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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

Page 13

by Rachel Wilson

  He went back to his stir fry, dropped in the fajita chicken he’d chopped last night, and turned up the heat enough to get a little caramelizing on the onions. By the time he served up two dishes with glasses of green tea, Callie had already plowed through the shake and had a little color to her cheeks. “I guess it pays to be the smart kid.”

  “Don’t rub my nose in anything,” she snapped, huddling over her food and hiding from him. “It’s not like you know anything about me or my life. You were more than happy to take your free ride out of here, and you expect me to just open my arms, pull you to me, and rain thanks and praise on you because you showed back up to pack your bags?” She finally sat up, slamming her hands on the table with a fake shocked expression. “Oh, that’s right! You also offered to pack mine! I bow at your throne, dear Prince.”

  “Damn right, I did!” he threw back at her, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. “But maybe you’ve misread everything so far because you’re so used to having idiot men fall at your perfectly manicured feet.” She stared at him dumbstruck, and he nodded. “What makes you think anything I’ve done or offered to you comes from a place of generosity rather than a very selfish, dark place inside? Maybe it’s all about satisfying some baser urge I have and refuse to admit.”

  Now, Callie’s eyes were the size of saucers, and Keegan was very happy with that reaction. It didn’t hurt that her pupils were dilating as he spoke, which meant she was again reacting to him physically. Standing and moving around behind her chair, he rested his hands on her shoulders and started to rub them. “See, dear sister, I think you need a release, and you haven’t found anyone who can properly tend to your needs. You seem incredibly tense.” He heard the groan she tried unsuccessfully to cover.


  Callie should have been irate that Keegan was taking advantage of her weakened state of mind and body. She’d been out later than usual last night, and she’d had a hell of a time. And still, somehow, through the haze of liquor and sex, her stepbrother turned her on.

  He didn’t have to share his food with her, and he certainly didn’t have to make her the most epic hangover curing shake ever. He was even rubbing out the tension in the shoulders her headache had caused. She truly thought he was being a nice guy and a good brother.

  Until he made the comment about self-satisfaction.

  The jerk was feeding off her lack of willpower. Callie wanted nothing to do with Keegan, but at every turn, she was reminded of his sex appeal. And this time, he was the one reminding her. And she knew it wasn’t because Keegan wanted to start something with her. He just wanted to watch Callie suffer in painful desire and unmatched humiliation.

  Well, Callie wasn’t going to lose this battle. The stakes were too high. Unfortunately, she had precious little time to accomplish her goal. After all, she was already supposed to be moving to the new house. She might have a night or two to pull off her stunt.

  Despite her earlier condition, Keegan had managed to repair almost every symptom of her ailment. With a secretive smile, Callie rolled her head under Keegan’s handiwork, moaning and panting. “That’s amazing, Keegan. Maybe you’re right, and I just need to let a little tension grow. I think I’m going to shower down here so you can have free run of the upstairs. I just wish I’d brought underwear and a change of clothes with me.”

  She stood quickly, causing Keegan to jerk away at the unexpected movement. He watched her with interest as she stretched and made sure her nipples pressed at the thin robe. She wanted him to see as much as there was to see. When she was finished with her catty stretch, she sashayed past and let down her hair.

  Just outside the doorway, she turned and called over her shoulder, “I know it’s late, but if your offer to help pack my things is still on the table, I would be grateful to take you up on it.”

  She caught him off guard, but Keegan wasn’t going to be outdone. He leaned a hand against the doorframe, showcasing that perfect chest and flat stomach that activated the saliva producers in her mouth. His silky pajama pants made sure she caught the narrow hips and ripped, solid legs beneath. With that half-cocked smile of his, he told her, “I’ll even bring my work tools and play handyman all you want.” He winked, and it took all the self-control Callie had not to let her knees buckle.

  She couldn’t come up with anything clever, so she simply gave him a once-over and walked away toward the ‘guest’ bathroom. While the suite she used upstairs was filled with silver and chrome, this one had been decked out with gold fixtures and marble surfaces in tones of tan and mauve. Callie thought it was too reminiscent of the most expensive ice cream soda shop ever to exist. She didn’t like it.

