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Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3)

Page 2

by Samantha Lind

  “Nothing yet, we might just have a quiet evening. She was up with Michael quite a bit last night, she said something about a growth spurt already.”

  Scott and his wife Becca just welcomed their first baby about ten days ago. Seeing Scott with his son is the happiest I’ve ever seen him, which I didn’t think could happen, until he got back together with Becca after their multi-year break.

  “I hope tonight goes better for all of you,” I tell him, as he heads toward the showers. I pull my shirt over my head just as Brian plops down on the bench next to me and reaches his fist out for me to bump.

  “What up, man?” he asks, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

  “Nothing much, what about you?”

  “Just waiting to get stretched out before I hit the showers. What you got going on tonight?”

  “Just dinner with Madison.”

  “You tell her yet?”

  “Tell her what?” I ask, not letting his question get a rise out of me.

  “That you’re in love with her and want more,” Brian deadpans.

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Um, let’s see… she’s the only woman I’ve ever known you to sleep with, or want to sleep with. You guys are always hanging out together. Fuck, man, she takes care of Max for you like he’s her own.” He pauses for a moment. “And I’ve seen the way the two of you look at each other when you think no one is watching. She looks at you like Kinley looks at me or Becca looks at Scott. That woman is in love with you. She probably just doesn’t want to say anything, thinking that you don’t feel the same way.”

  Fuck, how the hell has he read me so easily?

  “Yeah, well, I don’t plan on rocking the boat anytime soon.”

  “So, you’re actually admitting that I’m right?”

  Grumbling, I suck down a drink of water before responding to him. “I never said that.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.” He chuckles.

  “When the fuck did you become so observant?”

  “When my wife pointed it all out to me,” he says, smiling at me.

  “Women,” I mutter.

  One of the trainers calls Brian’s name, saving me from this conversation I don’t really want to have.

  “Catch you later, man,” he says as he strides off.

  I finish grabbing my shit and head out to my truck. I need some food and hopefully Mads is up for some sex tonight because I need a release, and she’s the only one right now who can provide what I need.

  On my way home, I stop at the store to pick up some steaks and a bottle of Madison’s favorite wine. Knowing she’s had a rough day has me wanting to take care of her, turn her bad day around. I’ve been thinking about what Brian said earlier. I’ve noticed small things but always just chalked it up to how close of friends we’ve become over the years.

  But could he be right?

  Could she really want more?

  At home, I chill her wine and season up the steaks and veggies I’m going to grill. I still have almost two hours before she’ll be here, so I grab Max’s leash and take him out for a walk.

  After a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood, my thoughts still spinning, I drop onto my couch and pull up some mindless TV to watch to pass the time.

  I wake to my cell phone ringing in my pocket. I apparently nodded off while watching TV, Max asleep on the couch next to me. Lazy ass dog. I pull it out and see that it’s Madison calling. Sliding my finger across the screen, I answer it quickly before I miss the call.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I say, shaking the sleep off.

  “I snuck out of the office a little early to run some errands and was just checking to see if you’re home yet.”

  “Come on over whenever you want. I’m just napping on the couch with Max. Apparently, our walk wore the both of us out.”

  “I’ll head your way now. Need me to bring anything?”

  “Nope, I’ve got everything covered.”

  “See you in a few,” she says before disconnecting the call.

  I get up and pull out the wine, popping the cork and pouring a glass so it’s ready for Madison when she arrives. I pull the steaks out from the fridge to let them warm up a bit before I grill them.

  I’m putzing around the kitchen when I hear a knock and the front door open. I step out of the kitchen into the foyer, where Madison is entering. God, she’s a knockout. Dark wavy hair that she’s got half pulled up, while the rest is cascading down her back. A blouse is tucked into her tight pencil skirt, and she has on her signature stiletto heels that always bring me to my knees. Even in her heels, she’s still petite compared to my six-foot-two frame.

  She closes the front door and drops her purse, kicking off her heels. Max hears the commotion and comes barreling into the foyer to see what’s going on. He makes a beeline for Madison, stopping right in front of her, waiting to be showered with attention.

  She drops down to her knees, skirt be dammed. “Hey, Max. Who’s a good boy?” she says to him as she scratches his head, just like he loves. He licks her with his slobbery kisses, and she breaks out in a laugh that makes her face light up. I can see the tension leaving her as she relaxes. I step away to grab the glass of wine I poured for her a few minutes ago, then call for Max, so she can make it past the foyer.

  “Here’s the wine you requested.”

  “Thank you,” she says, accepting the glass from me. I bend down and places a kiss on her cheek. It’s something I’ve done for years now, whenever we greet each other.

  After taking a huge gulp, she follows me into the kitchen.

  “Can I help with anything?” she offers.

  “Nope, I’ve got it all under control. I just need to go start the grill, and then I can get everything cooking in a few minutes. Find a seat and enjoy the wine. It’s a brand-new bottle, so help yourself if you need more.”

  “You’re the best, you know that?” she tells me, as she tops off her glass before heading toward the living room.

  I step out onto the patio and fire up the grill. While it’s heating up, I grab the plate with the food from the kitchen, and head back out to get it all onto the grill.

