Page 47
Ghent 60, 168, 203
Gibbs, Philip: Now It Can be Told 139, 303
Glencorse Wood 124, 146, 165, 177, 183, 184, 334n8
Godby, Charles 125
Goddard, Henry 205–6
Godley, Sir Alexander 159, 205, 221, 226, 236, 237, 250
see also ANZAC, II Corps
Gordon, Huntly 93
Gordon Highlanders (regiment) 108
Gothas (German aircraft) 69
Goudberg (hamlet) 279, 285
Goudberg Spur 274
Gough, Sir Hubert:
background and character 42, 65, 155, 340n32
appointed to command main ‘northern operation’ assault 5, 42, 58, 65–6, 320–21n33
Battle of Bullecourt 47, 65–6
La Lovie headquarters 64–5, 66, 94
planning and preparation for main attack 66, 75–82, 90–94, 104, 292, 323n6
preliminary bombardment 90–92, 94, 98–104
assessment of first day of battle 118–19, 185–6
offensive halted by rainfall 121–2
resumption of attack again thwarted by weather 124–6
Battle of Langemarck 126, 138
views on early progress of offensive 138
‘line-straightening’ operations prior to continuation of main offensive 140, 143, 153–6
Plumer takes over command of main assault 156, 158
Menin Road and Polygon Wood offensives 174, 203–4
Poelcappelle and First Battle of Passchendaele offensives 228, 236
and decision to continue offensive 250
Currie refuses to serve under 253
Second Battle of Passchendaele offensive 275
defence against German 1918 Spring Offensive 287–8
dismissed 288
post-war assessments of 185–6, 292, 293–4
Graham, Dominick and Shelford Bidwell: Coalitions, Politicians and Generals 300
Gravenstafel Ridge 38, 128, 172–3, 191, 209–220, 221–2, 274
Great Walstead, Sussex 137
Great War, The (television series) 294, 309n24
Green Line (Allied objective) 76, 108, 111, 118, 154, 157, 165–6, 177, 239, 279
Greenhalgh, Elizabeth, The French Army and the First World War 251
grenades 51, 112
Grenadier Regiment (German) 99, 256, 272
Grey, Edward, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon 20
Griesbach, William 280, 281
Grieve, Robert Cuthbert 54–5, 319n3
Griffith, Paddy: Battle Tactics of the Western Front 318n39
Gross, Paul, Passchendaele 288–9
Guinness, Walter, 1st Baron Moyne 56
Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig:
background, character and early war years 38–9, 41, 67, 293–4, 315n9, 322n49
made Commander-in-Chief in France 22, 39
early clashes with Lloyd George 4, 22, 24, 28
and Nivelle Offensive 23–4, 39
‘northern operation’ proposals 39–45, 51–2, 297–9
appointment of Gough as commander for main assault 5, 42, 58, 65–6, 320n33
relations with Pétain 51–2, 251–2, 363n20
Battle of Messines 52–3, 318n42
optimism after Messines 66–8, 69
War Cabinet discussions on development of ‘northern operation’ plans 66–7, 69–72, 96–7
preparations for main attack 75, 76, 79, 81, 89, 90, 104
first days of offensive 121, 133–4
determination to continue with plans 134–8, 152, 191, 363n21
appoints Plumer to take over command of main assault 156
reviews Australian troops 161
and aerial campaign 163, 164
Battle of Menin Road 183, 188
and Kühlmann peace note 189
Polygon Wood and Broodseinde offensives 191, 203–4, 207, 213
determination to continue advance after Broodseinde 219–24, 226, 236, 296, 297
Battle of Poelcappelle 226
First Battle of Passchendaele 236, 237–8
determination to continue offensive after First Passchendaele 250–56, 264, 278, 296, 297
Second Battle of Passchendaele 266, 278
on capture of Passchendaele 284–5, 370n67
and transfer of Plumer to Italian Front 285
dismisses Gough after German Spring Offensive 288
post-war assessments of 4–7, 251, 292–301
