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His Little Problem

Page 5

by Melinda Barron

  It took Alice a few moments to figure out what Fiona meant. When she did she shook her head vigorously. “There will be no wedding,” Alice said.

  The word wedding was barely out of Alice’s mouth before Buxton said, “We’ll keep you informed. For now, we have things to do.”

  Alice watched as he walked away. Fiona tittered and Alice took off after him at a fast clip. Before she could catch up he was at the carriage, holding open the door. She climbed in and he did too. He rapped on the roof and said, “Ellington.”

  The carriage took off and Alice said, “You shouldn’t say things like that. She will think the two of us are a couple instead of just working on this scheme.”

  “What color dress do you think you should wear?” he asked. “My favorite color is green. I think you will look lovely in it, and I’m sure Carin has a dress in that color.”

  Something told her there was no arguing with him about the situation. She would take whatever dress was offered and they would go to the theater. Afterward they would discuss things. Or would they? Maybe he would pay her bill, and she would be a virgin no longer.

  Truthfully, Alice was hoping for the latter.

  Chapter 4

  Alice felt a huge rush of delight run through her body when she arrived at the theater on Julian’s arm. Carin Ellington did indeed have a green dress for her to wear, and surprisingly it fit perfectly. Alice hated the fact that she enjoyed seeing friends of hers stare at her with jealousy in their eyes. It made her a lesser person, but she couldn’t really help it.

  She hoped, no, she prayed, that attending the play would push them forward and help them identify the blackmailer tonight. Her desires were perfectly personal. If she had to wait much longer to feel him inside her she knew she would die of need. But there was a nagging doubt at the back of her mind that he would not pay out. But then she remembered last night, how he’d brought her to orgasm, and how he’d had one himself.

  The clock couldn’t tick fast enough for her if there was going to be a repeat of last night’s events, with one major addition, of course.

  “It’s so wonderful to meet you.”

  Lady Essex’s words pulled Alice out of her thoughts. Alice curtsied and murmured, “Thank you, milady.”

  “No, no, call me Charlotte. And of course, you’ve already met Carin. I’m sure we’re all going to be fast friends. We are grateful for your help.” Charlotte winked at her, and there was a mischievous gleam in her eyes. Was she smiling because of the help Alice was giving them on the blackmail scheme, or was it because of The Club that Julian had told her about? Was Charlotte a member of the so-called Rakes of Mayfair Club?

  Alice knew society men had mistresses that catered to their baser needs. Wives were meant to be the public face, mistresses took care of the bedroom activities. But it seemed as if things were different in this social circle. When Julian had told her they were being blackmailed, she had no idea it included their wives. Or was she wrong?

  Alice turned to Carin, who smiled shyly. Oh yes, it was quite obvious that both of these ladies were members of The Rakes Club. It made Alice see them in a whole new light and made her think of questions to pose to Julian later that evening. She hoped he would be truthful with her. Chief among the questions was how many members were in The Club. That would go toward the blackmail scheme as far as Alice was concerned.

  If the members were discreet then someone who was involved with them could be blackmailing them. If their members lived in Mayfair and had fallen on hard times, either though gambling or some other vice, then blackmail would be an easy way for them to recover funds.

  She wished they were not at the play, so she could voice these ideas to Julian. The excitement of having a new idea, and solving this thing, was heavy on her, and it made her not want to go forward with the play. But then again, she was looking forward to seeing Celia Howell’s reaction when they greeted the cast after the play was over. One look could tell people a lot of things.

  Julian offered her his arm and she took it as they made their way to the box. People were definitely staring at them now. She had a feeling Julian and his crowd did not often attend matinees; and for Alice Hamilton to be accompanied by Lord Buxton? It was simply too shocking for the members of the middle class to comprehend.

  This would probably make the gossip rags in the morning. Hopefully it wouldn’t be alongside whatever Celia Howell had told Fiona that morning.

  Julian and Alice took the seats behind the Ellingtons and Essexes. Julian put his hand on her knee and gently squeezed. “Something on your mind?” he asked softly.

  “Lots of things,” she replied.

  “Keep them there for now.” He squeezed her knee again. “Allow yourself to sit back and enjoy the play. I hear it’s quite good.”

  “It’s The Importance of Being Earnest,” Alice said. “I’ve seen it many times.”

  “But with this cast?” Julian asked. “Different actors bring different things to roles.”

  “So, they say,” Alice replied.

  “Hush you two,” Ellington said, but there was humor in his voice. “Don’t be the type that talks all through the performance.”

  Alice laughed softly.

  “Don’t worry about us,” Julian said. “When Alice is moving around it’s just because when the lights go down I’m going to feast on her cunny.”

  Alice gasped in shock, but the other five people in the box laughed.

  “Try to keep the noise down,” Essex said. “I tried that with Charlotte once and we were almost caught.”

  “I still think Lady Allister knows what was going on,” Charlotte said. “She avoids me at all costs now.”

  They all laughed, except Alice, who was trying to come to terms with the fact that these people talked about sex as if they were ordering food for their servants.

  “What are you thinking?” Julian asked as the lights dimmed.

