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Slave For Rent

Page 9

by Samantha Cayto

  They parted ways and Paul double-timed it to Fiorello’s shop. The older man stood hunched over some piece with the two slaves flanking him. The freeman was obviously giving them some kind of instruction, so Paul stepped over to a corner to wait until Danny finished up. It took no more than a minute before the three guys straightened. Danny turned and when his gaze landed on Paul, the slave’s face broke out into a wide smile. He ducked his head a second later, but Paul had seen the reaction to his presence, and it gave him all kinds of warm fuzzies. Not to mention punched up his already half-hard cock.

  As soon as Paul perceived that Fiorello had dismissed the boys, he hurried over. “Hi.” He nodded quickly at Oliver and flashed a smile at Danny that he hoped mirrored the one he’d seen.

  “Hello, Mr. Graham,” Oliver said politely. “It’s nice to see you, sir, but if you’ll excuse me? My master is waiting.”

  “Of course. Have a great weekend.”

  “You too, sir.”

  The slave took off at a speed that one could read as concern over getting to his master quickly to avoid trouble. Paul, however, registered it as enthusiasm. He could tell Ben had a loving relationship with his boy. Maybe not everyone would see it that way. You had to be looking for the signs. It gave Paul hope with Danny because it meant Danny had a confidant who might encourage him to become closer to Paul.

  Paul’s gaze took Danny in with a long, slow sweep. Seeing him again felt like slaking a thirst. His palms itched with the need to grab the boy in a bear hug and kiss him senseless. Propriety stayed the impulse. Not only were they standing in a place of work, it was Danny’s place of work. Paul knew there would be little respect accorded a young slave even in a nice environment like Tanner Lumber, but he didn’t want to make Danny look like a pleasure slave, either. The kid was an apprentice to a woodworker, a skilled and honorable profession. He deserved to be seen as that and nothing less.

  “Ready to head home?” Paul asked, forcing himself to stay casual.

  “Yes, sir.” Danny bobbed his head with enough cheer to make Paul think he meant it.

  “Great, let’s go then.”

  Paul couldn’t resist clapping the boy on his back and keeping his palm lightly where it had landed. Okay, so he wasn’t so noble to deny himself all pleasure. It made the short journey back to his truck that much better, although the contact gave his cock more encouragement than it needed. The urge to drag Danny off to a corner for a quick fuck poked at Paul right up until they reached the truck and Paul had to let go to open the door for his slave. By the time Paul was seated on his side of the cab, he lost the battle with himself and pulled Danny in for a kiss that should have been quick. It lasted as long as it took for his lungs to demand he take a breath. With great reluctance, Paul slid his tongue out of Danny’s sweet mouth and nipped at his lower lip before pulling back entirely. He loved how the boy’s eyes remained closed, like he savored the contact still.

  Paul kept his palm where it had landed on the side of Danny’s neck. “I missed you,” he confessed in a low, breathless voice. Matching pink spots colored the boy’s cheeks while his eyes fluttered open. Paul stroked across the blush on one side with his thumb. “I love how your face heats up when you’re embarrassed. It’s adorable.”

  The blush deepened. “This is all so new to me.”

  “So long as it’s new in a good way.”

  “Oh, yes, sir.” The reassurance came in a rush of breath and Danny flicked his gaze up enough for Paul to see the truth in what he said.

  Paul pushed back and started up his truck. He hated letting go, but if he wanted to touch Danny more, he needed to get going. “Awesome,” he replied. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Eight

  Paul counted himself lucky not to have gotten a speeding ticket given how eager he was to make the journey back to his house. He hopped out and found Danny waiting for him on the other side. Taking out his keys, Paul fumbled with the lock while he pulled the boy in for another kiss. Paul’s dick hadn’t really settled down during the drive. Now, like a horse nearing the barn door, it strained to finish the journey. He and Danny both stumbled over the threshold, their embrace making them too wide and uncoordinated to move easily. The good news was that the slave didn’t remain passive. Danny leaned into the kiss and when the front of his body brushed against Paul’s hip, something hard could be felt.

