Kathy Chooses

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Kathy Chooses Page 6

by Joy Carlson

  All this is to say that a person may fit in a category that is prescribed yet has specializations and talents to help that person do what that person is to do. That person may fit into a subcategory and be different from others in that category. There are also people who fit into a certain category but can be similar in ability to people in a different category.

  Everyone is important; everyone has his or her own abilities and talents. Each person has value and should be allowed to express, live out, that value.

  Kathy has value, as do many women. She was not allowed to express that value. Doug, and sadly many others, viewed her in a specific way according to her gender. We allow embryos to be killed when it has been determined that there is a defect that will cause the baby, once born, to not live a normal life. It should be normal for people to value other people. Doug did not do that. Kathy chose to terminate this person with what she saw as a defect. Hopefully, from the healing that has occurred after this act, she will teach her child that he or she has value and to value others.


  Kathy returned home to find Doug sitting on the couch watching a movie. She sat down beside him, snuggling up to him and waited until the movie was done. He asked how her weekend was, she responded it was good. She talked a bit about Ellen and Alexandra’s place. Then she asked him again if he still wanted her to get an abortion or was he ready to have children. He responded in the negative. Kathy then said, “Then I know what I need to do.”

  The next day she got up, went through her morning routine, and headed off to work. She knew she was distracted and tried to keep busy. As soon as she could, she headed out the door and home. She wanted to make sure she beat Doug home.

  She entered and put her stuff in the bedroom. She took out her gun and waited. Sure enough, she saw Doug pull into the parking lot at 5:30. He had always been a prompt one. She went into the bedroom and waited to hear him come through the door. She knew his routine. He would come in, take off his jacket, and hang it up.

  As he was facing the closet, she came out into the living room. As he turned around, Kathy lifted the gun and said, “I decided to go through with the abortion. But I am not aborting my baby—I am aborting you.” Then she pulled the trigger three times.

  Doug slumped to the floor.

  She waited for a few minutes to make sure he was dead. Then she took out her cell phone and called 911.

  “May I help you?”

  “Yes, there has been a shooting.”

  “Are you okay? Are you safe?”

  “Yes, I am fine. I am not in danger anymore.”

  “I see your address right here. There are some police officers ten minutes away. Stay on the line until they get there.”

  “I am not going anywhere.”

  “Good. Are you sure you are okay? Is the perpetrator still there?”

  “I am fine. The perpetrator is dead. I shot him.”

  “Oh! The officers will read you your rights when they get there.”

  “Yes, I know. I will hold the line. I hear the siren now. Is it okay if I open the door for them?”

  “Yes, that would be good.”

  “They are here. May I hang up now?”

  “Yes, they will take over.”

  Two police officers entered Kathy’s home. One was a man, the other was a woman. They took in the situation, then offered, “Hello. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I am fine,” Kathy responded. “That is Doug. He lived with me. I shot him. The gun is on the table over there.”

  “Was he attacking you?” the male officer asked.

  “Not at the time,” Kathy responded.

  “Was he one to attack you? Was he abusive?” the woman officer asked.

  “I think it would be best to wait to answer any further questions until I have a lawyer.” Kathy responded.

  “I understand,” the officer answered back. She then read Kathy her rights. “We will have to take you down to the precinct for questioning.”

  “I understand,” Kathy said.

  The officers were surprised at how calm Kathy was during the whole exchange. She seemed numbed to what had taken place, yet she did not seem like a coldblooded murderer like others they had dealt with.

  Kathy willingly went with them downstairs to the squad car. Some people had gathered and wondered what had taken place. It struck Kathy that she really did not know her neighbors. When investigators came around, what would they be able to tell them about her? Kathy got into the car.



  I would call myself a follower of Jesus more than I would use the title of Christian. Christian has too many meanings in people’s minds.

  What did I think of the trial and why did I vote that she is not guilty? That is a loaded question, as you know.

  Every person has value. It does not matter how much society may value them. Every person has value. People whom society used to put aside are showing their value more and more. One hears more accounts of people who were considered unable to function doing something marvelous. Helen Keller is one of the most famous. Her own family wrote her off. Yet, when given a chance, she was able to change the world and, on the side, affect how people saw people who could not hear, speak, or see. She even worked with Thomas Edison.

  There was a boy whom no one wanted. He could not even move. A couple took him in and worked with him daily, massaging his legs, his body, his arms. They would take him in their pool and let him float, pulling him around. Eventually he started moving his legs and arms. Eventually they put him by their fence for support and he learned to walk. Then one day they heard the piano playing. The woman went to turn off the phonograph and discovered the young man playing a piece he had heard on the radio.