  But right now, it was a means to an end, and she stepped up her game two notches. First, she left the door not just unlocked but cracked, practically an invitation at an eyeful. Second, she decided to use the whirlpool tub rather than the shower. It was the size of an outdoor spa, with automatic lights in the form of candles. She used the remote to set the mood, programmed the water temperature, and added bubble bath with the aroma of roses and musk.

  When the level was right, she stepped in, tossing the robe carelessly on the floor. The heat and sensation of the bubbles tingling raised bumps on her skin, and she slid into the delicious concoction with a huge smirk. She leaned back to enjoy her surroundings, practically forgetting her stepbrother as she drew the bubbles up her legs. They were moisturizing, and it made her feel alive.

  The creak of the door brought her back to the present, and Callie’s eyes opened as she turned her neck sharply toward the intruder. Keegan stood there with a towel thrown over his shoulder and that deviant grin. He’d changed into a Speedo, and Callie sat on her hands to keep them from reaching out and crawling across the floor to touch what it advertised.

  “I thought I’d get a little swim in since it’s my last time at a private pool for a while. So, if you care to join me, or if you need me before I get back in, just come find me. You don’t even have to get dressed first. It’s a clothing optional gathering of one right now.” He winked again and slipped out of the room before Callie could respond.

  She couldn’t just let that go. He’d hit a solid home run, and she had to get revenge before it was meaningless. Instead of relaxing, Callie used the bath time to conjure up another idea. When she finally had her ducks in a row, she stepped out and didn’t even bother to try as she wrapped herself in a towel. With it clinging to her wet skin and her hair pouring rivulets of water down her chest, she secured it loosely and headed out of the bathroom.

  Chapter Two

  Callie stopped cold just outside the bathroom door. Why did she hear voices? Her eyes widened as she recognized her mother’s and stepfather’s voices, just around the corner in the breakfast nook, along with Keegan’s. This was not what she’d expected, and she was going to hand the boy his ass for this little stunt.

  There was no way to the stairs from where she was without risking being seen. Stepping back behind the doorframe, Callie searched her brain for a quick solution. The cabana door would be perfect. She could get out of the bathroom to the pool. Of course, she couldn’t be sure any of the doors from the other side of the house would be unlocked. But she had to try. There was no other choice.

  Tightening the towel around her until she almost couldn’t breathe, Callie slipped silently out the back door and dodged the window where her severed family sat in the breakfast nook, wincing and cringing at the pain of being on her knees in gravel. She crawled to the other side and rose to a crouch in relief. The nearest door led to the sunroom, and she knew it was a stroke of luck everyone was on the other side. This was the preferred lounge area most of the time.

  Reaching for the door handle, she closed her eyes, held her breath, and prayed. It turned easily, and she nearly cried in relief. Callie rushed up the back stairs and into her room. She closed the door as quietly as possible, ready to get dressed and join her mother and stepfather with a surprised, innocent expression.

sp; But as she threw her closet door open, someone knocked on her door. “Hey, Callie! It’s Keegan. Your mom and my dad are here and want to talk to us.”

  Realizing she was still in prime position to hit him where it hurt, Callie hurried to answer the door, her towel sagging in all the right places. She opened it and started to give him a smile, but Keegan looked just as blindsided as she was. He’d also donned a pair of jeans. As he looked her over, he swallowed and stepped into the room, uninvited. “I’m glad you made it here okay.”

  “That’s a liberal term,” she grunted. “Why…”

  “I don’t know,” he interrupted. “Get dressed. I told them you were working out and showering and I’d come get you.” He bit his lip for a second, shaking his head at her. “I don’t care about appropriate clothing. I’ll let you decide that.” Before Callie could respond, Keegan was out the door.

  Frustrated and appeased all at the same time, Callie sat down hard on her bed. At least she didn’t really care what her stepfather deemed appropriate for whatever conversation he intended to have. As for her mother, Callie knew she had a mind for fashion and comfort. That left Keegan, and she was going to make sure it was hard for him to sit still.

