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Page 8

by Jennifer LaRocca

  We made it to the guys, and, unfortunately, Jess was standing there too. She must have pulled the front of her dress down because more of her cleavage was on display, and the twins were eating it up. I rolled my eyes at her sluttishness and caught Max staring at me. I was mesmerized by his shocking green eyes. He was grinning at me, and now that I was closer, I could see he had a lip ring too. He was so damn sexy. In fact, they were all sexy and really tall. I was surrounded by hotness. No wonder they got so much female attention.

  Kade cleared his throat to get the women’s attention. “Excuse us, ladies, but I need to have a word with the guys.” I heard a bunch of them groan and whine while they walked away, but Jess just stood there with a smile on her face.

  “Do you mind?” Kade gestured for her to leave, and her smile faded.

  “Why does she get to stay?” She whined, pointing to me.

  Kade didn’t look happy at all that she was questioning his request. He had the same look on his face as he did when he caught me this morning eavesdropping.

  “Because she’s with me,” he said low and stern. That sounded a little possessive. I looked over at the guys who were watching me intently then back to Jess. I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. I hoped this wasn’t his normal behavior. Maybe that was why the guys were looking at me like that.

  Kade grabbed my hip and pulled me closer to his side. She looked at me as if she would claw me to death if she could, and then she stormed off. Could you get any more dramatic? But what the hell was up with Kade?

  He released his hold on my hip and returned it to my lower back. “Guys, this is Scarlett. Scarlett, this is the band.”

  I reached my hand out and shook the twins’ hands and told them it was nice to meet them. Then I turned to shake Max’s, but instead, he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. He didn’t take his eyes off me the entire time, and I could feel Kade getting tense right next to me. I couldn’t help the blush that crept up my cheeks. These guys were seriously going to give me an ego.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Scarlett,” Max said, not letting my hand go.

  “That’s enough, Max. I didn’t bring her over here so you could harass her.” Kade grabbed my hand out of Max’s grip and held it in his own. Max just laughed it off.

  “So you’re the one who gets stuck babysitting Kade here, huh?” Max asked as the rest of them laughed.

  “Laugh it up, assholes.”

  “Yep, that’d be me. Unfortunately.” I looked up at Kade, and he had that damn grin on his face. “Are you guys going to help me keep him in line, or are you all going back to California?”

  “Nah, we leave in two days,” Lucas said, looking at Jaxon. “We have lots of work to do, putting these riffs together before Kade starts writing the lyrics.” I looked up at Kade and he winked at me.

  “I’ll be here to help you out in any way you need,” Max said, grinning at me. I definitely heard the innuendo. Looking up at Kade, I could see the muscles in his jaw twitching. “I’ll be hanging out with Kade for a couple of weeks, helping him write lyrics while he’s filming.”

  Jaxon elbowed Max in the chest. “Ow! What the hell, man?” Max shoved Jaxon on the shoulder. I laughed. These guys acted as if they were brothers. I guess you could say they were as they were all in foster care together.

  “You know what.” Jaxon raised an eyebrow at Max. I could see the smirk on Max’s face.

  I looked up at Kade, who was giving Max the death stare. He pulled me closer to his side as a way of claiming me. I could have sworn I heard him growl.

  Alcohol and Jules—those were what I needed and I needed them now. This was too much testosterone for me.

  Clearing my throat, I told the guys that it was nice to meet them. I then excused myself to go to the little bar on the other side of the room and to find out what the hell happened to Jules.

  As I was walking away, I could hear Jaxon saying, “Great, Max, you scared her off, you jackass.” I could hear the laughter ensue. I rolled my eyes at their antics.

  At the bar, I asked for a shot of tequila and a beer. Digging through my purse, I pulled out my phone and decided texting Jules would be faster than trying to find her in this room full of people. She wasn’t in the corner I saw her in earlier.

  Scarlett: Where the hell r u?

  I threw back the shot the bartender handed me then chased it with my beer. I knew I said I wouldn’t drink a lot tonight, but I lied. My phone buzzed in my hand.

