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Awakenings (Elemental Series - Book 1)

Page 28

by Hally Willmott

  I took a deep breath and tried to steady myself before I said anything. I knew now it was my turn to talk. The Yietimpi crossing into Nemele, the breach of the Bulwark by the Seeker attached to my arm, and the inherent danger which was congregating throughout our world had all come about because of me. While I was having my moment, a tight unpleasant pinch to my Seeker arm, and a slight pleasant tingle to my left cheek brought me back to my present situation.

  The cheek shock was Vincent’s hand wiping a tear from my face, and the Seeker squeeze, well, I had no idea why she was pinching me until I looked at her. Where she and I were connected, a light had started to creep out. I looked away from her and checked myself out from head to toe. The light was completely encompassing the two of us. Vincent let go of me, took a step back and stared at the two of us. The light radiating from the two of us contained every color my dreams usually began with. The ones I couldn’t name and were the most blinding and textured.

  There was a unified gasp from the Elders at the table and the members who were seated in the gallery.

  “What’s going on now?” I asked, not to any one person specifically, but to anyone who could answer.

  “There has been no break in the truce,” the Seeker stated.

  I turned, looking now at the Seeker, and gasped. The girl who was holding onto me now wasn’t the long black haired, gothic looking onyx-eyed Seeker which had been there seconds before. The girl holding onto me now was…me. A version of me with lighter colored hair and skin.

  “Faith?” I guessed.

  “Hello again, Jacey, it’s me. I don’t have a lot of time in this form. I needed Daichi to breach our lands so I could finally get a message home.”

  There was a rustling from the gallery. In a flash of pink-yellow light, Aunt Grace appeared directly in front of us. Tears flowed freely from her and she was completely aglow.

  “Faith—” before she could finish, Faith interrupted.

  “Mom, we miss you so much. You haven’t left our thoughts since we were stolen away. Keeping you within them has been the one great strength which made our life bearable over the last fourteen years. There is so much we want to tell you and so much we have to explain. I love you, Mom.” Her voice cracked. She steadied herself, and upon gaining control of her emotions, she continued.

  “Right now, if we want Nemele to continue to exist, you all need to listen to me. Daichi is part of a Shenuy rebellion contingent of Yietimpi. She has been with me since I was five and is completely trustworthy. She has risked her life to bring me to you today. She is the only Yietimpi I know of that has crossed over to Nemele, for the time being.

  “Necroseek has been reborn and is leading the Sect to find Jacey. This time he will not be stopped. His minions are many and vary in more species than the last Reckoning. I’ve been able to hide within the confines of the Seeker realm for the last eleven years with the group of rebels Daichi is part of. We’ve been able to learn how to communicate through each other and that’s how you’re seeing me now. She and I are the only ones of our species who can sustain this type of transfer. We’ve tried for many years before now but found it only possible when Jacey returned to Nemele. There had been no other way to get the message to you until today.

  “The powers which were dormant after the battle at Lytheria are now revitalized. The origins in Yietimpi, who were part of Necroseek’s followers, ones like Christina, have all reunited and have been scheming to undermine the truce. Their ultimate goal is, of course, to finally obtain what they have been lying in wait for over the last fourteen years, me and Jacey. I’ve not been able to escape from here but Daichi can lead some of you back to help us make our escape.”

  Daichi fell to her knees and screamed a gut-wrenching holler.

  “They’re trying to break in.” She let go of me and instantly she turned back into the onyx-eyed girl I’d first met in the gas station. She wasn’t as scary to me now. But nonetheless, my heart jumped out of my chest when she looked into my eyes. Staring back at me were two large black onyxes, no longer whited out.

  Instantly, she used one hand to cover her eyes and latched the other onto me.

  “I have to have contact with you or I can’t bring her back,” she explained.

  As soon as she touched me, Faith reappeared.

