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Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found

Page 44

by Arysio Santos

  Such naturist interpretations, so current in the 19th century, are now utterly outdated and were hence generally abandoned by the more knowledgeable experts. But the idea here seems clear enough: “If I take the wings of Morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea.” Morning is Dawn, and has wings in most ancient traditions, Greek in particular, as illustrated in the figure of Eos mourning her dead son Memnon shown further above.

  As most Indologists well know, in antiquity the day started by convention in Taprobane, that is, in the East Indies, the Land of Dawn. The ancient texts – both Classical and otherwise – are full of references to this fact. And it is also reasonable to believe that the new day starts at the divide of the world where East meets West, and the sun’s circuit is completed.

  Malachi (4:2) makes a very curious reference to these “wings” which is quite revealing of their true identity. The prophet is talking of Doomsday, when the “Sun of Righteousness” will again arise with its wings, bringing healing to the righteous and fiery death to the wicked. This Sun of Righteousness is also the solar disk we see shining between the horns of bovine deities such as Shiva, Kronos, Ammon, Hathor, and so on.

  We believe that this “winged sun” is the supervolcano which brings Doomsday to the world according to Hindu traditions (Agni). The just, it is believed, will then be rescued, and will in fact become immortal, as a reward for their piety. This image of the Winged Sun is of enormous antiquity. For example, it is found in the Rig Veda as the one of Vena, the true archetype of the Phoenix. We also have the Winged Disk in the religious symbolism of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Aztec Mexico, and so forth. ↑161


  18 The true etymology of the name of Iapetos is unknown in Greek, according to Junito Brandão, the great expert on sacred etymologies. Brandão denounces the customary derivation from japtein (“to throw”) as false. The genealogy given by Hesiod (Theog. 507) substitutes Menoetius for Hesperus as the brother of Atlas. Like Diodorus, Hesiod also gives Ouranus and Gaia as the parents of the Titans.

  We believe that the name of Iapetos ultimately derives from the Sanskrit yā -pati, meaning “lord of the moving ones”. The first root is related to yahva (“moving waters”). But its basic form (yā) is related to Eng. “go” and means “to go, wander, err”. This word is also an onomastic of Agni, Indra or Soma in the Vedas. We believe that this word was also the source of the name of Jah or Jahveh, the Jewish god who, like these Vedic deities, was also both the Lord of the Flood and of these errant nomads.

  This sobriquet also apparently designates Varuna and Poseidon as the “Lord of the [Moving] Waters” (Idas Pati). Varuna, like Poseidon and perhaps even Jahveh himself, was the lord both of the waters and of earthquakes and volcanoes. As such, the name clearly refers to the Flood as a giant tsunami perhaps impelled by the super-eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, alias Vadavamukha or “Fiery Submarine Mare”.

  The name of the Yavanas (or “Greeks”) also means “restless, ever moving” (yahva), being also related to javana (“a fleet horse or horseman”). As such, this onomastic term apparently refers to the early Tocharians (or Yüeh-chi), the nomadic White Huns from the Far East who were the ancestors both of the Jews and other early nomads such as the Ethiopians, the Celts, the Etruscans, the Greeks and other tribes of early Sea Peoples.

  Their relationship with horses is curious, as it suggests the main feature of these feared barbarians: their ability to aim and shoot arrows while riding at full speed. Likewise, the connection with Poseidon and Varuna again suggests a direct nexus of the Yavanas with Atlantis and its demise by fire and water.

  This would again imply that the two adversaries in the Great War of Atlantis, the Athenians and the Atlanteans, were both “Greeks” or Yavanas. In other words, the War of Atlantis was actually a civil war fought between the two moieties of the great nation, the Dravidas and the Aryans. The word “Greek” is related to “gray” and refers to the fact that this people was connected with the Atlanteans as the “hoary people”, the Ancestors (or rishis) of the previous era of mankind.

  The radix vana is likewise telltale of a connection with Atlantis and Paradise. This word means “forest, grove, wilderness, solitude” and, by extension, “a foreign or distant land”. This word literally corresponds to the Skt. paradesha, whence derived the word “paradise” as a far country, placed on the far bank of the ocean. In this connection, the name of the Yavanas may literally be interpreted as meaning: “the wanderers from a distant land” or, even more exactly: “the nomads originated from Paradise.”


