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Gash (The Skulls #13)

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  Unable to help it, Charlotte dropped the bag, and threw up the breakfast that she had eaten that morning.

  “Not a good sight, is it?”

  That voice had haunted her for seven years.

  Wiping the back of her mouth, Charlotte turned toward the noise. She’d not even noticed it as she came in. Against the fake fireplace, Jeff was bound to a chair. He didn’t look much better than Rebecca, but he was alive.

  Gash took hold of her hand, forcing her to get behind him. “Who’s here?”

  Jeff laughed. “He’s long gone now. Came in as if we were old pals. I should have known the truth. He had a bottle of scotch, and was talking about another job he might have for us. The bastard hadn’t been here in seven years, and I should have known something was wrong.” Jeff gritted his teeth and tried to fight the restraints. “He fucking drugged us.” He started to shout now, and Charlotte cringed as he kept on fighting and yelling. “He made me watch what he did to her, and all the time, he was laughing. Told me that I was going to be next, but he was going to leave me to someone from my past. He kept her alive for most of it. She was screaming, begging for me to help, and I couldn’t do shit.”

  Charlotte stared at the mess that was once Rebecca, and she felt sick to her stomach again. Rebecca didn’t have a nice ending but a hard one, one that was fucking disgusting.

  “Who did you work for?” Gash asked, moving toward him.

  Jeff smiled. “You really think that’s going to work? I’m dead either way.”

  Charlotte forced herself to move and looked behind Jeff. The chair he was sitting on was wired up, and she saw a countdown. “He’s going to blow up,” she said.

  Gash looked toward her, then Jeff.

  “Master and Sir do have a way to make a point, don’t they?”

  “Master and Sir?”

  “Yep. There’s no point keeping it a secret, especially as he left you a note.” Jeff nodded toward the coffee table in the sitting room. Charlotte moved carefully across the apartment floor, and picked up the single envelope.

  “It’s addressed to you,” she said, looking at Gash. She waited until Gash was beside her before she glanced over at Jeff. “The countdown on the, erm, the bomb, gave him twenty more minutes.”

  “You don’t need to whisper. I know I’m a dead man. I’m just surprised you’re not beating the shit out of me, Charlotte. After all, I did take your kid, and put you in a hospital.” Jeff laughed. “You should have seen her go crazy. It took a lot of surgery to repair the damage you did to my face.”

  “What the fuck did you say?” Gash asked.

  Charlotte saw through Jeff’s act. He was terrified.

  “She was knocked up with your kid, and taking it out of her was a damn pleasure. I was ordered to do it, which I thought was harsh, but it was fucking awesome.”

  “Who ordered you to do it?”

  “Master again.”

  She listened to Gash and Jeff talk. All the time, she looked around the apartment, wondering what the hell was going on.

  “Who is Master?” Charlotte asked.

  Gash gritted his teeth.

  Jeff laughed. “No one fucking knows who he is. He’s a mythical being.”

  “What is going on?”

  “Tell her, Gash.”

  “You don’t fucking talk to her,” Gash said.

  “I’m dead anyway. It doesn’t matter.”

  “He wants you to kill him,” Charlotte said. “I guess getting your throat slit is much better than being blown to bits, right?”

  Jeff growled, disgust clear on his face.

  “Why Gash? Why him?” Charlotte asked. She looked at Jeff as he stared at her. “Why me?” This was one big vendetta against Gash, and she hadn’t seen it before that moment. She looked toward Gash. “Do you know who Master is?”

  “I’ve not got a clue,” Gash said. “He’s a ghost. No one knows who he is, or what he does. He’s not known.”

  “Do you know him?”

  Jeff snorted. “No one knows him. Master makes sure you know what he wants you to know, and you do what he tells you to do.”

  “What happened seven years ago?”

  He shook his head, and Charlotte folded her arms. “Why not tell us? You’re going to die anyway.”

  “Look, all I know is that there was a letter with five grand cash, a list of instructions and a promise of more. I did what was said in the instructions, more money was presented to me.”

