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The Complete Box Set: Saving Her

Page 14

by Bry Ann

  “Better?” he asked smiling.

  “Much,” I winked.

  Logan entered me slowly after that. He moved in and out of me, not rushing anything. I kept squirming around, not used to that many sensations running through my body at one time. Logan laughed quietly knowing he was giving me the absolute best fuck of my life. He began to slow down even more, and eventually I felt him jerk, and he rested his head on my shoulder. He was so beautiful as he came calling my name. My name. I felt so powerful at that moment, and so connected to him. Logan rubbed my sweaty hair back when we finished.

  “What are we going to do? You go back to LA,” I said softly.

  “Shouldn’t we wait to have this conversation until we are out of the car and, I don’t know, a little cleaned up?”

  “Then let’s get out.”

  “Is that really what you want?” He laughed.

  “Ugh… I hate you.” No. I feel safe in your arms. That was beautiful.

  He laughed but not for long.

  “I promise we will talk but let’s just enjoy his. Okay?” He kissed me gently down my torso.

  We laid there for a few minutes before my phone starting going off. I used my shaking arms to push my body back up and slammed my head on the top of the car as I reached for my phone.

  “Ow.” I scrunched my face and rubbed the top of my head. I turned to Logan. “It’s not funny Logan!”

  Logan laughed. He sat up as well and threw on his clothes. It was Dana. When I saw the text my stomach flipped. I brushed my hair back and wiped my mouth. Then quickly threw on my clothes.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I have to go,” I said. I looked in the car mirror to make sure it didn’t appear as I had just fucked my brains out. It didn’t. Thank God.

  I bolted out of the car and ran to the hospital doors, hearing Logan’s footsteps following closely behind me.

  “Sam! What the hell is going on?!”

  I wanted to tell him, but I was so hyped up on adrenaline I just kept running. His question didn’t register in my brain.

  Despite Logan’s massive frame, adrenaline was allowing me to stay ten steps ahead of him, which I desperately needed. I entered the hospital and found Gunner outside my mom’s room like Dana had said in her text. He was leaning casually against the wall like nothing at all was wrong with this picture. The most shocking part of all this was that Dana was blocking the doorway between my mom and him. Well, she was partially blocking the door. She seemed unguarded around Gunner. Comfortable even? So did he. He was so casual. The minute they saw me, both of them shot up like they’d been caught doing something they shouldn’t have. What the hell? Dana looked at me with a guilt-ridden expression while Gunner walked over to me.

  “We need to talk,” he said with his hands in his pockets. I heard Logan’s footsteps coming up the stairs. I was furious at Gunner for being here, but Logan would kill him if he knew he was here.

  “Follow me. Now.”

  I led him to a waiting area I knew Logan wouldn’t dare enter. I texted Dana to distract Logan. She said no problem.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I whispered. “And what the hell did you say to Dana? You leave her the hell alone. I know she probably pisses a guy like you off, but she’s a sweetheart who has been to hell and back ten times.”

  “I’m here because Tim wants a decision now.”

  “It hasn’t even been a day.”

  “Yeah well with Logan back in the picture he wants one now.”

  I looked at the gun in his back pocket. “I don’t like you are coming around my family; my mom, Dana. I’m out. I’m done. This was a mistake, but you stay the hell away from them. You hear me?”

  “Relax, I’m not gonna hurt a fucking cancer patient or Dana, despite her level of disrespect and lack of common sense. You gave your notice in the time allotted. You and your family are safe.”

  “Speaking of, what did Dana say to you back there?”

  A faint smile spread across his lips, but it was gone faster than it came.

  “The 105lb. Female blocked the door, attempted to rather, and told me to leave your mom alone. I went to move her, so I could go in and wait for you, and she slapped me across the face.”

  “She did what?!”

  “Yeah, she slapped me. So I waited in the hall, and she stood in the doorway the whole time. That’s it. Your precious friend is completely fine. So, relax.”

  “She slapped you, and you just waited in the hall. I don’t know you well but…? What?”

