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Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found

Page 45

by Arysio Santos

  Ultimately, the word garut- derives from the Dravida #1362 karu (“griffin, eagle, vulture”). With the Dravidian connective -tt, the word becomes karutt > Skt. garut, later changed to Garuda. With the connective -pp it becomes karupp, and yields cherub, karibu, griff-on, griff-in, etc..

  The word “intercessor” means an angel or guardian spirit. The idea may be connected with the idea that Cherubs and angels in general established a link between earth and heaven, intermediating our prayers to the gods. In this sense, Karibus correspond to the smoke of sacrificial fires and, even more exactly, that of volcanoes, which did just that when they destroyed the site of Paradise.

  The Mesopotamian word karibu derived from the Dravida, with which Sumerian was closely linked. In Dravida we have #1278 karippu, meaning “fiery, scorched, sun-scorched, singed, iron, black, blackened, black-haired, crow”. This etymon often applies to the Todas, just as it also did to the Sumerians themselves. This base is directly related to #1395 karupp- meaning “black, demon of darkness, black person”. This word is also identical with the name of the Ethiopians, whose meaning is precisely the same.

  The mythical idea here is that these peoples, originally whites or reds, were charred by the volcanism, turning black or charred. This myth is intimately connected with the fate of the Atlanteans, literally so charred. This story has of course very little to do with racial affairs, being a matter of historical fact.

  These “Ethiopians” were really whites or reds, rather than blacks, as the name was later used. This epithet also applied to their land, in fact charred by the volcanism. In this sense, the epithet also applied to Egypt (Kemet = “the black land”). And it also designated the Waste Land (Terre Gaste) of the Arthurian Cycle. As such, this land again corresponds to the one of Atlantis, wasted by the volcanism.

  Ultimately, this legend corresponds to the one reported by Plato on the Atlanteans, and in the Bible (Gen. 6) of the Sons of God mingling with the Daughters of Men, and breeding hybrid offspring. Here, the “Sons of God” are the Atlantean (reds or whites), whereas the “humans” are the dark races of the region of Indonesia (Atlantis): the Negritos, Melanesians, Australoids, Veddoids, etc.. Some of these natives are very obviously crossbreeds of Aryanoids and Negroids, as several experts have already mooted out.


  21 Cf. also here, where the subject of the identity of Humbaba with volcanoes is told in more detail. The story of rabbi Nahamanides and his placement of Eden in the Far Eastern region is amply commented in Jewish sources. Some of the more interesting documents on them can be perused here and here and here, as well as in the other Internet documents which we already linked in the main text. ↑166


  22 In his Nemean Ode 3:21, Pindar affirms: “It is not easy to cross the impassable (abatan) sea beyond the Pillars of Hercules, which that hero and god set up as famous witnesses to the furthest limits (eschatas) of seafaring. He subdued the monstrous beasts in the sea, and tracked to the very end the currents (rhoas) of the shallows (tenageôn), where he reached the goal that sent him back home again, and he made that land known. My soul, towards what foreign headland are you turning my voyage?” ↑167

  This interesting passage deserves some comments. I have slightly corrected the excellent translation of Diane Svarlien, made for Perseus, in order to render it both clearer and more accurate. These shallows or shoals are probably the impassable ones of Atlantis as described by Plato. And the streams or currents are probably marine, rather than riverine as suggested by the word “stream” used by Diane Svarlien.

  So, Hercules apparently followed a maritime current down to its end. And this maritime current seems to be the Equatorial Counter-Current which flows

  from Indonesia to Ecuador in America and vice-versa. In other words, it seems that Hercules actually crossed the wide Pacific Ocean all the way to Indonesia, the farthest bound of navigation. But it may also be the case that Hercules was sailing the Indian Ocean, where a similar countercurrent also exists along the line of the equator.

  Please note that Hercules’ navigation only makes sense in the Pacific or the Indian Ocean, and not at all in their Atlantic counterpart. Hercules followed the sun’s path, and hence navigated along the Line of the Equator. This fact again confirms our interpretation of Pindar’s riddling text.

