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Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3)

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by Samantha Lind

  Richard waits at his front door until I back out of his driveway. Knowing he was waiting for me to leave, I don’t waste any time. I hold it together until I’ve turned off his road when the tears start to fall.


  I really need to stop this cycle. I can’t keep hiding my feelings from him and think that things will ever change.

  But I just don’t know what I would do if I came clean with my feelings for him, and they weren’t reciprocated.

  Chapter Four


  Laying with Madison in my arms is one of the best feelings. All the distractions, thoughts of if I should retire or not, all the aches and pains that have taken over my body by this point of the season, everything disappears when she’s tucked into my side like she was tonight.

  We laid in comfortable silence, wrapped up in each other, with no words needed in the moments like that. I could tell that something was bothering her and figured it was just the stress from today. I didn’t ask or press her since I’ve come to realize that Madison will only talk about what’s bothering her when she’s ready.

  When she broke the silence and said she should go, it took everything in me to hold back from asking her to stay the night. What it would be like to have her in my bed all night, every night.

  We don’t normally cross that unspoken line drawn in the sand of our sexual relationship, of spending the entire night together. I can count the number of times it’s happened on one finger, in the entire eight years we’ve been friends.

  Maybe my friends are right, and things could be different between the two of us.

  If I’d just man up, make the move, and tell her that I’m in love with her.

  I watch from my front door as Madison walks to her car, waiting to go inside until she is safely out of my driveway and onto the road. My mood has gone from totally relaxed when we were in bed to downright melancholy now that she’s gone. It’s late, and I have practice in the morning, so I need to get to bed. Before I attempt to get to sleep, I decide to take Max back out to burn off some energy.

  I toss on a shirt, along with some sandals, then grab his leash from the hook by the door, and we quickly head out for a short walk around the neighborhood. He’s used to my crazy, sometimes late at night, runs or walks when I can’t sleep. After a quick trip around the two closest blocks, we return home.

  Max beelines it first for his water dish and then his dog bed. I head for the shower and then crawl into bed.

  But fuck, it smells like her.

  Like us.

  Like sex.

  I really need to man up and talk to her.

  It takes me a while of tossing and turning before I finally start to fall asleep, as my mind is racing with scenarios of both how and when I should tell Madison that I’m so damn in love with her.

  What her reactions might be.

  What I’d do if she rejects me and I lose her as a friend.

  That’s my biggest fear.

  Not having Madison in my life at all.

  I wake the next morning in a cold sweat, startled awake from the most vivid dream I can ever remember experiencing. I lay here, remembering every detail I can, wondering if it’s my subconscious playing tricks on me, or a look into my future.

  Madison and I are at dinner at a local steakhouse. Nothing out of the norm for us, just enjoying a nice meal out together. We’re seated at a small half circle booth, that has us sitting next to each other, our thighs touching. The heat from her body is almost like fire to my own. The sexual tension between us almost crackles it’s so thick.

  Once we finish our meals, I casually wrap an arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer to my side.

  “Feel like splitting a dessert?” I whisper in her ear, nipping at it.

  I can see the effect that my words and touch caused as the shiver rolls through her body.

  “Um…sure,” she says on a small gasp.

  I place a few chaste kisses along her neck, sucking lightly at the pounding pulse in her neck.

  “Or we could get out of here if you’d prefer,” I offer, watching her eyes dilate in hunger of a different kind.

  “Can I get you anything else. Dessert, or another drink?” our server interrupts us.

  “The check please,” Madison tells her, without breaking eye contact with me.

  “I’ll be right back with that for the two of you.”

  As our server walks away from us, I cup Madison’s cheek, my gaze remaining locked on her face. I slowly drop my lips to hers, starting the kiss almost timid, slow. It only takes a few moments for it to change and both of us to push it along to a passionate kiss. I take control, shifting Mads’ head to just the perfect angle to deepen the kiss, until our server approaches the table again with our check.

  Before our server can leave our table, I hand her my card without even looking at the bill. At this point, I don’t care how much it is. I just want to get out of here, and get Madison naked and withering underneath, on top, hell, any position will be fine by me, as long as we’re both on our way to an orgasm.

  Our server returns moments later, and I sign the slip, making sure to slip my credit card back into my wallet. I slide out of the booth and offer Madison my hand. She accepts it immediately as she slides out behind me. She’s just as eager to get out of here and somewhere private.

  I can’t think of another time that the desire between the two of us has been so strong outside the privacy of one of our own homes. We don’t usually show affection in public like we have tonight. This has me thinking that something might be changing between the two of us tonight as we head out to my car holding hands.

  She climbs into the car, and I close the door for her once she’s settled, then quickly round the front to get in myself. As soon as I have the car on the road, I drop my hand to Madison’s bare knee, squeezing it lightly. Her skirt has ridden up her thighs, giving me a nice view of them, and I can’t help but let my hand slide up that exposed skin. She doesn’t stop me, so I push higher until I can rub my fingertip over the thong covering her pussy.

