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Slave For Rent

Page 7

by Samantha Cayto

  Paul leaned in and pitched his voice low. “Can you read?” Based on their few interactions over the year, he thought the slave could. But he might have just been good at hiding his illiteracy.

  Danny’s eyes flew up from where he’d stared down at the menu in his hands. He was biting his lower lip again. “Yes, sir. My mother taught me.”

  Paul sat back again. “Oh, that’s good.” Although it meant that Danny could see the segregation in the food choices and that just pissed Paul off. He wanted this evening to be perfect. Maybe he needed to find a different place for next time.

  “See anything you like? Forget what’s under the slave part. You can have anything at all.” He flashed the boy a smile, hoping Danny could read the sincerity in his words. Paul might not have the kind of money Danny was used to seeing with the Tanners, but the prices in the place were reasonable, plus Paul had always been careful with his money. He could more than afford a night out for dinner.

  He swore the boy bit down even harder on his lip before saying. “Um, I actually really like mac and cheese, sir. If that’s okay,” he added in a rush.

  Hmm. Paul dropped his gaze down to the menu once more. He hadn’t thought of that. Danny’s experience with food would be limited. How could he broaden the slave’s horizons without making him miserable?

  “May I make a suggestion, Danny?”

  “Of course, sir.”

  “How about fettuccini Alfredo? It’s kind of like an adult version of mac and cheese, especially if you put a lot of parmesan on it.”

  Danny nodded his head and closed the menu. “Whatever you think is best, Master Paul.” The boy stared at the table top as if he could divine some great meaning there.

  Shit. Why had he ever thought this might be an easy transition for a slave to make? “Danny, would you please do me a favor? Would you try to look at me when we’re talking?” Danny’s head shot up as if it were on a spring. His eyes ping-ponged around a bit, finally fixing on a spot somewhere around Paul’s nose.

  Paul sighed inwardly. Baby. Steps. He plastered a smile on his face. “Thanks. I know it’s hard to learn new rules, but it makes me happy for you to at least try.”

  The slave gave him a tentative smile back. Before they could continue with the issue of dinner, the server, a pretty slave boy, came up to take their drink orders. Paul ordered a light beer for himself and after a couple of rounds of “whatever you wish, Master,” managed to drag out of Danny that he’d like an iced tea. By the time the server returned with the drinks, Paul had come up with a brilliant solution for dinner. After ordering broiled chicken and roasted vegetables for himself, he ordered both the Alfredo and the mac and cheese for Danny. He grinned at Danny’s surprised, if not stricken, expression.

  “Let’s give it a taste test. If you don’t like the Alfredo, we can box it up and take it home. I’ll have it for lunch tomorrow. I love it. And if you do like the Alfredo, you can take the mac and cheese home for your lunch. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me,” the server said, the guy’s obvious confidence in speaking being a sign that the restaurant’s owners practiced something of what they preached.

  Danny nodded again. “Yes, sir.”

  Paul handed both menus to the server. “Thanks.” After about a minute of the two of them fiddling with their drinks and looking around, Paul decided that he needed to treat this night with Danny like any other date. “So tell me, Danny, have you lived with the Tanners your whole life?”

  Danny swallowed his mouthful of iced tea and after a second’s hesitation, raised his gaze to Paul’s nose again. Good, at least he was trying. “Yes, sir. My mom grew up with the mistress and came to live with her and the old master when they got married. I was their slave until I was old enough to work at the lumberyard. Now I belong to Tanner Lumber. At least during the week days,” he added, then hastily took a long pull of his drink. Although Danny’s skin tone made it a little hard to tell, Paul thought he saw the boy’s cheeks pink up with embarrassment.

  Paul chuckled. “Well, technically you still belong to Tanner Lumber. I just get the pleasure of your company on the weekends.” The color on Danny’s cheeks increased and not wanting to make the boy uncomfortable, Paul moved the topic away from their budding relationship.

  “How did you parents meet?”

  “My dad was part of a crew that did work on the house. My mom and dad both say it was love at first sight.” He paused and ducked his head. “I mean as much as slaves can feel love.”

