The Victorians

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by A. N. Wilson

Rerum Novarum, 517–18

  Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 90

  Leopold II, King of the Belgians, 489

  Leopold, Prince, Duke of Saxe-Coburg (later King of the Belgians), 54, 242, 504

  lesbianism, 568

  see also homosexuality

  Leslie, Sir Shane, 327

  Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 389

  Lewes, George Henry, 167, 349–50, 412–13

  Goethe, 349

  The Physiology of Common Life, 417

  Lewis, Charles, 32

  Lewis, Clive Staples, 556

  Lewis, Matthew Gregory (‘Monk’), 301

  Liberal Party

  amd educational reform, 362

  disintegration, 573

  election defeat (1895), 595

  in election of 1885, 478

  election victory (1868), 331–2, 354

  election victory (1880), 404

  election victory (1906), 581, 593–4

  favours capital punishment, 336

  formed from Whig-Radical alliance, 71

  under Gladstone, 379

  and Ireland, 454, 478–80

  and Irish famine, 75, 77

  and Labour Party, 578, 587–9

  and Parnell, 534

  principles, 386

  resists 1866 Reform Bill, 331

  and social reform, 444, 447

  see also Whigs

  Liberal Radicals, 447, 508

  liberalism, 127, 362


  Comte and, 110

  and free market, 111

  Mill and, 132

  personal, 38, 111

  and security, 109, 134

  Liddell, Alice, 323–5, 352

  Liddell, Henry George, Dean of Christ Church, 273, 324–5

  Liddon, Henry Parry, Canon of St Paul’s, 398

  Light Brigade: at Balaclava, 182–3, 192

  light bulbs (electric), 384, 494

  Lightfoot, Joseph Barber, Bishop of Durham, 64

  Lincoln, Abraham, 248, 253–4, 268, 416

  Lincoln, Susan, Countess of, 84

  Linnell, Alfred, 510

  Linton, William James, 43

  literacy, 363

  liver-rot (in sheep), 428

  Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of, 546

  livestock, 428

  see also agriculture

  Livingstone, David, 488–9, 493

  Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, 493

  Llanthony Abbey (Wales), 439, 451

  Lloyd, Marie, 521–4

  Lloyd George, David (later 1st Earl), 545–6, 574, 580, 592–5, 617

  Lloyd George, Margaret (née Owen), 595

  Lobengula, King of Matabeleland, 605

  Local Government Act (1888), 587, 589

  Local Government Board, 345, 587–9

  Localisation Act (1872), 357

  Lodge, Sir Oliver, 494


  and Chartist violence, 117

  conditions of poor in, 34, 365–6, 368, 442–3, 521

  Docks, 365–6, 368

  East End, 521, 524–5

  population, 443

  suburbs, 443, 573

  London County Council, 587

  London Necropolis, 544

  London Oratory, 140

  London School of Economics, 576

  London School of Medicine for Women, 312, 421

  London and Westminster Review, The, 109

  London Working Men’s Association, 42

  Longford, Elizabeth, Countess of, 506

  Longhurst, Arthur E.J., 197–8

  Lords, House of

  destroyed in fire, 14

  hereditary peers in, 585

  Irish interests, 80

  reaccommodated, 62

  rebuilt, 64

  see also Parliament

  Lorne, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquess of (later 9th Duke of Argyll), 503

  Louis Napoleon, Prince Imperial, 402

  Louis-Philippe, King of the French, 114, 116, 123

  Louise, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg (Prince Albert’s mother), 54

  Louise, Princess (later Marchioness of Lorne and Duchess of Argyll), 503, 614

  Lovett, William, 42–3, 45–6, 119

  Low Church, 366

  Lowder, Father Charles, 365, 369–70

  Lowood School see Clergy Daughters’ School, Casterton

  Lucan, George Charles Bingham, 3rd Earl of, 179, 181–3

  Lucknow: in Indian Mutiny, 204, 208, 215–17, 219, 222–3

  Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry Lugard, Baron, 490–2

  The Rise of Our East African Empire, 491

  Lyell, Sir Charles, 128, 228

  Principles of Geology, 97–8, 104

  Lyndhurst, Georgiana, Lady, 26

  Lyon, John, 281

  Lyons, Admiral Edmund, 1st Baron, 179

  Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell Lyons, 1st Earl, 312

  Lyte, Henry Francis: ‘Abide with Me’ (hymn), 103–4

  Lyttelton, Mary Catherine, 530

  Lyttelton, Sarah, Lady (née Spencer), 240

  Lytton, Edward Bulwer-, Baron, 323

  Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, 1st Earl of, 397–8, 400–1, 499