  It only takes one flick of my finger to slip under the edge and find her wet and needy for me. My own dick is hard as steel and pushing uncomfortably against the zipper of my slacks.

  “Mmmm,” Mads moans as I slowly circle her clit, not applying any pressure directly on it, where she wants it the most.

  “Think I can make you come just like this before we make it back to my place?” I ask her, my voice gruff with desire.

  “Ma-maybe,” she stammers, and I continue to tease her. It’s a miracle I’m able to concentrate on driving and drive her crazy with my fingers at the same time.

  It only takes a few more minutes and I’m pulling into my garage. With the car now safely in park, I slip two fingers inside her wet pussy and grind my palm against her clit while simultaneously pulling her mouth to my own. I lick my way into her mouth, mimicking with my tongue to her mouth what my fingers are doing to her pussy. It only takes a few more seconds before her body goes rigid, squeezing my fingers as she comes on my hand.

  I break the kiss as her orgasm rolls through her body and she relaxes against the seat.

  “Let’s head inside,” I suggest.

  We break apart and both get out of the car. I hold the door into the house open for her and we’re immediately greeted by Max. I head straight for the patio door to let him outside, mainly because I don’t want any distractions for what’s about to happen.

  Once Max is outside, I stalk toward Madison, cupping her face as soon as I’m standing in front of her, and bring our lips back together. We stand there, joined in a kiss, the passion igniting the fire between us, as we devour each other.

  I don’t know exactly how long we stand in this spot, kissing and making out, but we eventually break apart. I rest my forehead against hers as we both take in a few calming breaths.

  Something is different.

  Something has changed between us and I can only hope for the best. The time i
s now that I need to tell her how I truly feel.

  We both speak at the same time.

  “I… I need to tell you something,” Madison says.

  It was that moment that I’d woken up. What was she going to tell me?

  Chapter Five


  The rest of my week passes by without much fanfare. My clients all behave themselves, keeping out of trouble, and not needing much from me, which I’m appreciative for.

  I also haven’t seen Richard since the other night when I left his house. We’ve texted a few times, but nothing more than the normal, friendly, everyday check-ins with each other. He left on a road trip today, so I’ll be headed to his house after work to take care of Max for him while he’s out of town. When he leaves for longer road trips, I’ll sometimes just spend the night at his place. But with how I left things the last time I saw him in person, I’m not sure if I can bring myself to do that.

  Being in his house, even without him home, makes me want things I just can’t have.

  Makes me think of what it would be like to live here, with him and Max.

  I push my thoughts of Richard and me, and whatever the fuck is happening between us, to the back of my mind. A contract proposal from a new sports apparel company just came in, that is attempting to pick up one of my clients as a spokesman, and I need to read it over.

  After finally focusing on work, and sending my client the information on the proposal, I shut down my computer and head to Richard’s place to pick up Max. I decided to just take Max home with me, rather than staying the night at his place this time.

  I arrive at Richard’s to find Max snoring away on the couch. I swear, burglars could rob Richard blind, thanks to Max’s less than stellar guard dog skills. He quickly perks up, though, when he hears me approach him with his leash in hand.

  After taking him for a quick walk around the block, I pack up some of his food and we head to my house for the night.

  After we get home, I change into my usual shorts and a tank top, and collapse on the couch to cuddle with Max. I text my dad back, as he texted me while I was driving home, setting up plans to have dinner together tomorrow night.

  My dad and I bonded over sports. Being the only child my parents ever had, my dad never treated me as if I wasn’t his sidekick. I was a Daddy’s little girl from the moment I was born. When my mom got sick, that bond between us grew exponentially.

  My dad has started to drop hints in the last year or so that he’d love to see me get married and give him a few grandkids. I know he’s lonely and would appreciate something to focus on.

  Before putting my phone down, I quickly snap a cute selfie of Max and me, and text it to Richard.

  Madison: Hope your day went well. Max and I are snuggled up on the couch and ready to watch you play. Text me once you’re back at the hotel if you want.

  I set my phone down and turn on the game. I missed the start by a few minutes, but thankfully neither team has scored yet. The Eagles are playing the Capitals tonight, followed by Carolina, Florida, and Tampa Bay, before returning home next week.

  I keep the game on in the background, while I pull out my kindle and get lost in the pages. The chime of my phone pulls my attention away from my book. I notice it’s late and that Richard has texted me back.

  Richard: Hey, hope I’m not waking you up. Thanks for taking such good care of Max for me. Did you take him back to your place? The game sucked after we fell apart in the third period and lost the lead we had.

  Madison: I’m still up, was just reading. I did bring Max back to my place, I hope you don’t mind. Sorry about the game.

  Richard: No problem at all. I just know you usually just crash at my place when I’m gone but it works fine for you to take him to yours.