  “I wish you the best Sam,” Gunner said as he walked out as silently as he came. “And Sam, don’t join up with people like us again or an almost rape and mini beating will be the least of your concerns.”

  I took a deep breath, beyond relieved that that part of my life was over. I walked back to the room where Logan stood.

  “Where were you? Dana sure as fuck wouldn’t say a word! I don’t like that the two of you have some sort of secret pact!”

  “I just…. needed a moment,” I said as flippantly as I could.


  He stormed into my mom’s room. He’d get over it. I could tell. He just needed a minute to cool off. Dana, Logan and I stayed with my mom for several hours before Logan’s phone rang. He looked at it and winced.

  “I have to take this. Sorry,” he said before walking out.

  I nodded and turned immediately to Dana.

  “Dana, thank you for defending me to Logan and Gunner.”

  “Your welcome,” she said sweetly, still staring at my mom who was now sleeping. “Did you and Logan work things out?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, we are good. Seriously though, did Gunner hurt you? Are you okay? You are so brave. Geez.”

  “I’m just defensive of you. You are like the sister I never had or something. I know we just met, but I love you. I got a little riled up.”

  “But Gunner didn’t hurt you… or threaten you?” I winced. If Dana got hurt because of me I’d hate myself, and despite Gunner’s weird code of honor, he was capable of absolute violence and betrayal.

  “Gunner? No,” she said waving her hand like we were talking about a ten-year-old girl.

  “You seem calm for getting the face of a muscled drug dealer. Gunner freaking scares me.”

  She shrugged. “He doesn’t scare me.”

  I looked at her skeptically but decided to drop it because Logan had walked back in. The three of us spent the night with my mom. It was like we were a family. Dana sat across from my mom and would occasionally fix her hair or wipe her face, like a nurse or something. I cuddled up to Logan in the two-seater chair, and he held me tight and said ridiculous things that made me laugh. Dana rolled her eyes, but I could tell she was happy. We all were.

  Chapter 11:

  The next few months were some of the best of my life. The experimental procedure seemed to be helping my mom a lot. Of course, she was still sick and exhausted a lot of the time. It wasn’t a miracle, but she was no longer on her deathbed. She could walk now, go to the store with us, get dressed in the morning and be a part of my everyday life. As if that wasn’t enough of a reason to be happy, I hung around Dana and Logan all the time. They came over for dinner every Friday night, and we went to Dana’s every Wednesday for pizza and games, well pizza for Dana and me, Logan bought his own food course. Logan and I were able to talk about the fact that he’d be going to LA for a while. Me going wasn’t an option, nor were we at a point in our relationship where I would do so anyway.

  Plus, Dana and my mom were in Nashville. Logan said he’d work on getting his album done in Nashville versus LA, but he still had to film his movie there. Considering the fact Logan was leaving we decided not to make our relationship serious until he got back and could commit to that. In fact, what we agreed upon was a little weird. It wasn’t exactly a relationship, but we were exclusive. AKA, Logan could not sleep with anyone in LA, and I wouldn’t sleep with anyone here in Nashville…or make any other stup
id rash decisions. It was like we were both committing to a relationship when we were truly ready which, at the time, neither of us was.

  Today was the morning Logan was set to leave. I tried to tell myself I wasn’t going to miss him, but my half ass performance at work said otherwise. I needed to focus though, and I had a hard time focusing with Logan around. I was starting to look for a new job now that my mom was in a more passive phase of her cancer.

  Dana, my mom and I met Logan at the airport around 10 AM. The minute I saw Logan with his bags in the concierge lounge, I realized how much it sucked he was leaving. My heart felt heavy, and that wasn’t a common sensation for me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulder.

  “I’ll miss you,” I whispered in his ear.

  He pulled me back and looked me directly in the eyes.

  “Sam, I’ll be back soon. Don’t do anything stupid while I’m away, okay? You’ve made so much progress these past few months. Reach out if you need anything. Please…and Dana,” he said turning his sister, “Keep Sam in check.”

  Dana came up and wrapped her arms around my shoulder.

  “You know I will bro.”