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron

  on class conflict, 115

  mocks Gladstone, 49, 70, 101

  optimism, 129

  in Parliament, 66

  views on Irish Catholicism, 7

  on Wiseman, 139

  and working hours, 151

  McCaffrey, Edward, 453

  McCalmont, Hugh, 466

  MacCarthy, Fiona, 415

  Macdermott, Gilbert Hastings, 399n, 400

  MacDonald, George (poet), 169–70, 327–8

  Phantastes, 170, 328

  Theological Essays, 170

  Macdonald, George (Wesleyan minister), 169n

  Macdonald, General Sir Hector, 599

  MacDonald, James Ramsay, 456, 573, 592

  McDougal, Mr & Mrs Colin, 32

  Machen, Arthur, 553

  MacKenzie, Dr Morell, 503

  MacKonochie, Rev. Alexander Heriot, 366, 369

  Macmillan (Sir) Frederick, 296

  Macmillan’s Magazine, 255n, 295, 302, 305, 314, 319

  Macnaghten, Sir William Hay, 124

  MacNeile, Hugh, Canon of Chester, 69

  McTaggart, J.M.E., 570

  Mafeking, 597, 600, 610–11, 613

  magistrates, 44

  Mahdi, the (Mohammed Ahmed), 467–70, 607

  Maillet, Benoît de, 97

  maize, 76–7, 81

  see also Ireland: Famine

  Mallet, Marie, 614

  Malta, 69

  Malthus, Daniel, 11

  Malthus, Thomas Robert

  and Ireland, 76

  and laizzez-faire, 75

  on race, 375

  Essay on Population, 11–12, 15, 224–5, 448, 612

  Manchester Guardian (newspaper), 82

  Manchester, William Montagu, 5th Duke of, 69

  Mann, Tom, 513

  Manners, Lord John see Rutland, 6th Duke of

  Manners-Sutton, Charles (later 1st Viscount), 13

  Manning, Frederick George and Maria, 337

  Manning, Henry Edward, Cardinal

  avoids school, 283

  and Bradlaugh, 449

  Disraeli portrays in fiction, 380

  and Dock Strike, 515

  and education reforms, 363

  funeral, 539–42

  Gladstone and, 372, 374

  ordained as Catholic priest, 142

  and Parnell, 458

  social concerns, 517–18, 540

  supports Dilke, 458, 476

  supports Disraeli’s Irish Catholic university, 379

  and temporal power of papacy, 516, 540

  Marconi, Guglielmo, 494

  Marie-Louise of Orléans, Queen of Leopold I, 54


  age of, 324

  and class, 260–1
r />   and prostitution, 310–11

  published guidance on, 261

  see also women

  Married Women’s Property Act (1882), 248

  Marryat, Captain Frederick: The Children of the New Forest, 330

  Marsh, Jan, 160, 316

  Marshall, James, 410

  Marshall and Snelgrove (department store), 410

  Martin, John, 171

  Martineau, Harriet

  on factory workers, 153–4, 250

  principles and views, 152, 167–8

  on Russian threat, 174

  The Factory Controversy, 152

  Half a Century of the British Empire, 152

  Marx, Eleanor, 510–11, 548

  Marx, Karl

  on Aberdeen as Russian spy, 187–8

  aims, 236

  on British constitution and class, 61

  calls for unity of proletariat, 120

  on class conflict, 115, 119

  on dangers of Pan-Slavism, 187–8

  on Darwinism, 232

  death and burial, 440, 510

  and determinism, 132

  and Dickens, 335

  on English Christianity, 149–50

  on European political structures, 187

  Hardie and, 581

  ideas, 361, 480, 519, 576

  influence, 444

  influences on, 235

  in London, 114, 120, 262, 617

  on Napoleon Bonaparte’s coup d’état, 147

  optimism, 413

  on Palmerston, 187, 189

  on religion, 168

  on working day, 153–4

  Capital (Das Kapital), 153–4, 231, 397, 444

  The Civil War in France, 344

  The Communist Manifesto (with Friedrich Engels), 114, 119–20, 230

  The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, 147

  Marxism, 508, 576