  “That I’m glad the lights are going down so no one can see my red face.”

  “No one in this box cares, sweet Alice,” Julian said. “Now, relax and enjoy the play and we’ll go back to work after it’s over.”

  The play was perfectly performed. Even though Alice knew the story, the cast was very good indeed. Twice, though, Julian distracted her by trying to inch her skirt up her thighs. She pushed his hand away both times, thinking of what he’d said to the others as she did so. She wondered if they did things like that as part of their Club meetings. She added that question to the list she planned on asking Julian later.

  At the time of the intermission he kissed her shoulder before the lights came back up. “Enjoying yourself?”

  “Yes, but I do admit I’m a little distracted. I have questions for you.”

  “Always a joy to know you’re going to try and grill me later,” he said with a laugh.

  They drank lemonade and ate biscuits while people around them whispered. This time it didn’t bother her. Let them talk. She would enjoy herself until it was over, and then have, hopefully, great memories to keep her company in the years after.

  When it was over the couples pulled back to the end of the receiving line to greet the actors. Every time someone got behind them they offered them the lead. Alice knew that was because they wanted to take their time when it was their turn. They didn’t want to be rushed.

  When they came into view Celia Howell swallowed visibly, but the look on her face remained passive. Alice watched her reaction as Buxton leaned over the actress’ hand and kissed it gently.

  “Mrs. Howell, a lovely performance,” Buxton said. A broad smile spread across Celia’s face.

  “You’re too kind, milord,” Celia replied. “And I’m thrilled that you and your friends came to see me this afternoon. It is a wonderful compliment.”

  “You’re such a good actress,” he said. “Where did you learn your craft?”

  “It comes naturally to me,” she responded.

  “I’m sure the papers tomorrow morning will remark on your perf
ormance,” Buxton replied. “Of course, that tidbit will be amongst other things, too. The papers are always full of the fun things, don’t you think?”

  Celia’s eyes flashed briefly and then she turned to Alice.

  “Have we met, madam?”

  Alice could tell that she looked familiar to the woman, who studied her as if she were trying to place her.

  “We have not,” Alice replied, lowering her voice to that of the “young man” from last night. “But I have seen several of your performances. You are a wonderful actress, as Lord Buxton says.”

  Celia frowned, and then the expression on her face darkened. Alice was sure she recognized the “boy” from the previous night.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I’m not feeling well.” She left without waiting for an answer. Buxton turned to his friends. “I think we rattled her.”

  “It would seem so,” Ellington said. “You’ve thought of this, of course.”

  “You wound me if you doubt otherwise,” Buxton said.

  They made their way to the carriages. Buxton broke away from them and Alice watched as he talked to a young lad loitering outside the theater. The boy disappeared into the alley. Seconds later a different young man appeared, and then the one Buxton had talked with shot out of the alley and fell in step behind him.

  “What’s going on?” Carin said.

  Alice smiled. “I do believe our actress friend is sending a message to her accomplice, letting him know that we are on to her.”

  “And our young worker is following the messenger, to see where he goes,” Buxton said. “We are one step closer to finding our blackmailer.”

  Alice sighed in relief and Julian laughed loudly. She replied by slapping his chest, much to the delight of the other members of their party.

  “I do believe you’ve met your match, Julian,” Charlotte laughed. “Now, supper at our house? We’ll see you there around eight? Cook is trying her hand at Italian food. I hope it’s edible.”

  “That makes all of us,” Essex said. “Some of her experiments have been a bit, shall we say, well, less than tasty.”

  “Have her make sandwiches and biscuits for us just in case,” Julian said. They all laughed and exchanged salutations, and then Alice and Julian climbed into his carriage. She couldn’t help herself, she sat on his lap and kissed him.

  “I didn’t think we would be going out tonight,” she said.

  “You thought we’d be fucking,” he said. He nibbled on her chin and she angled it just right to give him better access.

  “Won’t we?”

  “Too soon, my sweet,” he said. “But tell me, how do you think this afternoon went?”

  “People were staring.”

  “Who cares?” He kissed the edge of her mouth and his hand cupped her breast.

  “What do you think the rags will say? Not about the information Celia gave them, but about you coming to the play with me? I can see it now if I try.” She was trying to ignore his hand, which was gently kneading her breast now. His thumb worked over the fuller part, and she imagined he was trying to find her nipple.

  “You’re still eager for my cock,” he said. “I rather like that.”

  He moved her body, so he was sitting next to her. Then he took her hand and put it between his legs. His cock was hard. It made her mouth water and her body heat. “Tomorrow, thousands will read Lord Buxton takes woman under his station to see popular play.”

  “Alice, you know I don’t care about class,” Julian said. He pulled her closer to him. “I find my attraction to you almost unbearable. I know I won’t be able to stop after taking your virginity. I’ll want more than that. And I always get what I want, Alice.”

  His words sent shivers through her and Alice turned her head away from him, but he grabbed it, somewhat more forcefully than what she’d expected, and pulled her toward him for a deep kiss.

  When it broke, she said, “We, we, I mean, we need to, we…” She couldn’t get a proper thought in her head. All she could think about was his mouth, and his cock, and his hands, and his lips.