  Jules: I’m on my way to the bar. Jess has been whining for the past 10 min about u. I swear imma slap the bitch.

  Laughing, I texted her back.

  Scarlett: Ha ha ha, I’m at the bar now. Let’s take a shot.

  I told the bartender to pour two more shots and turned to see Jules standing next to me. “Hey, chica.” She smiled at me.

  “Have you been making out with Brent this entire time?”

  Her mouth hung open, and she looked at me as if she were appalled that I would ask her such a question. Then she started laughing. “Hell yeah, I have. I couldn’t keep my lips off of him. That is until Jess came over. I swear she must have stood there watching us make out for five minutes before she made herself known. Can you say voyeur much?”


  “Yeah, I know.” We both laughed while she told the bartender to get her a martini. “So, are you going to tell me what happened before the show?”

  I smiled at her then told her all the juicy details of what transpired in the back office.

  “Damn, girl, maybe you’ll get some action tonight.”

  “Um . . . no, I won’t. He might be a great kisser, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to jump in the sack with him, not yet anyway.” I laughed. “We still have to work together, and I don’t want it to be weird. Plus, I’d rather get to know him a little bit better before that ever happens.”

  “Who said it had to be weird?” Jules took a sip from the glass the bartender just handed her.

  “Do you really even have to ask that question? You know me. I would feel weird and uncomfortable. But I’m definitely okay with making out, especially being able to kiss those lips. Have you seen those lips? I could get off just thinking about them.”

  “Thinking about what?” I could hear the smile in his voice.

  My eyes were bugging out of my head in embarrassment as I stared at Jules. I knew he was standing behind me, but I couldn’t turn around. How long had he been standing there with Jules not even telling me? Bringing the beer up to my lips, I chugged it down. Then I slowly turned around to face those luscious lips.

  He looked amused by the expression on my face. “Just something I wanted to ask you. That’s all,” I lied.

  “Oh, yeah, what’s that?” He leaned up against the bar.

  Why did I say that? Now I was going to have to think of something to ask him.

  I gazed at him for a few seconds, trying to think of what to ask. A lot of questions seemed to flow through my mind, but none of them seem appropriate to ask at the time. Then I remembered what Jules had mentioned to me before we headed back here. “Why did you play ‘Lifeless’ for me if you normally never play it for anyone?”

  He frowned at me. He definitely wasn’t expecting me to ask that. I was hoping I didn’t sound rude asking. After Jules told me that he never played it, ever, I was actually honored that he played it at my request.

  Jules butted in before he could answer my question. “Well, I’m going to go find Brent and make sure Jess doesn’t have her claws in him. Come find me when you’re ready to leave.”

  “I can give her a ride home,” Kade said, looking deep into my eyes, before Jules was able to walk away. “That is if you don’t mind,” he addressed to me.

  Jules gave me a smile and a nod. I looked from her back to Kade then back to her. Did I really want to let him give me a ride home after I’d been drinking? I didn’t think that was a good idea, but that wasn’t what came out of my mouth.

  “Sure.” I s
miled at him. Jules walked away without another word. What had I just done? I was going to be in a car . . . alone . . . with Kade. I turned back toward the bar and asked for an ice water. I thought that maybe if I chugged some water it would make me pee out the alcohol faster.

  Then he asked me something I never thought I’d hear a man ask me, definitely not coming from Kade. “Do you believe in love at first sight, Scarlett?” he whispered.

  I had no idea how to respond to that. His stare implied he was asking a very serious question. Why was he even asking me this? I could feel my body temperature rise. I hoped he wasn’t implying what it sounded like he was implying.

  Looking into his eyes, I took a minute to really think that one through. Did I believe in love at first sight? The answer was simple. No, I didn’t.

  “I believe in lust at first sight, not love. I don’t think you can decide you love someone just by looking at them; although, the laws of attraction definitely state you can lust after someone just from one look.” I smiled at him. I was proud of my answer.

