush was back. Win turned a dark read. “You say things no one else I’ve ever known would say.”

  Randy leaned over and kissed him quick as the elevator door slid open. “You’ve known a lot of boring guys. Come on, let me rock your socks off.”

  They walked down the short hallway to his grandmother’s condo and this time he got the condo open the first try.

  His grandmother was in the living room watching television.

  “Hey, boys, how was dinner?’

  “Yummy.” Randy went to her and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Need anything? We’re, uh, going to go watch a movie in my room.”

  She laughed. “Right. A movie. Have fun. I don’t need anything.”

  “Okay. Night, Grandma.”

  “Goodnight, Molly.”


  * * * *

  A little later, a naked Randy straddled Win’s legs and pushed himself down on Win’s sheathed cock.

  Randy leaned forward, putting his hands on Win’s abdomen as he adjust to the feel of being stuffed full of Win.

  “Ah, geez, you’re so fucking tight.” Win groaned and gripped Randy’s hips.

  “Mm, you feel pretty damn good inside me.” Randy began to ride Win’s cock, rising up and lowering himself on the man’s rigid dick. Damn, it felt so fucking good. Reaching for his cock, he pumped it hard and fast, unable to slow the frantic speed of his need to come.

  His balls pulled tight against his groin.

  “Win, please,” he begged, not even knowing what he pleaded for.

  “Yes, yes, yes.” Win arched up, his cock pulsing and pushing up into Randy.

  Cum oozed out all over Win’s stomach. Randy grasped the base and pointed so that it shot up to land on Win’s chest and then drop on his chin.

  Win’s thrusts sped up and his gaze held Randy’s, his eyes showing an intensity that stole Randy’s breath. And then, Win shuddered underneath him and found his own release.

  Randy slipped off Win, removed the condom, and then cleaned them up some before flopping onto the bed to rest his head on Win’s chest.

  “I know you need to get to your own condo, but for now I want you to hold me.”

  “My pleasure.” Win leaned down to kiss the top of his head. His arms held Randy to him in a tight embrace.

  Randy opened his mouth to say something about Vegas, but the words died in his throat. He couldn’t spoil the moment. Not yet. He’d have to tell Win soon, though.

  Chapter 6

  Win parallel parked his car down the street from the home of the law firm partner who was hosting this year’s barbecue. The guy had one of those big mission-style houses that had a bunch of bedrooms and a long winding driveway to an arched doorway.

  The backyard contained a large kidney shaped pool that included a waterfall pouring into it, a Jacuzzi, and one of those big brick built-in barbecue grills. The firm had had their Christmas party the year before at the same house.

  “Nice neighborhood,” Randy commented as they got out of the car to head up to the house.

  The entire block was made up of mansions. If Win wasn’t careful he would turn a dark shade of green with envy.

  “Yeah, I’ll say.”

  They’d both dressed in cargo shorts, T-shirts, and flip-flops, though Win’s shorts were khaki and his shirt navy, while Randy’s shorts were green with a sort of periwinkle blue shirt. Win carried a beach bag containing their swim trunks.

  Nerves fluttered in Win’s stomach. Most of his co-workers had known about Dean. Hell, even before they’d decided to live together. But after seeing him with someone like Dean, someone like Win, really, was expected. No one batted an eye because he’d never hidden his sexual orientation.

  But Randy was…hard to blend in. He was beautiful and rather flamboyant. He’d gone without makeup today, though Win hadn’t asked him. Even without the makeup, his features were delicate, almost feminine, and he moved with an obvious grace most of the lumbering men that would be there would not be capable of. Win included.

  Win figured it would be like a butterfly amongst bees. And lots of those bees had stingers. He didn’t want any of them to be cruel to Randy. Plus he hadn’t even told Randy his ex would be there.

  “Hey, listen,” he said, stopping Randy with a hand on his arm as they reached the cobbled stone pathway up to the house.


  “Remember I told you how my ex left and moved to Chicago?”


  “I guess he didn’t like it there or whatever, but, anyway, he’s come back to LA, and someone told me he might be here today.”

  Randy showed no reaction to the news, he just nodded. “All right.”

  “I’m sorry, I should have mentioned it before.”

  “No big deal.” Randy gestured up the pathway. “Shall we go?”

  They walked up the path and Win knocked on the door, which was opened by the partner’s blonde trophy wife. She greeted them politely, if not exactly warmly, and told them everyone who had already arrived was in the backyard by the pool.