  “They are trying to locate Daichi. It isn’t normal for Seekers to be out on their own. They always travel in pairs—one mature and one newborn. They let her out this morning because of me. I told them I would be with her. Newborn Seekers cannot leave their realms because they’re not taught how until they reach adulthood. I showed Daichi how to leave. I learned the technique from observing those around her for years.” Faith turned and placed her full, undivided attention on me.

  “Jacey, I need you to trust her. Let her show you the way so we can be reunited and brought back to where we truly belong. I can’t channel through Daichi for much longer. I have to go to her Elders and cover for her.” She turned from me and then called out. “Bronson.” He stood and looked directly at her, speechless. “Salcatrubin…”

  Daichi let go of my hand and turned back into herself. There was no trace of Faith left at all. Daichi’s hands stayed by her sides and she peered up at me, through white eyes.

  There was a communal commotion from the spectators in the gallery. It was obvious most were bothered by what they had just witnessed. There were calls for silence from some of the gallery participants but their pleas fell on deaf ears—until the screech of the Morrigan.

  “We will not desecrate this Chamber with chaos. Quiet.”

  Less than two seconds later, order fell throughout the chamber. Aunt Grace was still standing inside the confines of the Elders’ table when Bronson led her back to the gallery side.

  “Until we can ensure that Daichi can’t lead others of her kind here, she will have to be placed in the Chrysalis,” announced Ronan.

  “Wait, what’s a Chrysalis?” I asked.

  “Ronan, with all due respect, I think we should hold off until the council has discussed it,” Herecerti said as he floated over.

  “Herecerti, I understand Hyperborean cultures do not believe in the encasement of other species. However, we find ourselves in a truly unknown situation. Until we figure out the message Faith was attempting to say, I think it is in the best interest of all that Daichi is not present to hear what we’re about to discuss,” Ronan stated without waiting for Herecerti’s response.

  I grabbed Daichi and placed her behind me.

  “Jacey, Faith warned me this could happen. It’s not going to hurt me and we need to get moving, so let me go.” She turned as Heathe came from the gallery to take her.

  “I can go on my own,” she said.

  Of course Heathe didn’t listen. He went ahead anyway and tried to grab a hold of her.

  “Heathe, I wouldn’t—” before I could finish, he cut me off.

  “Jacey, I think I know what I’m doing.”

  He grabbed onto Daichi, and the second his skin came into contact with hers, he was shocked nearly across the room.

  “Told you so.” I giggled—inappropriate, I know, but funny as hell. This was definitely one of those moments. The ones where I inadvertently say or do something that isn’t quite politically correct.

  “I can’t control that, it’s a defensive mechanism,” was all Daichi said.

  She left the podium and headed to the round crystal enclosure off to our right side—the third structure in the center of the Elders’ table. She did this completely blind. When she approached it, the structure began to glow a deep black and silver, then it split in two. Daichi stepped in without another word and then it closed around her.

  “What is Salcatrubin?” Ronan asked Bronson once Daichi was encased in the Chrysalis.

  Bronson stood and addressed the other eighteen Elders.

  “It’s the place where Gideon’s family found me near death when I was a child. It’s the place they adopted me from. Salcatrubin is the word we agree
d to use in dire times. This is a message from Gideon. He’s alive and with Faith, waiting for us to come rescue him.” He turned away from Ronan and looked into the gallery for Aunt Grace.

  “Your family’s alive, Grace—both Faith and Gideon are alive.”

  Aunt Grace put one hand on her heart and the other went over her mouth as she tried to cover the whimper which came from her anyway. Eve left her place at the table and went to her. She placed an arm around my Aunt and instantly they were aglow in pinks, whites, and yellows.

  Vincent came back to the podium with me and led me to the oversized chair. Once there, we both sat still and silent.

  A heated but civil discussion between all nineteen Elders followed. The debate focused on a decree which all nineteen nations would agree on for each ones participation in what was going to be the Nemelites answer to a new Yietimpi Reckoning.