  Then he leaned in toward me, our bodies barely touching. My smile fell as his lips got closer to my ear and he whispered, “Do you feel that?” He nuzzled his nose against my ear. Instant need traveled through my body.

  I gasped and closed my eyes. “Yes.”

  “Do you feel the heat?”

  I could feel his hot breath on my ear, and it was sending lightning bolts down my body.

  “Yes.” I said, biting my lower lip.

  He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer, nuzzling his face in my neck before returning his lips to my ear. “I feel that heat every time I look at you, Scarlett, since the first time I saw you.” My breathing picked up speed. “You make me feel things that scare the fuck out of me, but I like the way they make me feel. Can you feel it too, Scarlett?” I could only nod. “That’s why I played the song for you. That song is a piece of me that I want you to have. Do you understand that, Scarlett?” He was still nuzzling his nose against my ear. His voice had me hypnotized. I could only nod again.

  He squeezed my hips. I was getting so turned on that my stomach was twisting in coils. I knew exactly what he was talking about, but was that really love at first sight? It just didn’t make sense to me. Nothing made sense to me when I was near him, but maybe that was the point.

  He pulled back and I opened my eyes. We gazed into each other’s eyes. I could have done this all night. He was beautiful, so intense, and such a sexual being.

  “Do you see it, Scarlett? I can see it in your body movement: the way it moves closer to mine of its own accord.” I was mesmerized by his dark eyes and the way his mouth moved when he spoke.

  I wanted to reply to him, but my mouth was dry. I needed to drink some water, but I couldn’t even move. What was this guy doing to me?

  “Hey, man, we’re heading out. You coming?” Max interrupted, bursting our sexual bubble.

  Letting out a breath, I turned and gulped down the rest of my water and excused myself to the ladies’ room. Kade watched me go. He wasn’t too happy our moment was gone either.

  Good Lord. This guy really did make me lose all my inhibitions. This wasn’t good. He should have been too intense for me, but all I could think of was that I wanted him to overpower me. Intense could be good, right? I thought, as I exited the stall and washed my hands.

  As I walked out, I noticed Kade standing against the wall. We stood there and looked at each other for what felt like thirty minutes. In reality, it was maybe thirty seconds.

  “Are you ready, beautiful? It’s almost one.”

  I looked around and noticed the place was almost empty. I didn’t even realize how many people had gone when I was on my way to the bathroom, because I was in such a sexual daze.

  He had a grin on his face when I looked back at him. I still must have looked as if I was in a daze, or maybe it was just the alcohol. All I knew was I needed to get to bed. Alone.

  “Yes, please.” I nodded.

  He turned and headed toward an open side door where a body guard was waiting. A black SUV was waiting for us with the door open. I hopped in with Kade right behind me. Clicking my seat belt on, I looked out the window as we headed out away from the club.

  I didn’t know how I was going to get through this month. The things he said tonight were still swimming through my mind, and I didn’t know how to comprehend them. This was all new territory for me. I’d never been pursued before. It felt more like a sexual domination, but I wasn’t all against it either. I just didn’t know how to handle his forwardness. It scared me, but he also admitted that it scared him too. The chemistry between us was just too strong to ignore.

  Kade’s fingers softly brushed up my arm. I gasped at the feelings it caused. Turning to face him, I came face to face with lustful brown eyes. He lifted his hand and gently brushed hair away from my face. Then he leaned down and brought his lips to mine. Closing my eyes, I opened my mouth immediately, inviting in his tongue. My hands lifted to his head and gripped his hair. He kissed me passionately. The hand that was on my waist lifted and cupped my breast, and I moaned as he rubbed his thumb over my hardened nipple. I wanted to lift up and straddle him, but we were interrupted by Kade’s phone ringing. Kade kissed me one last time then pulled his phone out of his pants’ pocket.

  “Fuck!” He said looking at his lit-up phone, then ran his hand down his face.

  “Is everything all right?” He looked pissed, and he was gripping the phone so hard that his knuckles were white.