  Callie pulled on a yellow bandeau that left nothing to the imagination, her flat stomach and deep cleavage exposed. She paired it with a white mini styled with the pleats of a tennis skirt. As a provision of ladylike manners, she added a yellow thong.

  Brushing through her hair, she hurried downstairs, not even needing to check her reflection. As she rounded the staircase and bounced into the breakfast nook, Callie’s eyes landed first on her stepfather, who seemed to be shifting in his seat. He was a pervert, and she was so glad her mother was leaving the guy. She deserved so much better than a man who would openly ogle her daughter.

  Then, she shifted her gaze to Keegan. If he held his breath any longer, he was going to explode one way or another. She couldn’t exactly wink at him with both parents staring at her, but Callie did raise an eyebrow as she took a seat on the round bench, leaning on her elbows with her rear in the air. Four eyes a few inches below her chin weren’t lost on her.

  “To what do I owe this sickening family reunion?” she asked bitterly. “I had an excellent workout and was greatly enjoying my shower. Then, I hear I’m again to be inundated with whatever proves to be your bidding this time.”

  Her mother placed a hand on top of hers. “Honey, calm down. This is just an update and an offer, for both of you.”

  “I’m going to stop you there, Danielle,” Keegan said, holding up his hand. His tone wasn’t rude, just final. “I don’t need an update. I don’t need an offer. I’m just here to move my things, and then I’m going back to Europe.”

  “Actually, son,” Gary argued, “you’ll wait to go back.”

  “Don’t call me son. You’ve never acted like a father to me.” Callie could see the rage in Keegan’s eyes and understood.

  “I have paid for your life. Therefore, you are obligated to listen to me now,” Gary threw back, his blood pressure rising once again. His face was a dark red. “Danielle and I have to travel to the Canary Islands and then to Rome to settle all of our European accounts. In the meantime, this house I love so much is up for sale. According to the insurance company, I cannot leave it vacant because of its value, and it must be a blood relative who has lived here in the last five years watching it.”

  Well, that was a bummer. There was no such person. “That puts a real knot in your beautiful plans,” Callie yawned. “How are you going to pull that off, ask your son to lie?” She didn’t put it past him, but it wouldn’t work. Any insurance company asking for something so strict would definitely investigate and figure out that Keegan had been overseas for years.

  “No, I’m not,” he growled. “Under the circumstances, I’ve received clearance to leave the property in the care of the two of you, since one of you has the time and adoption status and the other is a blood relative.”

  The reminder of the adoption was hard to overlook, and Callie exchanged a sidelong glance with Keegan. He had to be thinking very similar thoughts about being siblings and now being pushed into relatively close quarters. “And you just expect us to comply? Gary, you told me yesterday to pack my shit and disappear from your life. Now, you want me to stick around for however long so you can play around in Europe?”

  “It’s not like that,” he grumbled, but the way he dipped his head told Callie what a liar he was. “Listen, I’m not asking either of you to put your lives on hold without compensation.”

  Now Keegan did meet her eyes, and she could see him calculating. She was doing the same, wondering how much she could squeeze out of him. Keegan turned to his dad. “What is it you’re offering?”

  Danielle leaned forward anxiously, smiling with hope. “In exchange for you helping us with this little issue, Gary has agreed that, on top of your trust funds, you’ll receive full time employment with a more than generous salary and complete health care through the hotel change. In exchange, all either of you have to do is sign a few sales slips. Callie, I’ll tell you right now, there is no better way for you to make money for nothing.”

  It grated on Callie’s nerves. She didn’t want anything else from Gary Carmichael. She’d hoped this whole divorce thing would cut all ties. At the same time, she couldn’t turn down a free salary, could she? And when she thought of the possibilities she had being locked down here with Keegan…

  It was a no-brainer. She’d have everything – money, a grand home, and a stepbrother to drive nuts in the process. The question was, would Keegan accept the offer?

