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Slave For Rent

Page 8

by Samantha Cayto

  “You better get out before I dive in for another one. I’ll see you Friday.” He gave Danny his trademark wink.

  Heart fluttering, Danny scrambled to get out of the truck, then stood dumbly and longingly, watching the master drove away. The man’s hand went up in a wave. Danny returned the gesture, hoping it could be seen through the rearview mirror and watched until there was nothing left to see. In a better mood than he had been in, he entered the warehouse and walked back to the woodworking area. He didn’t run into anyone, thankfully. He didn’t feel like talking about his weekend just yet, especially not to his father. He spotted Oliver, though, already sanding a piece they’d worked on the previous week. The other slave saw him, too, and stopped working.

  Oliver cocked his head as he watched Danny approach, his staring causing Danny to blush. Oliver grinned slyly at him “So, how was your weekend?”

  Danny opened his mouth, intending to give a flippant answer as if sleeping with a man was no big deal. Instead, his face crumbled and tears welled up. Oliver’s expression morphed into concern and he closed the distance between them. Grabbing Danny by one arm, he dragged him over to a quiet corner where no one could hear them.

  “That bastard,” Oliver spit out. “What did he do? I’ll ask Ben to cancel the lease right away.”

  “No! Please don’t.” Alarmed at the idea, Danny forced his tears to dry up. He clasped Oliver by the shoulders and gave him a pleading look. “Master Paul didn’t do anything wrong. I swear it. It was me. I made a mess of things and I’m not sure how much he wants me anymore.”

  Oliver’s expression softened. “What are you talking about? Didn’t you see the look on the man’s face when he picked you up last Friday? He’s into you big time.”

  Danny dropped his hold and his head in misery. “Yeah, that was before I puked on him. Well, not exactly on him. I managed to make it to the bathroom in time.”

  “I don’t understand. What made you sick?”

  Danny started to shrug the question off, as if he had no idea, then decided to come clean. Oliver already knew his dirty little secret anyway. “The first night after I gave him head, I just couldn’t keep it down.” He raised his gaze to the other boy. “All those memories of the time before came rushing back. I couldn’t keep them away or the contents of my stomach from coming up. I think I frightened Master Paul into thinking I’m some kind of baby that has to be treated with kid gloves.”

  Oliver sighed heavily. “I guess your reaction is understandable if not predictable.”

  “But I never had that trouble before. Why would I throw up after doing it to someone I really wanted to do it to? It makes no sense.”

  “I don’t know, some kind of delayed reaction I guess. Maybe because you feel safe with this master and can let it all out. What if you told him what happened? I bet he’d understand then.”

  Danny looked at Oliver with dawning horror. He grabbed the boy again even harder. “No, I can’t do that,” he hissed for fear that he’d shout it instead. “If I tell him and word gets back to the old master, he might hurt my mom. He still owns her, you know. She’s part of his personal household, not the company’s property. He might even sell her.”

  His voice came out at a frightened pitch toward the end and his stomach felt like heaving from the idea of his mother being sold off. He would likely never see her again. The old master would make sure of it.

  “Okay, calm down.” Oliver pulled Danny into a comforting hug. “I won’t say anything, but you should know that the old master already did tell Master Ben. He doesn’t seem worried about the information getting out. I’m simply worried about the memories affecting your life with Master Graham.”

  Oliver pulled away and held Danny at arms-length. His eyes looked Danny up and down as if gauging how stable he was. “Are you okay otherwise? I mean did he hurt you when he fucked you?”

  Danny rolled his eyes. “He didn’t fuck me. After I lost my dinner down his toilet, I don’t think he dared do it.”

  “Concern for you is a good thing, right?”

  Danny sniffled. “I guess. I was really looking forward to having sex for the first time, though.”

  Oliver chuckled. “I get it. So, that was it, he didn’t touch you for the whole rest of the weekend?”

  Danny’s cheeks heated up. Damn, he really needed to take the topic of sex more in stride. “He did touch me again, but it was just hand jobs and he sort of rubbed between my legs to get off.”

  “Frottage,” Oliver said with a beaming smile.

