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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 39

by Jessie Rose Case

  Pain responded. Acknowledged. New orders. Set search patterns level by level.

  Acknowledged. Angr ignored the itch in his chest and his hardened cock. He had a job to do and a female to track.


  It had taken several lift rides and several changes of image, before Blake was satisfied and made it to the Gallerea. Walking out the lift she walked over to enter a public cleansing building, changing her image again, this time to one of the females that had just left in the lift, she’d got out of. Making sure she’d picked someone that was clearly involved with a human. She didn’t need to add the complication of a Cyborg involvement.

  Her data pad pinged. Blake did her business and changed her image again while studying the information. Three other births had been secured by Maggie piggybacking off the other ships that had docked. Now she had four to choose from. Blake smiled. Cyborgs were good trackers, she had to be prepared. Leaving the cleansing unit behind her, she walked with purpose around the Gallerea. Nothing screamed more out of place, than someone meandering around.

  Blake took note of each exit and the facilities. She strode throughout the area going from place to place. She found the bar called ‘Shots’ easily enough and noted the restaurants. Picking one, she walked in and took a table with a clear view of the security offices. It was as good as any place to do some recon.

  “Can I get you anything?” Good, the waitress didn’t seem to know her.

  “The breakfast special, juice and coffee, toast on the side.” The waitress nodded and walked off.


  Angr followed the scent. It had led him to the lifts. He’d accessed the lift vid feeds and nothing indicated a female. He was confused. His body and mind told him his female was on board the Station and had accessed this lift, yet, the vid feeds were telling him something else. His emotions were starting to affect him. His frustrations and confusion rode him. He got in the lift and followed the previous lift log. The lift doors opened on second floor and Angr got out. He checked the vid feed and two had got out on this level. Both male. He slammed his fist into the wall panel and it dented.

  Back tracking he picked up the scent again and followed it. It appeared to walk around in circles, moved around some storage space, it was stronger here like she had lingered for a while, then back towards the lifts. Angr looked around him. It was a utility floor. What was she looking for? And how did she look male but smell female? There were no cameras in this sector. He would make sure they changed that.

  Angr got back in the lift and went three more floors before scenting her on that one. He checked the lift log again and three people had got out. He frowned and gritted his teeth. They were three different people from before. Two males and one female. He followed the scent and checked the vid. It was another male. Fuck. It made no sense but he knew he was right. The scent called to him, he was rock hard. Every movement an abrasion that just made it worse.


  Blake ate her meal. The food was good. Very good, some of the best she’d had. The coffee even better. All real, no syn food. It was surprising this far out in space. Someone had good contacts. She sipped at it, relishing the fresh brewed taste, while watching the area in front of her. It was clear that this was the social hub of the Space Station. It was relaxed and very social. Children, couples and friends, milled around, in search of what they needed. It reminded Blake of some of the vids of old Earth. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to make the place light and airy. To give it a sense of space and freedom, that would normally only be found if land based. Whatever they did, worked, thought Blake, after everything that had happened, people seemed, happy.


  Angr was clinging to the bare threads of his temper. He’d been run around in circles, with no more of an idea of who he was looking for, since he’d started. There was no logic to the meanderings or the places, this Captain went. He’d had to leave the lift three times, follow the scent only to end up back at the lift again and he was still, none the wiser who he was chasing down. His gut told him the Captain was female. His system told him she was his. His other senses were confused and it was knocking him off his game. He hit the button for the next level harder than he intended. Angr cricked his neck. He was getting closer.


  Her data pad pinged. Lifting her arm, Blake checked the incoming message. The ship had been thoroughly searched and they had not found the safe rooms. Blake smiled. But they were looking for her. She expected that. Clicking open the vid feed stopped her in her tracks. Putting down her drink, Blake ran the file. It showed the most jaw dropping male, looking for something around her ship. He appeared to be following his ……….. nose? She watched as he moved closer to the hidden exit. Bent, then laid down and looked right at it. She was busted. Dam it. A bit sooner than expected but it was bound to come. There was no doubt he was good to look at…

  Blake frowned as she watched him stand back up and ……. Sniff the air? Ok, that was getting weird. Bloody Cyborgs had far too many senses to deal with. She wondered if they all looked so good and checked around her. There were plenty to choose from but no one had that …… edge that made her tingle. Blake smiled and continued to watch the vid. He didn’t look happy as he marched off in the directions of the lift. Opening communication with Maggie Blake sent her orders. Thought he could find her did he? Well, she thought, let’s see how he does. Blake picked up her glass and motioned to the waitress. She had time for a couple more before making herself known and she might as well enjoy the show.


  Angr exited the lift. Her scent had pulled him off again. FUCK! He cried out in frustration. How many times had she got off and on again? Logic told him to forget it and move on, that he was being played, but he couldn’t just leave it at that and stay on, he had to make sure. Resigned, he breathed deeply and walked in the direction he’s senses sent him. He lingered where it was strongest. Angr stopped and breathed her in. Alluring sensual notes of her femininity flowed over his tongue. As he stood there breathing her in, his cock hardened wanting out to play. He saturated his senses then looked around.

