The Victorians

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by A. N. Wilson

  see also Catholic Church

  Nobel, Alfred, 495

  Nolan, Captain Lewis Edward, 182

  Nonconformism, 377, 577

  see also Christianity; Church of England

  Norfolk, Henry Charles Howard, 13th Duke of, 141

  Norfolk Island, 127

  North, Frederick, Lord, 208

  North London Collegiate School for Girls, 284–5

  North-East England: prosperity in, 250–1

  Northbrooke, Thomas George Baring, 1st Earl of, 465

  Northcote, Sir Stafford (later 1st Earl of Iddesleigh), 389

  Northern Echo (newspaper), 464

  Northern Ireland see Ulster

  Northern Star, The (Chartist newspaper), 41, 45, 113, 116

  Norton, Caroline (née Sheridan; later Lady Stirling-Maxwell), 305–7, 314

  Norton, Richard, 305–6

  Notes and Queries (periodical), 457

  nouveaux riches, 383

  see also rich, the

  O’Brien, James Bronterre, 41–2

  O’Brien, William, 509, 532

  O’Connell, Daniel, 66

  O’Connor, Feargus, 41–6, 118–19

  Offenbach, Jacques: Thespis, 418n

  Olcott, Henry, 550–1

  oligarchy, 42–3, 385–6

  Omar Pasha, 200

  Omdurman, battle of (1898), 471, 608

  Opera Comique Theatre, London, 417

  Oppenheimer, Henry, 389

  Orange River, 124

  Orthodox religion: in Russia, 170, 185, 415

  Osborne House, Isle of Wight, 56, 117, 128, 240, 614

  O’Shea, Katharine (‘Kitty’), 457, 460, 533–4, 565

  O’Shea, Captain William, 533–4

  Ottoman Empire (Turkey)

