The Victorians

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by A. N. Wilson

  champions Elizabeth Siddal, 318

  declining influence, 231

  divorce from Effie, 289

  and Gladstone, 356, 360–2

  on Great Exhibition, 143–4

  and Holman Hunt and Pre-Raphaelites, 164–5, 171

  in Italy, 86–8

  and Lewis Carroll (Dodgson), 327

  marriage to Effie, 165–6, 289, 325

  masturbating, 289

  mental decline, 326

  and Millais, 165–6

  pessimism, 415, 417

  political contradictions, 22, 120, 361–2

  Protestant upbringing, 64

  and Rose la Touche, 325–6

  social thinking, 46, 165, 167, 362

  sued by Whistler, 87, 422

  supports Governor Eyre, 271

  teaching, 326

  on Turner’s Slavers, 52

  uses baby language, 326

  on Victoria, 360

  visits Venice, 87–8

  on Wordsworth, 133

  The Ethics of the Dust, 326

  Fors Clavigera, 422

  Modern Painters, 164–5

  Praeterita, 361

  The Stones of Venice, 87

  Unto this Last, 326

  Ruskin, John James (John’s father), 88, 165

  Russell, Bertrand, 109, 569–71

  The Principles of Mathematics, 570

  Russell, Conrad, 5th Earl, 111n

  Russell, Lord John (later 1st Earl Russell)

  career, 136

  and Catholic Church, 141–2, 541

  and Chartist threat, 116–17, 119

  and Corn Laws, 73

  and Crimean War, 187

  demands Palmerston’s resignation, 146

  and failure of Chartism, 113

  and franchise, 261, 271, 330–1

  and Great Exhibition, 128

  as Home Secretary under Aberdeen, 146

  and Irish Famine, 75, 80, 83, 309

  and Palmerston’s premiership, 190

  as Prime Minister, 330–1

  and Reform Bill (1832), 39–40, 192

  and religion, 185

  view of American Civil War, 251, 253–4, 258

  and working hours, 151

  Russell, Odo, 347

  Russell, Scott, 128

  Russell, Lord William, 336

  Russell, William Howard

  in India, 214–15

  reports on Crimea, 175–6, 178–81, 183–4, 186–7

  on slavery in America, 247–8


  corn tariffs, 427

  in Crimean War, 181–4, 187, 194

  diplomatic aims, 184

  emancipation of serfs in, 248

  as European power, 388

  expansionism, 173

  and Ottoman Empire, 391–3

  pan-Slavic sentiments in, 187, 391

  religious piety in, 185–6

  war with Turkey (1877), 399–401

  see also Balkan Crisis

  Rutland, John Manners, 6th Duke of (earlier Lord John Manners), 65, 67, 408

  sadism, 291

  St Arnaud, Marshal Achille le Roy de, 179

  ‘St John’s Wood Clique’, 322

  St Laurence, Mme de, 24

  St Leonards, Edward Burtonshaw Sugden, Baron, 306

  St Paul’s Magazine, 190

  St Petersburg liberals, 185

  Salisbury, James Brownlow Cecil, 2nd Marquess of, 29–30

  Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of (earlier Lord Robert Cecil)