  Another boy was dysfunctional. He could not read, write, or even count. Yet he wanted to play the piano. A piano teacher took interest in him. He taught him and discovered the great talent he had for music. He taught him songs—although I do not know if anyone can claim to have taught him songs, for he knows so many of them. The teacher arranged for him to play in concerts, even with orchestras. The young man eventually reached the point where a person could name a song, a style of music, and what key they wanted the song played. The young man would play the song in that style. He still was not able to read or write or count. Yet he was a great musician.

  These are just a few of the people who, when given a chance, were able to become the people God created them to be.

  Abortion is wrong as it takes away the opportunity for someone to live life, to impact the world in some way. Sadly people have been allowed to abort people before they are even born. There are also people who are “aborted” after birth in that they are not allowed to be whom God created them to be. Kathy is one such person.

  Early in life her dad started using her for his purposes instead of allowing her to develop into the person she was to be. She was never allowed to discover her true identity. She was given the identity of a prostitute.

  Since her life was not valued, she never learned to value others either. She did not value Doug as a person. Therefore, she saw it acceptable to terminate his life as she had terminated the life inside of her. According to the law, this is permissible. The laws need to be changed.

  More groups are coming out to help people who find themselves in situations like Kathy’s, a single woman who is pregnant. They help through the pregnancy, birth, and then supporting the raising of the child.

  People’s views of others need to change. People need to learn to value each other. It sounds like Kathy has connected with a group, her church, which is helping her. That is good.

  Hopefully this case will help people wake up to how far people have gone to devaluing life. Hopefully the laws will change.


  While Kathy was being processed into the jail, she was wondering whom to call. Her dad would care, but would he really care about her or work more to keep himself from being discovered? She really
did not know if her mom would know what to do at all. Ellen would come and be a comfort. Dick was too involved with his own issues. She and Kevin were passing acquaintances who belonged to the same family.

  Robby and Maria would help. Robby was the one who had reached out to Kathy the most. He had cared, been there even when she could not tell him what was going on. Besides, they had a network of helpful people from their church. Kathy decided she would call Robby.

  Robby came down right away. He was ushered into the room in which she was being held. He just hugged her. That was all she needed. She finally realized that she did not have to be alone anymore. She let out the pain that she had held in for so long and cried. Robby waited.

  Finally Kathy was able to tell him what had happened, that she had shot Doug. There was no condemnation from Robby. He sat there to listen. She explained that she did not want to have another abortion. She did not know any other way out. She had decided that instead of aborting her baby, she would abort Doug.

  Robby said he did not get the reasoning of her decision. He would help her nonetheless. He told her that he would find a lawyer who would be able to handle the case. They would wait until bail was set, then they would get her out.

  Their time was up. Robby had to go. They hugged one more time. Robby whispered in her ear, “I love you, Kathy, and I always will.” Then he left.

  Kathy was taken to a cell. It was late by that time. She lay down on the cot and eventually fell asleep.

  When Kathy awoke, it took a while for her to orient herself to where she was—in jail. The events from the day before ran through her head. How it had been hard to concentrate. Her mind kept going through scenario after scenario of what might take place. The ride home, getting the gun, then waiting. Then the scene played out in slow motion, the shots, the crumbling of Doug on the floor, putting the gun on the table, and calmly calling 911.

  She was interrupted then for it was time to go to breakfast.

  She entered the dining hall and looked around. She wondered why the other women were in jail. Should she be friendly with them? She got her food and found a seat. Another woman came and introduced herself to her. “My name is Sally,” she said. “Got busted for drugs. You got any connections on the outside that could bring me some drugs?”

  Kathy looked at her for a moment to make sure she was serious. “No,” she replied.

  “Oh, okay,” Sally said. “What you in for?”

  “Abortion,” Kathy responded.

  “Abortion, how is that illegal?” Sally asked.

  “According to the interpretation of the law it isn’t,” Kathy replied. “It may depend on how you do it, though.”

  “Oh,” Sally said. She did not seem to understand.

  Sally turned to talk to other women. Kathy just listened. She wondered how long she would be in there.

  She returned to her cell to wait. At 10:00 she was escorted to a room where a man entered. He was dressed casually in jeans and blazer. He held out his hand, “Hi, I’m Sam. Robby called me and asked if I could take your case.”

  “Do you go to church with Robby?” Kathy asked.

  “Yes, I do. Have you ever been there?” Sam asked.

  “Yes, but I am not sure they would accept me if they knew me.” Kathy hung her head while replying.

  Sam gently said, “Jesus accepts all people to help them become the persons His Father created each person to be. Now let’s work on getting you out of here.”

  Kathy felt comfortable with Sam. She began to tell her story. When she got to the second abortion, she broke down crying. Sam moved the tissue box closer to her so she could reach it.

  She told about how Doug came soon after that. He seemed real nice. She said he was a slow mover, that she had never met anyone like that before. He eventually moved in with her. Life seemed to be going well. Her desire to have a child started to seem more possible. She had discussed it with Doug and he seemed open to it. Kathy admitted that she became more determined to have it happen.