  and Balkan crisis, 394–6, 399–401

  bankruptcy, 393–4

  and Christian claims on Holy Land, 172–3

  and cigarette smoking, 197–8

  decline, 198, 391–4

  and ‘Eastern Question’, 187–8, 393

  nationalist aspirations in, 391–3

  Urquhart in, 188

  wars with Russia, 174, 399–401

  see also Crimean War

  Oudh (India), 215–16

  Oundle School, 281

  Ovid, 97–8

  Owen, Sir Richard, 227, 298, 350

  Owen, Robert, 42, 575

  Oxford Movement, 101, 103, 140, 366–7, 370

  Oxford University: women at, 480

  Pacifico, David, Don, 133–4, 146, 190

  Palestine see Holy Land

  Palgrave, Francis (ed.): The Golden Treasury, 275

  Palgrave, Sir Francis (born Cohen), 275

  Palgrave, William Gifford, 275

  Pall Mall Gazette (journal), 389, 459, 462–4, 469, 472, 474–6

  Palmerston, Emily Mary, Viscountess (née Lang; then Countess Cowper), 190, 193

  Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount

  affairs, 459

  on American Civil War, 253–4, 158

  on aristocracy, 192–4

  attacks Urquhart, 188–9

  character, 188–9, 191–3

  commits rape, 190

  compared with Churchill, 189

  and Crimean War, 184, 187, 189, 191–3

  death, 190, 271, 330

  and Don Pacifico affair, 133–5, 146, 190

  foreign policy, 147, 237, 239

  funeral, 320

  and Great Exhibition, 137

  as Home Secretary, 146

  and Matrimonial Causes Bill, 234

  oversees interventions at Brazilian ports, 51–2

  and overthrow of Louis-Philippe, 117

  parliamentary career, 66

  and political change, 192–3

  popularity, 190–1, 193

  praises Free Trade, 264

  premiership (1855), 188–91, 240

  and Reform Bill, 39

  and religion, 185

  resigns over Louis Napoleon Bonaparte’s coup d’état, 146

  and revolutions of 1848, 123

  as ‘Russian spy’, 187–9

  and Schleswig-Holstein, 239, 347

  and succession to Peel, 136

  treatment of Irish tenants, 51, 80–1, 193

  Victoria’s hostility to, 190

  and working hours, 151, 193

  Pan-Slavism, 187, 392

  Pandenanga, Ramchandra (Tatya Tope), 208, 211–12, 219–20, 223

  Panopticon (prisons), 38

  Pant, ‘Dedhu’, 222

  Papal Infallibility, 372–3, 375

  Paris, Peace of (1856), 186, 189

  Paris Commune (1871), 199, 343–4

  parishes, country, 425–33

  Parkes, Bessie, 312, 540


  aristocracy and rich in, 385, 481–2

  composition of, 62

  function, 361–2

  Jews in, 408

  Keir Hardie in, 573, 577, 580–2

  oath, 448–9

  party system in, 354, 481

  payment for members, 43

  property qualifications for membership, 43

  and representation, 385–6, 573

  women in, 480–1

  and workers’ conditions, 154

  Parliament, Houses of

  destroyed by fire, 9–10, 13–14, 35

  electric light in, 434

  rebuilt, 14, 62–5, 185

  upkeep, 9

  see also Lords, House of

  Parnell, Charles Stewart

  adultery, 457, 460, 533–5

  background and career, 454–7

  death, 453, 536

  downfall, 534–6, 565, 591

  and Home Rule, 531

  imprisoned, 455

  and Irish land agitation, 530–1

  marriage to Katherine O’Shea, 536

  popularity, 533

  and Times forgeries, 531–3

  see also Ireland

  Parry, Sir Charles Hubert Hastings, 56, 410–11, 614

  parsons (Anglican), 425–6, 429–30

  see also Church of England

  Partridge, S.W.: Upward and Onward, 261

  Pater, Walter, 554, 557

  Marius the Epicurean, 554

  Studies in the History of the Renaissance, 554

  Patmore, Coventry

  The Angel in the House, 305, 307, 314–15

  The Unknown Eros, 314

  Pattison, Emilia (Lady Dilke), 457–8

  Pattison, Mark, 348, 442, 462

