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Sqeeze Head

Page 7

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Donald Longstreet, on Monday morning decided he best show some feelings of loss. The body had yet to be released so the funeral was postponed. He decided to take Monday off. He would get a style cut, a body rub down, a nice lunch topped off with his favorite call girl.

  For Dr. Zee it was quite the contrary for his Monday morning. He was still sitting in his overstuffed chair staring at a blank TV from the night before. He had slipped into darkness and was still there when the sun rose Monday morning. Even if he was lucid, to describe where he had been and what went on while he was away from reality, no one would know; not even him.

  His cell phone both rang and vibrated with a call. It was just after ten am with his secretary wondering if he was coming in or not. She wanted to tell him that there were two detectives with a search warrant looking for some security tapes.

  Just before she was about to hang up Dr. Zee came back to the present day automatically reaching for his cell in his pants pocket. He could not speak but heard his secretary saying over and over again, "Hello are you there Dr. Zee?" She finally hung up.

  Groggily he staggered to the bathroom just off the kitchen where he washed his face vigorously to regain some semblance of realism. After that he looked at his cell discovering his office called. He speed dialed his secretary who answered with a higher pitched voice from normal. She told him the police were packing up his security tapes with a legal warrant search warrant. He found his voice and said, "Let them proceed Gwen. I have nothing to hide. I'll be in later and if I've any appointments with a client please call them and reschedule for later on this week."

  After closing up his cell, his surrounding was coming clearer by the minute. By the time he walked to his bedroom, he was focused and his mind was back to what it should be, in his mind's eye. He stripped down and took a hot shower making plans for the day. His watch had told him what day it was and he was quickly doing things automatically.

  One thing that did bother him was the stakeout watching his every move. He needed to slip the tail by tomorrow so he fulfills his desire to punish certain women.

  First thing was some intake of protein as he felt tired. After going by the costume rental store he would stop by his men's club for a workout with Mr. Hwang. As he turned off the shower and reached for his bath towel, he felt himself slipping into the dark days of when he was a frat boy. The humiliation of those experiences was the culprit to his darkness.

  With a concerted effort he fought the blackness. He felt the light coming back as he leaned on the sink counter, not wanting to see his reflection in the mirror; a reminder of his birth defect.


  At the station house the whole team sat watching a big screen TV. The tape came from the Doctor’s file confiscated earlier that morning. Inspector Cockrun was anxious to see the video of the session with the victim on that fateful day.

  Janice sat watching thinking that nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She saw Ms. Longstreet walk in with a flourish, throw her wrap on a lay down sofa, then with poise denoting high society, she sat across from Dr. Zee crossing her legs. No sound was heard, just a video showing a frame mostly sideways. The camera was discreetly placed in a corner above a fairly tall palm tree.

  Inspector Cockrun said quietly to her, “The paper. Watch the paper.” He asked to run the tape back and forth with an A-4 paper first going to Ms. Longstreet then passed back to the doctor and then back to her. Finally it was clear that the paper was folded up and stuck in her small shoulder bag. There is no doubt she looked upset and left shortly thereafter. Everyone noted the time at the bottom of the tape reading, 1:29 pm. All watched carefully seeing Dr. Zee walk to the bathroom, then after a few minutes, return to his desk. He sat down writing on a legal pad. For the next twenty minutes he wrote and then left the office.

  It was recorded he had spent four minutes in the bathroom. The remainder of time he sat at his desk writing. Finally around two thirty he left the office.

  The ME put the time of death around two pm. It appeared that Dr. Zee was not able to leave his office, go down the elevator, murder his client, and then back to his office in four minutes.

  Both David and Janice felt sure he was the prime suspect and almost positive he was the killer. But the questioned remained: how could he be at two places at the same time? It was baffling, but David was determined to find a flaw somewhere in the whole scheme of things.

  At just before noon, a delivery man came with a package for homicide. It was from the FBI, sealed for security purposes. Inside was a report along with a zip lock bag full of black and white photos.