  Madison follows me outside and takes a seat on one of the lounge chairs I have on the patio. I watch her over the grill as I get everything situated on it.

  “So, what made your day so stressful?” I ask.

  “A problem child client,” she muses.

  “Ah, did you whip him into shape?”

  “I think so, and if I didn’t, then he’ll have hell to pay,” she says, taking another healthy drink.

  “Ready for a refill?” I ask, pointing to her glass.

  “Yes, please.”

  I head back inside to grab the wine bottle for Madison and a beer for me from the fridge. I top off her glass before checking on the food.

  I take a seat in the chair next to Mads, soaking in the sunny evening that we’re having. It’s unseasonably warm for mid-February, so we’re enjoying the ability to be outside tonight.

  “What else has been going on? I feel like I haven’t seen you much lately.”

  “Same shit, different day, mostly. Actually, until today, work has kind of been status quo and quiet. Most of my clients have behaved themselves; which, of course, makes my job a little easier,” she says as she sets her wine glass down on the little table between the lounge chairs. “How was your road trip?”

  “Long. I’m getting too old for this schedule and all the travel.” This has been the first season I’ve even considered hanging up the skates once the season ends. The aches and pains are sure catching up with me, and I’d rather retire from the game on my terms and not because of a serious injury.

  “You’re not old.” She chuckles. “Okay, maybe for a professional hockey player, you’re getting up there in age,” she says, smiling at me.

  “I’m feeling every one of my thirty-three years, lately,” I tell her honestly. “Little aches and pains are not so little anymore. I feel each hit
a little longer than before. The travel and sleeping in hotel room beds so often is definitely catching up with me. I’m not as young as I used to be.”

  “Have you given any thought to how many more years you want to play?”

  “I hadn’t given it much thought until this season. But, with my age catching up to me, I’ve started to consider hanging up the skates at the end of the season.”

  “Wow, do you have any plans on what you’d do after retiring? Do you think you’ll stay here or move back home to Canada?”

  “I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete. I haven’t discussed my thoughts with anyone. You’re actually the first person I’ve mentioned anything to. I haven’t even said anything to Doug, and I have no clue yet where I’ll live. I really like it here, so I could see staying.”

  “Rick, if you’re seriously considering retiring, you need to talk to Doug! Your agent needs to know these kinds of things. Plus, you’ve got, what, one season left on your current contract once this season ends?”

  “Yes, one left, and I know, Mads. I’ve only been thinking about it the last month or so. I’m sure it has to do with the fact that the end of the season is closing in on us and my body is just beat up and tired from everything. With the playoffs only eight or so weeks away, I’m trying to focus on them and doing my best to get back to the finals. I probably wouldn’t make my decision until late summer, anyways.”

  “I understand you wanting to wait to make the decision, but please promise me that you’ll at least give Doug a heads up. Agents don’t like it when our clients spring news like that upon us. We need time to get everything in order, especially when we have to negotiate getting you out of a contract early, if that’s what you decide you want to do.”

  “I know, I know. I promise I’ll talk to him. I’ll probably wait until after we finish out our playoff run before I mention it. No sense in bringing it up if I decide not to hang up the skates,” I tell her before standing and walking back over to the grill to plate the food.

  I set the plates on the patio table, just as Madison brings out the steak sauce, silverware, and napkins.

  “Thanks for grabbing everything.”

  “No problem,” Madison says, as we both sit down and dig in.

  “I don’t know how you do it every time,” Mads moans between bites, which immediately has my cock perking up and ready for more moans to fall from her lips.

  “Do what?” I ask.

  “Cook everything to perfection. Maybe when you hang up your skates, you can become a chef.”

  “Yeah, not going to happen. I just enjoy cooking for myself…and you.”

  We finish our dinner and stay out on the patio, enjoying the evening, until the sun sets. Madison helps me clear the table, taking everything inside so I can load the dishwasher. Before we leave the kitchen after cleaning up, I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her against me. Her back is plastered to my front, my very rock-hard erection pressing into her. “You up for a movie tonight, or can I entice you into a few orgasms?” I ask, as I place a kiss just under her ear where I know it drives her crazy.

  “Ye-yes,” she stammers breathily as she pushes her ass tighter against my groin. I continue assaulting her neck with open-mouthed kisses and nips along the column of her neck.

  I spin Madison in my arms and crash my lips to hers as I move us backward, where I lift her up to sit on the counter. Her pencil skirt rides up her bare thighs, and I push it up to bunch at her hips, so I can have easy access to the apex between her legs.

  “Richard...” she moans between kisses. She’s one of the only people who doesn’t call me by my nickname. Hockey players are notorious for having nicknames, so it’s sometime strange to actually hear my first name.

  “Tell me what you need tonight,” I murmur, my fingers skating across her skin, teasing the insides of her thighs and feathering along the thin strip of fabric that covers the place I want to be most right now.

  “To let go,” she pants.

  I wrap her legs around my waist and scoop her up, my hands cupping her ass. Madison wraps her arms around my neck and I carry her from the kitchen, down the hall, and into my bedroom, kissing her the entire way, and not stopping until I deposit her on the bed.

