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Sqeeze Head

Page 6

by Waggoner, Robert C.

AJ loved Sundays. If asked he would happily tell you that another week had passed by without a direct conversation with God. Simply put, he was damn happy to be alive and more importantly, happy to be of some service to mankind.

  AJ rose promptly at seven am. He wore a full set of pajamas. After that he put on his fuzzy sheep lined slippers and stiffly walked to the bathroom. Before he relived himself, he washed the sleep out of his eyes. Not really liking to look into the mirror, but like a magnet the mirror reflected exactly what it saw: an old man that still thought he had a role to play in life.

  Next he turned on the shower dumping his PJs down the laundry chute. It did occur to him once in awhile where the chute led to, but every night there was a fresh set of PJs in his drawer. His special shower had a comfortable seat built in with all the necessary things to complete the toilette.

  After a shower he put on a, just back from the cleaners, suit. Today's suit was rather conservative. A light grey color but a sparkling white shirt with a lime green St. Pat's day time made AJ look good. After making sure his hair piece was firmly in place and no missed shaved places he, for him, walked briskly to the kitchen.

  Alex glanced at the clock when AJ said good morning to him. The TV was on for the news of the world. Local news was rather lacking on a Sunday. Alex was tuned into the BBC waiting impatiently for his cooking shows to begin at ten am.

  AJ need not of asked, but said, "What's for breakfast Alex?"

  "The same menu as last Sunday as per your request, sir," he answered good naturedly.

  "My favorite, pancakes with pure maple syrup. You really do spoil me Alex you know. A question for you if I may delve into a time best forgotten by you but could you expand on what you observed of your fellow soldier's having spaced out, as the younger generation would say."

  Alex, intensely watching his pancake grill come up to the proper temp for his special pancake mix, replied, "You know AJ, unless you've been there under that kind of stress or pressure, it's hard to explain. As you well know," as he poured the first of three pancakes onto the grill, "I was sucked in the blackness without ever realizing it. When you come back its only then you realize you have been gone for awhile. There was always some dip shit who would say, 'Have a nice trip did you' when you just thanked a higher power you didn't shit your pants or piss yourself."

  AJ watched carefully as Alex flipped the pancakes at just the right time. He knew then Alex was just fine with the conversation. He continued saying, "My come back was 'hey buddy, your time is coming so fuck off.'"

  The pancakes were placed in front of AJ who rubbed his hands like a kid with a chocolate sundae in front of him. He liberally poured the maple syrup over the cakes then using a pure silver fork took his first bite. Alex watched him savor the cakes with a satisfied grin on his face. He knew the pleasure AJ expressed when eating his cooking was as real as the gold in Fort Knox.

  Before leaving for church, AJ once again watched the interrogation of Dr. Zee. He was satisfied when the tape ended he was of the same mind set as last night. At nine he left the apartment taking the elevator down as usual every Sunday morning. Stepping out onto the white and black marble floor he, with his new walking stick, saw Fred holding the automatic door open for him. With a good morning spoken AJ walked down the three steps to the sidewalk. He debated whether or not to take a taxi or walk the ten blocks to the church. Service did not begin until eleven but he liked to arrive early to read the Bible.

  At the same time as AJ was leaving his apartment building David Cockrun was taking both a hot and cold shower. After that he would go down to the Boys Club for a workout along with a good bullshit session with the guys.

  Janice at the same moment was running along the side of Lake Michigan not far from Millard Park where in two days she would be on the crime scene of another murder. Meanwhile she pounded out the miles thinking about her partner’s hard belly.

  Dr. Kenneth Zee was lounging in his pajamas reading the Sunday Edition of the Chicago paper. His primary interest was in the personals section where messages were sent and received usually in code. His handle was Squeeze Head and the sender was Donald Duck. Dr. Zee scanned down until he found a two line message from, “Donald Duck to Squeeze Head. UR 2.5 acres in escrow.”

