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Gash (The Skulls #13)

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “We know fuck all about this bastard, Tiny.”

  Rubbing at his eyes, he watched as Eva laughed at something Rose said.

  Hardy, Rose, Tate, Murphy, Kelsey, Killer, Zero, and Prue were at his table tonight. He watched as his youngest daughter Tabitha talked with his oldest daughter, Tate. Those two were alike in a lot of ways. Tabitha hadn’t inherited Tate’s bitchy attitude though, which he was thankful for.

  There was only so much he could take with his daughter. He’d been forced to make Murphy stand up, and to put her in her place. The Skulls wasn’t for his daughter to stick her nose in.

  “Lash is creating a safe place for you. Whenever you’re ready, come here, and we’ll fight this person together.”

  “Whizz hasn’t found anything out?”

  “He’s working on it, but like I said, whenever he gets close, he hits a dead end.”

  “We believed he was a businessman,” Devil said. “That doesn’t help?”

  “No. Master is a businessman, only his business isn’t exactly kosher. He buys girls, but we believe he also sells them. There are possible connections to known drug lords and cartels. Nothing concrete, but speculation.”

  “You’re shitting me?” Devil asked.

  “Whizz is doing the best he can.”

  “I know. Fuck, I know. I can’t let anything happen to Lexie. She’s the love of my life. Her and my kids.”

  “There’s always a place here for you.” He stared at Eva, and his family. They were his life, and he would do whatever it took to keep them safe.

  “I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you soon when we know more.”

  Tiny nodded, closing his cell phone. This shit with a fucker known as Master was starting to get out of hand. He’d given Whizz the information he needed to find out about Andrew.

  “What’s going on?” Eva asked, coming toward him.

  He shook his head. “I need to make a phone call.”

  “Tell me what’s going on.” Eva stood in front of him with her hands on her hips. Fuck, he loved her so much, and she was so damn sexy, she made him ache. This woman had enriched his life and given him something to fight for. Before her, there was nothing else, and he didn’t want anything else but her.

  “Master, he’s hitting out at the Chaos Bleeds women. He’s threatening them, and we can’t find anything, Eva. Whizz says he’s like a ghost. We can’t find him, and if we can’t find him, we can’t fight him.”

  Eva wrapped her arms around him. “We’ll get him.”


  “I don’t know, but someone like that can’t stay hidden for long. You’ve just got to give him time to either screw up, or come out and play.”

  Tiny held the back of her head, leaning down he captured her lips. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too. We’re in this together, you and I.”

  “I suppose Tab will stop moaning about Simon visiting again if he’s here.”

  Eva chuckled. “You’re just going to have to accept the fact our daughter loves a Chaos boy.”

  Tiny smiled. “We’ll see.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Gash stroked the length of Charlotte’s back, and felt complete. They had finished off the Chinese food, and after that, they’d snuggled up together.

  He took hold of her hand, staring down at their locked fingers. “This is how it would have always been.”

  Charlotte sighed. “I wish we’d have been together.”

  “Me too.” He’d have given anything to change the last seven years. They could have a family now, and he’d have been more than happy to come home to her every night.

  “What happens when we get back?” she asked.

  “We’re going to marry.”

  She gasped, looking up at him. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah. We’ve wasted enough time, and I know I’m not going to change my mind.” He kissed the top of her head. “I love you, Charlotte.”

  He noticed she didn’t say it back to him.

  “I can’t—”

  Silencing her protest with a kiss, he wasn’t interested in hearing her doubts. He knew she’d have them. “I don’t need to hear the words.” The fact she hadn’t been with anyone else since him was all he needed to know. Charlotte loved him. She just wasn’t ready to commit again, not that he blamed her.

  Pushing the blanket from them, he kissed down her throat, nibbling on her collarbone. He didn’t stop there. The light cast from the lamp gave him the perfect view of her body. Taking one of her nipples between his teeth, he nipped her bud before sliding his tongue across the valley of her tits, toward her other. He paid each tit careful attention, before trailing his tongue down her stomach, dipping into her belly button.


  “I’ve got you, baby.” Opening her thighs, he spread the lips of her pussy, stroking his fingers across her clit. “You’re so sweet and wet. Your body knows that you belong to me, Charlotte. Don’t fight it.”

  In answer, she groaned.

  “Please,” she said.

  Moving down, he pressed his tongue to her clit, tasting her cream. He was already addicted to her taste, and he’d never grow tired of licking her pussy. Flicking her clit, he glided down, plunging his tongue into her cunt.

  Her cunt tightened him. Fucking her with his tongue, he caressed her clit with his fingers.

  Gash got her nice and wet, then gripped her hips, flipping her onto her knees. She released a scream.

  “I’ve got you, baby.” Grabbing another condom, he tore into the packet, rolling the latex over his dick. He pressed the tip to her entrance and slowly slid inside her. “When we get home, I’m going to make you watch me take you like this, fucking inside you. I love watching you, Charlotte.” He stared down at where his cock was inside her. “Such a pretty tight pussy.” Unable to help himself, he slapped her ass, gripped her hips, and pounded inside her. She was just so perfect.