  God, the simple statement saddened Paul. He’d heard that kind of crap his whole life, too. The idea that slaves didn’t feel the same way that free people did. Maybe that shit could be accepted back in the day, but modern medicine had debunked any theory that slaves were somehow biologically inferior to free people.

  Paul reached out and clasped Danny’s hand, twining their fingers together. “Slaves feel love every bit as much as free people, Danny.”

  The sudden movement had startled Danny, yet he didn’t try to pull his hand away or even just let it lie there passively. Instead, he squeezed his fingers into a firmer hold. “Thank you for saying that.”

  “I believe it.” Paul put as much fervor in his tone as he could manage.

  “I believe you.” For a brief second, the slave stared Paul right in the eyes. And he’d said two sentences without adding any honorific. Sure they’d been short sentences. Still, it showed some progress.

  “So, they fell in love,” Paul prompted.

  “By the time the project was finished, the mistress had given them permission to pair bond. A couple of years later, she allowed my mom to have me.” Danny shrugged as if to say that was all there was to his tale.

  Paul bet there was a lot more to it, though. No matter how nice or progressive Mrs. Tanner might have been, allowing slaves to pair up and breed by personal choice remained a rarity. A lot of people sterilized their slaves to avoid unwanted pregnancies and he’d also read that forced abortions were rampant because they were cheaper in the short run that sterilization. It would not surprise him to learn that Danny’s mother had fallen victim to such a heartless practice, although she likely would never have shared such information with her son.

  “Do you like working with your father?”

  Danny turned up a megawatt smile. “I love it, except living with him can be a bit much sometimes.”

  Paul rubbed the top of Danny’s hand with his thumb, enjoying the casual contact. “Hmm, I can imagine. Before I decided for sure I wanted to go into construction, my father got me a summer job at the factory where he works. It was awful. Every time I turned around, he was watching me. He kept better tabs on my doings than the foreman even.”

  Paul chuckled at the memory and surprisingly, Danny joined in. For a few moments, they were totally relaxed with each other and it delighted Paul. It gave him confidence that this arrangement would work.

  Chatting slowed down when their meals arrived. The Alfredo turned out to be a hit with Danny, his assurance that he liked it seeming genuine to Paul. The mac and cheese got shunted aside for the next day’s lunch. As hungry as each of them was, they made short work of the meal. At Paul’s urging, Danny ordered dessert. He picked chocolate peanut butter pie while Paul went for the bread pudding. Watching Danny lick the chocolate off a fingertip, Paul had to take a second to both rein in his libido and to shake off the feeling he was robbing the cradle. At times like this, Danny’s youth showed through.

  They spent the rest of the night watching a movie of Danny’s choosing. A dumb buddy comedy, the perfect thing for two guys to watch when they wanted something mindless. Like the previous night, Paul gradually pulled Danny into a cuddle by his side. It felt more natural this time, and while Danny stiffened oh so slightly at the first contact, he quickly settled into Paul’s embrace. Paul spent much of the movie carding his fingers through Danny’s thick locks, enjoying the soothing nature of the casual touch and hoping Danny felt the same way.

; Of course Paul’s dick took matters in an entirely different direction, stiffening with heated interest at the slave’s proximity. Paul tried not to squirm and resisted the urge to adjust his jeans into a more comfortable position. With his shirt untucked, he hoped it hid his condition from Danny. Paul was determined not to repeat the previous night’s disaster. As much as he wanted to blow Danny and be blown in return, he couldn’t give into the desire. The day had been perfect so far, including the masturbation scene in the bathroom. It would have to be enough. He couldn’t afford to get greedy.

  By the time the movie ended, they were both yawning, so Paul hustled Danny off to bed before locking up the house. Like the previous night, he found Danny lying under the covers on the right side, watching Paul’s movements with wariness. He expected to get fucked, probably, and part of Paul argued that it would be better to just get right down to it to allay the boy’s fears. The other part insisted that he stick to the gradual plan. For all the progress they’d made in getting to know each other and be comfortable in each other’s presence, they remained virtual strangers. He didn’t want to fuck Danny simply because the law said he could. Danny deserved to be courted like a free person and by doing so, Paul believed they’d both have a better experience for it.

