The Oxford History of the Biblical World
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Tushratta (king of Mitanni), 45
Tutankhamon, 83
Tyre, 37, 43, 138, 152, 154–55, 208, 224, 263, 280, 287, 325, 332, 354, 400
Udjahorresnet, 293, 302, 309
Ugarit (Ras Shamra), 37
abecedary from, 155
archaeology and, 50
in Late Bronze Age, 43, 45, 46, 50–53, 117–19, 142, 448
political history of, 52
Sea Peoples and, 86, 153
epics, 158
language, 50
relation to Bible, 53
Umar (second caliph), 443
United Monarchy, 151, 168–69, 449
ancient Near Eastern sources for, 175–77
archaeology and, 176–77
architecture in, 188
biblical sources for, 169–75
historicity of, 210–12
boundaries of, 185
breakup of, 210, 212–18
building projects in, 195–96
development of, 151, 166–69
local shrines in, 200
military operations in, 192–93
religion in, 197–200
royal ideology of, 197–200
sociopolitical features of, 192–97
Unleavened Bread, feast of, 308, 314
Upi. See Damascus
Upper Paleolithic era, 10, 447
Ur, 9
third dynasty of, 34, 447
ziggurat at, 17
urbanism, in Early Bronze Age, 16–18, 447
urbanization, 447
in early monarchy, 201
in Syria-Palestine, 30
Uruk, 9, 17
Gilgamesh epic and, 20
Ussishkin, David, 275
Uzziah, 236–37
Valentinian III, 427
Varus, 360
Vaux, Roland de, 57
“Verse Account of Nabonidus,” 282, 283
Ventidius Cumanus, 378
Vermes, Geza, 387
Vespasian, 376, 378, 382–84, 385, 405–07, 410, 421, 452
Vesuvius, Mount, 408
Virgil, 392
Aeneid, 392
Vitellius, 363, 405, 406
Voegelin, Eric, 111, 131
Wadi ed-Daliyeh papyri, 291, 313
Wadi el-Hasa, 100, 101
Wadi Tumilat, 65, 68, 74
Warren’s Shaft, 191
War Scroll, 368
Way of the Land of the Philistines, 119
Way of the Sea, 74, 115, 119, 189
Ways of Horus, 74, 84, 119
weaving, Philistines and, 123–24
Weber, Max, 131, 135
Weeks, festival of, 358
Wegner, Judith Romney, 446
Weinfeld, Moshe, 275
Wen-Amun, tale of, 119, 122, 154
Weshesh, 86, 152. See also Sea Peoples
Whitelam, K., 204
Wicked Priest, 345, 367
and ark of the covenant, 156
itineraries, as literary genre, 66
wandering in, and Exodus, 58, 60, 79
Wilhelm, Gernot, 57
Wilken, Robert, 437
Wilkinson, John, 446
Wills, Lawrence M., 351
Wilson, John A., 7, 117
Wilson, Robert McL., 428
Wilson, Robert R., 164, 241
wine, Philistines and, 123
wisdom, personification of, 376
Wisdom of Jesus ben Sirach, 368
Wolff, Samuel R., 241
in early Christianity, 429–31
in early monarchy, 202–03
Jerome and, 431
Jewish, in Roman Empire, 441–42
as leaders in early church, 429
monastic communities of, 429
in New Testament, 429
in premonarchic Israel, 144–45
in stories of Esther, Judith, Tobit, 323
Temple and, 359
worship, of ancestors, 156
Wright, G. Ernest, 94, 111
Wright, Henry T., 203
alphabet and, 42
invention of, 18–19
Xenophon, 314
Xerxes, 299, 304–05, 451
Yadin, Yigael, 94
Yahdun-Lim (ruler of Mari), 36, 38–39
ark of the covenant and, 156
and asherah, 233–34
king of Israel and, 197
mercy seat and, 157–58
name of, 28, 53–54, 111
revealed to Moses, 108
Yahwism, 105
and central sanctuaries, 112–13
and Kenites, 111
Yahwist source (J), 28. See also J
Yamauchi, Edwin M., 316
Yamhad, 36, 37, 40–41
yam sw/(Reed or Red Sea), 67
Yanoam, 91–92
Yaqim (Alcimus), 333–34
Yarim-Lim, 39
Yasmah-Adad (son of Shamshi-Adad), 38–39
Yassine, K., 129
Yehoezer, 296
Yehud (Judah), 282, 286
archaeology and, 289, 303–04
boundaries of, 289
Judean revolt and, 304–05
as Persian province, 286–92
restoration community of, 291–92, 298–300
Yurco, Frank J., 131
Zadokite priesthood, 172, 291, 294, 297, 298, 301–02, 327
Zanker, Paul, 419
Zarqa River (biblical Jabbok), 10
Zealots, 364, 365, 380–83
Zechariah, 281, 290, 293, 294, 295, 297
Second, 290, 300
Zedekiah (king), 264–65, 450
defeat of, 266
Jeremiah and, 265
Zenon papyri, 319, 323
Zephaniah, book of, 243
Zertal, Adam, 129
Zerubbabel, 270, 286, 288, 293, 294, 295, 296, 299, 302–05
ziggurat, at Ur, 17
Zimri, dynasty of, 218
Zimri-Lim, 36, 38–39, 41
palace of, 35
Zoroastrianism, 278