  Mary Agnes, Sister, 439

  Masham, Samuel Cunliffe-Lister, 1st Baron, 583

  masturbation, 288–9

  match workers, 154, 511–12

  Mathers, Liddell: The Kabbala Unveiled, 551–2

  Matrimonial Causes (or Divorce) Bill (1858), 234, 306

  Matthew, Colin, 354, 369

  Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de, 97

  Maurice, Frederick Denison

  on Crimean War, 187, 194

  criticizes Tractarians, 323

  Elizabeth Garrett influenced by, 313n

  in Ford Madox Brown painting, 158

  ideas and beliefs, 169–70, 405, 516

  Kingsley influenced by, 149, 296, 301, 304

  social influence, 367, 520

  and women’s education, 284

  The Kingdom of Christ, 299, 301

  Mauritius, 69

  Maxse, Lieutenant Henry Fitzhardinge, 182

  Mayern, Baron von (Prince Albert’s supposed father), 55

  Mayhew, Henry, 115, 155, 168, 521–2

  Adventures of the Sandboys Family, 145

  Maynooth: Royal College of St Patrick, 67–70, 75–6, 101, 338

  Mazzini, Giuseppe, 84, 88–9

  Mearn, Andrew, 442

  Mechanics Magazine, 136


  women study, 311–12, 421

  see also doctors

  medievalism, 65, 67, 101, 185

  Meerut (India), 201, 203–5, 208–9

  Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount

  affairs, 459

  attitudes to workhouses, 28–9

  and burning of Parliament, 14

  character, 27

  death, 168

  government, 48–9

  and Jamaica Assembly, 53

  loses office (1839), 47

  Norton sues, 305

  relations with Victoria, 14, 27, 53, 57

  resignation, 63

  Mells (house), Somerset, 558

  Mendel, Gregor Johann, 232

  Menelik, Abyssinian Emperor, 608

  Menshikov, Prince Alexander Sergeyevich, 181

  Meredith, George: Diana of the Crossways, 307

  Mesmer, Franz Anton, 105

  Mesmerism, 105–7, 153

  metaphysics, 545–6, 570–1

  Methodism, 577

  Methuen, General Paul Sanford Methuen, 3rd Baron, 610

  Metropolitan Police Force, 13, 37–8

  Metternich, Clemens Wenzel Lothar, Prince, 114, 123

  middle classes

  aspirations, 191–2

  childhood in, 260

  comfortable condition, 262

  defined, 281–2

  and marriage, 260–1

  and prostitution, 311

  and religious faith, 169

  and schooling, 279, 281–2

  shopping, 410

  and socialism, 446

  tax increases and support of, 125

  see also bourgeoisie; class (social)

  Midlothian, 404–5, 417, 465

  military resources see army

  Mill, Harriet Taylor: Enfranchisement of Women, 311

  Mill, James, 37–8, 109, 202

  Mill, John Stuart

  avoids school, 281

  background and upbringing, 108–9, 260

  as Bertrand Russell’s grandfather, 571

  on capital punishment, 337–8

  and Contagious Diseases Acts, 474

  criticizes Governor Eyre, 270–1

  at East India Company, 37, 108–9

  and Green, 519–20

  influence, 109–11

  and liberty, 132

  political views, 111–12

  and women’s rights, 313–14

  The Subjection of Women, 311

  A System of Logic, 110

  Millais, Effie see Gray, Euphemia

  Millais, Sir John Everett, 159–60, 165–6

  Miller, Annie, 161–4, 171

  Miller, Jonathan: Darwin for Beginners, 229, 233

  mills see factories

  Milman, Henry Hart, Dean of St Paul’s, 12

  Milner, Sir Alfred (later Viscount), 608–9

  Milnes, Richard Monckton (later 1st Baron Houghton), 66

  Milroy, Dr Gavin, 157

  Milton, John

  Comus, 315

  Paradise Lost, 229–30, 279

  mines: conditions in, 151, 618

  Minter, Dr, 274

  Minton & Co. (china manufacturers), 128

  missionaries (Christian), 486–8

  Mitchel, John: The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) 1860, 80