  “Where does Rebecca come in?”

  “She was given the same deal. Cash for jobs, and we met up, hit it off, and we decided to share the bounty that this job would take in. The object was to take down Gash, the member of The Skulls. No reason was given, just instructions on what to do, when to do it, and that he had to remain alive.”

  “What about me?”

  “You weren’t part of the plan until you were discovered to be pregnant. My boss didn’t believe you’d be any real threat. You were fat, and Gash wasn’t known for liking fat women. You were not expected, so you had to be taken care of. Also, he thought it would be fun to see what happened between you and Gash when he discovered the truth.”

  “And my unborn child?”

  “We were there. We saw you touch your stomach and say Gash’s name. Once you were out of it with the drugs, we got in touch with Master, and he told us the baby had to go regardless of who it was. Master wanted you out of the way but not dead.”

  She felt sick to her stomach. Moving behind Jeff again, she saw that they only had ten minutes. “We’ve got to go.”

  Gash didn’t look happy. She walked up toward him, and grabbed his arm. “We’ve got to go. Once this blows, they’re going to lock it all down.”

  She moved toward the door.

  Gash stared at Jeff.

  “You’re not going to find him. Master only comes out when he’s ready,” Jeff said.

  “Gash, leave it!”

  She opened the door, and waited.

  Finally after seconds passed, Gash rushed toward her. He took the weapons bag from her hand, and they rushed toward the elevator.

  “It’s going to take too long. We’ve got to take the stairs.” Gash grabbed her hand, and shoved the door open. She rushed down behind him, following him down the flight of stairs. She was unfit, and not ready for suddenly running, but she kept on running.

  Minutes passed, and they ducked as the explosion shook the building. They were two floors from the parking lot. They picked up their speed, and rushed toward their car. Gash didn’t take his time to load the guns in the trunk. Jumping in the passenger seat, she waited for Gash to start the car up, and they were driving out of the parking lot. Charlotte looked back in time to see police cars arriving.

  “What the fuck was that?” she asked.

  “Well, it wasn’t what I expected. Fuck!” Gash slammed his palm against the steering wheel. “I didn’t expect Jeff to be taken out, and I didn’t expect his boss to be Master.”

  “Who is Master?” Charlotte asked.

  “He’s a bad guy. From what we knew of him he dealt with women, selling girls, and using them. He brands them like cattle.”

  “What’s his problem with you?”

  “I don’t have fucking clue, but I’m going to find out.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Gash stared at the television as the news reporter talked about the explosion at the hotel. The white envelope he’d taken from the room lay on the table in church. His brothers were around them, and he rubbed his hands together, waiting for Whizz to turn off the television.

  Silence fell around the room as the television went silent.

  “I didn’t put any explosives in the bag,” Whizz said.

  “Master got to Jeff before I could. Rebecca was there as well, and he’d tortured and killed her.”

  “Wait, Master?” Lash asked, looking toward Tiny.

  The room was full with all The Skulls, and Gash nodded. “Yes, Jeff said he was hired seven years ago by someone k
nown as Master. He never fucking met the bastard, but he was paid by him to do this kind of shit.”

  “Do you know Master?” Tiny asked.

  “I don’t know shit.” Gash stood and started pacing the room. “You don’t think I had a freak out when his name was mentioned? Fuck!”

  “It looks like we’ve found our next problem,” Baker said. He was sitting near the door. Out of all of The Skulls, he was the silent, brooding kind. “Master doesn’t just have a problem with Chaos Bleeds, he’s got a problem with us as well.”

  “I don’t know who he is.”

  “Whoever it is got the means to put you in prison on bogus charges. He gives money, and we know he likes women. You need to call Devil,” Tiny said, looking toward Lash.

  “Did you locate Andrew?” Gash asked.

  Whizz shook his head. “Nope.”

  “You don’t think the two could be related?” Tiny asked.