  Eschatas is a technical term referring to earth’s fringes, as explained in Part IV, below. This term specifically applied to the Far East, where the East ended, and the West really started. This word leaves little room for doubting that Pindar was truly referring to the East Indies. These were the goal of all such navigations, Columbus’ included. And this word, eschatas, is more or less synonymous with Paradise, meaning “the far off land beyond the ocean” (Skt. paradesha).

  The “foreign headland” is again probably the Malay Peninsula, an integral part of Taprobane. Pindar’s words here are somewhat malicious and are intended to both enlighten the initiates and confuse the profanes. The “monstrous beasts of the sea” are a recurrent feature of Indonesia, and refers to the formidable whales formerly abundant there. The goal which sent Hercules back home are the true Pillars of Hercules, the ones of Taprobane. And these are the two volcanoes just named, the Dempo and the Krakatoa.

  The Pillars of Hercules were often compared to a trophy won by a wrestler or a poet. Similar “trophies” were erected as tokens of a great victory or conquest just as Hercules did upon his victory over the Trojans (cf. Isoc., Speech. and Lett. 5:112; 10:67). Quite often, two such pillars were erected, one by each of the two contending parties. We thus see that the two Pillars of Hercules and/or Atlas apparently commemorate the Great War of Atlantis, being thus intended as testimonials of its reality. ↑168

  In the above link, Isocrates tells how Hercules erected his famous pillars as a token of his victory over Troy. And true Troy, we recall, was located on the far bank of the Ocean. Schliemann’s “Troy” in Turkey is merely a shabby replica of the magnificent golden city described by Homer. We also showed that the story of Troy was taken almost verbatim from the far earlier Ramayana, the great Hindu epic.

  These two pillars were erected, Isocrates affirms, on the two continents of Asia and Europe. This would apparently indicate that the Pillars of Hercules were erected at the Bosphorus Strait, where Asia in fact meets Europe. But this is a phony pair of pillars of no great importance.

  True Troy is Atlantis and the two Pillars of Hercules in question here were posted one in Europe (Gibraltar) the other one in Sunda Strait (Sumatra or Taprobane). Isocrates’ affirmation clearly precludes the usual localization of these pillars, one in Africa, the other in Europe, since he specifically names Asia.

  The word tropaiôs means “which causes the enemy to return”, as some sort of scarecrow. The idea is that these trophies corresponded to the point where the enemy was thwarted and caused to go back (cf. R. Jebb, Comm. on Soph. Ant.,

  l. 141 and C. T. Lewis, sv. tropaeum and LSJ sv. tropaion). But they also marked the farthest point reached by an explorer or adventurer (Hercules, etc.) in his navigation. Such is clearly the sense of the Pillars of Hercules, one on each side of the Ocean he crossed. ↑169

  The name of Anostos or Strophaios (“no return” and “which causes one to return”) was often given to Cape Malea. This cape is not really the replica situated in the Peloponnesus, but its true archetype, the Malay Peninsula (Malea = Malay = Malaya = Malacca). In Greece, this geographical feature was normally associated with Cape Anostos (or Strophaios = Tropaios) and the Pillars of Hercules, according to Pindar, etc.. But these pillars or tokens were in fact placed in the East Indies, the true site of Troy. The ones of Greece were a mere replica, rather gross at that. This fact untangles the confusion made by Galanopoulos and Bacon in their book on Atlantis commented above, which proposes Crete as the former site of Atlantis.

  To be more precise, these two real “Pillars of Heaven” were the two volcanoes at the Strait of Malacca, in
Sumatra, the true site of Atlantis (and Taprobane, Lanka, Troy, Malea, etc.). Only volcanoes can really be considered “pillars of heaven” for the reasons we already adduced. This fact of course excludes a great many phony Pillars of Hercules and/or Atlas, the ones in Morocco and in Greece’s Malea in particular.

  Now, why would a volcano be named “victory-bringer”? This is an interesting riddle, which we believe to have been able to solve. According to Plato, the volcano of Atlantis – the one we have identified as the ferocious Krakatoa – exploded right during the War of Atlantis, swallowing the whole capital city and its people, and destroying the rest of Atlantis’ mighty kingdom.