  “It’s nothing,” He bit out. He didn’t even look at me. He was staring at his phone as it lit up again with a number I couldn’t see. He just let it ring and ring.

  “Maybe you should answer that. It might be important,” I said pointing to his phone.

  I had no idea what I was talking about. It was the tequila talking.

  The phone stopped ringing, and he finally turned and looked at me. The look on his face could only be described as anguish. He was definitely not all right, and it obviously had to do with whoever was trying to call him.

  Then his phone started ringing again.

  “WHAT?” he yelled into the phone.

  I scooted over a little bit toward my door. He was scary pissed, and I could see the veins popping out of his neck.


  He forcefully pressed the end button on his phone. I was surprised he didn’t crack the screen. He took a couple of deep breaths then looked over at me.

  “I’m so sorry, Scarlett. I did it again. I just . . . Some people just don’t know when to back off.” He let out a long sigh and rubbed his hand down his face again. He looked so stressed and tired. I wanted to know how I could help him, but it was obviously none of my business.

  “Are you in some kind of trouble or something?” I knew I shouldn’t have asked, but my curiosity was bigger than it should have been. I blamed the alcohol.

  Instead of answering, he just gazed at me. Then I noticed that the SUV had stopped. I looked out the window and noticed that we were at my place. Only then did I realize I hadn’t even told the driver where I lived. That was kind of creepy.

  Kade leaned over and put his hand behind my head to bring me closer to him and gently kissed me on cheek. “Everything is fine, Scarlett. Go on and head inside. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He smiled at me, but it wasn’t his sexy grin. I smiled back and nodded at him then headed out of the door toward my condo.

  Chapter 10

  It was the first day of filming for Kade. I woke up with another alcohol-induced headache and officially decided that I’d never drink again. I knew I’d said it before, but I meant it this time. I considered just giving up tequila; although, Jules would be pissed about that one.

  I looked over at the clock and saw that it was only seven thirty. Jules had already gone to work, and I was glad she didn’t come banging on my door this morning to ask fifty questions about my ride home with Kade. It would have irritated the hell
out of me, since she knew I didn’t have to get up early.

  I didn’t have to be at the studio until nine, so I took my time getting ready. The weather forecast called for temps in the sixties, so I decided to wear my navy faux-wrap matte jersey dress and paired it with my khaki-colored heels to finish off the outfit. With my hair still wet, I put styling mousse in it and left it to air dry. I had plenty of time to actually do something with my hair; I just didn’t feel like it. I told myself it had nothing to do with the fact that Kade liked it that way. I performed my usual makeup routine and then headed out the door.

  Since I had plenty of time to spare, I stopped at Starbucks for a double espresso macchiato and a blueberry muffin. I rarely treated myself to Starbucks as I thought it was way too expensive, but I figured what the hell? It was on the way. It definitely beat coffee with creamer and the Nutri-Grain bar I usually had for breakfast.

  At eight thirty, I headed over to the studio where Kade was filming. Passing the studios where The Vampire Diaries and The Walking Dead were being filmed, I looked for any actors I recognized. Jules would have been so jealous if I’d gotten a glimpse of Ian Somerhalder. He was her celebrity crush.

  At the front gate, the security guard checked my ID and made sure I was on the list. Handing me the visitor’s badge, he told me where I needed to park and where filming was being held. I parked my car in the parking lot that was located on the other side of the studio then made my way to find Kade.

  As I approached Studio Three, I looked around for any sign of Kade or Keith. The large studio doors were open, and people were coming in and out carrying props and what looked like scripts. I also noticed them bringing in band equipment that I was sure they’d be using for Kade’s part in the movie.

  He was set to play a character named Luke Marshall. I didn’t know too much about the role he was playing, but I did know that he was the lead singer of a local band who meets his boss’s wife and then has an affair with her. And if I weren’t mistaken, it wouldn’t work out too well for him. That was why he only had to film for a month. It wasn’t a very big part.


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