  God, Danny was aroused too. Paul kicked the door shut, tossed his keys on the kitchen counter, and yanked Danny in close. His tongue lunged down Danny’s mouth, meeting its mate, sliding, twining and sucking. Paul’s hands swept up under the boy’s T-shirt and clutched at his sweaty back. They were both dirty from their day, the weather having turned warm as the week marched on. A shower was definitely in order. The idea of getting Danny naked and under a spray of hot water gave Paul all kinds of other, nastier ideas that would make them dirty in a totally different way.

  Lowering his hands, Paul cupped the underside of Danny’s ass and hoisted him up. The slave squeaked into his mouth, but got with the program quickly. He brought up his arms and legs to latch onto Paul like a Rhesus monkey. Damn, despite his slight build, Danny still packed some muscle and weighed enough to make Paul work at getting them both down to the master bathroom. Paul deposited Danny onto the counter next to the sink and ended the kiss reluctantly.

  “Jesus, you make me crazy,” he confessed. “I want you so badly.”

  Danny’s chest heaved. He looked up at Paul from under his long, lush lashes. “I want you too, Master Paul. I’ll do anything you want. Anything.”

  Once again, Paul’s dick was light years ahead of his brain. It jumped against his fly, desperate to be let out. An image popped into Paul’s head—Danny’s naked body bent over the counter, Paul’s cock sliding between Danny’s taut globes. Oh, shit did he want to fuck the guy right here, right now. But he couldn’t do that. Danny’s first time needed to be slow and sweet and done on a comfortable bed. Paul needed to take the edge off his need.

  “Shower first,” he said and grabbing the hem of Danny’s shirt, whipped it off him.

  Paul hastily stripped them both of their grimy clothes. Danny helped with the effort, testament to how eager he was as well to get naked together. Although the boy’s shyness still showed through, he acted more confident than he had the previous weekend, more at ease. It made Paul think that Danny had spent the five days apart nursing pleasant memories and the desire to enlarge their relationship. Paul just hoped the slave was interested in more than just physical intimacy.

  When they were both finally stripped to their skin, they took an unspoken moment to drink in each other’s bodies. Paul hadn’t had a chance to see clearly Danny’s cock at full attention. Long and slender like the rest of the boy, the head partially covered by its foreskin, it presented a tasty treat. Paul remembered how easily he’d swallowed it down their first night together. He couldn’t wait to do it again. Danny’s gaze was fixed on Paul’s dick, which Paul knew landed on the larger and thicker scale of men’s equipment. Danny’s tongue flicked out to lick his bottom lip before he started gnawing on it.

  Too much thinking was happening inside the slave’s head. Paul needed to distract him in order to chase away any growing fears. With a slow and gentle move, he reached out and pulled the boy into another kiss. They both moaned when their cocks brushed. Paul figured he could come from that friction alone. Instead, he moved them back toward the shower. He had to let Danny go again to turn on the spray and adjust the heat to the right temperature. As soon as he was satisfied, he guided Danny inside and shut the door behind him.

  Paul made sure that Danny stood directly under the water. He wanted to take good care of him and that meant getting him clean first. Paul started with the shampoo, squirting a dollop into his palm. He turned Danny away from him, at the same time tilting his head away from the spray. With his eyes closed, the slave couldn’t tell what was coming. He gasped when Paul’s fingers pressed into his hair, working the shampoo in to form a lather
. Danny held himself stiff for the first few seconds, then relaxed and let his head fall back more.

  The first washing got the worst of the sweat and oil out of the thick hair. Paul twirled Danny around to rinse quickly, then worked another squirt of shampoo into the wet locks. This time, he linger over the act, massaging his fingertips deep into Danny’s scalp. The boy moaned in obvious pleasure, his lips slightly parted. Bit by bit, the slave’s body turned boneless. He even allowed himself to rest against Paul’s chest. That simple evidence of trust sent a jolt of pleasure through Paul. His hips really wanted to buck forward to allow his cock to slide against the cleft of Danny’s ass. Too soon for that, but there were other ways to please them both.