  As the result of Atlantis’ demise, the Greeks became victorious and hegemonic from then on. In other words, it was the ferocious volcano (or something the Greeks did to it) that brought the victory to the Athenians in the Great War of Atlantis, more or less as reported by Plato. What this could really be is a very good question whose investigation does not fit here.

  Very much the same thing is also reported in relation to the War of Troy, itself an allegory (metaphor) of the War of Atlantis. According to the Iliad, the instrument of the Greek’s victory was the Trojan Mare. And this equid is in fact another allegory of the volcano, the Vadavamukha. The Vadavamukha is the Fiery Submarine Mare of Hindu mythology. And the Fiery Mare is the same as the Mare of Troy, likewise the causer of its doom.

  Curiously enough, the goddess Athena was also called Minerva in Latin. And we showed that this name means “Fiery Mare” or “White Mare” in Dravida (minarva). It is perhaps no mere coincidence that Plato makes of Leucippe (“White Mare”) the mother of Cleito, the wife of Poseidon and co-founder of Atlantis. The Fiery Mare is the Vadavamukha, alias Submarine Mare. The Submarine Mare is in turn the allegory of the Fire of Doomsday.

  The mare or volcano periodically goes berserk, destroying the whole region, sometimes along with the rest of the world. This happened at the Universal Flood which, as we demonstrated, is both the flood which destroyed Atlantis in the course of a single day and night, as well as the abrupt maritime invasion technically known to geologists and oceanographers as Meltwater Pulse One B [MWP 1B]. We comment this important topic further above in the present book, showing that this geological event was in all probability Plato’s Flood itself.

  Isocrates (436–338 BC) was a contemporary and compatriot of Plato (428– 348 BC), both of them being born in Athens. Hence, Isocrates’ highly informative disclosures on these Atlantean matters – though highly encoded – are extremely important.

  Isocrates’ writings derive from independent sources and unequivocally show that Plato was not inventing anything, but just disclosing long held traditional teachings professed by the Greeks ever since the times of Homer and Hesiod. So much so, that Isocrates, a very conservative historian, developed a great scorn for Plato and the Platonic Academy, due to their indiscretion on these sacred matters.

  Isocrates is hence a key figure for understanding Athenian thought in Plato’s time, the 4th century BC. As already commented in some detail, Greek mythology and religion derive most directly from the Hindu and the Indonesian ones. So do the traditions on the War of Troy, the Iliad being an almost verbatim copy of the beautiful Ramayana, down to a matter of detail.

  For instance, both romances are initiatic in character and both concern the kidnapping of the fickle queen; the great war waged by the cuckolded husband; the final, thorough destruction of the vast empire by Fire and Water, ending with the final flooding and submersion of the majestic city; the mass exodus from the destroyed place, etc… And it is well-known that true Troy in fact lay beyond the Ocean despite the contrary opinion of most experts. ↑170

  Lanka – the paradisial capital of Ravana destroyed in the Great War of the Ramayana – is an alias not only of Troy, but also of Atlantis itself. If it is already difficult to believe in the reality of one Flood and one submerged continent, imagine the difficult in having to believe in several different Floods destroying different Terrestrial Paradises, one per tradition.

  The extant academic doctrines on the prehistoric human past consensually hold that the different human civilizations evolved in essential isolation from each other. So, they either hit on the idea of Paradise and its destruction by the Flood by chance, or as the result of a consensual lie, or from the direct observation of an actual geological event.

  It is unrealistic to believe that such uncanny, literal parallels could ever arise as the result of chance alone, rather than by diffusion, the only possible explanation of the universality of these myths. But if we can accept the reality of a prehistoric civilization advanced enough to rove the whole world preaching their sacred religion, false or not, the existence of Atlantis is demonstrated ipso facto.

  If, instead, one accepts the reality of the Universal Flood reported by most cultures of the world, the geological reality of the universal cataclysm is automatically proved, and so is the dramatic story of Plato and, for that matter, the one of the Bible and other such sacred traditions. So, the inescapable reality is that Paradise in fact existed, and was destroyed by the Flood, which sent its people out, in a great worldwide diaspora.