  19 The name of the god the Greeks called Kronos and the Romans Saturnus (or Saturn) is variously spelled: Kronos, Cronus, Cronos, Kronos, etc.. We attempt to respect the original spelling in the quotations we cite, for reasons of fidelity to our sources. Hence the different spellings found in our text, which may confuse the lay reader.

  But it is impossible to maintain a perfect coherence in the spelling of Kronos’ name, even though we normally prefer the Greek spelling just used. We recognize that this incoherence is perplexing, but are unable to solve the problem, which is better left to the more qualified experts.

  The Latins (Romans) often used the form Cronus, their way of spelling the Greek name of Kronos, even though the god’s Roman counterpart was called Saturn. Kronos is a very important god. But the etymology of his name is unknown, a fact that attests the foreign origin of the god, probably Pelasgian or Etruscan.

  In Greece, Kronos presided over the Kronia festival. This is the equivalent to the Latin Saturnalia, the antecedent of Carnival. In Greek mythology, Kronos is a Titan, the son of the sky-god Ouranos and the earth-goddess Gaia. Kronos attacked his father, and castrated him, assuming the rule of his worldwide empire which Diodorus specifically identifies with Atlantis.

  To avoid the same fate, Kronos devoured his children as soon as they were born. The only exception was Zeus, the youngest, due to his wife’s ruse, who fed Kronos a stone wrapped in the child’s swaddling clothes. After he grew up, Zeus treated Kronos the way he had treated his own father. Defeated and ousted, Kronos became the ruler of Hades, the netherworld. But he was later freed by Zeus, and became the ruler of the paradisial Isles of the Blest.

  The great war between the gods, led by Zeus, and the Titans, led by Kronos is, as Plato explains, an allegory of the Great War of Atlantis. In other versions, the Titans were led by Atlas himself, perhaps emphasizing the identity of the two Titans. Diodorus also affirms that Kronos was the twin brother of Atlas and the coruler of Atlantis. Diodorus further adds that Zeus was the son of Kronos, and that he made war on his father, whom he defeated and ousted from the throne.

  As is now clear, the account of Atlantis given by Diodorus is more or less coherent with the one given by Plato and other mythographers. The etymology of the name of Kronos is highly obscure. The connection with Khronos (“Time”) is merely popular, and probably derives from his connection with Shiva (as Kala = Time).

  No matter what, the above etymology is linguistically invalid, and is merely popular. But Kronos was often associated with a past era of mankind, the Golden Age. Kronos devouring his children is an allegory of Atlantis’ volcano in fact doing so. The Great War is the War of Atlantis, and the Golden Age refers to the antediluvian era of Atlantis, which completed its allotted time, and had to be destroyed.

  Some experts have proposed that the name of Kronos ultimately derives from the one of Shiva as Karana (or Krana, meaning “Creator” in Sanskrit). Others have pointed out the connection of his name with the radix KRN, of words such as “crown” (Latin corona) and “horn” (Latin cornus, Hebrew karan). And it is perhaps more than a coincidence that Kronos is often depicted as a horned god akin to Cernnunos (Celtic).

  Kronos is also connected with the figure of Lucifer, another horned deity. The Orphics identified Kronos – or Khronos, rather – with Hercules. As such, the god was often portrayed as a giant dragon o
r serpent. In this connection, Kronos seems to be an alias of the Serpent of Eden. The story of Kronos and Zeus just told is all too similar to the one of Bali and Vamana to be explained away as a sheer coincidence.

  All in all, both stories apparently correspond to a mythification of the Great War of Atlantis. Even the horned figure of Kronos is probably derived from India, where Shiva, his probable archetype, is often so portrayed, as illustrated next. Already, the proto-Shiva of Harappa bore a pair of buffalo horns whose similitude to Cernnunos has previously been noted by several experts.

  Yamantaka, the alias of Shiva as Bali and/or Yama is also often portrayed as a horned god. The actual symbolism of horns is somewhat difficult. It is not exclusively a male emblem, as the Great Mother (Hathor, Isis, Io, etc.) also often bears such horns, usually with the solar disk shining between them. ↑162

  We believe that the horn symbolism has ultimately to do with the Hornof-Plenty. If so, the real allusion is to the Pillars of Hercules and/or Atlas, the two volcanoes of Atlantis. These volcanoes insured the local fecundity of the land due to the rains and the perpetual fertility of the soil that they insured. Hence the connection with the Great Mother of Cereals and with Saturn, as the “inseminator” (sator) who introduced agriculture. This feat is often attributed to Osiris, Ouranos, Yama and other such civilizing gods.

