The Oxford History of the Biblical World
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and Philistines, 113–14
Jericho, 332
archaeology and, 12–13, 95
conquest of, by Joshua, 95, 98
Herod’s palace at, 357
Jeroboam I, 210–11, 213–15, 449
Jeroboam II, 212, 213, 232–35, 236, 449
and Amos, 232–33
reign of, culture in, 235
social injustice in, 235
Jerome, 425, 431, 438
archaeology and, 86, 191–92, 295
architecture in, 191–92
as capital of the south, 206
and conquest of Canaan, 98
and Constantine, 567–68
and David and Solomon, 191
fall of, in Roman period, 380–84
fortification of, by Nehemiah, 309
Heavenly, 432
in Late Bronze Age, 43
name, 444
in Persian period, 289–90
siege of, in 587, 353, 450
Temple and palace in, 192
Jerusalem Talmud. See Talmud, Palestinian
Jeshua. See Joshua (high priest)
Jesus, 369–71, 388–89, 396, 452
birth of, 369
followers of, 365
Josephus and, 371–72
resurrection of, 374
as son of God, 391
sources for, 370
Jesus ben Sirach, 306
Jesus movement, 374, 388–89
Jethro, 105–06
Jew, designation, 277, 376
Jews, in Gospel of John, 420–21
Jezebel, 221–22
Jezreel, plain of, archaeology and, 288
Jezreel Valley, 146, 153
Joash. See Jehoash
Job, book of, 311
Johanan I, 296, 314
Johanan ben Zakkai, 381, 383, 386, 438
John, Gospel of, 373, 405, 420–21
John Chrysostom, 437
John Hyrcanus, 336–39, 342, 451
and Samaritans, 347
John Hyrcanus II, 339–40, 352–53, 355–56
John of Gischala, 381, 382, 383–84
Johnstone, William, 88
John the Baptist, 362, 364, 365, 369, 373, 395
John the Essene, 381
Joiada I, 296, 313
Joiada II, 313
Joiada III, 313
Joiakim, 296
Jokneam, 99
Jonah, 233
Jonathan (son of Saul), 193
Jonathan Maccabee, 333–36, 364
Jordan River, 5, 37, 68, 95
Jordan Valley, 5, 12, 153–54
archaeology and, 100, 101
Joseph (patriarch), 27
Joseph Caiaphas, 361
Josephus, Flavius, 78, 143, 300, 308, 314, 319, 323, 338, 354, 358, 359, 371, 374, 376, 377, 380, 384, 385, 405–06, 407
Against Apion, 78, 375
and First Jewish Revolt, 378–84
Jewish Antiquities, 97, 281, 286, 291, 362, 366, 368, 372, 380
Jewish War, 366, 381, 397
and John the Baptist, 362
mention of census, 361
and origin of the synagogue, 438–39
and Sanhedrin, 360
and sectarian Judaism, 343, 364–67, 368
and Tyrian annals, 155
Joshua, and conquest, 95–96
Joshua (high priest in Persian period), 293–94, 295, 296, 313
Joshua, book of, and conquest of Canaan, 95–96, 98–99
Josiah, 450
and book of Deuteronomy, 216
death of, 261
reform of, 258–62
Jotapata, 354, 382
Jotham, 305
Judah (patriarch), and Tamar, 27
Judah (kingdom of), 207
Assyrian domination of, 252–56
archaeological record of, 254
written record of, 254
in Chronicles, 226–27
in Deuteronomic History, 226
territory of, 138 See also Judea; Yehud
Judah (territory of), 208, 224, 263, 280, 287, 325
archaeology and, 100, 101
hill country of, 6
Judah, tribe of, 183
Judah Maccabee, 322, 331–33, 342
Judah the Patriarch, 368
Judas Aristobulus I, 336–39
Judas Aristobulus II, 339–40, 352–53
Judas Maccabeus. See Judah Maccabee
Judas the Galilean, 361, 362
Judea, 332, 354, 400
in Ptolemaic period, 319–22
Roman rule over, 340, 360–64, 389–418 See also Judah (kingdom of); Yehud
Judean revolt in Persian period,
archaeological evidence of, 304
judge, office of, 133, 141–44
biblical narrative of, 133–41
geography of, 138–40
major and minor, 133
minor, 135–36, 138–39
period of, 78–79, 108, 132–64
sources for, 132
Judges, book of, 28, 93
Chapter 5, 107, 109–10, 158–61
and conquest of Canaan, 94
editing of, 133–34
framework of, 139–40
and history of Israel, 133–37
poetry in, 158–61
Judith, book of, 322