  When she became pregnant, she told Doug. He said that he was not ready to have a child yet. They argued a bit about it, but Doug held his ground. He did not threaten to leave, just said he was not ready, so she should get an abortion. It seemed he just expected her to get an abortion since he said to get one.

  Kathy said she had done research on women who had gotten abortions. Women who had received abortions, especially ones who had seen the results of their abortions, had a harder time coping with life. Some of them seemed to get along fine. Yet there seemed something that limited their potential. Many talked about being afraid someone with power over their life would find out, like a boss, or a later husband, friends. They felt they always needed to be on the lookout, looking over their shoulder, so to speak. Kathy did not want that.

  Looking at how the law had been interpreted—how the interpretation had progressed, how women were fighting to have control over their own bodies, how women were fighting to have choice, even as others accused them of murder—it seemed that in spite of the murder rhetoric, women had still been able to get rid of those who were still in the developmental stage and may be a hindrance to life in some way. To Kathy, that fitted Doug. He was still developing. He was not ready to be a father, to live fully into who he was capable of being. Perhaps he would never reach that point. He had become a hindrance to her life, the life that she wanted. Therefore, she had choice. She made the choice and acted on it. Thus, the death of Doug.

  Sam listened to Kathy as she went through her story and the reasoning that brought her to the choice she made. Although Sam did not agree with Kathy’s decision and action, he agreed to take her case.

  Sam left and the next day Kathy was let out on bail.


  JUROR 12

  When I plant a seed in the ground, it starts to grow. It gets the nutrients it needs from the soil. It gets water. A sprout starts coming out of the seed. If I would take that seed, which is already showing signs of life with the sprout, and place it on a cement floor, it would wither and die.

  If you took a plant from a rainforest and planted it in a desert it would die. That does not mean it was not alive before that point in time. Living things need the correct environment to survive.

  So to say that an embryo is not alive just because when it is taken out of the nourishing environment it needs is ridiculous. Basically we have come up with the medical technology to sustain life after a certain point. Just because we have not invented the technology to sustain life earlier does not mean it is not life.

  Many years ago, a group of misinformed people made a decision in Roe vs Wade. We have been held to that decision, even though it has been shown to be false.

  The decision was then expanded to include more options.

  I would like to know how well a gynecologist knows the parental skills of someone who comes to him or her. To tell them that they do not have what it takes to be able to bring a child, who may not meet someone’s standards, into the world and raise that child is wrong. That is basically what a doctor is telling parents when the doctor says that the child would be “abnormal” in some way and gives a recommendation to terminate the life before it has a chance. The doctor is telling the parents that they are inadequate parents. There are instances where the tests showed that the embryo was going to have medical problems at birth and then the child was born healthy. There are too many variables throughout the pregnancy to make a determination as to the quality of life to come before birth.

  As a farmer, I know that there are a lot of variables that affect the health and life of my crop. If I do not take care of them, if they do not get the proper amount of rain, if blight comes through, anything may cause the crop to be healthier or less healthy. When I plant that seed, I do not know the full outcome. It is not until it is time to harvest the crop that I know the outcome.

  The impact of a person’s life is not fully known until after their death. There are enough people who do not really make it until lat
e in life. J. C. Penny, Colonel Sanders are just a couple of examples.

  I made a decision based on the law at this time. I hope that law gets changed and that this case will bring attention to abortions to bring about that change.


  Kathy returned to work on Monday. There had been an article in the paper about her situation. It mentioned that she had used her “woman’s choice” in ending her relationship with Doug.

  There were coworkers who came up and congratulated her on standing up for her rights to her body. There were others who let their feelings be known that they did not agree with her choice. There were others who avoided her.

  Customers also reacted to her differently. There were some who recognized her and wanted her to know that they supported her. Others were against her. One woman waited for her to leave work and let her know her opinion and how wrong she thought she was. She said she was going straight to hell if she did not repent. Eventually things quieted down with only a few people telling her they supported her. They asked how she was doing.

  A woman’s group offered to get her a lawyer and pay her court costs. She was uneasy about it. She felt that they did not really care about her as much as they wanted to promote their agenda.

  She was contacted by news agencies and other shows to come tell her story. She declined, as she could not speak about her case before the trial. There was one man who seemed interested in her and wanted to date her. He would stop by her desk frequently. She eventually found out he was an author and hoped to be able to write a book about her story. She dumped him.

  She started going to church with Robby and Maria. She felt conspicuous at first. Yet the people seemed friendly enough. They accepted her. She wondered what they would think if they knew her full story. Did they realize who she was, what she had done? After a couple of Sundays, one of the pastors approached her. She welcomed her to the church. She commented that they like to allow people to start to feel at home and not pounce on them the first time they come, especially when they appear to come with someone. She introduced herself as Pastor Ann. She handed Kathy her card and said that if she had any questions, or would just like to talk, she was available.


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