  paupers see poor, the; poverty; workhouses

  Paxton, Sir Joseph, 129–30, 144–5

  Peel, Janus, 59

  Peel, General Jonathan, 331

  Peel, Sir Robert

  and abolition of Corn Laws, 58, 61–2, 66, 72–3, 135, 427–30

  and abolition of slavery, 49

  assessed, 135–6

  background and character, 27, 58–60, 72

  conservatism, 71

  death, 133, 135

  on Don Pacifico affair, 135

  economic and political reforms, 61–2

  economic views, 133

  forced from power, 73

  and founding of police force, 38–9

  and Free Trade, 58, 61–2, 72, 133

  and Great Exhibition, 128

  and Irish famine, 76–7

  and Maynooth grant, 68–9

  parliamentary career, 58–9, 62

  premiership, 27, 54, 59, 66–7, 71

  rebuffs Disraeli, 65–6

  relations with Victoria, 57

  religious views, 76

  Peile, Mrs (of Delhi), 208

  Penn, Admiral Sir William, 48

  Pennefather, General Sir John Lysaght, 200

  ‘Penny Gaffs’ (theatres), 522

  penny post, 128

  Penrhyn, Wales, 50


  importance, 19, 462

  see also Press, the

  Peterhouse College, Cambridge, 494
  Peterloo massacre (1819), 136

  Peters, William Theodore, 552

  petite bourgeoisie, 19–20

  see also middle classes

  Peto, Sir Samuel Morton, 130

  petroleum, 494

  Phoenix Park murders (1882), 453, 532


  in Crimean War, 197, 199–200

  development of, 58, 437–9

  and fantasy, 323–4

  phrenology, 104–5

  Pickering, Neville, 597

  Pigott, Richard, 533

  Pius IX, Pope, 139–40, 371–2, 375, 515

  Player, John and Sons (tobacco manufacturers), 198

  Playfair, John, 97

  Playfair, Sir Lyon (later 1st Baron of St Andrews), 579

  Plouquet (maker of stuffed rabbits), 143

  Podmore, Frank, 439

  Poerio, Baron Carlo, 85

  Polhemus, Robert, 413

  police force

  at demonstrations, 509

  formed, 10, 37–8

  opposes cremation, 544

  staffing and strength, 39, 119

  see also Metropolitan Police Force

  Ponsonby, Sir Frederick (later 1st Baron Sysonby), 504, 614–15

  Ponsonby, Sir Henry, 505–6

  Poor Law Commission, 31, 33, 44

  Poor Laws, 12

  amendments to, 29, 42

  New (1834), 14, 28, 32, 41, 44

  poor, the

  aspirations, 383

  children, 264, 307

  Church missions to, 365–70

  condition and numbers, 28–9, 264, 441–3, 446

  and disease, 34

  Disraeli on, 67

  and drink, 365

  educational deprivation, 283–4

  and franchise, 386

  Gladstone and, 456

  improvement of, 335, 378

  in Ireland, 78–9

  and laissez-faire, 75

  and prostitution, 310–11

  regulation of, 11–12

  and relief, 257

  rural, 31–2, 79, 148, 426–30

  separated from rich, 30, 383, 441

  urban, 148

  and venereal diseases, 310–11

  in Wapping (London), 365–6

  see also poverty; rich, the; workhouses; working classes

  Pooter, Charles and Carrie (fictional characters), 545

  Pope-Hennessy, James, 413


  in Germany, 351

  growth in, 11–14, 249, 311, 351

  in Ireland, 77

  mobility, 249

  pornography, 292, 526

  porphyria, 25

  Post Office Savings Bank, 261

  potato blight, 74, 76–8, 80

  see also Ireland: famine

  Potter, Beatrice see Webb, Beatrice

  Potteries Political Union, 44

  Pound, Ezra, 90, 249


  and affluence in London, 383, 521

  and alcohol, 365

  and army recruitment, 357

  causes of, 36

  and cholera, 36

  clergy and, 366–9

  Malthus’s views on, 12

  visibility of, 30

  see also poor, the; workhouses

  Powell, Anthony, 305

  Poynter, Agnes, Lady, 169n

  Prayer Book see Book of Common Prayer

  Pre-Raphaelitism and Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 46, 159, 162, 164–5, 322