  He returned from the bathroom, switched off the lights and slid into bed. Gathering Danny into his arms, he gave him a slow, soft kiss good night. Then he rolled them both into a spooning position and closed his eyes on a contented sigh. Funny, though, how he’d been so sleepy just minutes ago and now he felt wide awake. His cock did too. His well-thought out plan couldn’t convince his cock to lie there. Instead it rose up between the two bodies to press against Danny’s ass.

  The boy moved restlessly. Concerned that his unchecked libido frightened the slave, Paul made a reassuring hush against his ear. “It’s okay,” he murmured. “We’re just going to go to sleep.”

  Paul augmented his words by tracing lazy circles against Danny’s flat stomach that he hoped would lull the boy into sleep. But then the side of Paul’s hand brushed up against something that wasn’t part of Danny’s slight six-pack. Paul moved his hand down in exploration and bumped up against the head of an erect cock. Holy shit, Paul wasn’t the only aroused one in the bed. Telling himself that it meant nothing, that a kid Danny’s age would get hard at just about anything, he slid his hand down farther.

  Yup, Danny’s dick poked out from the waistband of his underwear. The boy let out a whimper and pushed back against Paul when Paul swiped the moist head. Okay, that signal was clear enough and now Paul had a choice. Either he ignored what both of them wanted and feel good about taking the high road, or give in and show Danny how good it could be between two willing men.

  Sure, that was it. He’d get their rocks off for the sake of Danny’s sexual education.

  Rationalization was a powerful thing. Slipping his hand inside Danny’s underwear, he clasped the rigid rod and gave it a gentle squeeze. Danny gasped and bucked into the hold in silent invitation for Paul to continue. At least that’s how Paul chose to interpret the movement. He slowly slid his fingers up the shaft, then down again. When Danny responded with a moan and wiggle, Paul did it again. And again, faster each time he made a new pass. Danny’s torso shook as his breath sped up and he made little mewing sounds. Paul could tell he was getting ready to shoot, so he anchored his fist at the base of Danny’s cock and squeezed it tightly to stop him from coming. Danny let out a frustrated whimper and strained against the hold.

  With a chuckle, Paul kissed the side of the boy’s neck. “Easy, baby. I don’t want you coming too soon. Learn to slow down. I promise you it feels even better when you let it build up.”

  After a second’s hesitation, the boy nodded and his body relaxed more into Paul’s embrace. Good. This was where Danny’s life-long training to follow orders would come in handy. As young as he was, Danny came too fast, racing to the finish, eager to find his release. If Paul helped him learn to savor the gradual journey, the experience would be better for both of them.

  When he believed Danny had himself under control again, Paul resumed his stroking. Up and down with a quick twist of his palm when he reached the head, Paul built the tension up once more. Again, at the point in which Danny’s sounds and movements led Paul to believe the boy was close to the edge, he pulled him back. Each time, Danny couldn’t hide his frustration, but he obeyed Paul’s unspoken command to throttle back and wait. Paul’s own dick throbbed in frustration. He couldn’t stop his hips from bucking against Danny’s ass in response to all of the wiggling and writhing going on. Paul had to bite his own lip in order to practice the lesson he taught Danny.

  Paul kept up the game of edging Danny until the kid practically vibrated out of Paul’s hold while uttering incoherent pleas for release. Letting his hand fly, jerking Danny, he gave the slave permission to come.

  “Now, Danny. Come for me, baby.”

  Danny cried out, his body going rigid and his hand landing on Paul’s arm. He dug his nails into Paul’s skin as Paul milked him through the orgasm. Warm cum spilled out over Paul’s fingers, slicking his progress. He kept stroking the throbbing shaft until Danny stilled after one last, long shudder. They lay entwined, both breathing hard, although for Paul it was a matter of unfulfilled desire. His cock strained against its confines, seeking entrance to Danny’s hole. But the fabric of Danny’s underwear remained an impenetrable barrier and Paul intended to keep it that way. He didn’t intend to remain in his current state, however.