  Another storage area holding nothing but engines and parts. What the hell was going on? He didn’t understand the Captain’s actions and it grated. Angr went with his emotions, he threw in the towel, whatever this was, he wasn’t playing any longer. He turned back to the lift system. This was a waste of his time. He passed under the ventilation system and was suddenly drowned in his quarry’s scent. It dropped him to his knees. Need soared through him, his cock so hard it was in danger of bursting through his pants. Her scent was pouring out of the air system. Thick and heavy. It was delicious, mouth-watering, his cock screamed to be free. What the fuck had she done?

  His breathing became heavy. We have an infiltration of the air system. He sent over his net.

  Checking. The ID for Cage came back over his neuro net. He must have been on security comms.

  Angr waited. He tried not to allow the scent to drown him in the most exotic way. Images of bodies entwined, sweating, breathing hard assaulted him, his cock ramming into delicious heat, a female coming around him. Angr cried out pulling back on his emotions. He needed to stay focused, he slammed his fist into his leg. The pain helped, and the images shut down.

  That is very cleaver.” He heard Cage say. “ Were you tracking the Captain, General? Cage asked.


  I see. The ship accessed air purification systems and a syn code deployed based on human DNA. The air then carried the elements throughout the Space Station. Its benine and has already cleared. The pathway has now been shut down.

  Fuck. It’s all around me. Angr told him.

  Yes sir. It’s throughout the Station General. Tracking will be nie impossible now.

  Acknowledged. Angr told him and shut off his neuro net.

  Angr slipped to the floor and held his head in his hands, they’d been shaking. He had to get away from the smell of her. His emotions were rising. He could feel hims
elf getting out of control. He already could feel the female under his skin. Moving swiftly, he closed off his air supply, stood and moved back towards the lift system and engaged his net, to call it to him. It opened as he arrived, and the doors closed. Angr breathed. It wasn’t as strong in here. He took a few deep calming breaths and informed the lift system to take him to the Gallerea. He’d report in. He’d failed in his duty, there was no excuse for that.


  Blake sent a comm message to the only Kim on register at the Station. It had to be the engineer. Blake checked the request Maggie sent for a meet with her to discuss possible business, it was a good way in. Then she activated the acquisition order. Blake worked her way through her dessert. It was beyond good. Her attention was pulled from it, as a familiar person walked across the Gallerea to the security offices. Blake smiled. Guess he’d had to give up. Then frowned. She was disappointed. That was a shame. But the game was far from over.


  “That was a fucking waste of my time.” Angr rolled in and took a seat in front of the Admiral. He raised both eyebrows at him and sat back in his chair gazing at him. “She eluded me at every turn. Then dumped some DNA when she was alerted to my tracking of her.”

  “Explain.” Rage demanded.

  Taking a breath, he didn’t need or want only fired up his synapses recognising his females scent yet again. He shook his head. “I gotta get off this hulk, I can’t think straight.” He told them distractedly wiping his forehead.

  When he focused back on Rage he was still staring at him. Angr explained. “The Captain didn’t wait on me. In fact, she slipped out without us knowing and is on the Station. I tracked her. But she has some kind of shielding system, the vids and the trail make no sense. Then I must have alerted her or got too close and her ship, which is an AI, hijacked into your air purifying system and sent a syn code carrying her DNA to flood the Station and throw me off. After that, her scent is everywhere. Fucking ingenious. I can’t track her. I failed.”

  “She doesn’t want to be found. Then I guess we wait and see what she’s up to.” Rage told him.

  Could be dangerous. Angr sent to him over his net.

  No. If she has the technology to hide from us and to access our air and did nothing but that. She’s after something, not dangerous. Keep the ship under surveillance. Check the accommodation but I doubt she’s there. Angr nodded. You have less than 24hrs to find her if your moving out with your ship. Rage reminded him.

  Angr looked up at his Admiral. And if I choose not too?

  Rage stared at him. He didn’t look happy. Bloody females are killing us. Be sure you know what your doing. You’re on the Council, no arguments.

  Angr gave him a sharp nod, got up and walked out his office through the security offices and out into the middle of the Gallerea. He stopped. The scent was strong here. Bloody hell. Would this continue to plague him? Now it was mixed with food and drink. He automatically looked over to the café across from him. There were lots of people eating. He thought he caught a glimpse of a female alone as his gaze swept the area, but when he looked back there was no female, just an engineer chatting up the waitress.

  This whole thing was a mess, he snarled turning away, walking back to the lifts, he changed direction at the last minute going towards the gym. He needed to work off some energy, he told himself stripping off his top, before he crushed someone’s skull. Sadly, he acknowledged, Rage would have a problem with that.