  She then went over, and fist bumped him and told him to behave. He simply rolled his eyes, and that was the extent of their goodbye. I guess they were used to this. I wasn't. Then Logan approached my mom.

  “Ms. Perkins,” he said putting his hand on her shoulder. “Thank you for everything. I am so happy you are doing well.”

  My mom wrapped Logan in her arms giving him one of her signature “mom hugs.”

  “No, Logan thank you. There is nothing I could ever do to repay what you’ve done for our family, and I don’t just mean the money. I mean Sam. You’ve helped my daughter so much.”

  She released him from the hug, and he gave her a look of deep sentiment.

  “She’s helped me too Ms. Perkins. She’s helped me too.” He squeezed her shoulder.

  With that Logan was gone and boarding a plane to LA. We all went home, and I immediately grabbed my computer and went to go to the lake.

  “Where are you going Sam?” my mom called.

  “Out!” I shouted from the front door.

  I could almost feel her rolling her eyes from the other room. Luckily, a few of her friends were coming over that afternoon for a bible study so she was distracted. Since my mom had slightly more energy, she’d been making more of an effort to be social, and I was proud of her. At least she wasn’t taking my shitty example. It took me three weeks to get a new job. Although I was ecstatic to be moving forward, saying goodbye to Shauna and Matt was a bit sad. I had come to view Shauna as a very good acquaintance, and Matt shocked the hell out of me by constantly defending me when Logan’s fans or paparazzi came in the picture. I was grateful for all the support he gave me as I learned how to deal with them. Luckily, in my new job I was a bit more hidden. I became a data analyst. It fit my antisocial personality very well. In fact, I genuinely enjoyed my job. It didn’t force me to be anything I wasn’t.

  Two months went by and although Logan and I talked I think I heard more about him in the papers than I did from him. Most of that was my fault, but he was extremely busy as well. Despite all the presshe was receiving I hadn’t heard one rumor about him sleeping or leaving with another woman. In fact, most of the press he received was regarding his work or his “mystery woman” back in Nashville. Luckily, they hadn’t connected me to the girl they kept seeing pictures of in the paper. Thank God for small mercies.

  I worked a normal 40-hour work week now, and my mom was busy with her friends and doctors’ appointments. I kept trying to connect with Dana because I missed her, but she seemed to be increasingly busy as well. We met up a few times, but that was all. I didn’t think anything of it, but then in a passing conversation I discovered that it was one person taking up all her time and it didn’t take a genius to deduce that person was a guy. I became increasingly curious so I demanded a dinner. She agreed, and we decided to meet up at the Italian place we first met up at. I got there at 6, and she arrived there at 6:15 full of apologies. What struck me though was what she was wearing. She was wearing makeup and more than just her signature blush. She was wearing foundation and mascara to go along with it. It wasn't overkill, but she looked beautiful. She was also wearing a floral dress, a sweater overtop and matching flats.

  “Well don’t you look nice?” I said with a raised eyebrow.

  “Do I?” Her cheeks turned bright red.

  “Yeah, who were you meeting before me?”

  “Who says this isn’t for you?” She frowned and put her hands on her hips.

  I just gave her pointed look.

  “Come on Dana. I know you better than that. Cute outfits, constantly busy with one person…. you are in a relationship.”

  Her eyebrows shot up, and her cheeks turned flaming red.

  “No!” she yelled. “Absolutely not! This person and I aren’t even friends! We are just you know… people. We are, I don’t know. I’m not even allowed to be in a relationship. I’m, quote, “focusing on me.” Okay? Let’s all relax. You didn’t tell Logan that you suspected this, did you?”

  “Woah girl, chill. I’m the last person to push or judge a relationship situation, and no I haven’t told Logan. We haven’t had a chance to talk a bunch. Who is this guy anyway?”

  “Wait, are you and Logan okay? Did he do something?!”

  “No, he didn’t,” I laughed. “Actually, according to the papers and what he’s told me he has been on his best behavior.”

  “Well good,” she laughed. “I love my brother. I didn’t want to have to kill him.”

  “Nope, no murder necessary,” I laughed. She laughed too and then looked down at her hands.

  “So, this person. Who is he?”