  Inspector Cockrun told everyone to sit down at the table where they would pass around each photo for all to look at. Ten minutes later it was a consensus of opinion that only one picture showed a face with a sharp nose. The hat covered the upper part of the face with the mouth a blur. The nose was fairly clear. The bottom line was, no way for a positive ID of the person in the video tape.

  David told everyone to have lunch and then go back over everything one more time. A few groans were heard, but all knew it was the right thing to do.

  Captain Jerry, David and Janice went to lunch to discuss the new events. After sitting down and ordering, Jerry asked, “Do think this is a serial killer we’re after?” He looked at both of them hoping against hope that the answer would come back in the negative. David saw the anxious look on his face.

  David answered, “Yes, the reports and facts indicate that a serial killer is loose in our city. The anomaly is that the killer left the knife in the body down south, but here the killer took the knife with him. Also, the victims outside of our city were prostitutes and Afro-American. Sex was involved with the out of state women and sex wasn’t involved here with our Caucasian victim.”

  Jerry looked at Janice and she said, while sipping on her coffee, “I agree it’s the same killer in all four cases. There might be more, but our search of the MO has limited it to the three out of state and the one here. My gut feel he's not through yet. I’m still curious about the husband of our victim Donald Longstreet and the five million. However, it looks like, and as soon as it’s confirmed, that Dr. Zee was at a conference at the three out of state cities, we can discount the attorney.”

  Jerry asked, “The security tape from the parking garage is not worth the paper it’s written on? Is there any way we can use it to ID the perp?”

  “The only way we can use it,” said David, “is to verify a long sharp nose, like Dr. Zee possesses.”

  "There's something bothering me about that Dr. Zee security tape. Janice, would you have our new Sherlock, Bloom, take it around to some experts. Have him look for any blip on a frame by frame. I'm not much on hi tech, but I know enough to suspect a tape can be alerted."

  Lunch came and the table went quiet. David was trying to form a viable scene of murder in his mind. Dr. Zee sat at the top of his suspect list; with the attorney just below. What he really needed, he thought, was a visit with Dr. Jones. That would sort out the thoughts in his head.

  He excused himself from the table with his lunch half eaten. Both thought he had to use the restroom. David indeed had to use the restroom, but made a call to Dr. Jones while in the head. Alex answered telling him to hold on a minute. David had time to wash his hands and face while waiting for Dr. Jones. AJ, after hearing what he wanted told him to come on over. Alex would put the coffee on. The last thing he said was to make sure Janice was with him. David chuckled then hung up.

  After dropping the captain off at the station house, they drove over to Dr. Jones penthouse. The afternoon was a fine spring day. Janice had her window down letting the wind blow through her curly hair. She took a deep breath trying to relieve some stress. Lately it had seemed to her, she was struggling with her age. Soon she would be thirty five. There'd been no urge to reproduce, like most women around thirty plus. It seemed to her there were only two streets of any comfort to pass down. One was a housewife, god forbid, the other a career woman, such her role in life.

  Looking out the window, both front and side, she saw everyday life passing by. The city was filled with cars, a few walking, a few buses, and more than a few fast food joints. The more she thought about it the more depressed she became. Lucky for her they were parking at Dr. Jones's building.

  The ride up the elevator reminded David of Dr. Zee going up and down the number 3 elevator. As he could not think exactly like a killer, because he wasn't one, he wondered what a killer felt after taking a life. The elevator gave off a ding, signaling the top floor. Janice led the way, knowing full well Inspector Cockrun was not unaware of her backside.

  Alex answered the door with a warm welcome. They discovered AJ gazing over some reports with his half glasses, a little lower on the right than the left, sitting at his desk. David was grinning knowing full well, with AJ standing up, the rise was for Janice, who demurely, had a warm glow on for AJ.

  Alex left for a date with his coffee grinder, a plate of day old ginger cookies, while AJ asked them to sit on the sofa. For himself, he sat in his recliner feet on the floor. He said, "Well, my new friends, what's up on a fine Monday afternoon. For myself, I've been scanning the financial reports of Donald Longstreet. Some interesting facts have arisen. However, let me hold off until you've brought me up to speed, as the younger folks say."