  “Yeah, that’s what he called it.”

  “Those sound like really fun experiences, and Danny, while that might not be fucking, it’s definitely sex. Master Graham is being careful with you. That’s a rare thing in a master.” He dropped his hold on Danny and looked away. “Two days after my eighteenth birthday I got reamed by this burly trainer. It wasn’t any fun at all.”

  Shit, now Danny felt like a douche. He knew Oliver’s background and how crappy he’d had it until Master Ben managed to acquire him. In comparison, Danny had nothing to complain about. His fears about Master Paul not wanting him were stupid. The man had kissed him senseless not ten minutes ago and promised to see him again on Friday. He needed to stop feeling sorry for himself and act like the lucky slave he was. That would be especially important when he met up with his father later in the day. He didn’t want him to worry.

  Danny put a smile on his face. “You’re right. I don’t know what my problem is. I had a great weekend. Master Paul even took me out to a restaurant for dinner that allows slaves to eat at the table with free people.”

  Oliver copied his change in mood. “You mean Open Circle?”

  “That’s the one.”

  “Ben and I’ve been there a few times.” As he spoke, Oliver moved out of the corner they hid in. It was past time to get to work.

  Danny kept up. “Master Paul let me order from the free person portion of the menu. He suggested I try fettuccini Alfredo. It was really good.”

  “I’ve had that before. It is good.”

  They kept talking all the way to their current project and apologized for being a few minutes late. Mr. Fiorello admonished them with a stern frown before putting them to work. The man had endless patience with his slaves. Soon Danny became so absorbed by his tasks, his worries about his weekend disappeared. Putting his hands on the wood, shaping it into something new, took him out of himself. He created things in this space, a future he’d never envisioned. He’d gone from grunt work to that which he found truly meaningful. Every time the thing he set out to make stood before him, he felt a measure of pride that made him almost giddy. He hoped the feeling never diminished.

  His happy morning came to an abrupt end when he once more had to go to the warehouse to grab some railing for Mr. Fiorello. He’d been so absorbed in finding the right model, he didn’t notice the man approaching him until it was too late. Mr. Fahey’s broad body slammed into his, sending him careening into shelving. Danny put his hands out to brace himself, but the supervisor grabbed him by his collar and reeled him around so they faced each other. Danny had only a second to register the sneer on the freeman’s face before being pushed back against the shelves he’d almost face planted into.

  “Well, well, nice to see you again so soon, Danny Boy.”

  Dropping his gaze before his emotions showed through his eyes, Danny didn’t bother to say anything. There wasn’t anything he could say that would make this situation better. Nothing would matter to Fahey. The man always had his own agenda and it would play out however he wanted. Danny found himself wishing for Master Paul to miraculously appear again. As that wasn’t likely to happen, he just needed to stay quiet and wait for Fahey to bore himself and let Danny go on his way.

  Fahey moved closer to Danny and ran his palm down Danny’s torso. Danny instinctively shrank away from the touch, not that he had anywhere to escape to. Fahey chuckled, enjoying Danny’s distress. The man kept moving his hand until it reached behind
to cup Danny’s ass. With a flick of his wrist, he yanked Danny flush against his body. The supervisor’s erection jutted into Danny’s pelvis. He turned his head and grimaced, but the freeman wouldn’t give him any space. Grabbing Danny by the chin, Fahey forced him to turn back. So Danny closed his eyes instead.

  Greedy, grasping fingers dug into Danny’s ass cheeks. “Too bad your hole isn’t cherry anymore. Pity. I bet Graham plowed you but good over the weekend. The fucker beat me to the punch, so to speak. He probably treated you like a little princess, too, instead of the dirty cunt that you are.”

  Fahey leaned in and pressed his lips against Danny’s ear. Danny cringed and whimpered when the guy stuck his tongue in. The man laughed low and cruel. “Oh, the lessons I could teach you, Danny Boy. Turn you into a proper slut.”