  in Balkan crisis, 399–400

  and Cleveland Street scandal, 565

  at Congress of Berlin, 403

  and constituency boundaries, 573

  on Daily Mail, 590

  disparages democratic idea, 252

  dress, 580

  at Eton, 29

  on Franco-Prussian War, 345

  high Anglicanism, 356, 557, 605

  and housing reform, 444

  Irish policy, 531–2

  and Jack the Ripper murders, 526–7

  and Local Government Act, 587

  and new peerage, 583

  and Parnell, 455

  and popular agitation, 508

  and potential revolution, 617

  premierships, 27, 479, 546, 573–4

  privilege, 482–3

  relations with Disraeli, 252, 386, 399

  resigns over Reform Bill, 331

  and schooling, 281

  and scramble for Africa, 487, 489–90

  and Victoria, 503, 508

  Salvation Army, 378

  San Stefano, Treaty of (1878), 400, 403

  Sandford, G.W., 345

  Sanitary Acts (1848, 1866), 309

  sanitation, 23, 157–8, 309

  Sankey, Ira D., 377–8, 405

  Sargent, John Singer, 559

  saving, 58

  Savings Bank movement, 261

  Savoy Operas see Gilbert and Sullivan operas

  Savoy, The (magazine), 555

  Savoy Theatre, London, 420

  Scarlett, Sir James, 200

  Schleswig-Holstein, 123, 239–40, 347–8

  schools, 29–30, 281–2, 289–92, 556–7

  see also public schools

  Schreiner, Olive, 559


  conflict with religion, 96–7, 103, 227, 232, 377, 557

  exploration and, 488

  in Germany, 350

  interest in, 104–7

  investigates psychic phenomena, 439

  Kingsley on, 298–9, 304

  materialism, 556–7

  reaction to Darwinism, 232–3

  in school education, 280, 556–7


  British army recruitment from, 193

  subsistence levels in, 429

  Scott, Charlotte, 421

  Scott, Sir Walter, 19, 28, 36, 65, 165, 274

  Scutari, 175, 177, 179

  Seacole, Mary, 176–8, 180

  Sebastopol, 178–9, 183, 187, 352

  Secret Ballot, 361

  sectarianism, 445

  Sedgwick, Adam, 95

  Seeley, Sir John: Ecce Homo, 167


  caste system and transport, 203

  conditions of service, 203, 207

  in Crimean War, 180

  in Cyprus, 400

  in Indian Mutiny, 201, 204–5, 207, 222

  loyalty to East India Company, 219

  pay, 125–6

  recruits to, 203

  religious sensibilities, 126, 201, 203

  role, 20, 202

  see also Indian Mutiny

  Serbia, 392, 394–5

  servants, 318

  Seurat, Denis: Bathers at Asnières (painting), 344

  Severn, Arthur, 326

  sewage see sanitation

  Seward, William Henry, 253

  sex and sexuality, 234–6, 291, 300–2, 526, 598

  see also homosexuality; prostitution

  Seymour, Robert: Humorous Sketches, 18

  Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of (earlier Lord Ashley)

  condemns Ecce Homo, 167

  and failure of Chartism, 113

  faith, 149, 151, 167–8

  funeral, 486

  hatred of factory system, 60, 75

  marriage, 193

  parliamentary career, 66

  photographed, 437

  reforms, 41, 119, 151, 167, 307, 428

  and social class, 256–7

  and social problems, 515

  votes against Prince Albert’s allowance, 55

  Shaw, Charles, 13

  Shaw, George Bernard, 414–15, 444, 475, 511, 548–9, 564, 577

  Shaw, Norman, 384

  sheep, 428

  Shelburne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Earl of (later 4th Marquess of Lansdowne), 40