  “We need to what?” he asked, his breath hot on her neck.

  “I wanted to ask about The Club. I need more information about it.”

  “You seem to have recovered your wits, which means I’m not doing my job.” He knelt in front of her and pushed her back. He took a breast in each hand and squeezed. Alice closed her eyes and savored the sharp feelings it produced.

  “Tell me what you want to know,” he said as he continued to squeeze. “Do you have a list of questions you want to pose, or are you more willing to find out things as they happen? It is fun to let activities unfold as they will. Following a set pattern of things is not fun.”

  “No?” she managed to say. That feeling was back, the one where the world was spinning, and Julian was the cause.

  “I have, um, um…” Her words were breathy, coming out as if on wisps of air. She needed to concentrate, get the information she wanted. But he had put his lips on the bare bit of skin above the bodice of the dress and he was kissing and licking, and she couldn’t form her thoughts into sentences, much less get them out of her mouth.

  “Julian.” She swallowed hard. “We need to talk.” Did she say those words, or did they catch in her throat? He leaned back, still on his knees, grasped the bodice of the dress and pulled. It ripped apart and she cried out loud.

  “Julian!” Before she could protest further, he’d ripped the underclothes and his mouth was on her breast, capturing her nipple and giving it the same treatment he had last night, sucking and nibbling, and then, to her shock, biting. She didn’t think he’d drawn blood, but right now, she didn’t care.

  The world was spinning, like it had last night, although she hadn’t yet experienced the completion that she had. But she wanted it, wanted it so much she wondered if she would lose her mind.

  “That’s enough for now,” he said as he pulled back.

  “What?” She blinked and tried to gather her wits. Surely, he wasn’t going to get her excited and leave her to crash back to reality. She looked across to where he’d settled back in his seat. He was pulling on his jacket to ease it back into place.

  Obviously, he was.

  “Have you lost your mind? You’re just going to leave me like this?”

  “I see you’ve recovered your voice,” he said.


  “Sometimes, teasing a woman is as much fun as fucking her,” he said. “I rather like the idea that all through dinner you’re going to be thinking about what we will be doing later.”

  “In your dreams,” she said.

  “In our dreams,” he said. “Now, I’ll drop you at your house in Chelsea, and then I’ll collect you again about half seven. Do you have a purple dress? I would love to see you in purple.”

  “I would love for you to lift my skirts and, well, stick it in me.”

  “Too messy here,” he said. “As a virgin you’ll leave some blood, and I’d rather not have that in the carriage. Although it would be a great memory to have here. Every time we went somewhere in the carriage we would think about fucking here. I do rather like that idea. Shall we lift your skirts and have at it?”

  “Not on your life,” she said. “The moment has passed.”

  “For now,” he replied. “But tonight, when we’re with a group of people, you’ll start thinking about it. You’ll remember the feel of my tongue on your skin, of my teeth on your nipple and you’ll get wet. We’ll be sitting with our friends, and your quim will be aching for me.”

  Her body knew he was right, but her mind didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. “I won’t ache for you. I wanted you last night, and you denied me. I won’t allow it to happen again.”

  “You’ll see that waiting, as I said, brings about an incredible joining.”

  She wanted to yell at him that she couldn’t know that, because he’d never followed through. She was still a virgin. The carriage pulled up in front of her house and she looked o

  “I never gave him my address,” she said.

  I did,” he said with a smile. “Remember, a purple dress. Don’t think too hard on the final act, Alice. Let me guide you because that’s what I want, and as I said I always get what I want.”

  “There is no way it could be Shaw,” Essex said, frowning at Buxton and Ellington. “He has been a member of The Club for years.”

  “That is where the messenger went,” Julian replied. “But Shaw has been on the continent for three weeks now. It must be a member of his staff.”

  “We’ve never held a meeting there, how would they know?” Ellington frowned and sipped at his drink. “We need to ask our single ladies if Shaw has entertained them at his home.”

  “I have our young messenger from this afternoon watching Celia Howell’s home to see who comes and goes,” Julian said. “We’ll know by tomorrow which member of his staff has betrayed him.”

  Alice watched the men as they talked amongst themselves. She had indeed found a purple dress in her wardrobe, but she hadn’t worn it. Instead, she’d found a red one, bright and frilly, something she didn’t think he would like. But it turned out she was wrong. She’d meant to be a little defiant, since he hadn’t given her what she wanted.

  His reaction, though, had been humor. He’d met her at the door and when she’d opened it and twirled around to show him her costume he’d laughed and said, “You look fantastic.”

  “But it’s not purple,” she’d responded.

  “I like red as well.” He’d pulled her into a kiss. When it was over he whispered, “Red in so many different places, like bottoms that have been well tended.”

  The message was clear, but she ignored it. She wouldn’t play into his hand until he started to give her an inch.

  They’d gone to the Essex’s house in relative silence. Dinner had been a treat. Alice had spent so much time alone since Joseph died that she’d loved watching the word play between the friends seated around her. They joked and laughed with each other as they ate their Italian style roast beef and drank their wine. That feeling of joy spread when they had included her in conversations and acted as if they’d known her for years.


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