  Madison: Are you guys staying in DC tonight or are you flying out?

  Richard: Staying the night and will fly out in the morning. We got back to the hotel a little bit ago. I just ordered some room service and am kicked back, icing my knee again.

  Madison: Did you get hurt tonight?

  Richard: No, just age and the occupational hazards catching up to me.

  Madison: Ah, yeah you are kinda getting to be an old man in the league. :)

  Richard: Rub it in why dontcha.

  Madison: That’s what friends are for.

  Richard: Keep telling yourself that Mads.

  Madison: You know you love me, and if I don’t tell you then who will?

  Oh fuck. Did I really just text that to him?

  Richard: Oh, Brian likes to remind me all the time how old and slow I am. And I do love you Mads, never forget that.

  Sigh. He did catch the love statement, but I’m going to chalk it up to our friendship. Friends can and do love each other, and some even tell each other that.

  But Richard and I aren’t usually those friends.

  The past week has kind of crept by. Work was quiet for the most part and I kept Max at my place. We went for long walks every night that we both enjoyed. I have really loved having him with me this past week, and it has me thinking I need to look at adopting a dog for myself. I get lonely sometimes and having a pet would maybe help with that. I also need to start dating again.

  Richard comes home this afternoon, so my plan is to take Max back home once I’m finished at the office today. Since it’s a slow day and my clients can reach me on my cell if they need me, I take off at lunchtime to run a few errands before getting Max and his things to take him back home.

  As I’m walking into the mall, after stopping by the dry cleaners and the bank, I run into Becca with baby Michael and Kinley.

  “Madison! What are you doing out and about?” Kinley asks.

  “It’s been a slow day, so I cut out of the office early. Figured I’d get some errands done before I take Max back over to Richard’s house. What are you girls out doing?” I ask, as I peek into the car seat attached to the stroller Becca is pushing.

  “I needed out of the house. I’m going a little stir crazy, with Scott gone and this little man still having his days and nights mixed up,” Becca says, a sleepy look on her face.

  “We were going to grab some lunch; would you like to join us?” Kinley asks.

  “Sure, I’d love to.”

  “I think we were going to go to Panera, if that sounds okay with you?” Becca asks.

  “That sounds great to me. Were you headed there now, or did you guys have some shopping to do first?”

  “Eat, then shop. If I’m even still awake by then,” Becca replies.

  Kinley and I both chuckle at her. Poor girl looks so happy, but tired.

  “You can always call me if you need a nap and someone to look after Michael. I’d gladly come hold a baby for you,” I offer.

  Stifling a yawn, Becca starts pushing the stroller toward the restaurant before answering. “Thank you for the offer. I’m sure he will flip soon. He’s starting to get a little better each day. And I’ve had help from our parents, but they are not at the house all the time. It will be nice once we get everything set up in the house, now that we’re moved in and have more room for guests. That, and I’m ready for my husband to be home. This road trip has been hard on all of us. He misses us and doesn’t like being away from Michael. I reminded him he needs to get used to it, as it is his job, after all,” she says, chuckling.

  We make our way to the restaurant and order our lunch before we find a booth. Michael wakes up, and makes it known that he is hungry, and hungry now. I pull him out of his car seat while Becca gets everything situated so she can nurse him. Once she’s ready, I hand him over and she has him calmed and quieted down within a few moments. Watching her with him makes me ache just a little for my own family.

  Our food arrives and we all dig in, hungry enough that our conversation is light as we all focus on eating. We take turns passing Michael around, who is a pretty happy baby, now that he’s got a full belly and a clean diaper. As we all finish eating, our conversation picks up.

“So, anything new with Richard?” Kinley asks.

  “Ummm…not that I know of,” I stammer out a reply.

  “Oh,” she says on a sigh. “I really think you should tell him how you feel. I’m convinced he feels the same way.”

  “I just don’t see it. Yes, he’s affectionate with me when we’re alone, and on the very rare occasion. But it’s nothing more than affection between good friends. Best friends. I was actually thinking of getting back out there and dating again. After my last tryst with Richard, I just don’t think I can keep doing it anymore. My feelings are too much, and I don’t want to get hurt or, worst case, lose him as a friend.”

  “Oh, can we help you find someone to date?” Becca asks, excited at the prospect of setting me up with someone.

  “I guess, but I don’t want to date anyone from the team or associated with the team. I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

  “I think that you dating is going to piss off Richard and make him show his hand, so to speak,” Kinley says, rubbing her hands together, all excited at the idea.

  “If you say so.” I laugh at her antics.

  “Oh, trust me, I’m going to subtly work my magic, and it’s going to drive him crazy hearing all about your dates, until he can’t take it anymore and comes crawling to you and confesses his love for you. It’s going to be perfect!” Kinley says, scheming away. “Are you thinking of using one of the dating apps?”


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