  The fact that some Sea Peoples such as the Sherden and the Tjekker (or Tjakkar) wore helmets decorated by feathers or by a pair of horns having the sun disk in between is telltale of the connection of this symbolism with the Far East, where their islands were located. The same is also true of the Egyptian divinities such as Hathor and Khnum, etc., where the occult symbolism of their curious headdresses is once again precisely the same as here. ↑163

  The Tjekker are the Tocharians, as several experts have recognized. Among these experts we name Prof E. Desor, whose wonderful book is referenced below, in the Bibliography. The word Tocharian figures in Sanskrit as Tukhara (or Tukkhara, etc.). This ethnonym is derived from the Dravida togaru meaning “red”. This base has forms such as dora, meaning the same. By extension, this name means “pink, rosy” and hence “dawn”. As such, the name applies to the ruddy races of the Far East, the Land of Dawn (Homer’s “rosy-fingered Aurora”).

  The form dora is highly interesting. It closely evokes the name of the Dorians, that is, the Indo-European Greeks. The Tjekker are also mentioned in the WenAmon story of the 11th century BC. The author recalls visiting the city of Dor, which he calls “a town of the Tjekker”. As is clear, the early Greeks, like the Sea Peoples, were a mixed stock of more or less white-skinned peoples comprising the Aryans (whites), the Dravidas (reds), the Semites, and so forth.

  A Sanskrit-Tocharian bilingual inscription identifies the Sanskrit tokharika and Tocharian kucaññe (“Kuchean”). If so, the Tocharians are identical to the Kusheans or Ethiopians, at least in language. This identification is extremely interesting, as it places the Ethiopians both in the Far East (Xinjiang region in China) and in the west (as the Dorian Greeks, the Libyans, etc.). Once more we see that the Greeks were originally divided into two moieties, one Aryan, the other one Pelasgian or Dravida. It was these two moieties who fought the Great War of Atlantis, clearly a civil war.

  Sandars (see above link) traces the Tjekker to the Troad (Asia Minor), and identifies this people with the Teucri, perhaps displaced from there by the Trojan War. But the Trojan War is really an allegory of the Great War of Atlantis, so that the Tocharians were first displaced from Atlantis into China and Southeast Asia, later moving from there towards the west (Asia Minor, Greece, Celtia etc.)

  Sandars also suggests a connection of the Tjekker with the hero Teucer, the traditional founder of Salamis in Cyprus. It is suggested that the Tjekker may have come to Canaan from the Troad by way of Cyprus. The name of Teucer (Grk. Teukros) also embodies the idea of “red”, being applied to madder, whence a red dye is extracted. The two feathers on the Tjekker headdresses correspond to those worn by the hoplites (lancers) of the Greek armies. Their long spears, rounded shields, short swords are also typically Greek. And their ships closely resemble those later found in the Aegean region.

  It is also clear that the Sea Peoples came to the Mediterranean region and to central and west Europe in several waves. And they came both by land via the east (through the Silk Road) and the west (across the ocean). The first such wave occurred in the 5th millennium BC, or earlier, and corresponded to the Ethiopians and the Celt-Iberians, as commented above.

  Another wave corresponded to the Hyksos, and started at about 1,700 BC. A third attempt – this time unsuccessful – occurred with the Sea Peoples proper, at about 1,200 BC. But these barbaric invasions, often peaceful, but invariably with the intention of settling on place, occurred down to Classical antiquity, and even later, in the Middle Ages, with Attila and other leaders. These peoples were of mingled stock ranging from Aryan to Semitic to Turkish, etc.. And they adopted a host of names which utterly confuse the specialists: Avars, Abars (Hebrew?), Asii, Hephtalites, Kushans (Ethiopians), Jujuan, Sacae, Tochari, White Huns, Yüehchih, etc.. It is quite clear that Plato had one of these invasions in mind.