  Danny’s heart pounded so hard, he was sure Fahey could hear it. He hated being so afraid, but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t have any idea how he could get away from the man, not now, not ever. If he complained to Mr. Fiorello or asked Oliver to tell Master Ben, Fahey would just find a way to take it out on Big John. Unless he knew for sure that Fahey would get fired, Danny couldn’t take the chance. Besides, the man was all talk. He had to be. No way he’d do anything to another man’s boy.

  “Mr. Fahey?”

  The supervisor pulled back from Danny, although he didn’t let him go. Danny opened his eyes, but he didn’t feel any kind of relief. It was his father coming toward them, his face a mask of neutrality. Danny knew that look. Every slave knew how to hide their feelings behind a passive expression. Danny wasn’t fooled. He could detect the fury behind his father’s façade.

  “What do you want, John?” Fahey’s tone clearly conveyed his annoyance.

  Danny’s father stopped within a couple of feet of them. His gaze flicked over at Danny and down to Fahey’s hand, all in the blink of an eye. His expression didn’t change. “The master sent me to find you. He’s meeting with a new supplier by the entrance and has some questions for you.”

  Fahey huffed out a breath. “Yeah, fine. Get back to work.”

  Big John didn’t leave. He stayed rooted to his spot. “The master wanted to see you now, sir.”

  A few seconds ticked by. Danny watched the artery in the supervisor’s neck pulse with his irritation. Letting Danny go, the man stepped closer to the other slave and sent Big John’s head snapping with a backhanded slap. Other than a muted grunt, the slave said nothing. He slowly twisted his head forward again and remained silent. Danny had to bite back a cry at the casual violence and the blood trickling down where his father’s lip had split.

  “Watch your mouth, boy.” Nevertheless, Fahey stalked off.

  Danny heaved a few breaths in order to calm himself down. He pulled away from the shelving and ran shaky fingers through his hair. His father stepped up and put his hand on Danny’s shoulder.

  “You okay, son?”

  Danny nodded and sniffed back the tears threatening to come out, although this time they were driven by anger more than fear. “That bastard!” he hissed.

  “Yeah,” his father agreed with the kind of resigned tone that said he knew there was nothing to be done about it.

  “Did the master really want him?” He almost didn’t ask, figuring he knew the answer.

  “No,” Big John answered on a sigh. “But he is meeting with a new supplier and I bet he wants Fahey to go along on a tour of the warehouse.” He shrugged. “I don’t expect I’ll get into trouble for lying when all is said and done.”

  “You shouldn’t put yourself in that position. Not just ‘cause Fahey was pawing at me. It’s no big deal.”

  “Oh, son.” His father reached over and ruffled Danny’s hair. “It is a big deal, and protecting their children is what fathers do. At least that’s what I’ve seen free fathers do on television shows.”

  They stood silent for a few more seconds before Big John took a deep breath and asked, “Are you okay after this weekend? I mean, did Mr. Graham treat you well?”

  The way his father looked anywhere except at Danny spoke volumes. They were both uncomfortable with this new topic even more than the Fahey issue.

  Tipping his head so that he put his face in his father’s view, he gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m fine, Dad. Really. Master Paul is a really good guy. He bought me clothes and took me out to dinner.” Yeah, like that was what lingered in his father’s mind. Big John played along anyway.

  He smiled back. “Oh, yeah? That sounds nice. I’m, ah, glad.”

  “He’s been really patient and gentle with me,” Danny added because his father’s worry mattered more than Danny’s embarrassment. “I like being with him. You know. With. Him. I like men.”

  He saw his father hold back a wince. “I know. Your mother knows, too. We just want what’s best for you in the limited way available for a slave. If being with Mr. Graham makes you happy, then that’s all that matters. I just don’t want him to hurt you.”

  “He hasn’t and he won’t.” Danny said the words without hesitation. He knew he spoke the truth. “He’s not like Fahey, if only because I don’t think of him that way. Fahey makes my skin crawl. Master Paul makes my skin….” He paused before he said something to make his father shudder. “Not crawl,” he finished lamely.

  “Okay, then. Time for both of us to get back to work before we end up at the whipping post for a good reason.”