  That was close. Mused Blake. She’d been distracted by the meditation going on in the Park area, and hadn’t seen him come back out, until it was too late. She was sure he’d seen her, right through the image generator to look right at her, then he’d turn away and strode off in a huff. Thank the gods the waitress was nearby and she did a bit of deflecting. Mr Muscles seemed to buy that. And what muscles they were, she reminded herself staring after him. He’d stripped of that top going into the gym and boy, was it a show and tell time.

  Packed, stacked and rippling. Her mouth had got dry and she realised it was hanging open and she was ogling. The crick in her neck a sharp reminder that she’d followed him with her eyes. Dam. That male was ……. Seriously fuckable.

  Her clit clenched. No, no. On a job. She reminded herself. Her data pad pinged. Blake looked at it distractedly trying to gain some moisture in her mouth. She had a meet with this engineer. Tomorrow. Thank fuck for that. Was it getting hot in here?

  Blake focused. Swallowed the last of her drink and called for the check. She had some recon to do and then a good night’s rest would be in order. She knew exactly what she was going to dream about. Hot and fuckable. Tomorrow she had work to do. Blake dropped the credits for her meal and walked out.

  The air was fresher here, she realised like you’d just walked outside. She wondered how they did that. She’d have to ask Maggie. This Station didn’t feel stale or stagnant. It did have a sense of being land based. It was unusual and good physiologically. Not cheap and she expected it kept people from going stir crazy.

  Blake cringed. She’d seen far too much of that. Blake shut images out of her mind and took a few deep breaths. She was good and she had a mission. Taking one last glance around her, she headed for the lift system and raked over the gym as she went. She couldn’t see him and was instantly disappointed. Head in the game Blake, she told herself. Sighing she headed for one of the hopscotch bunks. Thank you Maggie, she whispered.


  Angr came out of the gym sometime later, feeling more in control, until a scent trail that seemed stronger, fresher, appeared to head off towards the lifts from the restaurant area he’d looked at before. Had she really been here or was his mind still playing tricks? He’d had enough. Shutting down his sense of smell he headed back towards his ship. He needed somewhere he could breath, and that was not on this Station.


  “Thank you for seeing me.” Blake told the female in front of her who was wiping her hands on some cloth. She then stuck her hand out in the old Earth way. Blake took it and shook.

  “No problem. Please, take a seat.” There were two chairs mis-matched and sitting in front of a make shift snook. It was more a workshop than an office. There was a coffee maker and some cups and a small drinks dispenser. Blake wondered why you would have both, as she took her seat. The dispenser gave coffee. The female Kim, seemed to notice her looking at them. “I like real coffee and my husband indulges me.” She told her by way of explanation and put down her coffee mug on the small table between them and took the other seat. Blake didn’t get it, she wasn’t that much of a fan of coffee, it was good when it was good but that was it. “So, how can I help you?” Kim asked.

  Blake had decided to come in and change to her real image. Maggie had disarmed the cameras. There was always a chance, up this close, that someone might see through the Image Generator. Close proximity could cause problems with the IG and that could cause distrust. Kim might see it and more questions than answers, would put a wedge between them. She was here on business and a contract, was a contract. Rather than explain unnecessarily she handed her data pad over. It had the contract listed. Blake waited as Kim scanned the information.

  She eventually handed back the pad and looked steadily at Blake. “Sorry I can’t do that.” Kim told her.

  Blake nodded and sat back in her seat. “I guessed as much.”

  “So what now?”

  Blake shrugged. “I have a contract to deliver on.”

  Kim smiled. “Think you can do it?”


  Kim waved her hand about the place. “You know this is a Cyborg Station right? My husband runs it?”

  Blake kept her gaze on her. “Owns it more like and yes I do. Although I was surprised at the ‘married’ bit. Didn’t know Cyborgs did that.”

  “O they do that and a lot more.” Kim told her. It was stated as a fact not intimidation.

  Blake didn’t answer that. She knew exactly what Cyborgs did. She’d s
een plenty of it from her grandfather’s history vids. “I can give you 48 hours. Its as much as I can do on my timetable.” She got up slowly from her chair and turned towards the door.

  “Thank you for the curtesy.” Kim called after her. Blake turned back.

  “I’d like to say it’s a professional thing, but we both know, in this game that’s not true. But it’s my thing.” She told her. Blake walked through the small corridor and engaged her image generator. She moved through several shops and buildings, changing images until she was satisfied no one would be able to follow her. She had two days to kill, and some more recon to do. Best get to it.


  Angr had slept poorly. Not that he needed much to begin with. Cyborgs could manage on 3 or 4 hours every 4 days or longer depending on system demands. The minute he’d stepped back on the Station his senses had sort out the female. It irritated and enthused him equally. He’d been called back to security to see Rage. It was clear from the message he was in a foul mood. Well that made two of them. His body was demanding his female and he was nowhere near finding her. He’d barely stepped inside Rage’s office before he barked at him.

  “Have you found that retriever?”


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