  As I sat and listened to the exchange, I was fascinated to see nearly every single mystical magical being who had ever been written about represented within the council—from Fairies to Greek Gods.

  “So they’re all true?” I whispered to Vincent.

  “They are, good and bad. Most have revealed themselves to other dimensions through dream walking. Long ago there was a time when we all occupied the same dimension. With the developments of technology and the upsurge of wars, all nations returned to their own origins. It was a way to ensure everyone’s survival – both Nemelite and Mornal. It’s a part of our lineage you’ll learn along with how to control your powers.” He stopped for a second and gently squeezed my hand.

  “They’re deciding who to send to help Faith and our uncle. That sounds weird—our uncle,” Vincent said more to himself than to me.

  “They’re going to include us, right?” I asked.

  “They won’t let newcomers and anyone under a fifth level Nemelite go. A fifth level is someone who’s completed their training at St. Nemele and has trained here in Origin Nemele for at least two years,” Vincent said with a somewhat sombre tone.

  I sat for a minute and took in what he’d said. Before I could make any kind of reply, Ronan spoke out.

  “A decision has been made. We’ll send a number of our Sentry with a few select Elders to follow Daichi and try to rescue Gideon and Faith. All of those who have been chosen will be told within a day’s time and we will leave within the week to face Necroseek and his followers. Jacey, it has been decided the safest place to keep you during this time will be here in the origin Nemele.”

  “We have to go. Daichi won’t lead anyone anywhere without me,” I whispered to Vincent, saying it like it was a fact rather than a suggestion.

  “The council won’t allow it,” Vincent said.

  “Well, let’s ask.” There was a lull in the conversation between Ronan and the rest of the Elders. Before Vincent could convince me otherwise, I called out to Herecerti.


  “Yes, Jacey?”

  “I don’t think having me stay here would be the best choice.” I was surprised at my own brazenness.

  “Jacey your powers are too unpredictable and you are new to this world. Your offer of course is something all of us can appreciate, but in the interest of keeping you safe and not in the clutches of Necroseek, I do believe it is best you stay here,” Herecerti answered.

  “I don’t think Daichi will lead anyone to our family unless I’m with her,” I replied.

  “She may be right,” Bronson said.

  “How are we to find Faith and Gideon without the help of the Seeker? We’ve been looking for fourteen years and still have found no trace of either,” Zeus added.

  “The solution would be to ask Daichi,” Ronan offered.

  Heathe went over to the Chrysalis and touched a marking on its side. The crystals which made up the structure started to turn a shade of yellow and white, which reflected off of Heathe’s face. When its entire surface had been consumed by the glow, it split in two and Daichi stepped out.

  Heathe went to grab onto her arm and caught himself before he touched her. Instead of grabbing hold of her, he said, “You are to return to the podium.” He stepped aside allowing her to pass him.

  I got up and walked to the podium. I took her hand as she stepped up and we stood there together.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.


  “Daichi,” Ronan called.

  “Yes, Ronan.”

  “We will go with you to the Seekers’ lands and bring Gideon and Faith home. We will leave in a week’s time. Jacey will be kept out of the contingent who will escort you. Are you able to return to Faith and tell her this?”

  “Yes, I can, but I don’t believe some of your kind will be able to follow me anywhere without Jacey.”

  “Why is that?” Ronan queried.

  “Only she and a few others of your kind have the ability to enter our zone. Jacey has been to the boundary line of our homeland a number of times on her own. She is your key to the return of Faith and Gideon. That is, only if she is a member of your contingent,” Daichi answered.

  “What do you mean I’ve been to the boundary line of your homeland? When? How?” Now I was confused.

  “Every time you’ve spoken with your mother and father. They are not completely lost to you. We are all energy, good and bad. To get to the Shenuy land, you must pass through the Yietimpi lands and then enter the Charta realm. Once you pass through that zone, you enter the land of Seekers.”