Julian the Apostate, 426–27, 452
Julius Caesar, 355, 389–90, 391, 452
Julius Severus, 422
Justinian (emperor), 427, 428, 432–33, 452
Justin Martyr, 417, 428, 437
Justus of Tiberias, 353–54
Juvenal, Satires, 407
Kadesh-barnea, 68, 69, 77, 184, 208, 224
and geography of the Exodus, 67
and wilderness wandering, 60
archaeology and, 308–9
inscription at, 175
reliefs at, 71, 92
Kedarites, 109, 289
Kedesh (Tell Abu Qudeis), 99
Kee, Howard Clark, 445
and Yahwism, 105–11 See also Midianites
Kenyon, Kathleen, 95–96, 219
Khirbet ‘Adullam, 98
Khirbet el-Harbaj (Achsaph), 99
Khirbet Iskander, 33
Khirbet Jedur (Geder), 98
Khirbet Qitmit, 268
Khirbet Raddana, 101
Khorsabad. See Dur Sharrukin
Khoury, Philip S., 130
king, 168
of Israel
anointed, 197
appointed by Yahweh, 197
as son of Yahweh, 197
Kings, books of
compiler of, 261
and Josiah, 258, 261–62
and Judean kingdom, 243–44
and Manasseh, 253
and monarchy, 169–75
King’s Highway, 5
kinship, 151
and formation of Israelite state, 180, 200, 202–03
and monarchy, 166–68
Kirta epic, 51
Kishon, battle of, 92, 135
Kittiyim (Greeks), 259
Klengel, Horst, 56
Knight, Douglas A., 204
Knoppers, Gary N., 240
Kochavi, Moshe, 110
Kostiner, Joseph, 130
Kotel, 384
Kraemer, Ross Shepard, 442, 445
Kraft, Robert A., 350, 387
Kugel, James L., 316
Kuntillet Ajrud, 224, 233
inscription from, 233
Kus, Susan M., 203
Labayu, 49
labor force, captives as, 194–95, 197
Lachish, 97, 106, 110, 114, 119, 121, 208, 251, 263, 287
archaeology and, 97, 98, 119
ostraca from, 266
Solar Temple at, 294
Lactantius, 424
Laish, 97, 125
Lamentations, book of, 267
languages. See under names of individual languages<
br />
Lapidus, 355
Larsa, 35
Lasharon, 99
Late Bronze Age, 42–46, 79–87, 448
Amarna letters and, 47
archaeology and, 86, 94–95, 97–102, 153
and conquest of Canaan, 94
dates of, 42
and Exodus, 79
kingdoms of, 79–80
law, oral, 343
law code, as genre, 3
Leah and Rachel, 27
Lebanon, the
geography of, 5
meaning of name, 5
legal traditions
Deuteronomic, 307
Holiness Code, 307
Pentateuchal, 307
Priestly, 307
Leith, Mary Joan Winn, 276–316
Lemaire, Andre, 56
Leo I, 434
Leonard, Albert, Jr., 88
Lesko, Leonard H., 88
letter, as genre, 3
Letter of Aristeas, 320–21
Letter of Jeremiah, 368
Levant, the, 3, 5
evidence of hominid activity in, 10
geography of, 4
writing in, 19
Levine, Amy-Jill, 352–87
Levine, Lee I., 445
levirate marriage, 337
book of Deuteronomy and, 216
in Roman period, 358
Levitical cities, 60
lists of, in Joshua, 185, 216
Leviticus, book of, 60
Leviticus Rabbah, 438
Levy, Thomas E., 131, 204
Lewis, Herbert S., 203
Libnah, 98
Libyan coalition, 85
Libyans, 91–92
Linder, A., 436
literacy, creation of alphabet and, 42
literary criticism, and Exodus narrative, 61–62
locusts, as Egyptian plague, 59
Logos, 376
Lord’s Prayer, 372
Lot, 26
and Ammonites and Moabites, 113, 154
Lugal-zaggisi (ruler of Uruk), 31
Luke, Gospel of, 372, 395–96
infancy narrative, 361, 369
Lusius Quietus, 421
Lysias, 331–33
Maccabean revolt, 331–32, 451
and book of Daniel, 341
and sectarian Judaism, 343
Maccabees, books of, 340–42
MacDonald, Burton, 129
Machaerus, 354, 384
Machinist, Peter, 130
MacMullen, Ramsay, 419, 445
Madon, 99
Magen, Yizhak, 129
magi (Zoroastrian priests), 278
magicians, in Egypt, 66
Makarios (bishop), 425
Makkedah, 98
Malachi, book of, 301–02
Malamat, Abraham, 204, 275
Malchus II, 382
Málek, Jaromír, 88
Malik, 32
mammon, 374
Manasseh (king of Judah), 252–56, 450
Manasseh (territory), 138, 208
archaeology and, 100, 101
Manetho, Aegyptiaca, 97
Marathon, battle of, 280, 304
Marcellus, 363
Marcion, 418, 428