  There was no other word for it. Charlotte was perfect for him.

  Running his hands up her back, he gripped her hair, wrapping it around his wrist, and lifting her up so that her back was pressed against his. The angle meant he couldn’t get as deep inside her as he wanted, but that was okay. He was a patient guy. With his free hand, he cupped her cheek, forcing her to turn toward him to look at him.

  He claimed her lips once again. Sliding his hand down, he cupped her breast. She opened her mouth, and he plundered her lips. She covered his hand with her own, and he touched her pussy, stroking her clit. She arched against his touch.

  “I always dreamed it would be like this,” she said.

  “You dreamed about me?”

  “Yes. You were always there. I couldn’t get away from you, and I didn’t want to.”

  He liked that. Easing her down to the bed, he kept one hand between her thighs, touching her clit. Gash moved his fingers down to feel himself sliding inside her. He had a lot of plans once they were done, and he wasn’t going to stop until Charlotte was owned by him. Gash wasn’t a foolish man. He knew what was precious to him, and this woman was it. She was his lifeline, the person he’d been waiting for.

  Pounding his dick inside her tight heat, he groaned, loving the way she squeezed him tight. When they were ready, he was going to take her without a condom, and be reminded of how good she felt underneath him. He fingered her clit, feeling each clutch of her cunt as she tightened around him. It was the best feeling in the world. She was the best pussy he’d ever been inside. This must be what all the other brothers felt when they settled down, content, happy, and ready to fuck their woman at a moment’s notice.

  “Gash,” she said. “Please, I need you.”

  “You’re going to come for me, baby?”

  “Yes.” She screamed his name again, and he pinched her clit hard.

  Her cunt went tighter than a fucking vise as she clenched his cock.

  “Fuck,” he said. The pleasure was out of this world, and once she came down from her own release, he grippe
d her hips and pounded inside her. He watched his cock fill her pussy, the way she sucked him inside. Slamming deep within her, he gripped her hips so tight that he knew it was going to bruise. His marks on her skin were exactly what he wanted. She was his woman, and he wanted everyone to know it.

  Gash fucking loved her, and it wasn’t a revelation that surprised him. He accepted that, relished it, and it wasn’t going to stop. This was the kind of love that he’d seen between Angel and Lash, Eva and Tiny, all of The Skull couples.

  Leaning over her, he bit her shoulder, and thrust inside her one final time, filling the condom. One day soon he was going to be filling her pussy and watching his cum spilling from her lips.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he squeezed her tight as the pleasure consumed his entire body.

  “You’re fucking beautiful,” he said.

  Turning on his side, he kept hold of her, kissing her neck, and stroking her body.

  “I could stay like this forever,” she said. “You know I never thought I’d see you again.”

  “When I got out, I was going to come looking for you. The club, they needed me first.”

  She stroked his arm. “From what I’ve seen of your club, I love it.”

  “You’ll have to quit your job.”

  “What will I do?”

  “There’s always something to do at the club, and we’re starting up some new businesses. We’ve got a gym planned, which will need some people to run it. There’s a beauty shop that Angel suggested.”

  She chuckled. “I’ll find work. I couldn’t just sit around waiting for you to come home.”

  “That’s not the way our club works. I’m not saying every single club works like ours. Each MC is different. The Skulls, for the most part is a family club.”

  “You’re saying there’s no screwing going on?”

  Gash laughed. “Yes, there’s a lot of screwing. We’re a bunch of guys, but when the families are in, that shit is nowhere to be seen.”

  “It seems hard to believe. A tame biker club.”

  “We’re not fucking tame.”

  She turned her head, and he saw she was smiling. “I’m just teasing you. I know The Skulls all mean business.”


  “Sometimes I’d read newspaper clippings about what happened in Fort Wills. Our night together, you told me that was where you lived.”

  He’d never told anyone that, not even Rebecca. “I told you a great deal, didn’t I?”

  “Not a lot. You didn’t tell me why you were seeing Rebecca.” She paused, and her body went tense. The tightening of her body squeezed his dick, and he groaned.

  “I’ve got to take off the condom,” he said, tapping her thigh. He eased out of her, and removed the condom, throwing it in the trash before sliding back in, wrapping his arms around her. “Why did you go tense?”

  “That night we were together, you spoke of your feelings for me.” She looked up at him, and her cheeks were red. “You told me how much you liked me, that you thought I was beautiful, and even though Rebecca thought she was better than me, it wasn’t the case.” Tears once again filled her eyes. “You told me that if you weren’t so busy, you’d have tried to make me yours forever.”

  “I knew who you were?”

  “Yes. It was only in the morning that you forgot who I was.”

  “I didn’t mean for shit like that to happen,” he said.

  “I get that now. I always blamed myself. You were drunk, and I knew you wouldn’t remember. Well, I hoped you would, but when you woke up, I knew that you didn’t have the slightest idea of who I was.”