  “What really is the Charta zone then?” I asked.

  “It’s the zone we all come to when we end our physical being. The only ones I know of who’ve been able to move completely between that dimension and this one are Seekers, Eve, and now you,” Daichi said.

  “We’ll have to study this Charta zone and try to train our contingent to be able to access it. Of course, if Jacey is the only one who can enter it, we’ll have to change our plans for deployment,” Ronan said.

  “Right now I have to return to my homeland. If I don’t, they’ll know I’ve left and nothing I or Faith do will be able to stop them from keeping me there forever,” Daichi said.

  “We’ll escort her to the furthest Bulwark and return her to the truce line,” Heathe said.

  “I’ll go with you,” I offered.

  “You can’t. We’re going to be going through too many Bulwarks to cover the trace Daichi has left here so no others of her kind can find this place. The journey will be in our natural forms and right now, your natural form is physical,” Heathe said.

  I was about to argue with him when Daichi grabbed onto my hand.

  “I will be fine. He and the others are right. As of now you and your kind need to learn the ways of the Charta and how to harness the powers inside of you. I will be in contact with you over the next week but I will have my Elder with me. I will not be able to show you the same kindness I have now. I need to keep up the cover of being a fundamental Seeker so in a week’s time I can return and help you rescue Faith,” Daichi said in her blind state.

  I was leery of letting her go along with the Sentry. I wanted to ensure she had someone with her who knew she was not a threat, someone who understood she was the real deal in helping us find our lost family members. As the thought was processing in my mind Vincent spoke up.

  “I will go with them to ensure she reaches her destination. However, I ask that Heathe stay here to watch over Jacey since I cannot.”

  Bronson answered.

  “Since it is a Sentry mission, I will allow you to attend and guide her. I agree, Heathe should then stay to watch over Jacey.”

  “Daichi?” Vincent asked.

  “Yes.” she replied.

  “May I guide you home?”

  “Yes.” She reached out and took Vincent’s arm.

  I flinched a little, thinking Vincent was going to get zapped across the room like Heathe had but there were no fireworks and no flying bodies.

  “I’ll be back by nightfall,” Vincent said, bending down slightly and kissin
g my cheek while he let go of my hand. The instant his lips came into contact with my skin, I expected the sensation of a thousand butterflies to attack my stomach again. However, this time they seemed to migrate from my stomach and found a new home in my heart. The immediate intense desire I had to grab hold of him and beg him to stay was almost too much to bear. It took everything I had to stay where I was as I watched him walk away. I knew there would be time to explore the fireworks which were going off in my mind and all through my body when he returned. I also knew it was way more important for Daichi to have him with her to ensure her safe return.

  I stood there for a moment trying to gain control of my heart rate and a nagging gut wrenching feeling of losing Vincent as he went out the doors. I had no idea what I was supposed to do until Ronan spoke.

  “The council has ended and we will meet again in three days’ time.” As he finished, all of the eight surround visionaries filled with scenes from each of the Elders’ homelands.

  “Jacey.” It was Herecerti. “Come with me.”

  I stepped down from the podium and exited the center of the Elders’ table. When I did, the three structures lowered into the floor and the table closed in on itself.


  “Yes, Jacey?”

  “What happens now?”

  “Well, first things first. We find you a place here at the academy and figure out who’s going to be staying with you.” We approached the doorway to the Chamber where Jen, Hudson, and Aunt Grace were waiting.

  “Well, there’s no question. We three are going to be staying with her,” Aunt Grace answered.

  Herecerti stopped and looked at Jen, Hudson, Aunt Grace, and I.

  “I believe there’s going to be some interesting events transpiring over the next couple of days, and I, for one, know having your family with you will only make it more bearable. As Headmaster of St. Nemele, back in the other dimension and here in our Origin Nemele, I would definitely agree with Grace. You will all stay here.”


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