  “So, let me get this clear,” he began. “I can go home to Switzerland and be completely separated from all of this for the rest of my life. I never have to hear anything from the man who donated sperm for me again. Or, I can stay here and take care of that man’s shit in exchange for a guaranteed pittance for the rest of my life. Do I get that in writing? Because I don’t trust the man who calls himself my father with anything short of a signed contract. And that means no extra caveats we haven’t already discussed.”

  Ooh, Callie was impressed. She hadn’t thought of that. Gary was a master at slipping things in underhandedly. Holding his head in his hands, Gary nodded. “Yes, it’ll be in a contract. Jesus, Keegan, one of these days you’re going to stop trying to prove you’re smarter than me.”

  “I don’t have to prove it anymore,” Keegan smirked. “It’s obvious.”

  Callie looked at her mother, who just seemed relieved, and then at Gary, whose stress level was galactic. Then, she turned to Keegan, who wore a teasing smile and stared right back. She knew exactly what he was going to say, and she grinned back, accepting the challenge. “I’m in,” she said.

  “I guess I am, too,” Keegan sighed, putting on a show of reluctance.

  Callie made sure to flip the back of her skirt as she stood and bounced away, calling back, “Just shove the contract under my door, and I’ll sign it once I’ve read it.”

  Chapter Three

  “That was interesting.” Callie didn’t even look up from the book in front of her. She lay on her stomach on the bed, wearing nothing but lacey black underwear under a thin film of black gauze. She’d purposely left her door open just enough that, when Keegan knocked, it would just open.

  And apparently, he hadn’t missed a beat. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him, leaning in her doorframe in those royally disarming silky pants, his arms crossed over his chest. Instead of making eye contact, Callie turned the page and yawned, “Which part?” She stretched one leg, pointing her toe to emphasize the muscles on the back side for him.

  “I’m impartial. I think all of it was pretty…out of the ordinary.” He stepped into her room, and it was like breaking an invisible barrier. Callie couldn’t help but look up. She had forced herself to be somewhat immune to him when she was in her bubble. But the uninvited entry took away her comfort, and Callie’s heart sped. Keegan strolled over and s
at on the edge of her bed, leaning on a hand he placed dangerously close to her hip.

  To anyone else, it would look like they were having an innocent conversation, and Keegan had left the door open for just such a purpose. Not that anyone would pass by, but it set the stage for the game to begin.

  And now, Callie needed to lay some ground rules. She sat up quickly, turning to face him with her legs crossed. She’d intended to back away, but that would be admitting a lost round. Instead, she turned it into a new challenge, exposing herself even further.

  His glance down was so discreet she almost missed it, and she was impressed. Callie was a master of the same sort of unobvious shift of gaze. Clearing her throat, she told him, “So, there were a few oddities, I suppose. But Keegan, I hate your father, and I’ll take advantage of any opportunity to keep him as far away from him as possible. And I’ll work even harder to drain him of every penny I can.”

  There it was, that teasing glint in the corner of his eyes. “It sounds like the two of us might have similar agendas.”

  Callie smirked. She’d laid the bait, and Keegan had taken it, hook, line and sinker. “Well, that may be the case. But I don’t tell just anyone my deepest, darkest desires.” She leaned toward him. “So, if you want to know whether our plans are aligned, you have to get a little more intimate with me.”

  Callie held her breath as he leaned down toward her, his lips slightly parted so she could feel puffs of air between them. His breath was hot and enticing, and as her heart fluttered, Callie prepared to dart away just as he dove in for the kiss. But he never crossed that line, and it became a battle of wills.

  The ache in her lower body had Callie on the verge of quitting when Keegan simply chucked her on the chin and walked away. She was a bit blindsided and even more excited that she’d won. But once he was out of the room, Callie’s brain cleared, and she celebrated with a quiet little cheer.

  Keegan may have gotten her a couple of times, but Callie had scored her fair share of points in the short time she’d even been up and moving. And that was quite the feat, considering the turn of events. Of course, she couldn’t leave anything up to fate from this point forward.


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