Hall, P. R. 231
Hamburg Redoubt 210
Hanebeek (stream) 165, 209
Hankey, Maurice, 1st Baron:
Secretary of the War Cabinet 24, 70, 276
on Lloyd George 20, 136, 137, 141, 188, 278
post-war 292–3
Hardinge, Sir Arthur 188
Harington, Sir Charles ‘Tim’ 53, 54, 140, 184–5, 204–5, 220–21, 237, 285, 287, 288, 300, 301
Hartnett, H. G. 209
Hazebrouck 103
Hearst, Sir William 285
Heimann (German Lieutenant) 113
Heligoland 141
Hellfire Corner 92, 205–6
Henderson, Arthur 311n5
Herenthage Park 114
Hertling, Georg von, German Chancellor 325n28
Hill 29 39
Hill 35 144, 162, 176
Hill 40 193
Hill 52 285, 370n67
Hill 60 39
Hill 70, Battle of (August 1917) 134–5, 142, 224
Hill 304, retaken by French (August 1917) 142
Hillside Farm 241
Hind, Neville 230–31
Hindenburg, Paul von:
appointment as Chief of the General Staff 29
relations with Ludendorff 29, 169–70
reaction to fall of Romania 28–9
development of Western Front strategy 30–35
and U-boat campaign 31
and Bethmann Hollweg’s resignation as Chancellor 83, 84, 85
and Italian Front 143
awaiting renewed Allied assault 169–70
Hindenburg Line (German defensive system) xvi, 12, 47, 61
Hindu Cott 128, 144
Hoeppner, Ernst von 95
Hollebeke 157, 167, 173
Hollebusch 132
Hollyhoke, Alexander 176–7
Holmes, T. W. 366n12
Holtzendorff, Henning von 33, 141
Hooge 76, 99, 112
horses and mules 227–8, 258–9
Hotblack, Frederick 80
Houthulst Forest 114, 132, 246, 264, 275
Hundred Days campaign (1918) 286
Hunt, Sinclair 191–3, 249
Hussey, John 334n62
Iberian Farm 184
Imperial War Cabinet: 1 May 1917 meeting 25–7
industrial unrest and strikes 68–9
interrogation of prisoners 132, 135, 166–7, 252
Inverness Copse 81, 124, 146–8, 168–9, 178, 183, 184, 334n8
Isonzo, Tenth Battle of (May–June 1917) 82
Isonzo, Eleventh Battle of (August–September 1917) 142–3, 151
Isonzo, Twelfth Battle of (Caporetto; October–November 1917) 172, 265, 276–7
Italian Army:
Second Army 265
Third Army 277
Italian Front 82, 142–3, 151, 170, 172, 265, 276–7, 285
Lloyd George’s proposed strategy 21, 27, 72, 96, 151–3, 276–7
Jack, James L. 360n38
Jacob, Sir Claud 81, 109, 118, 126
see also British Army, II Corps
Jäger regiments xvi, 229–30, 232, 235, 243–4
Jeffries, Clarence 241–2
Jellicoe, John, 1st Earl 71, 322–3n55
Joffre, Joseph 11
Johnson, Albert 56
Johnston, George Napier 238
Joly de Lotbinière, A. C. 164
Karl, Emperor of Austria 29–30, 313n29
Keiberg 256
Keir Farm 154
Kiggell, Sir Launcelot 1–2, 39–40, 188, 250, 297
King’s Royal Rifle Corps 199
Kinross, C. J. 366n12
Kitchener, Herbert, 1st Earl 46
Kleysteuber, Alfred 259
Kneussl, Paul Ritter von 272
Kortebeek (stream) 130, 167
Kreuznach 33, 169–70
Kuhl, Hermann von:
Chief of Staff to Crown Prince Ruprecht 86
preparations for Allied offensive at Ypres 86–7, 88, 103
on preliminary bombardment 90
assessment of first stages of battle 120, 141–2, 166
Battle of Menin Road 187
defensive changes following Battle of Broodseinde 218
on conditions in trenches 257–8
preparations for final Allied assault on Passchendaele Ridge 263
Der Weltkrieg 293
Kühlmann, Richard von: peace note (September 1917) 189, 223
La Lovie Chateau 64–5, 66, 94
Langemarck 63, 113, 130, 171, 235
Langemarck, Battle of (August 1917) 126–33, 136, 137–40, 150, 171, 230
Langewaade 126
Langford, Ernest 240
Law, Andrew Bonar 19, 20, 297, 311n5
Lee, Arthur Gould: No Parachute 154
Lens 134–5, 253
see also Hill 70, Battle of
Lewald, Reinhard 60, 101, 132–3, 168–9, 234, 258–9, 273, 284
Lewis, Wyndham vii
Lewis guns (machine guns) 51