  Mitchelstown, Co. Cork, 532

  Mivart, H. St George, 233

  Mohammed Aga, 396

  monarchy (constitutional), 57, 59, 65, 147, 244, 359–60

  see also royal family

  Montenegro, 394–5

  Moody, Dwight L., 377, 405

  Moonlight, Captain, 453, 455

  see also Land League (Ireland)

  Moore, George Edward, 569–70

  Moore, Samuel, 114, 120

  Mordaunt divorce case (1870), 360

  Morley, James, 208

  Morley, John, Viscount, 84, 255–6, 258, 362, 455, 462–3, 534–5, 579, 581

  Mormons, 549–50

  Morning Advertiser, 259

  Morning Chronicle, 164

  Morning Herald, The, 258

  Morning Post, The, 259, 292, 461

  Morris, William

  designs, 164, 446

  ideas, 361

  in Red House, 262

  revivalism, 185

  socialism, 444–6, 480, 508, 511

  at Trafalgar Square demonstration, 509–10

  and Wagner, 414–15

  ‘A Death Song’, 510

  News from Nowhere, 46

  Sigurd the Volsung, 414

  Mortara, Edgar, 371–2

  Moses, Revd Staintin, 439

  Mosley, Sir Oswald, 594

  motor cars, 494

  Muddock, J.E.: The Great White Hand, 217

  Mumler, W.H., 439

  Munby, Arthur J., 319–21

  ‘Munshi, the’ see Karim, Abdul

  Murat V, Ottoman Sultan, 394–5

  murder, 337–8, 521–9

  see also Jack the Ripper; Kent, Constance

  Murray, Grenville, 381

  Murray, John (publisher), 98, 226, 397

  music, 410–24

  music halls, 521–4

  Muybridge, Eadweard, 437

  Muzi, Paolo, 372

  Mwanga, King of Uganda, 486–8, 491, 493–4

  My Secret Life (by ‘Walter’), 526

  Myers, Frederic William Henry, 439

  myth: as response to materialism, 557

  Namier, Sir Lewis Bernstein, 586

  Nana Sahib see Dhondu Pant

  Napier, Sir Charles, 46, 66, 125

  Naples, 84–6

  Napoleon III, Emperor of the French coup and establishment as Emperor, 146–7

  and Crimean War, 184–5

  declares war on Prussia, 343, 347

  elected (1849), 113

  exile in England, 344–5, 617

  in Palestine dispute, 173

  smoking, 199

  supports Elizabeth Garrett’s medical studies, 312

  visits Carlyle, 345

  W.G. Palgrave visits, 275

  Nasmyth, James, 138

  Natal, 124, 126

  National Education League, 363

  National Secular Society, 548

  National Union of Gasworkers and General Labourers, 512–13

  Nationalist Socialist Federation, 578

  natural selection, 15, 148, 225, 228–9, 232–4

  see also Darwin, Charles; evolution, theory of navy

  expansion of, 351–4, 423

  and suppression of slave trade, 52

  Neill, Colonel James, 214–15, 217

  Nelson, Colonel Alexander Abercromby, 271

  New Journalism, 463–4

  New Poor Laws see Poor Laws

  New Statesman and Nation (journal), 576

  Newbolt, Sir Henry John: ‘Vitae Lampada’, 292, 608

  Newcastle-on-Tyne, 251

  Newman, John Henry, Cardinal background and career, 101–2, 323

  and Christian Socialism, 149

  converts to Catholicism, 103, 140, 172

  and Crimean War, 180

  dispute with Kingsley, 302–4

  and doctrine, 366

  fury at Jerusalem bishopric, 172

  and Gladstone, 375

  hymns, 103

  ignorance of German, 348

  schooling, 283

  Apologia pro Vita Sua, 303–4

  An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, 100–3, 373

  Lectures on the History of the Turks, 180

  Newnham College, Cambridge, 421, 480

  newspapers see Press, the

  Nicholas I, Tsar, 173, 187

  Nicholas, Prince of Montenegro, 394

  Nicholson, Brigadier John, 210, 213, 217

  Nicklin, Richard, 199

  Nietzsche, Friedrich: Also Sprach Zarathustra, 440

  Nightingale, Florence

  in Crimea, 175, 177–8

  founds school of nursing, 284

  letter from Jowett, 364

  on Palmerston, 52

  on working class, 443

  Nineteenth Century (periodical), 587

  ‘No Popery’, 69, 139


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