  Janice, every curious, looked closer at Doctor Jones. He seemed rather jovial all the time, but she wondered what his temperament was like with no guests or friends around. She was astounded when he guessed what she was thinking. He said, "I know I must seemed like an overzealous person who pretends to be friendly and happy. I tell you what; Alex will be back in a minute or two. I ask you Janice to ask him what I'm like day in and day out. He'll answer you honestly. Old farts don't lie, much, that is."

  David broke out laughing. Janice looked at David rather startled. She couldn't remember the last time, if ever, she heard him laugh. It was a pleasant laugh, not offensive like some high cackle or a piercing tone. For her to see him happy was rare indeed. AJ was cognizant of her admiration of David. Then AJ asked for updates before Alex came back.

  David said, "We have looked at the video tape of the session between Dr. Zee and Ms. Longstreet. The first deduction was Dr. Zee had four minutes to leave his office, commit the murder and return. If the tape doesn't lie, we must turn our attention back to the husband. My problem, among others," as he looked at Janice, "is my lack of anything hi tech. We have a team on it as we speak, but who knows what they will find."

  "What do suspect Inspector? Also, Janice, I'd like your input as well." Before he answered, all heard the coffee grinder turn off. Therefore, it would be a few minutes until Alex came in with coffee and snacks.

  David said, "I think he doctored the tape somehow."

  "Me too," Janice said.

  "I wonder," said AJ, "if a video tape is legal evidence or bona fide in a court of law?"

  "I think that depends on the clarity or quality of the tape. If frame by frame it appears consistent, without, skips, or distortions, yes, it's legal in court," Janice said.

  As if on cue, Alex came in with a tray of goodies. While he passed out the mugs of coffee, Janice savored the wonderful smell of coffee. The taste was rather bitter, but once hooked, alas, it was hard to resist. Each was handed a small plate of ginger cookies as AJ said, "Alex, our new friends here are wondering what I'm like day in and day out. Our lovely Janice thinks I'm putting on for a showing that is not true to form. Feel free Alex to enlighten our visitors."

  Alex never batted an eye, then he said, while standing next to AJ with his hand resting on the back of his recliner, "Simply put, what you see is what you get. He's, undoubtedly, a most happy man. No, we've never discussed this subject before. What I observe is this; he's past eighty, running on borrowed time. Every day is a bonus. He wakes up happy, goes to bed, or sleep happy. Also, he's made his peace with God. Most people are afraid to die. I was too when younger. I'm twenty years his junior, but can see the light at the end of the tunnel. AJ holds the flashlight through dark times of people's minds."

  "One more thing, after that I'll leave you three, as I must prepare dinner for us four. I insist you stay for dinner. We have a computer if need be. You have cell phones if need be. But most of all right here is where you will find the answers to some of your questions, if need be"

  Both David and Janice sat there without moving or saying anything. AJ just smiled. Then he said, “Don’t believe a word of it.”

  Janice said, “I’ll make up my own mind, thank you. Now Dr. Jones, I have a question please.” AJ nodded his agreement. She said, “Do you think there is anyway to suspect what the next move might be from Dr. Zee?”

  AJ rubbed his chin with his wrinkled hands, and then said, “I think it’s fair to assume he will kill again, and soon. Do not underestimate this guy. He’s very intelligent, but with the spells he experiences, will be his downfall. Is he dangerous to others? Damn rights. He might only kill his victims with a knife, but beware of his having other weapons. Think of it like you would a trapped animal with no escape. It will fight to the death. Also, don’t let his small size fool you. I’d bet his is quick as a rabbit.”

  “What about the husband Donald Longstreet. Do you think he fits into the role as a wife killer, either directly or indirectly?”

  “Janice, the husband is always a suspect until proven otherwise. I’d suggest you look for any connection between Dr. Zee and Donald Longstreet. Check on any mutual organizations, clubs, charities and so forth.”