  “Andrew was a weak little shit. He was sick in the head, and he was all over drugs. There’s no way he could be as powerful as Master,” Gash said. “You’ve got more of a chance of Andrew selling shit about The Skulls to this mystery guy than you have of him being an actual problem.”

  Gash wouldn’t even give his brother a thought.

  “What does the letter say?” Lash asked.

  “I’ve not opened it. I called ahead to get you guys here, and Charlotte didn’t even open it.” Gash reached out, opening the letter.

  “What does it say?” Hardy asked.

  Gash read the letter out. “Consider this a gift. I’ve dealt with the whore. She had to learn her place. Enjoy Jeff. He’s no longer useful to me. Chat soon. M.” Gash threw the letter down. “This guy is not playing by any rules.”

  “That’s the point. There are no rules to him. He even kills people who work for him,” Lash said. “This is serious. Until we know more, I want us all on lockdown. Everyone back at the club. The bitches will go back to their rooms in the basement. Kids are going to be here when they’re not at school. None of the old ladies are to leave the clubhouse unless they have a prospect or one of the men with them, understood?” Lash looked at all of them.

  All of the men agreed.

  “Whizz, get your ass on the computer. Find everything associated with Jeff, before today, and even before Gash was sent to prison. I want to know everything about this bastard, where he went to school, his parents, even when he took a shit. The same goes for Rebecca. I want any possible lead that will show who Master is.”

  “I’ll put a call through to speak to Brianna and Jessica. Both women were captured by Master. I might get some details, maybe even work out some facial recognition or some shit,” Whizz said.

  “Do that. I want us all watching our backs and the club.” Lash slammed his hand down on the table. “Dismissed.”

  Gash left the church room before anyone else, and went to Charlotte. He tugged her in his arms and slammed his lips against hers. The guys at the club whistled and hollered, and he didn’t give a fuck. Cupping her cheek, he sank his fingers into her hair, holding her close. She opened up, and he slid his tongue into her mouth, tasting her. Charlotte was his compensation for dealing with this Master shit.

  Finally, she pulled away, her eyes closed. He watched her lick her lips, and his cock thickened, imagining her lips around his dick.

  When she opened her eyes, she glanced around the room. “Everyone is watching us.”

  “I don’t care.” Taking hold of her hand, he turned to the guys, lifting their hands for everyone to see. “Charlotte, she’s my old lady, my woman. I’ll be putting a ring on her finger soon enough.”

  “Gash?” She tried to push their hands down, but he wasn’t having that.

  “No need to be embarrassed.”

  For the next five minutes they were surrounded by the club who congratulated them. Angel rushed toward them, pulling Charlotte in for a hug. “It’s so good to see you happy.”

  He held Charlotte against him as Angel hugged them. After he accepted the club’s support, he bent down, pushing his shoulder against Charlotte’s stomach. She let out a little squeal as he started to carry her up toward his room.

  “Put me down. I can walk.” She hit his ass, and he slapped hers for good measure.

  She screamed again. “You did not just slap my ass.”

  He slapped it again. “I’m not afraid to give you what you need, baby.” Another slap, and she sank her teeth into the denim of his jeans, which protected him from her bite. Gash chuckled, providing her with another slap.

  Opening his bedroom door, he kicked it closed, and dropped Charlotte to the bed. He made sure her teeth were no longer sunk into his ass cheek. Capturing her hands, he pressed them beside her head.

  “Are you sure about this?” she asked.


  “You just made a commitment with me in front of the entire club. Doesn’t that bother you?” she asked.

  “I should have made that commitment seven years ago. I’m the asshole that waited, fucking Rebecca rather than taking you. I wanted you, and if I’d acted on my feelings, this might not have happened.” Dropping down, he took possession of her lips, and sighed. “Do you forgive me?” he asked.

  “I’ve told you, Gash. There’s nothing to forgive you for.”

  “There is. I love you, Charlotte, and I wasn’t there for you.”

  “Don’t. It’s over now, and you didn’t know. Jeff and Rebecca are gone. You didn’t get your revenge though. Can you handle that?”