  I break our connection and pull off my t-shirt before starting on the buttons of her blouse. It falls open, exposing her perfect pert breasts that she has cased in a sexy as fuck lacy bra. Madison is very gifted in the chest region and I can’t say that I’ve ever been disappointed by that fact. What can I say; I’m a breast man.

  Chapter Three


  Richard’s intense gaze on my body has always sent me into overdrive. He’s unbuttoned my top and is taking his fill of my exposed torso and breasts as they spill from my bra. Pretty much since the start of the sexual part of our relationship, I quickly learned my breasts are his favorite part of my body and what can I say, other than I have a great rack.

  I reach my hand out, tracing the contours of his abs until I reach the waistband of his shorts. I slip my fingers past the elastic band and wrap my fingers around his rock hard, velvety smooth cock.

  “Fuck…that feels good.” He groans as he thrusts his hips into my grip. I set a steady pace, stroking his cock, making sure to tease the tip on each upstroke. The drops of pre-cum that have leaked out help lubricate the slide of my hand up and down his shaft.

  As I work his cock over with my hand, Richard drops his lips to my body, starting at my collarbone, and makes his way down to my lace-covered breasts. He sucks my nipples through the fabric before reaching up and unclasping my bra, so that he can continue lavishing on my breasts without it in the way.

  As he continues his assault on my body with his lips, I let go of his cock so I can push his shorts off his hips. As I do, Richard lets up his kissing to unzip my skirt that’s been bunched up around my hips and pulls it off my body. I take the break in action to completely remove my shirt and bra, leaving me only in my lacy thong.

  Richard rakes his eyes up my body. A smirk crosses his face and a look of desire fills his eyes as they land on my own.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he tells me, tracing a finger up my left leg, circling my clit over the lace, and then continues up my torso. I wrap my legs back around his hips, pulling him to me and he grinds his cock against my swollen clit.

  “I need you to fuck me,” I whisper against his lips before kissing him again.

  “Not yet,” he replies, before he drops to his knees at the edge of the bed, pulling my thong down my hips with him. As soon as the lace clears my pussy, he latches his mouth to my clit, alternating between sucking it hard and flicking just the tip of his tongue against it. My body arches and bows against the bed as I feel my orgasm start to build.

  He slips two fingers inside me, scissoring and curling them until he’s hitting my g-spot and I fall apart, screaming out as my orgasm slams through my body. My legs tighten around his head as my body goes rigid. Richard continues laving at my clit until the shaking of my muscles lets up. He stands, quickly grabbing a condom from the bedside table and sheathing himself. He lines himself up with my entrance and thrusts inside me.

  “Holy shit!” I cry out. My body still recovering from my first orgasm, and the intrusion of his cock inside of me, has my body shuddering in aftershocks.

  Richard drives into me, quickly setting a rhythm that has my body humming right along with him as my next orgasm builds. He has, by far, been the best sexual partner I’ve ever had. The few guys I slept with during college couldn’t find my clit, much less make me orgasm during sex. As much as I hate to think about it, he has definitely set the bar pretty high when it comes to sexual partners.

  “I need you there,” he growls out next to my ear. “I’m going to come, and I need you coming with me.”

  “I’m almost there,” I tell him, dropping my fingers to my clit, circling it and applying just the right amount of pressure that I need to get myself over the edge.

Richard thrusts a couple more times before slamming hard enough our hips are flush together and he shouts in release. He collapses on top of me, taking care not to crush me under his weight. He stays inside me for a few moments before pulling out and disposing of the condom. Richard lies down next to me on the bed and situates himself, pulling me fully onto the bed and into his arms. I’m tucked into his side and my head rests on his chest. His arm is wrapped around my back and his hand rests on my hip, tracing lazy circles along my skin.

  Sometimes, post-sex, we’re silent, and other times we find something to discuss. Work, vacation plans, life. But we never discuss us. What this is, what it’s become over the years… where it could go.

  “I should probably go,” I finally say, breaking the silence between us as I push up from his embrace.

  “Yeah, okay,” he replies, giving my hip a little squeeze before letting me go. We both get up and I dress as he pulls on his shorts.

  We’ve fallen into a status quo routine over the years. We have dinner together, then end up in bed for a couple orgasms. The “visitor” stays long enough to cuddle for a bit, but never overnight. The only time we’ve actually spent the entire night together was when we stayed at a hotel together at an out-of-town wedding Richard attended with me as my plus one.

  He walks me out to the foyer, his hand resting against my lower back. I can feel the heat of his fingers through my clothes like they are burning my skin directly. What I wouldn’t give to just stay the night in his arms and bed all night.

  I grab my purse and am pulled into a hug that completely engulfs me. “I hope tomorrow is a better day for you,” Richard tells me before kissing my cheek and releasing me from his hold.

  I take a half-step back before looking up at his face. He looks tired, and a little out of it. “Everything okay with you?”

  “Yeah, just tired. I just need a good night’s sleep. Text me when you get home, so I know you made it okay.”

  “Will do. Thanks for dinner and the evening. It’s just what I needed tonight,” I tell him, before opening the door and heading out to my car.


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