  “I’ve had contact with my German friend who has located Mrs. Zee. She is in Switzerland for TB patients. Our initial information is she is mentally traumatized. The doctors have suggested the rest facility as she requires rest and fresh air of the rural area. My friend has an appointment later this week to visit her. Another suggestion is one of you must talk to her parents. If you don’t already know, they live in Detroit. She’s a retired nurse and he is retired GM auto worker.”

  Janice was taking notes, while David excused himself to make a phone call. AJ sat with his arms across his belly, fingers intertwined. When Janice looked up from note taking, he was looking at her with affection. It finally dawned on her he was a bit lonely. She totally understood how he felt. She too, had few friends. Her parents were both living, but retired, soaking up the sun of Florida. Work was her life, but more was desired. Her thinking, more often lately, was a relationship with a man.

  At that moment in walked David with a serious look on his face. He stood where both Janice and AJ could see him and said, “We lost track of Dr. Zee. He’s eluded our team that was watching him. We followed him to a shopping mall and then poof; he disappeared while our man was following him inside the mall. Our team is watching his car at this very moment, but I fear he has left to full fill a devious plan of murder.”

  Janice wanted to swear, but respect for her elders kept her mouth shut. David looked he was ready to explode over the costly mistake of the stakeout team. AJ noticed to and he said, “David, sit down and let’s discuss what can be done to overcome this setback. Every problem has a solution. Look at it this way Janice and David; can you imagine how many problems I’ve faced in my eight centuries of life? Stress is the killer in today’s world. We have four good brains here right now so let’s connect our brains to make a super brain.”

  David was flat amazed at how quickly he lost his anger and his stress was rapidly going away. Janice also felt herself relaxing with the soothing words of wisdom Dr. Jones spoke.

  AJ said, after the long pause to let them digest his words, “Now, if you were Dr. Zee, where would you hide out, euphemistically speaking. Assuming of course, he is in fact deliberately trying to elude his tail. Tomorrow is a city wide holiday. If we take that into consideration, what will Dr. Zee be doing tomorrow.”


  Dr. Zee inwardly smiled as he parked his car in the mall’s giant parking lot. His tag team partner tailing him parked not far away. He walked into an anchor dep
artment store making sure, with a glance; his shadow was still following him. Sometimes, being slightly built has its advantages. This was certainly the case when Dr. Zee went to the men’s department to look at sport coats and suits. After pretending to look at sport coats he bent down and duck walked eluding his follower. In no time he was moving quickly down and out the department store to put some distance between them.

  On one side branch of the mall, he walked into a bike shop that he had previously noted. In no time he bought a bike and riding gear, with a backpack he stuffed his causal clothes inside. Wheeling the bike out the back door of the bike shop, he rode off looking like a regular bike rider out for a ride.

  Dr. Zee had put his Robin Hood costume into a locker at a bus station. He rode to the bus station, changed back into his street clothes, locked his new bike in the secure bike parking area, and caught a taxi to his club. He guessed correctly that the two guys following him were still at the mall waiting for him to return to his car. He felt comfortable that he could spend an hour or two at his club, and then he would ride a bus to an outlying motel.


  It was dinner time at Dr. Jones’s penthouse. The crisis over, both Janice and David enjoyed a nice dinner of meatloaf with the usual trimmings. Alex kept up some idle chatter about some interesting events in his life with AJ. One time in particular was when AJ and four strangers were caught in an elevator stuck between floors.

  Two hours later firemen broke through the roof to rescue the passengers. Later the fireman told his fellow firemen that when he finally broke through, the passengers were all laughing at something an old fellow was talking about. All the firemen were surprised that no panic was evident and gave credit to a jovial silver haired gentleman who saved the day.

  AJ hung his head in embarrassment. A round of applause erupted furthering his glowing red cheeks. Janice in particular loved his predicament. She said, “A good capitalist would have sent each passenger a bill for two hours of entertainment.” That brought on more laughter including AJ.


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