  Now that we have shown that both the Greeks and the Pelasgians, their former enemies, came from the sunken continent of Sundaland, in the Far East, these uncanny parallels find a compelling, natural explanation: They are all the result of diffusion, rather than chancy coincidences.

  And this is by far the most conservative alternative, the one we are compelled to accept according to Ockham’s Razor, one of the pillars of Modern Science. Evading this problem, as has been done so far by the academics of all countries, will just not work anymore.

  We note that Isocrates also mentions that the victory over Troy was jointly accomplished by Hercules and Telamon, a fact supported by other Greek mythographers (cf. Apollod. 2:6:4, Ovid, Met. 11:194, Hom. Il. 5.640-643, etc.). Note, in these passages that Hercules, to whom Telamon builds a trophy, is called Alexikakos (“averter of evils”) or Kallinikos (“glorious victor”). ↑171

  These names mystically refer to a trophy or pillar (of Hercules or Atlas), as something that averts the enemy and is connected with victory (nike). This headland or cape variously named Anostos, Strophaios or Malea is hence one of the pair of Pillars of Hercules and/or Atlas, both again the same as the Pillar of Heaven. And Malea is Malaya, rather than its Greek counterpart.

  Therefore, the tradition of the Pillars of Hercules and their connection with Atlantis (Troy) visibly dates from Homer or even earlier, and cannot be said to be an invention of Plato or Diodorus, at all.

  Now, Telamon is an alias of Atlas, in his role of “pillar of heaven”. Telamon’s name is Etruscan, and means “bearer headland” or “pillar headland”. It is formed from the same root of Atlas (a-tala) followed by mun (“headland, cape”). This headland or cape is clearly the same as the Pillar of Heaven. Telamon and Hercules apparently correspond to the twin figures of Atlas and Gadeiros, the co-rulers of Atlantis according to Plato.

  So, we see, from the stories just told, that the two heroes formed a pair of twins who probably corresponded to Hercules and Atlas, the two brothers ever disputing hegemony with each other. The destruction of Troy by Hercules and Telamon (Atlas) or by Poseidon and Apollo (Ovid, Met. 11:194) is hence an allegory of the destruction of Atlantis in the (civil) war of its two main kings, who are precisely Atlas and Hercules (Gadeiros). ↑172

  We already noted above the essential identity of Atlas (or Kronos) and Hercules (Gadeiros). This type of dualism is typical of Hindu religion, where the Twins are represented by Shiva and Vishnu. But the two are also two successive avatars of the god.

  According to Hindu beliefs of extreme antiquity, the god descends in an avatar (incarnates) in order to save the world from the former god (himself), turned old and corrupt. He defeats and kills his evil self, and assumes the rule of the new era. In time, the new hero or god grows old and corrupt, and history repeats itself.

In practice, the hero or god stands for his nation and people, generally the Dravidas and the Aryans or their many aliases everywhere. Theoretically, the two take turns in ruling the world, each the antithesis of the other as devas and asuras (God and Devil).

  Subject Index



  Plato’s school of philosophy in ancient Athens. Revived by Marsilio Ficino in the Renaissance, to which it was instrumental ....... 19, 159, 274, 314, 344


  The greatest warrior on the Greek side in the Trojan War. Achilles killed

  Hector, but was later killed by Paris, the brother of Hector ... 113, 245, 246,



  The fortified summit of ancient Athens. A replica of Atlantis .................. 189

  Apples of the Hesperides

  Wedding gift to Hera by Gaia. Furnished the Elixir which imparted

  immortality to its lucky possessors ........................................................... 261


  The companions of the hero Jason in the quest for the Golden Fleece. Their name means ‘sailors of the Argo (ship)’ ............................................ 58, 290


  Pallas Athena. Tutelary goddess of Athens. Greek name of Minerva 98, 128, 129, 295, 343


  Capital of Greece in east-central Greece ..................... 18, 297, 301, 331, 344

  Atlantic Islands

  Mythical islands of the Atlantic Ocean. They were in fact located in the Pacific Ocean, of old deemed coterminous with the Atlantic Ocean since the existence of America was widely ignored .. 19, 39, 41, 45, 105, 119, 163, 165,


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