Liberal Party 19
Libya 162
Liddell Hart, Sir Basil 1–2, 4, 5–6, 309n24, 374n37
Liedl, Anton 113
Lincolnshire Regiment 198
Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor:
background, appearance and character 7, 19–20
becomes Prime Minister 19–20
formation of War Cabinet 20–21, 311n5
and Nivelle Offensive 21–5, 299, 312n8
Imperial War Cabinet and Paris alliance leaders meetings (May 1917) 25–8, 42–4, 72, 298
proposed focus on Italian Front 21, 27, 72, 96, 151–3, 276–7
and Haig’s ‘northern operation’ proposals 42–4, 66–7, 69–72, 96–7, 188, 297–9
War Cabinet and War Policy Committee meetings (June–July 1917) 66–7, 69–72, 96–7
support for unified Allied General Staff 133–4, 224, 277–8
War Cabinet meetings (August 1917) 136–7
failure to call for re-examination of Haig’s offensive 136, 137, 141, 188, 297–8
continued preference for focus on Italian Front operations 151–3
visits front after Battle of Menin Road 187–8, 299, 348–9n37
and Kühlmann peace note 188–9
reaction to Battle of Broodseinde and decision to continue advance on Passchendaele 213, 222–3, 224–5, 278
War Policy Committee and Council of War meetings (October 1917) 224–5
learns of failures on Italian Front 276–7
Rapallo Conference (November 1917) 277–8
formation of Supreme Inter-Allied Council 277–8
post-war assessments of 7, 297–300
War Memoirs 4, 6, 292
Lloyd George, Frances, Countess Lloyd-George of Dwyfor (née Stevenson) 5, 24
London: aerial bombardment of 69, 322n46
Loos, Battle of (1915) 45, 78, 329n25, 340n32
Lossberg, Friedrich Karl ‘Fritz’ von 62–4, 73, 105, 167, 201, 263, 289, 320n24
Lovie Chateau see La Lovie Chateau
Ludendorff, Erich:
background and character 29, 169–70, 324n21
appointment as First Quartermaster-General 29
relations with Hindenburg 29, 169–70
development of Western Front strategy 30–35
and U-boat campaign 32, 82–3
Battle of Messines 57
deployment of Fritz von Lossberg 62, 63
report on progress of war (June 1917) 82–3
and Bethmann Hollweg’s resignation as Chancellor 84, 85
preparations for Allied offensive on Ypres 87–90, 99
during preliminary bombardment 99
assessment of first day of battle 120
Kaiser’s visit to Front (August 1917) 141
and Italian Front 143, 171, 265
awaiting renewed Allied assault 169–70, 171
injured in train accident 169, 344n38
response to Polygon Wood and Broodseinde offensives 201–2, 217–19, 352n36
preparations for final Allied assault on Passchendaele Ridge 263, 264, 265
on Second Battle of Passchendaele 266
Spring Offensive (1918) 287–8
Ludwig II, King of Bavaria 325n32
Ludwig III, King of Bavaria 86
Lynch, Edward 159–60
Lynden-Bell, Sir Arthur 357n57
Lytton, Neville Bulwer-Lytton, 3rd Earl of 68
McCombie-Gilbert, W. (Canadian Private) 281
McCudden, James 50, 162–3, 190
Macdonald, Andrew: Passchendaele: The Anatomy of a Tragedy 236
Macdonald, Lyn, They Called It Passchendaele 7
Macdonell, Sir Archibald 254
Macdonogh, Sir George 136–7, 252, 363n21
McFarland, G. F. 267–8, 269
McGee, Lewis 210, 353n10
MacGregor, Archibald Gordon 175
McIntyre Hood, Magnus 279, 283
Mackensen, August von 28–9
McKenzie, H. (Canadian Lieutenant) 366n12
MacMullen, C. N. 40
Malcolm, Sir Neill 66, 94, 118, 121, 154, 340n36
Malmaison, Battle of (October 1917) 45, 251–2, 316n23
Manchester Regiment 111, 231
Marble, Sanders: British Artillery 327n6
Mariakerke 168
Mark I (tank) 50
Mark IV (tank) 50–51, 53, 109, 317n38
Marne, Battle of the (1914) 36
Marschall von Altengottern, Wolf Rudolf Freiherr 264