  He pulled his hand away from Danny’s softening dick and made sure to tuck it back inside the underwear. Then he wedged his hand between their bodies and pulling down his own underwear, freed his dick. He sighed at the simple pleasure of palming his rod and giving it a tug. It would take nothing at all to send himself over the edge, too. That idea didn’t appeal to him. Fucking Danny’s hole was out of the question still, but there was another way. Using Danny’s cum as a lubricant, he slicked up his cock, pushed it down to a more horizontal position and slid it between Danny’s thighs.

  Danny turned his face toward Paul. “Master?”

  Paul could hear uncertainty in the slave’s voice as well as something else. Intrigue, maybe. Paul kissed the top of the boy’s head.

  “This is called frottage. It’s a great way for me to get off. I just need you to clamp your legs together as tight as you can.”

  The boy immediately complied, his slender thighs trapping Paul’s dick in the most delightful way. To give himself more leverage, Paul swung a leg over Danny’s and twined them closer together. He also urged Danny’s face back so that he could kiss him. He invaded Danny’s mouth with his tongue and set a rhythm of thrusting for both it and his cock. His arousal rocketed up in seconds and soon he had to work to keep himself from coming too soon.

  He gripped Danny’s hip to pull the boy’s body against his each time he pumped his own hips forward. When Danny’s hand moved to cover Paul’s, he smiled against his lips. The gesture assured Paul that the slave wasn’t simply enduring Paul’s attention. Paul picked up speed, anxious now to find his release and also ease the boy out of the contorted position Paul held him in. With a grunt and a groan, Paul came. He ground his pelvis into Danny’s ass and shot cum onto the tops of his thighs. His grip tightened of its own accord, testament of how strongly the orgasm ripped through his body. Danny’s fingers tightened, too, and he sucked hard on Paul’s tongue.

  As Paul’s climax wound down, he slowly released his hold on Danny, although he didn’t let him go entirely. They lay spooned once more, their breathing evening out. Paul nuzzled the top of Danny’s head.

  “Thank you. That was awesome,” he said in a low voice, wanting to reassure the slave.

  Danny said nothing in return. Paul frowned at the growing silence, worried that he’d hurt the boy in some fashion or scared him. Then he realized Danny had fallen asleep. With a smile on his face, Paul settled down to do the same.

  Chapter Seven

bsp; Danny returned to the lumberyard on Monday morning with mixed feelings. The weekend had been awesome in so many ways, yet it had also left him feeling like he’d maybe screwed up. Master Paul had certainly returned Danny in pretty much the same condition he’d taken him in, namely in a virginal state. Surely that hadn’t been the man’s intent when he’d struck the deal with Master Ben. Danny’s final hope that he’d be fucked had ended on Sunday night. The morning had started out promising with mutual masturbation. After a lazy day of puttering around the house and yard followed by an amazing dinner, Danny had fallen asleep watching a movie while the master had done some paperwork in his home office. To Danny’s mortification, the master had carried him into bed, where Danny had promptly dropped into sleep once more. There’d been no time for anything other than a hasty shower and breakfast before they’d left that morning.

  The master had seemed to be in a cheery mood on the drive over, but Danny didn’t trust that. One thing he’d learned over the weekend—Master Paul was a good man. Even if he was disappointed in Danny, he wouldn’t criticize Danny directly or even show it. He’d been nothing but kind to Danny the whole time. In return, all the man had received was a blowjob followed by a humiliating mess, a clumsy hand job and frottage, which Danny had to admit had been kind of hot. Danny, on the other hand, had received his first blowjob, expertly and mind-blowingly performed, and two equally fantastic hand jobs. By Danny’s count, the slave was up in points on the master based on quality of performance alone and that just couldn’t be right.

  Master Paul pulled up to the side entrance to the warehouse. He turned toward Danny, who braced himself for a so-long, Charlie, kind of dismissal. Instead, the master leaned over and gave him a lingering kiss, tongue and all. They were both breathing heavily by the time the master broke it off.


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