  A broad smile almost cracked his puckered mouth he was so happy. Throwing that part of the paper to the floor he went to the headlines and found an update on page 2 summarizing the events of the Lydsie Longstreet murder. It did mention that an interview of a special person of interest had taken place, but the police were not saying much at this time. He tossed that part of the paper to the floor and he slowly sank into darkness staring at the blank TV screen.

  A much happier scene was at the downtown Boys Club. David was pumping some iron with the regular group of friends stood around talking. The oldest guy was twenty two and homeless. He had a part time job washing dished at a restaurant and seemed happy with his life. The youngest of the group was fifteen and also on his own. The club was for six to eighteen year olds. However, like Ted at twenty two he’d been involved in the Boys Club since he was thirteen. No doubt he was old enough to be a mentor or role model, but mentally he was still a teenager. David Cockrun tried to raise his status by making him a sort of leader of the group.

  Now it was time to cool off and talk with the group. He led them to a wrestling area where a large mat was not being currently used. As usual they all sat in a circle waiting for their hero Inspector Cockrun to talk about the latest case he was working on.

  The first to speak was a boy named Bobby. He was a geeky looking kid of about fifteen with a well used Sherlock Holmes book that he always carried around. With the combination of Inspector Cockrun in real life and Sherlock Holmes in literary form, he was in heaven. He said, “Inspector Cockrun tell us what you can about the latest case that is front page news.”

  “I can tell you this Bobby,” as he looked around to see if all were interested or not. He saw most were anxious to hear what he had to say. “We have an interesting case of murder where a very prominent resident of Chicago was killed. Frankly speaking we don’t have a lot to go on right now, but we’ve a few irons in the fire. All life guys revolve around patience and observance. Your Sherlock Holmes Bobby, he observes, assimilates, applies reasoning and if two plus two equal four, so be it.”

  “If we learn nothing else in life but right from wrong, we have a leg up on the rest of the population. Its like the old saying, crime doesn’t pay. There are over seven million people in jail, prison, parole or on probation in the USA. Go ahead and ask those dudes if crime pays. Anymore questions,” as he looked around the group.

  “Yes, said John, a twelve year old from a one parent family, “I’d like hear more about drugs. There’re so many bad kids hanging around school trying to make us kids buy their shit. Most of us nowadays when school is over, run like hell for home or safety in some safe building.”

  “That’s a hard one to answer John. Most of the policemen and women are trying hard, but the court system has its own set of problems. Such as over crowding, budget shortfalls, lack of well trained employees and so on and on. It’s best to not have any money on you at any time. Later after the kids have gone home and the drug peddlers have moved on, then come out going directly to here, the Y, or a rec. center. Stay off the streets or don’t hang around doing nothing. Time for each of us has a limit you know. Make good use of your time. Learn something.”

  “Now how about we go shoot some hoops. There’re twelve of us so six a side. Or two could be refs?”


  Even though it was rather windy next to the lake, AJ plodded along at his own pace. There were a lot of people out enjoying the nice spring day. He thought if he told a few of the teenagers he saw how many spring days he had witnessed, they would be stunned. AJ could safely say he had had the pleasure of eighty spring times. Not bad, he thought. Laughing out loud, not caring if anyone heard him, he thought there were a few more left in him before he left for greener

  Now as made the turn for home, he regretted skipping lunch as hunger attacked him. Alex he was positive would have something for him to snack on before Sunday dinner. Fred was waiting for him, but no Sunday paper as Alex had come down to picks it up.

  AJ rang the stupid buzzer and waited for Alex to come open the door. They had a new policy that instead of waltzing through the door, best let someone from the inside open it after spying through the peek hole.

  Alex hurried and opened the door scuttling quickly back to his cooking shows on TV. A bit tired, AJ went to his bedroom to change his clothes.

  After putting on some relaxing loose clothing and diligently hanging up his suit he left longing for his recliner. His dogs needed some relief and some food in the belly and after that, a nice long nap would be in order.