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 12

  Shepstone, Sir Theophilus, 401

  Sherer, J.W., 212–13

n, General Tecumseh, 247

  shopping: as leisure activity, 409

  Sibthorpe, Colonel Charles de Laet Waldo, 54–5, 66, 120, 136

  Siddal, Elizabeth (Mrs D.G. Rossetti), 159–61, 163, 317–18

  Sidgwick, Henry, 439

  Sidgwick, Mary see Benson, Mary

  Sikh wars, 125, 201


  in army, 203, 222

  and partition (1947), 498–9

  relations with British, 221–2

  Simmons, W.H., 159

  Sims, George, 442–4

  Sind: conquered, 125

  Sinope, battle of (1853), 174, 352


  abolition of, 48–50, 52, 268, 272, 362

  in Africa, 489–90

  and American Civil War, 247–8, 254, 256, 268–9, 297–8

  and American Constitution, 249

  attitudes to, 20, 247–8, 255

  economic implications of, 51, 248–9, 254

  Kingsley on, 297

  treatment of victims, 48–53

  in West Indies, 48–50

  Slavophiles, 185

  slums see housing

  Smiles, Samuel, 26

  Self-help, 191

  Smirke, Robert, 542, 544

  Smith, Adam, 22

  Wealth of Nations, 132

  Smith, Frank, 510

  Smith, Joseph, 549

  Smith, Revd Sydney, 70–1, 83

  Smith, William Henry, 423–4, 479, 482, 485

  Smithers (publisher), 556

  smoking (tobacco), 197–9

  Smyth, Colonel Carmichael, 201, 204

  Smyth, (Dame) Ethel Mary, 568

  Snow,, Dr John: On the Mode of Communication of Cholera, 156–7

  Snowden, Philip (later Viscount), 573

  Social Democratic Federation, 511, 514, 573, 578

  social values, 120, 307–8, 352, 545–7

  socialism, 361, 443, 449, 517–18, 548, 574–9

  Socialist League, 445–6

  Society for the Encouragement of Art, Manufacture and Commerce, 128

  Society for Psychical Research, 439, 530

  Solomon, Simeon, 553

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 431

  Somerset, Lord Arthur, 564–5

  Somerset, Lord Fitzroy, 117

  Somerset, Captain Lord Poullet, 179

  Somerset House, London, 117

  Somerville College, Oxford, 480

  Soper, Kate, 311

  Sophia, Princess, 26

  Souls, the (group), 556, 558–60

  South Africa

  Boers in, 490

  British expansion in, 124

  gold and diamonds in, 595–6, 604–6

  unrest in, 126

  see also Boer War; Kruger, Stephanus Johannes Paul; Rhodes, Cecil; Zulu War

  South Kensington museums, 57, 144

  Soyer, Alexis, 175–6, 180, 195–6

  Spaeth, Baroness de, 25

  Spain, 123

  Spectator, The (journal), 213, 462

  Speke, John Hanning, 488, 493

  Spencer, Charles (balloonist), 137

  Spencer, Herbert, 94, 224, 230, 232, 377, 574

  Spielmann, M.H., 219

  Spiers and Pond (catering company), 198

  Spion Kop, battle of (1900), 198, 611

  spiritualism, 439, 477, 530

  sports and games

  and leisure, 409

  in schools, 280, 287, 292–3

  squirearchy, 585–9

  see also aristocracy; rich, the

  stagecoaches, 21

  Standard, The (newspaper), 461

  Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers, 410

  Stanhope, Philip Henry, 5th Earl, 280

  Stanley of Alderley family, 277

  Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, Dean of Westminster, 273–8, 282, 290, 292–6, 336, 350, 367–8

  Historical Memorials of Canterbury Cathedral, 278

  The Jewish Church, 295

  Stanley, Lady Augusta (née Bruce), 277, 292–3

  Stanley, Sir Henry Morton, 488

  Stanley, John, 221

  Stanley, Lord see Derby, 13th Earl of; Derby, 14th Earl of; Derby, 15th Earl of

  Stansfeld, Sir James, 476, 480

  state, the

  and Church, 70

  interference by, 75, 354–5

  Maurice on, 149

  and socialism, 519

  Stead, William Thomas

  and Annie Besant, 548

  death, 477

  and Eliza Armstrong affair (‘Maiden Tribute’), 472, 474–7

  and General Gordon, 468–9, 471–2

  at Linnell funeral, 510

  and ‘New Journalism’, 463–4

  and rearmament, 423

  and spiritualist manifestations, 477

  If Christ Came to Chicago, 476–7

  steamships, 15, 493–4

  Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, 220, 398, 500

  Stephen, J.K., 602

  Stephen, Sir Leslie, 295

  Stephens, Revd Joseph Rayner, 46

  Stephenson, General Sir Frederick Charles Arthur, 468

  Stevenson, Robert Louis: Kidnapped, 478

  Stewart, General Sir Herbert, 470

  Stewart, J.I.M., 433

  Stockmar, Baron Christian, 55, 238, 241

  Stopford, Lady Mary, 504

  Storks, Sir Henry, 473

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 256, 258, 260, 268, 330

  Strachey, Lytton, 236

  Queen Victoria, 471

  Strand Magazine, 528

  Strangford, George Smythe, 7th Viscount, 65, 67

  Strauss, David Friedrich: Das Leben Jesu, 167–9, 349

  Strutt, Jedediah, 482

  Strzelecki, Sir Paul Edmund de (Count), 82

  Suárez, Francisco de, 229

  subsistence levels, 429

  see also poor, the; poverty

  Sudan, 465, 467–72, 607–8

  Suez Canal, 388–90, 465

  see also Egypt

  Suez Canal Company, 389–90, 405


  Chartism and, 43

  extent of, 10, 39, 42–3, 330–2, 385, 447, 479, 573

  see also electoral reform; Reform Acts

  sugar prices, 51

  Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 418–24

  ‘The Lost Chord’ (song), 418

  see also Gilbert and Sullivan operas

  Sussex, Augustus Frederick, Duke of, 168, 542

  Sutton Coldfield School, 284

  Swan and Edgar (London department store), 410

  Swan, Sir Joseph, 437, 494

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 291, 317

  Sydenham, 144

  Sykes, Sir Tatton, 539

  Symonds, John Addington, 290–1, 439

  Symons, Arthur, 552–3

  syphilis, 308–10

  Szathmari, Carol Popp de, 199–200

  Tait, Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury (earlier Bishop of London), 290, 367–8, 398, 407