  Shit, the wood. With a hasty hug, he turned back to his task and was vaguely aware of his father walking away. Danny would have to be more careful in the future when coming into the warehouse. No matter what, he needed to hold his head high and not be a baby about stuff. He belonged to a good master, two of them, really. He couldn’t wait until Friday to see what the best master of all had planned for him.


  Friday afternoon had arrived at a glacial pace. Paul practically skidded to a halt inside the lumberyard’s parking lot, his driving being too fast in his haste to fetch his boy. He’d arrived a bit early because he couldn’t wait to get Danny back home and in his bed where Paul felt the slave already belonged. Three measly nights was all it had taken to get him used to waking up with the scent of someone else on the sheets, to the feel of warmth from where another body had slept beside him. The whole week, Paul had been waking up in the middle of the night and reaching for someone who wasn’t there. This intense longing had manifested even without their having actually fucked. How much more would his desire for Danny be after this weekend when he planned on taking that next crucial step?

  Despite his heavy work load, he’d fantasied every day about coming to Tanner Lumber on some pretext just to get a glimpse of Danny. Each time, he’d talked himself out of it. Danny had work to do. Even if Paul was willing to take time he couldn’t afford out of his own day to indulge his desire, it wouldn’t have been fair to the slave. The boy deserved some space. Besides, it wouldn’t have changed how Paul had to go home alone and jerk himself raw. God, he’d still been a walking erection every day.

  He was seriously considering asking Ben to expand the leasing arrangement to include week nights. What difference would it make to Tanner Lumber so long as Paul brought the slave back to work every morning? Of course, he’d only do that if Danny got onboard with a new schedule. Even though, unlike Ben, he hadn’t thought to give the boy any choice in this relationship—a guilty fact that gnawed at him some—he didn’t intend to continue it if he detected any hint that the slave didn’t return his interest. The leasing arrangement, instead of the outright purchase that Paul had originally planned, had been a good idea after all. Now that he’d spent time with Danny, had shared some intimacies with him, it had confirmed for him that things between them would only be fulfilling if done by mutual consent. Not that a slave’s consent could be trusted as being genuine. It could easily be given out of fear of punishment. He hoped that he’d get to know Danny well enough in the coming weeks to tell the difference.

  Entering the warehouse, he picked a path to take him
directly to the woodworking shop. He stopped and pivoted when someone shouted his name. Ben strode toward him and held out his hand.

  “How are you, Paul?”

  Paul took the hand and pumped it. “Fine, thanks. Just here to pick up Danny.”

  “Oh, sure. About that.”

  A spike of fear shot through Paul. “What? Is something wrong? Is he sick or something, or….” His words stuck in his throat. He had to clear it to continue. “Does he want to end the lease?” Please, God. He thought Danny had enjoyed himself for the most part.

  Ben’s smile sent relief coursing through Paul. “No, nothing like that. Oliver said that Danny liked his weekend.”


  “No, buts. Seriously. I’m just checking in on how you think it went.”

  “Good. Great, actually. Danny’s every bit as sweet as I imagined. And he’s,” Paul shrugged. “Not delicate really. Wary, I guess and who can blame him? Here this strange man whisks him off to a new home and all. I’m taking things slow the way I promised.”

  Ben nodded. “That’s good to hear. Danny’s so young and inexperienced for the most part.” The way Ben said that last bit made Paul think the man picked his words carefully. A subtext lurked, although Paul couldn’t make out what it was.

  “I know. We spent most of last weekend getting to know each other.” Paul huffed out a laugh. “He seems to think he’s my house boy, always cooking and cleaning. I had a hard time getting him to laze in bed Sunday morning.”

  He had managed to exchange hand jobs while they lay curled toward each other. The memory made him smile. There were worse ways to start the day, although there were better ways as well. He intended to show Danny just how good this weekend.

  Ben nodded again. “Slow’s a good plan.” Good apparently being the password for the day. Ben clapped Paul on the shoulder. “I won’t keep you. I just wanted to check in.”

  “I appreciate that you’re worried about him. I like knowing he spent his week in…safe hands.” He’d almost said good hands, then changed it at the last second because he and Ben were starting to sound like broken records.


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