  “I’ve got no fucking choice. It’s just part of the long list of what Master has taken from me. It’s like he knows what I’ll do next, always one step ahead. Jeff and Rebecca, they had it easy. He gave them an easy death.”

  “How? They died brutally.”

  Gash laughed. “You think that was brutal? Whizz had given me some surgical tools, Charlotte. I was going to tear them apart, piece by piece, and make sure they were alive while I did it. I planned to spend a great deal of time hurting them, making them beg for death long before I gave it. Master took that away, and he made sure they had it easy.” The darkness inside him hadn’t been appeased. Years spent in prison, he’d dreamed of the moment when he’d torture Jeff, and then Rebecca. His first plan had been to kill them both. Charlotte, she’d only been part of the plan since he first met her. All of his planning had gone to waste.

  “We’ll find him together. We’re together, and whoever Master is, we’ll deal with him like we should have done back then, together, as one.” She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he ground his dick against her, loving the feel of her.

  “Together.” He took possession of her lips, letting go of her hands to grip her shirt. Gash stood and tore her shirt off. Charlotte got to her feet, and he tugged his own shirt off his body.

  Gash watched as she stripped out of her clothes, and his mouth watered for a taste of her body, all of her. He had plenty of condoms in the drawer beside his bed, and he intended to use all of them tonight.

  Removing his jeans, he stood in front of her naked, wrapping his fingers around his dick. He rubbed his cock, sliding his thumb across the tip, and rubbing the pre-cum into his flesh.

  “Do you see what you do to me?” he asked.

  She crossed her arms over her chest, and he wasn’t going to have that. Stepping closer to her, he took hold of her arms, and forced them away from her body.

  “Never hide your body from me, baby.”


  “Don’t doubt us.” He took her hand, and wrapped it around his dick. “Feel that? That’s what you do to me, and there’s no other woman in the world who can compete with you.” Leaving her hand wrapped around his dick, he cupped her cheeks, and tilted her head back. “This is real.”

  “We’re moving fast.”

  “I’ve never stopped wanting you, babe.”

  “You don’t think everything is going a little crazy?”

  Gash side. “Life is crazy. It’s a rollercoaster ride,
and we’ve got to ride that wave or be swallowed whole by it.”

  “You’re not afraid of what is going on? There’s a guy who set out to hurt you, and you’re not caring about it?”

  Pressing his head against hers, he released a sigh. “I don’t have time to worry about it. Over the years I’ve had a lot of men who’ve wanted to kill me. I’m not going to stop living my life over every single person who tries to kill me.” Kissing her lips, he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, nibbling on it. “I’m going to do everything to protect you.”

  “I know.”

  “Trust me.”

  “I do. I just can’t get it out of my head.”

  “Then focus on me, and I’ll make sure you don’t remember it, okay, baby?” he asked.

  “I will.”

  Moving her backward, he pushed her down to the bed, following her down. “I’m going to make you forget, and you’re going to love everything I do to your body.” He pressed a kiss to her neck and inhaled her scent. Flicking his tongue against her pulse, he slid down her body, taking her nipple into his mouth.

  He nipped at her bud before gliding across her tits to suck on her other breast. Gash loved her big tits, and he was addicted to them. Moving down, he slid his tongue down between her thighs. Opening her pussy, he flicked his tongue across her clit, and she screamed, arching up against him.

  “Yes, that feels so good,” she said.

  “I’m only just getting started.” Pushing two fingers inside her creamy cunt, he spread them open, and continued to stroke inside her, in and out.

  Charlotte moaned, thrusting up against his hands.

  “I want you to come for me, baby, and scream my name.”

  Flicking her clit, he repeated the action over and over again, working her harder. He added a third finger into her pussy, and sucked her nub into his mouth, sawing it with his teeth.

  “Yes, Gash, yes.”

  “That’s right, come for me.”

  He wanted her nice and soaking wet before he fucked her. Seconds later she screamed his name as she came, pushing herself down onto his fingers.

  “So good.” She yelled the words, and they echoed around the room.


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