  “Oh, you don’t even know him.”

  I could tell she was trying to act indifferent, but she was doing a very shitty job. I dropped it. She’d tell me in time. I didn’t want to push her. I mean who was I to push her to talk about something she wasn’t ready to. She probably wasn’t even sure of what was going on between the two of them and wasn’t ready to involve somebody else. I couldn’t blame her for that. We had a great dinner, and I hugged her. I ran to catch up to the bus that was just about to leave and fiddled with my iPod on the way home. The bus pulled up to its usual stop near my house, and I dragged my tired feet home. When I was less than a quarter of a mile away, I heard police sirens by my house. I took off in a sprint. What could be going on at my house?! My mom was getting better; it couldn’t be her. It couldn’t. I moved faster, pushing my legs as fast they would go. Breathlessly, I sprinted into the house and saw a stretcher with my mom on it. She was unconscious with a breathing tube. I screamed, and two officers pulled me back as they started pulling her towards the ambulance outside. I fought against them as hard as I could.

  “What’s going on?” I yelled. “My mom! What is happening?”

  As my vision blurred, I looked at the officers.

  One of the younger officers pulled me down on the couch by my arms, which were barely able to fight anymore. I sat there paralyzed with shock. She was fine. She is fine. She got the treatment that she needed.

  “Your mom called the ambulance. We don’t know what is wrong yet, but when we got here she was unconscious. We are trying to stabilize her. You can ride with us to the hospital.”

  “I don’t understand,” I said, feeling more like a limp doll than a person. “She was fine.”

  They looked at me sadly.

  “Come on sweetie. We’ll get you to the hospital.”

  One of the officers helped me up and to the car. I was so dizzy; it felt like my world was spinning. I was in a haze the whole way, and I didn’t say two words to anybody. I felt like I was in a fog and nobody else existed. I got to the hospital, and the younger officer walked me to the waiting room. I couldn’t blink or take in any of the things surrounding me. Something bad was happening to my mom, and I couldn
’t control it. I always felt I had some control. If I could just earn enough money, maybe I could save her. Now there was nothing I could do. I had no control.

  I sat in the waiting room for literally less than five minutes when a doctor walked out in his blue scrubs with his hands by his sides. At that moment, my world went black. He approached me slowly and cautiously like I was a caged animal.

  “Samantha Perkins….”

  No response.

  “I am so sorry to tell you that at nine fifteen this evening your mother passed away. She died of suffocation. We are still trying to figure out what caused it.”

  “No,” I whispered, tears staining my eyes. “Where is she? She’s here…” My voice cracked. I knew she wasn’t here. I could feel her absence. I felt whole with her here, and I no longer felt whole.

  “Sam,” his voice broke. “She’s gone.”

  Something inside me broke. He asked questions about who to call and all this other stuff, but I couldn’t hear him. He wasn’t in the same world as me anymore. Mine was destroyed. I sprinted out of there. Some nurses tried to chase me, but I was too fast, and they couldn’t come after me because I wasn’t truly a patient or a threat to anyone. I hopped on a bus and headed to the only place I knew to go. Within fifteen minutes, I was at the lake. It was less than thirty degrees now, and I was in a tank top because I left my jacket back at the house in the midst of all the chaos. I couldn’t feel the cold though. I ran through the gate, shrubbery, and rocks and sat on the shore with my knees curled into my chest. I didn’t care who was looking for me or what was happening. I was completely catatonic. I don’t know how long I was there. I knew it had to have been at least twelve hours.

  Then fifteen.

  Then eighteen.

  I still didn’t move. Talk. Nothing. I just was frozen, dead too...with my mom.

  I think it was in the twentieth hour that I heard the gate open. I heard footsteps but still didn’t move. I didn’t care who it was. If I was lucky, it was someone dangerous.

  “Sam?” I heard a quiet male voice say. “Sam?”

  Then I just heard someone yell “Fuck, Sam!” and footsteps sprinting down the rocks. I stared straight ahead. I didn’t care who it was. I felt a jacket being wrapped around my arms, and even though it should have warmed my frozen skin, it didn’t.


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