  A new urgency took hold of Paul. He made short work of rinsing the hair and slapping on conditioner before grabbing the bar of soap. Once more, he turned the slave to stand facing him. Danny’s eyelids fluttered open a bit and he gave Paul a sweet smile of appreciation. Lathering up his hands, Paul used both of them to slide soapy bubbles down Danny’s neck, shoulders and chest. He avoided touching or even looking at the cheaply made synthetic collar hiding an inch of skin. Most of the time he didn’t even notice it. Here, in the evolving fantasy he spun of two guys having fun in the shower, the obvious evidence of slavery threatened to dampen the mood. So, he pretended that it didn’t exist at all and silently apologized to his boy for being so shallow. Danny had already shut his eyes tight, the smile not diminishing. Paul made white foamy tracks all down Danny’s torso, then down each leg, careful to avoid the boy’s cock and balls. That would come later.

  Turning Danny yet again, Paul repeated his effort on the boy’s back. He took a few seconds to admire the sleek muscles. Although there wasn’t much mass, there was plenty of definition. Danny had the kind of hard body that came from manual labor like Paul did. It just hadn’t bulked up as much and Paul hoped it never would. He liked the way the boy looked and loved the feel of his soft almost hairless skin. When Paul reached the tight ass, he swept his hands around the globes. They were the perfect handful, and he could have stood petting and squeezing them for hours.

  His dick howled in protest at the slow progress.

  Paul figured Danny’s cock was equally eager to pick up the pace, so he slid one hand around to Danny’s front and clasped the rod in his soapy grip. Danny grunted at the contact and his hips jerked forward. Paul didn’t let him get far. He pumped slowly a few times before palming the boy’s balls and slicking them up too. Paul used the forefinger of his hand still touching Danny’s ass to wash the crevice between the cheeks. The slave stiffened momentarily at the touch before relaxing again.

  “Good boy,” Paul crooned. He rubbed his finger up and down a few time before placing the tip of his finger at the entrance to Danny’s hole. He didn’t press inside, not yet, just made lazy circles.

  “Oh.” The one syllable was more like an expulsion of breath than any real sound. This time Danny’s hips bucked backward as if to encourage that exploring finger.

  Paul could take a hint. He rinsed the soap off Danny’s groin and maneuvered the boy so that his back pressed against the wall out of the line of spray. Keeping his hands right where they were, Paul knelt down. He ignored his knees’ protest over the painfully hard tile and concentrated on the pretty cock staring at him. His hand still gripped it and he pulled the foreskin as far back from the head as he could get it. Moisture pooled in the slit. Paul knew it was neither soap nor mere water. His tongue flicked out even before he made the conscious decision and lapped up the salty pre-cum.

  Delicious. His boy was a tasty treat to be enjoyed. Pressing forward, he took half the cock into his mouth in one gulp. He could hear the slave’s gasp and those slender hips jerked the rod in deeper. Paul welcomed it, taking it as far down as he could manage, licking the underside of the satiny length while sucking in earnest. His fingers encircled the rigid flesh at its base and when Paul sensed his boy might come too soon, he squeezed to hold him back. He smiled around his mouthful at Danny’s cry of frustration.

  Paul intended to make this blowjob last. At the same time, he wanted to ramp up the play. The still-soapy finger of his other hand continued to play with the puckered skin of Danny’s hole. He took a chance on pressing it inside just up to the first knuckle. A spasm ran through Danny’s body. Paul hoped that was a good thing. He worked the cock in his mouth with greater vigor as a distraction while he slowly sank his finger in as far as it would go. Then he crooked it, looking for that magical bundle of nerves. The moment he found it, Danny let out a harsh cry. The slave’s arms were hanging down and his palms were plastered against the wall. He twitched when Paul rubbed against his prostate again, and his fingers curled around the slippery tile.

  Soon the slave’s entire body vibrated and he began a steady stream of keening cries and incoherent begging. Afraid that Danny might topple over at any moment, he brought him to climax. With one last lunging effort to take the slave’s cock all the way down his throat, he swallowed convulsively. Danny shouted and his feet started to slide out from under him. Paul pulled his finger out of Danny’s hole and wrapped both arms tightly around the boy’s hips to hold him upright. But he didn’t stop working that sweet cock until the last of the cum dribbled out.