  Alex, during a commercial hurried into the kitchen for the all ready prepared tray of snacks for AJ. Alex could read him like a book. Because it was a very nice spring day, he knew AJ would walk home without stopping for lunch. Alex set the tray on the side table along with some fresh squeezed lemonade, of course with a package or two of Splenda. AJ bordered on being diabetic so Alex cooked with Splenda replacing refined sugar whenever possible.

  Around four AJ felt someone shake him. He opened one eye and saw Alex grinning at him. He opened the other eye turned his head slightly and saw Detective Janice Beaker sitting on the sofa smiling at him.

  “Why Janice this is a pleasant surprise. Please excuse me for a moment while I freshen up. I’d like to say I’ll be back in a second, but in reality five minutes is more like it. Meanwhile, I’m positive Alex will serve you some special refreshment of his own device.”

  Janice with a little sympathy listened while AJ grunted and groaned while extracting his recliner.

  Walking with a little, and Janice thought, little, spring in his step, back came AJ within his five minute window. He sat down a little heavily and said, “To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit on a lovely spring Sunday?”

  “There’s nothing special but earlier when I was out running, I suddenly felt a cold chill run up and down my spine. I guess Doctor Jones, I was a little curious if you had something more to tell us about Dr. Zee after reviewing the tape again.”

  “It’s been my experience, Janice, that when a sudden chill is felt it stems from an evil portion of ground. In layman’s term the place is haunted by a trapped soul. I try to keep an open mind about such things, but premonitions occur on a daily basis. Now as to our friend Dr. Zee I think it might behoove you and your colleagues to search a data base for similar murders in various cities. I really doubt if this is the killer’s first experience, with unfortunately, more than a few behind him.”

  “My god, how could we have forgotten to do that? Excuse me for just a minute please.” Janice got up and went to the large glass window of the living room speed dialing her cell. Some quick comments and she was back before AJ could finish off a fresh made peanut butter cookie.

  Janice said, “I wonder what else we forgot,” smiling at AJ with almost a flirt in her demeanor.

  “I’d say Janice; keep an eye on that lawyer husband as well as Dr. Zee. Say do you play chess by chance?”

  “I barely know a queen from a king AJ, if I may call you by your nickname.”

  “All my friends do Janice. Be included in my little group of friends.

  Then the obnoxious door sounded off denoting another visitor. Alex soon came back leading Inspector Cockrun.

  David showed a look of surprise at seeing Janice comfortable ensconced on the sofa. He nodded to her and told Dr. Jones he was sorry to barge in on a Sunday. AJ said, “Never mind. I would be greatly surprised if Alex here didn’t have enough to feed us all a lovely Sunday dinner,” glancing with a wink to Alex.

  Alex was totally happy being able to put on the dog. He disappeared to the kitchen while David sat down next to Janice. He had on sweat pants and a sweat shirt displaying his preference for the Chicago Bears. If asked he would tell you he could careless abut the Chicago Bears.

  Janice told him about the MO nation wide similar to their present crime and that she had called the station to have someone search the data base for the MO. Also she told him what AJ had said about Donald Longstreet that they should keep a watch on him.

  David mentally logged that info into his store house of things related to the case. Alex reappeared with three fresh cups of coffee. AJ was intently watching his two guests. Then he said, totally off the wall, “Janice and David have you ever wondered why, the architect, would have a fake fireplace in the penthouse of an apartment building in Chicago? Look at that eyesore,” pointing to one wall that separated the kitchen from the living room with only a bathroom in-between. A dark area about three feet square sat in the middle of the wall with fake logs that had a cord running to a plug in to give the impression a warm toasty fire was to be had.

  "AJ continued and said, "Look above the fireplace where an oak mantle waits for the usual assortment of knick-knacks and picture frames of family. It's completely bereft of anything. So there you have it, a sales gimmick is all it is. Yes, I could have it taken out or walled over, but I like it to remind me how pretentious most people are."