  The two horns or feathers of the headdresses of the Sea Peoples ultimately symbolize the two Pillars of Hercules. And the “sun” rising in between the two horns symbolizes the fiery volcanism, as shiny as the day star itself. Other nations of the Sea Peoples (Peleshet or Palestinians) wore plumed headdresses whose symbolism is again just the same. Their colorful feathers vividly portray the giant volcanic eruption and its fiery plume.

  It is certainly more than a coincidence that some Egyptian gods such as Bes also wore feather headdresses. And Bes was deemed to have come from Punt, the Egyptian counterpart of the Islands of the Blest, which the heroes and pharaohs inhabited after death. The Sea Peoples also included the Teresh (or Tursha or Tyrshenoi or Tyrrhenians), that is, the Etruscans.

  This fact is telltale of a connection with the East Indies and the Dravidas, as revealed by their Dravidian tongue. Luckily, I managed to decipher the hitherto mysterious language of the Etruscans in very complete detail, providing compelling Dravidian etymologies for all its rather ample known vocabulary, which presently encompasses over a thousand words.

  My results have been published, and are currently available in the Internet, at the disposal of all interested parties. Up to now, Etruscan, like Pelasgian, its Greek counterpart, was universally considered an undeciphered “linguistic isolate” having no known connection with any other linguistic families anywhere.

  This seminal discovery of ours provides an insofar unsuspected connection of the early Mediterranean and Near Eastern civilizations with the East Indies, their probable source. As soon as our deciphering of Etruscan is realized and recognized by the academic experts, a thorough revision of the current doctrines on the rise of civilization will be required.

  Such changes of paradigm take time to be implemented. But they will be done, in time, as truth is inescapable, once discovered. What this discovery means is that that the existence of Atlantis and its location in the East Indies can hardly be doubted anymore. Otherwise, how can one reasonably account for the now inescapable fact that the early peoples of the Mediterranean region originally came from the distant Far East?


  20 The figure of the Cherubs (or Karibus) originated in Mesopotamia, probably with the Sumerians who handed the tradition to the Akkadians. The Karibus were the terrible guardians of the temples and palaces in Sumer, and Babylon. Similar sentinels existed in Assyria and guarded the Tree of Life. The Karibus were winged, eagle-headed angelic deities.

  The meaning and origin of the Akkadian word karibu and its Jewish equivalent cherub is highly controversial. Some experts affirm that their name means “one who intercedes” or as meaning “knowledge” or “wisdom”. Others say the word means “strong ones”. We believe that the ultimate etymology of this word is Indian, as is usual with such mystery names. �

  In fact, the word “cherubim” is distantly related to “griffin”, which it closely resembles. And this word is in turn derived from the French griffon, in turn derived from the Latin griffus and the Grk. gryps. This Greek word is related to the idea of “grip, grab, gripe, hooked”.

  The Greek word applies to eagles and griffins due to their curved beaks and claws. And it also applies to hook-nosed people and to hunchbacks. But the myth of griffins, cherubims, karibus, etc., apparently derives from the Hindu one of Garuda, the eagle of Vishnu. The (Sanskrit) name of Garuda is generally derived from the radix grī (“to devour, swallow”). But this etymology is contrived. ↑165

  The real source is Dravida, whence the word ultimately derives, as is so often the case with Hindu sacred names. The eagle Garuda is also connected with Garutmat or Garutmān (“king of birds”). Garut means “bird, winged”. The suffix mat (or mad) is ill-explained, and perhaps refers to the Elixir (mada). Hence, garut-mat = the “bird of the Elixir”. In fact, the main function of the huge bird was dispensing the Elixir.

  Garut-mat is a very important figure in the Vedas. For instance, the Rig Veda (1:164:46) affirms: “God is one. The sages call Him by many names. They call Him: Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Divya, Garutmat, the celestial universal sunbird. They speak of Agni, Yama and Matarishvan.” The Veda also calls him Vena. Garut-mat (the eagle Garuda) is hence the same as the Phoenix and the Thunderbird or Sunbird of other traditions.

  As an alias of Agni, the Bird is the Vadavamukha, the Fire of Doomsday, the all-devouring volcano. Hence its connection with God and with the Elixir, and, above all, with the all-devouring Central Fire of which the Pythagoreans spoke. It is also in the same spirit of “all-devouring fire” that we must interpret the name of Garuda as meaning “devourer”.


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