  Once Danny stilled, Paul stood up. His knees protested, a painful reminder that he wasn’t getting any younger. Damn, he needed a softer, more comfortable place for sex. He had no regrets, however. A little pain was worth the hotness of taking his boy in the shower. Paul kept hold of Danny’s body to make sure he was steady and leaned down for a kiss. The slave welcomed his tongue in with a breathy sigh and wrapped his arms around Paul’s waist. That simple gesture of trust made everything that much better. Their embrace trapped Paul’s dick between them. He groaned and thrust against Danny, enjoying the friction. A vague plan of getting off this way had just formed in his mind when Danny shifted them around with surprising strength.

  Now it was Paul pressed against the wall and his slave on his knees. Danny clasped Paul’s straining cock, squeezed, then pumped. Deft fingers cradled Paul’s tight sack, massaging them in rhythm with the strokes of the other hand. Pressing the back of his head against the tile, Paul closed his eyes and focused on the pressure building up in his balls. He wouldn’t last long. Wet warmth brushing the head of his cock caused him to jerk. His eyes flew open and he looked down just as Danny took him into his mouth.

  “No, you don’t….” Paul’s words stuttered to a halt as his dick disappeared from sight. “Fuuuck.”

  The part of his brain that wanted to stop Danny from doing something that might make him sick again shorted out. The sensation of being gobbled down into that tight heat overwhelmed his better judgment. Instead, he took hold of the top of Danny’s head and urged it closer. The boy swallowed and hummed, his fingers squeezed Paul’s nuts. That’s all it took. Paul came with a shout that ricocheted around the tiled enclosure. His fingers twisted in the wet strands within his grasp. He tugged and bucked his hips as the orgasm crested and fell.

  When it ended, Paul slowly became more aware of what he’d done. Popping open his eyes, he straightened up and unclenched his fingers. He gazed down at Danny’s head, worried that he’d hurt his boy and made him sick. But Danny’s tongue still worked Paul’s cock, nursing it through its deflation. When the boy finally pulled away, he looked up at Paul with an expression of both satisfaction and something else that Paul vaguely read as adoration. No, that couldn’t be right. They barely knew each other. Danny was a slave and trained to please whoever owned or controlled him. Anything more was a rationalization on Paul’s part.

  Still, the boy wasn’t heaving up Paul’s cum, so that was progress. Paul brushed Danny’s hair back from his face and gave him a smile. Then he pulled him up for another kiss.

  “That was awesome. Thank you.”

  He kissed Danny again briefly and suddenly Paul couldn’t get enough air in his lungs. Probably all the steam enveloping them. He inwardly winced picturing
what his water bill would look like. Yeah, just atmospherics making him breathless because as much as he’d coveted this slave for months, he hadn’t known the boy long enough to feel anything too heavy. Still, he didn’t seem to able think in a straight line with the boy in his arms. With a swat on Danny’s butt, he shooed him out of the shower.

  “Go dry off and put on something comfortable. I’m going to wash up quickly and order us a pizza. I’m too tired to go out tonight.”

  Danny treated him to a dazzling smile as he complied. “Thank you, Master. Pizza is one of my favorite treats.”

  The enthusiasm and confession made Paul’s chest tighten again. Shit, it took so little to make the boy happy, and he was determined to learn everything that did.


  Danny stifled a yawn as the game headed into extra innings. God, baseball bored the tar out of him, but the master loved it, so Danny pretended to as well. Besides, it felt good being curled up against the man, held in his embrace, warm and wanted. Protected. Safe. How could he not like the man after what they’d shared in the shower? It wasn’t only that his master had given him a blowjob to end all blowjobs, it was that once again, he’d given it to Danny first. Danny had always assumed that no matter what kind of relationship a slave ended up sharing with a master, that master’s needs would always come before the slave’s. Master Paul had taught him differently. Each time they’d shared pleasure, the master had always given before taking.

  The master hadn’t even expected anything in return, not if his protests had been genuine and Danny believed they had. Of course, given Danny’s reaction the first time he’d sucked the guy off, the master’s expectations might have been colored. Barfing was so not cool, but whatever weirdness had lurked in Danny’s mind about the act had mercifully remained silent. His stomach hadn’t rebelled in the least as the master’s cum slid down. Danny figured it was all about replacing bad memories with good ones. Everything he did with this new master made him happy. And, while a small thing in comparison, the master had even allowed Danny to pick the toppings for their pizza.


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