  Tait, Lucy, 568

  Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon, 306

  Taplow Court, Maidenhead, 559

  Tasmania, 376

  Tatya Tope see Pandenanga, Ramchandra

  Taunt, Henry, 437–8

  taxation, 125, 194

  Taylor, A.J.P., 632

  The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, 148, 184–5, 346, 395

  Taylor, Bernard: Cruelly Murdered - Constance Kent, 268

  Taylor, Helen, 313, 444

  Taylor, Mrs (Mrs John Stuart Mill), 111

  Taylor, Revd W.F., 369

  technology: development, 493–5

  telegraphy, wireless, 138, 220, 493–4

  telephone, 494

  ‘Telliamed’ see Maillet, Benoît de

  Temple, Frederick, Archbishop of Canterbury, 290

  Temple, William, 85

  Ten Hours Act (Factory Act, 1847), 119, 151, 193

  Tennant, Margot (later Countess of Oxford and Asquith), 559

  Tenniel, Sir John, 219
, 324, 328, 544

  Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron on Browning’s obscurity, 90

  defends Maurice, 170

  on General Gordon, 472

  influenced by Chambers’ Vestiges, 95n, 99–100

  photographed by Mrs Cameron, 323

  racial views, 376

  reading voice, 181

  and religious crisis, 103–4

  supports Governor Eyre, 271–2

  ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, 184

  In Memoriam, 99–100

  ‘Locksley Hall’, 99

  ‘Locksley Hall Sixty Years After’, 589–90

  ‘Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington’, 146

  Tennyson, Hallam, 170

  Thackeray, William Makepeace

  applies to succeed Seymour, 18

  death, 334

  opposes executions, 336–7

  racial views, 256

  serial publication of works, 19

  Book of Snobs, 94

  Henry Esmond, 140, 334

  Pendennis, 334, 590

  The Rose and the Ring, 263, 334

  Vanity Fair, 334

  Thames, river, 155

  theatres: in London, 521–4

  Theobald, Morell, 439

  Theodoridi, John, 197

  Theosophical Society, 440, 549

  Theosophy, 549–51

  Thompson, E.P., 446

  Thompson, Francis, 552

  Thompson, Sir Henry, 543–4

  Thorne, Will, 513

  Tibet, 549

  Tillett, Ben, 513, 517–18, 581

  Times, The (newspaper)

  on American Civil War, 253–4

  and anti-Catholicism, 69

  on aristocracy, 192

  on ‘Bloody Sunday’, 509

  campaign on workhouses, 29–30, 33

  on Crimean War, 174–5, 180–1, 184, 186–7

  on Disraeli’s Falconet, 406

  Forster leaks stories to, 462

  on George Burgess murder, 265

  on Gilbert and Sullivan operas, 418

  on Great Exhibition, 136–7, 139

  Harmondsworth owns, 590

  letter from Ruskin, 164

  letter on naval power, 429

  and Parnell, 531–2

  popularity, 334

  as ‘power without responsibility’, 187

  praises Layard, 191

  pre-eminence, 461

  on Prince Albert, 236

  and Prussian model, 355

  and public executions, 337

  on Public School education, 287

  on ‘scramble for Africa’, 488–9

  and Suez Canal Company, 390

  Titanic (ship), 477

  tobacco see smoking Tolpuddle martyrs, 28, 35

  Tolstoy, Lev Nikolayevich, Count, 133, 170, 179, 431, 441–2, 444, 446

  What Then Must we Do?, 442

  Tombs, Major (later General Sir) Henry, 204

  Tooth, Rev. Arthur, 369

  Topham, Dr William, 106

  Tory Party

  and Chartism, 46

  distrusts Peel, 66, 71, 73

  and Jamaica protest, 53

  opposes Bradlaugh, 449

  opposes socialism, 445–6

  opposes Victoria’s marriage, 54

  paternalism, 20, 61

  and Reform Act, 10

  see also Conservative Party


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