  Locking their fingers together once again, Gash sighed. “Everything fucked up around us.”

  “What were you looking for back then?” she asked.

  “My brother. Tiny wanted me to make sure he wasn’t causing any trouble.”

  “Did you ever find your brother?”


  Charlotte didn’t say anything more about that. Minutes passed, and he held her tightly against him.

  “Gash?” Charlotte asked.

  “What, baby?”

  “Will we be okay?”

  “Yes, you can count on it.”


  The following day, Charlotte stared up at the large building that was supposed to house Jeff and Rebecca. Glancing down at the piece of paper that Gash had given her, she looked at the large building. “Are you sure about this?”

  “I’m more than sure.”

  “Jeff and Rebecca weren’t wealthy.”

  “It makes you wonder who they were working for,” Gash said.

  She stared at the man who had stolen her heart within hours of being in her life once again. Seven years ago, he’d come into her world fucking another woman, and she had fallen for him just as easily. What was it about Gash that she was too weak to walk away from?

  Last night, she had fallen asleep in his arms, happy and safe. Throughout the night, he woke her up to make love, and fuck her. He alternated between taking her hard and slow. She loved every second of it. His cock was so big, and he knew what to do with it. After seven years of not being with anyone, Gash had awakened her once again.

  “You think someone else is behind what happened back then?” Charlotte asked.

  “Seeing this shit, I’m convinced of it.” He pulled into the underground parking, typing in the code that she imagined Whizz had given to him.

  They pulled up, and Charlotte took a deep breath.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, everything is just—yeah, I’m okay. It just seems pretty surreal is all.”

  You’re about to go and kill a man and a woman.

  A woman you agreed to kill.

  You’re going to watch him take another man’s life.

  She thought about Jeff and Rebecca, her memories going back to that moment in the hospital when she realized what had been taken from her. The pain was still there, but she could finally breathe.

  Gash took hold of her hand. “Do you want me to back away?”

  “You’d do that for me?” she asked, turning toward him. During her doubts, Gash had parked the car, and turned off the ignition.

  “Don’t you realize yet?”

  “Realize what?”

  “I’ll do anything for you. Even walk away today.”

  She stared into his eyes, and knew without a shadow of a doubt that he meant the words he said. “I love you,” she said.

  “That’s all I need now, baby. I don’t need anything else but those words, and you.”

  But in the back of his mind, she knew he’d always wonder what would have happened today.

  What if Jeff does the same to another woman that he did to you?

  The very thought made her cold from the inside. She didn’t want anyone to suffer the way that she had suffered.

  Leaning in close, she took possession of his lips. “We’re going to do this, and once it’s done, no more thinking about the past, just the future, right?”


  “Let’s go.”

  They both climbed out of the car, and she took a breath as she gazed around the parking lot. Top of the range cars filled a couple of spaces, but for the most part, it was vacant.

  Gash popped the trunk of the car and pulled out a bag.

  “Do you want me to hold anything?” she asked.

  “No, I’ve got it all.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She was so damn nervous.

  Gash took hold of her hand. “We’re good.”

  With their hands locked together, they walked toward the elevator. Her heart was pounding as they started to travel toward the top floor.

  We can do this.

  She closed her eyes, and once again she was transported back to that hospital room, and staring at Jeff’s smug face. He thought he could get away with everything. Murder wouldn’t touch him, no one would touch him. She fucking hated that bastard, and Rebecca.

Her life had turned to fucking shit.

  Gripping his hand a little tighter, she was more determined than ever before.

  The elevator doors opened, and she walked beside Gash, her steps sure.

  They got to the room number, and they both paused as nailed to the door was a single white envelope with the names Gash and Charlotte, in fancy writing.

  With Gash’s arms full, Charlotte grabbed the envelope opening it. Inside was a folded piece of paper and a key.

  Taking out the paper, she unfolded it.

  “Come in. That’s all it says.” She took out the key and held it up to Gash. “This doesn’t feel right.”

  “I know. Get behind me.” Gash removed his bag, opened it up, and she saw several guns, and something rolled up, which looked like some medical tools. She wasn’t even going to think about that.

  He checked the gun for bullets, and she guessed he got it ready for firing. She wasn’t any kind of expert on guns.

  “Grab the bag, and stay behind me.” He took the key, sliding it into the lock.

  Her stomach twisted as the door opened. Gash entered the room, and hauling the bag on her shoulder, she followed him.

  Once there was enough room, she closed the door, using her foot to kick it shut.

  Following behind Gash, she made sure there were several steps between them.

  “Holy shit,” Gash said, stopping.

  “What is it?” she asked, moving to look past his shoulder.

  Charlotte wished she hadn’t. On the dining room table lay a woman. She had been nailed with her arms either side of her hand. The woman’s legs were spread, and she was naked. Her feet also had nails, keeping her attached to the table.

  She knew without a doubt that it was Rebecca. The single birthmark on the ankle was one sign, as was the original passport that had been stabbed into her forehead. It was a brutal, violent, and bloody kill.


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