  “What would you like to drink?” she asked, as she led them to the sliding glass doors at the back of the house. “We have beer, wine, margaritas, soda, and lemonade.”

  “Lemonade for me,” Randy said.

  “That sounds good. Same here.”

  “I’ll bring it out,” she said.

  * * * *

  Later that afternoon, Win was heading inside the house to get a refill on his lemonade. He’d left Randy swimming in the pool. So far things hadn’t been too bad, though a few of his co-workers had openly stared at Randy. As far as he could tell, Dean was not there. Which he had to admit he felt some relief over.

  “Hi,” he said to the woman who’d let him in before. “I was hoping for more lemonade.”

  The doorbell rang.

  “Help yourself.” She pointed to a glass pitcher of lemonade and then left the kitchen.

  As he poured, he wondered what would be an acceptable amount of time to stay before he and Randy could safely leave. When he and Dean had attended the Christmas party they’d been there for several hours. Mostly because they’d both had too much to drink to drive home.

  Win walked back outside and that’s when he noticed Dean sitting under one of the umbrellas. He didn’t know when Dean had arrived or why he hadn’t noticed, but sure enough Dean was sitting talking with Farley and a couple of the other paralegals.

  Grimacing, he was about to turn away when Farley waved him over.

  Damn it.

  Win pasted a smile on his face and made his way over to the table. Farley was grabbing another chair and adding it between him and Dean.

  “Sit with us,” one of the other guys said.

  “Okay, but just for a minute.”

  “Look who’s back,” Farley said, gesturing to Dean.

  Win rolled his eyes at his friend, then turned to look at Dean. His ex was a good-looking guy, in a boy next door sort of way. He kept his dark hair cropped short, not quite buzzed cut. One of his best features was his very green eyes, which just then stared at Win without much warmth.

  “Hello, Dean,” he said. “I’m surprised you’re back here already. It’s been, what, a little over a month?”

  Dean shrugged. “I didn’t really like it there as much as I thought I would and the job prospect fell through. It made sense to come back here, given all my ties to the area.”

  “Well, good. It’s nice to see you.” What a liar. It wasn’t nice to see him at all. He didn’t exactly hate Dean. He knew things weren’t really working for them, too, but it wasn’t pleasant to be the one dumped. W
in didn’t think so anyway.

  “It’s good to see you, too. I’ve been wanting to call you.”

  “Oh?” He raised an eyebrow. “About what?”

  “Maybe going to dinner.”

  He nodded. “I see, well, I’m seeing someone right now.”

  Dean smiled. “Yes, I saw the little peacock.”

  “The what?”

  “Please, what’s that all about, Winston?”

  “Excuse me?”

  His ex snorted. “That guy is so not your type. You’ve never gone for the femmes, the twinks. What is it? A stroke to your ego to get a guy like him?”

  “I happen to really like him,” Win said, hating the defensiveness in his voice. He didn’t owe Dean any explanations. Or any of the other guys sitting at the table gawking at him.

  “Yeah, okay. But when he flits to the next sugar daddy to whore himself to, you’ll remember what I said. Guys like that are always sluts, giving it away to whatever rich guy bends them over.” Dean rolled his eyes. “And you, you don’t make enough to keep his interest for long.”

  “Hey, take it easy, man,” Farley spoke up.

  The others at the table looked like they couldn’t decide whether to be horrified or in agreement with Dean.

  “Fuck you, Dean.”

  He started to get up when he noticed Randy standing only a few feet away. Judging by his very red cheeks and the slight way his bottom lip trembled, Randy had heard every nasty word Dean had said.

  “Randy.” Win reached for his hand.

  “I’m going home.” Randy walked past him and into the house.

  Win glared at Dean. “You’re a real asshole.”

  He grabbed their beach bag of stuff and went inside after Randy, but seeing no sign of him in the house, Win figured he’d gone out the front door. He saw Randy heading up the street toward Win’s car. He ran after him to catch up.

  “Hey, I’m sorry. Dean’s a prick.”

  “Yeah.” Randy kept walking.

  “You want to change into your clothes?” he asked, noting Randy still wore his wet swim trunks.

  “No.” Randy stopped at the car and turned to face Win. He looked furious. “Is that why you wanted me to come to this?”

  Win frowned. “What?”

  “To make your ex jealous? Did you want him to see you with someone new? With me?”


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