Marsh Bottom Farm 222
Martha House 154
Maurice, Sir Frederick 24, 152, 277
Maxse, Sir Ivor 81, 106, 155
see also British Army, XVIII Corps
Maze, Paul 74, 94, 115
medical treatment of injured 138–9, 198–9, 245
Meetcheele 274
Mellish, Frank 93, 228, 301
Memorial to the Missing, Menin Gate 3, 301
Menges, Ludwig von 235
Menin (town) 179
Menin Gate, Ypres 93, 206, 301
Memorial to the Missing 3, 301
Menin Road, Battle of (September 1917) 174–88, 237, 263, 299, 345n2
Merckem 126, 167
Mesopotamia 74, 168
Messines 38
Messines, Battle of (June 1917) 41–2, 48, 52–3, 54–9, 78, 79, 91, 159, 184, 263, 295, 318n42
Messines–Wytschaete Ridge 39, 40–41, 52, 56–7
Meuse, River 142
Michaelis, Georg, German Chancellor 85, 97–8, 325n28
Middelkerke 61, 340n33
Middle East 74, 168, 187, 357n57
Military Service Act (1916) 46
Mills bombs (grenades) 51
Milner, Alfred, 1st Viscount 71, 311n5
mine laying:
land 42, 54–5, 57–8, 319n11
naval 37
Mitchinson, John 160
Molenaarelsthoek 193
Molloy, C. H. 240
Monash, Sir John 206–7, 208, 236–7, 239, 245
Monier-Williams, G. W. 92
Mons 169, 287
Mons, Battle of (1914) 45
Montgomery, Bernard, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein 372–3n22
Montreuil 40, 164
Moorslede 179
Australian army 159–60, 250
British army 45, 53, 68, 139–40, 156, 247–50
French army 14, 16–17, 142
German army 6, 30, 68, 171–2, 200, 213, 232, 252–3, 259–60
home front 83, 171
Italian army 151
see also mutinies and desertions
Morrison, Sir Edward Whipple Bancroft 266
Mort Homme, retaken by French (August 1917) 142
Mosselmarkt 279, 281, 285
Mount Sorrell 39
Moyne, Walter Guinness, 1st Baron 56
mud, as defining feature of battle 4, 63, 80, 236, 257–8, 278–9
Müller, Georg Alexander von 85
Mullin, G. H. 366n12
Munitions, Ministry of 20, 49
Munro, H. (Lieutenant) 344n40
mustard gas 92, 328n11
mutinies and desertions:
Australian army 250
British army 249–50
French army 16–17, 44, 68, 171
German army 172
Russian army 25, 171
Napoleon I, Emperor 12, 307n3
naval warfare 25
see also submarine warfare
Nettleton, John 123, 124, 126–7, 249
Neuve Eglise 160
New Zealand troops 159, 250, 255
Broodseinde 209–10, 217
First Battle of Passchendaele 236–7, 238, 239–40, 244–5
see also ANZAC
Nicholas II, Tsar 25
Nichols, G. H. F.: The 18th Division in the Great War 125
Nieuport 70, 86, 89, 166, 328n11
Nivelle, Robert 11–13, 15–16, 23–4, 27, 39, 41, 300, 301
Nivelle Offensive (April–May 1917) 11–17, 21–5, 45, 299
see also Aisne, Second Battle of the
Nonne Boschen (copse) 177
North Africa 16, 162, 168
Nugent, Sir Oliver 140
Oechsler, Theodor 148
official histories:
Australian 65–6, 160
British 5–6, 251
French 16
German 30, 101
O’Kelly, Christopher 271, 366n12
Ostend 61, 66, 340n33
submarine base 26, 37, 322n55
Ottoman Empire 21, 31, 82, 187, 224, 225
Otty, Allen 275, 368n27
Page, Kenneth 124–5
Palestine 357n57
Allied conferences:
May 1917 27–8, 42–4, 72, 298
September 1917 188–9
Passchendaele (village) 38, 239, 241–2, 257, 279
taken by Canadian Corps 281–5
abandoned by Allies 288–9
Passchendaele, Battle of (Third Battle of Ypres; July–November 1917):
preliminary bombardment 90–92, 94, 98–104, 299
Zero Hour and first day of battle (31 July) 105–21, 185–6
rain halts offensive 121–2, 123–4
resumption of attack again thwarted by weather 124–6
Battle of Langemarck (16 August) 126–33, 136, 138–40, 150, 171, 230
Allied ‘line-straightening’ operations (19 August–27 August) 140, 143–51, 153–5
Allied plans and preparations for renewed main assault 156–66, 167