  Press, the

  and army reform, 355

  cost, 19

  leaks to, 461–2

  popular, 135, 461, 463–4, 590–1

  power of, 460

  practitioners, 462

  see also Stead, William Thomas

  Pretor, Alfred, 290–1

  Pretorius, Andries, 126

  Price, Charles, 270

  Price, William, 544

  Pringle, Alexander, 66

  printing, 493

  prisons, 38, 117, 362

  Pritchett, (Sir) Victor S., 602

  Probyn, Sir Dighton, 565

  progress, 94–5


  crimes against, 38

  as qualification for parliamentary membership, 43

  as qualification for suffrage, 10


  child, 472–5

  Christianity and, 367

  Christina Rossetti works with, 316

  and contagious diseases, 308–11, 369

  and Jack the Ripper murders, 525–6

  and poverty, 365

  protectionism, 71–2

  see also Corn Laws; Free Trade

  Protestantism, 64, 101

  see also Catholic Church; Church of England

  Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 235

  Proust, Marcel: A la recherche du temps perdu, 582–3


  military strength, 351, 355

  Napoleon III seeks to check, 184

  Prince Albert’s view of, 238–40

  seizes Schleswig-Holstein, 348

  war with France (1870), 343–6

  psychical research, 439, 551

  public health see cholera; Contagious Diseases Acts; drainage; sanitation

  Public Record Office, 128, 275

  public schools

  Clarendon Commission on, 280–1

  conditions and values, 278–82, 287–8

  fiction on, 287–9, 291

  homosexuality and corporal punishment in, 291–2

  institutionalization of, 287–8

  middle class attitudes to, 278–9

  new foundations, 281–3, 286

  science teaching in, 280

  Public Schools Act (1868), 280, 283–4

  Public Worship Regulation Act (1874), 368–71, 398

  Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore, 63–4, 138–9, 142, 185

  Punch (magazine), 157, 178, 219, 411

  Punjab, 125, 201, 203

  puritanism, 565

  Pusey, Edward Bouverie, 103, 141, 169, 303, 348, 366, 456

  Puseyites, 141

  Pushkin, Alexander, 185

  Quakers, 362

  Quarterly Review, 93, 252, 531

  Queen’s College, Harley Street, London, 284–5

  Queensberry, John Sholto Douglas, 8th Marquess of, 561–4, 598


  and assumed superiority, 375–6, 493

  attitude to, 298

  Darwin on, 375–6

  Kipling on, 496–8

  see also black peoples

  Radical Federation, 509

  Radicals, 11, 71, 309, 360, 444, 447

  Ragged Schools, 167

  Raglan, Fitzroy James Henry Somerset, 1st Baron, 176, 178–9, 182–3, 187, 200


  development of, 21, 72, 351

  effect on communication, 30

  in Germany, 351

  in India, 220

  and leisure, 409

  speed, 493

  standard gauge, 128

  in USA, 427

  Raine, Craig, 496

  Raj, the see India

  Rajah, Bhundu Singh, 220

  Ranelagh, Thomas Heron Jones, 4th Viscount, 171

  rearmament, 423

  Red House, the, Abbey Wood, Kent, 262

  Reed, General Thomas, 210

  Reform Acts

  (1832), 10, 20, 39–40, 44, 48, 172, 192, 330

  (1867), 20, 252, 312, 331–2, 386

  (1884), 480, 573–4

  reformatories, 266

  Reid, Dr Sir James, 504, 614–16

  relief funds, 257


  alternatives to, 549–51

  conflict with science, 96–7, 103, 227, 232, 377, 557

  development of, 100–1

  doubts and loss of faith, 91, 103, 159, 162, 168–71, 556

  and education, 363–4

  and evolution, 96, 100, 227, 229, 376–7

  fundamentalism, 171, 377–8

  as human
construct, 167

  McTaggart on, 570

  prejudices, 98, 139

  see also Catholic Church; Christianity; Church of England; Orthodox religion

  Religion of Humanity, 110–11

  rentier class, 147–8, 235, 318

  Representation of the People Acts see Reform Acts

  Repton School, 281

  republicanism, 360

  Review of Reviews, 476

  Revolutions of 1848 (Europe), 27, 113, 123

  revolutions: avoided in Britain, 27, 110, 113, 115, 117–18, 123, 383, 510–11, 617

  Reynolds’ News, 174, 254

  Reza Ali Khan, Nawab, 206

  Rhodes, Cecil, 492, 512, 545, 596–9, 603–6

  Rhymers’ Club, 552–3

  rich, the, 67, 382–4, 417, 441–50, 481

  see also poor, the

  Richter, Hans, 412

  Ridgway, W., 159

  Ripon, George Robinson, 1st Marquess of, 499

  Ritchie, Charles Thomson, 1st Baron, 587

  Ritualist movement, 366–71, 398

  Roberts, Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl, 401, 599, 611, 615, 617

  Robertson, James, 199

  Rochdale pioneers, 575–6

  Rogers, Dawson, 439

  Rolfe, Frederick (Baron Corvo), 553–4

  Roman Catholic Church see Catholic Church

  Rorke’s Drift, battle of (1879), 401

  Rose, Sir Hugh, 208, 220

  Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of, 404, 562, 573, 595

  Ross, Robert, 563

  Rossetti, Christina

  in Highgate penitentiary, 315

  models for figure of Jesus, 159

  Goblin Market, 263, 258, 305, 307, 314–16, 330

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

  alcoholism, 316

  on Browning’s knowledge of Italian art, 90

  poems retrieved from wife’s tomb, 317–18

  and Pre-Raphaelites, 159

  relations with and marriage to Elizabeth Siddal, 159–61, 317

  revivalism, 185

  on slave boy, 247–8, 255, 258, 307

  women in paintings, 416

  Beata Beatrix (painting), 161, 317

  The Beloved (painting), 247–8, 255, 257–8, 307

  Rossetti, Elizabeth see Siddal, Elizabeth

  Rossetti, William Michael, 258

  Rothschild, Lionel, Baron, 389

  Rothschild, Nathaniel, 389

  rotten boroughs: abolished, 10

  Rotton, Revd John: Chaplain’s Narrative of the Siege of Delhi, 209–10

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 11

  Rowton, 1st Baron see Corry, Montague Lowry

  Roxburgh, Emily Anne, Duchess of, 504

  Royal Albert Hall, London, 144

  Royal College of Music, 410

  royal family, 117, 503–4

  see also monarchy

  Royal Holloway College, Egham, Surrey, 421

  Royalty Theatre, London, 418

  Rudd, Charles, 604–5

  Rudd Concession, 605

  Rugby School, 276–9, 281–3, 286–7

  rural life: and poverty, 31–2, 79, 148, 426–30

  Ruskin, Effie see Gray, Euphemia

  Ruskin, John

  aesthetics, 167

  and Alice Liddell, 325

  avoids school, 282


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