Marcionism, 433
Marcius Turbo, 421
Marcus Ulpius Trajan. See Trajan
Marduk (Babylonian storm-god), 8, 283
Marduk-apal-iddina (Merodach-baladan), 249
Mari, 37
archives, 35
letters, 40
palace of Zimri-Lim at, 35
political history of Syria and Mesopotamia and, 36–39
Qatna and, 40–41
tablets, 34, 55
Mariamme, 356, 357
Mari Eponym Chronicle, 36
Mark, Gospel of, 372, 405, 409
Mark Antony, 355–56, 390
under Constantine, 436
mixed, 308, 310
Nuzi tablets and, 52
regulations, 312
Martial, 407
Spectacula, 407
Marullus, 363
Mary, mother of Jesus, 428
Mary of Magdala, 430
Masada, 332, 338, 357, 380, 382, 384
Masoretes, 321
Masoretic Text, 321
Mattathias, 331, 334
Matthew, Gospel of, 372, 409, 420
infancy narrative, 361, 369
Matthiae, Paolo, 31, 32
Maurice, 443
Maximilla, 429
Mazar, Amihai, 56, 204
McCarter, P. Kyle, Jr., 163
McManners, John, 445
Medeba, 94
Medes, 283
Medinet Habu, 119–20, 126
Megabyzus, 305
Megiddo (Tell el-Mutesellim), 21, 37, 43, 114, 127, 138, 167, 189, 208, 261, 263, 287
archaeology and, 16, 187, 220–21
architecture of, 187, 189
besieged by Thutmose III, 44, 81
and conquest of Canaan, 99
ivory knife handle from, 157
Mehmet the Conqueror, 432
melek (king), 178
Mendenhall, George E., 103–04, 130
Menelaus, 327–33
and high priesthood, 327
founder of first dynasty of Egypt, 18
identified with Narmer, 18
menstruation, and purity, 359
mercy seat, 157–58
Merneptah, 73, 85, 91–93, 102, 117, 121, 146–47, 152, 448
Merneptah Stela, 71–72, 79, 85, 91–92, 100, 121, 146–47
and name of Israel, 71, 91
Merodach-baladan (Marduk-apal-iddina), 249
Merrillees, Robert S., 88
Mesad Hashavyahu, 259, 263
Mesha Stela, 113, 161, 162, 175
Mesopotamia, 9, 263
geography of, 7–8
in Middle Bronze Age, 33
name, 7
messiah, 399, 420
Bar Kokhba as, 421–22
Cyrus as, 282
Jesus as, 373, 388, 395, 402, 408, 429
and kingship, 165–66
origins of, 165–66
and Qumran community, 345, 369
messianic expectation, 369–74
metallurgy, 14
Metzger, Bruce M., 88
Meyer, Eduard, 105
Meyers, Carol, 165–205, 296
Meyers, Eric M., 23, 296, 445
mezuzot, 368
Micah (prophet), 248
Micah, book of, 243, 248
Middle Bronze Age, 33, 448
in Palestine, 18
Middle Bronze Age I, 33, 448
Midian, 105–06, 107
Midianites, Moses and, 105–11
midrash (inquiry), 440
Midrashim, 440
Milcom (deity of Ammon), 156
Milkilu (king of Gezer), 47
Millar, Fergus, 419
Miller, J. Maxwell, 129, 240
Milvian Bridge, battle of, 424
Minucius Felix, 417
Mishnah, 440
Mitanni, 37, 42–45, 82, 84, 448
Mithras cult, 417
Mittmann, Siegfried, 129
Mizpah (Tell en-Nasbeh), 208, 287
headquarters of Gedaliah, 268
Moab, 60, 91, 95, 100, 101, 138, 153–54, 208, 224, 227–28, 263, 280, 287
and book of Ruth, 137
and the Exodus, 60, 79
Moabite language, 153
in Genesis, 154
in Numbers and Judges, 154
religion of, 156
Moabite Stone, 219, 240
Modein, 331
Modrzejewski, Joseph M., 350
Momigliano, Arnaldo, 350
biblical reservations concerning, 201, 210
as government of early cities, 17
at Sumer, 17
Monarchy, Divided. See Divided Monarchy
r /> monarchy, Judean, final decades of, 262–69
Monarchy, United. See United Monarchy
monasticism, 435
monastic settlements, 69
and route of the Exodus, 69
money changers, 358
monks, 434–35
Monolith Inscription, 221
Akhenaten and, 111
Moses and, 105–11
Montanist movement, 429, 433
and female prophets, 429
Montanus, 429
Moore, George Foot, 92
Moran, William L., 56
and ark of the covenant, 156–57
birth narrative of, 59
and burning bush, 59, 106
and the Exodus, 58
and Jesus, 371
leadership of, in wilderness, 60
and Midianite family, 59, 105–11
name, 65
revelation of the name of God to, 53–54