  The silence was deafening. Alex was grinning ear to ear. Nothing that came out of AJ's mouth surprised him. He had learned a long time ago it was his way of making people think about what they saw around them. To ask “why” is the key to all knowledge and wisdom.

  Back to business AJ asked about the mistress of Donald Longstreet. Janice spoke first and said, “I had a long chat with her. She’s older than him, but certainly not over the hill. She is not without funds, but never touches her money. She admits to being a kept woman, but insists he will eventually marry her. Do I think she is a suspect? No, she’s too smart for that. Of course she verified his visit time and place that coincides with his claim. Across the street from her apartment is a smoke shop that also sells mags and papers. He keeps watch on the neighborhood and confirmed Longstreet’s approximate times of coming and going.”

  AJ thought about that for a few seconds while Alex looked at his watch and said it was close to dinner time. Both David and Janice with vocal protest went to the dining room where the table was formally set for five, with AJ at the head of course.

  Janice told her close friend Maggie later that even though it was a formal setting, the menu was simple but very tasty. Janice gave a brief summary of the baked chicken, new potatoes, asparagus in a light cheese sauce. A smooth red wine made her feel a little giddy after two glasses, but then dessert with spumoni ice cream woke her up. She ended her phone call with a yawn saying she was headed for bed as she had an early get up for the start of a new week.


  Even under normal circumstances a homicide is a busy place within a police station, but with a high profile murder, a flurry of activity is expected as was the case at six am Monday the 16th of April in Highland Park. Officer Boom, after a few direct questions by Inspector Cockrun, it was revealed he spent the weekend working the computers. His keen ears had gotten the word about a nationwide MO that might match their homicide. Bloom said, “To make a long story short Inspector, we have three similar MOs all down in the South East part of the country. One in Raleigh, another in Atlanta, and the last one in New Orleans. All three homicides involved prostitutes along with a long slim knife as a murder weapon. Here is a report detailing the homicides.”

  David quickly scanned the reports and then said, “Christ Bloom, you’re making our detectives look bad. Go get me your vita as I want to take a look at who you really are.” With his mouth hanging open, David turned and walked to his swivel chair to critically read the report. All of the other seasoned detectives were smiling going about their business quietly pleased with Officer Bloom’s dedication to duty.

  Captain Jerry, as he was commonly known around the station house, came in looking for Inspector Cockrun. Janice stood up as he took her chair looking longingly at
Cockrun for some news. Captain Jerry was not disappointed as he heard the report from other states with similar MO as the Highland Park homicide.

  David said, “I’ve not finished this report Captain, but it would seem we have a serial killer on the loose. When this gets out, and it surely will, we are in for the ride of our lives.”

  “Tell me what I need to know Inspector,” said the Captain.

  “I may have more later to add, but here is the jest of things, we have three cases very similar to our homicide, but a little different method was used. In the South there were three cases where all three involved female prostitutes. All were laying face down in a motel room. All were stabbed with a long thin knife through the ribs into the heart. All had evidence of sexual intercourse without semen for DNA unfortunately. Another thing interesting was all three females were plus size and African American. The murder weapons were left in the bodies and determined to be fish fillet type knife.” He let the boss digest that information while David studied his face.

  Noticeable were dark circles under the eyes; more prominent lines than usual; a spot or two of missed facial hair while shaving; and of course the blood shot whites. He said, “Damn good work. I have a really bad feeling about what we know and what we don’t know is even more frightening. See me after lunch if you have an opportunity. I’m off as you know to see the mayor. She’s not going to like what I tell her. Make a copy please of those reports so I can take them with me.”

  David looked at Janice who nodded and left to make a copy of her report. While she was gone David read more carefully the details. He frowned when he saw all three were face down with their legs still spread. It was clear cut the victims were murdered while the prep was having intercourse from the backside. What a sick SOB, he thought.



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