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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

Page 14

by Rachel Wilson

  Callie needed to create a plan of attack. And she needed backup ideas, in case something got in the way of her original plans, as they had today. She smiled to herself. All those cause and effect charts and interweaved plot graphs she’d hated in school would finally have an application. She would beat her stepbrother in the seduction game and get an eyeful of everything she wanted to appreciate all at the same time.


  No amount of cold showering was going to relieve the ache in Keegan’s groin. The image of that crotch shot Callie had given him was burned into his mind, etched in clear detail. He’d called in a couple of resources to ask around about Callie, and he’d gotten clear detail about her reputation. She never got sexually frustrated. In fact, she probably had plans to take that hot little body out on the town tonight – again – and feed her ego as well as her sexual appetite.

  He could do the same thing, if he wanted. If Callie spent all day getting herself hot and bothered at the sight of him so she could go flaunt it and sell it to some retard with a sports car, Keegan should take his hot rod and go pick up some bleached blond airhead and take out his frustration on her.

  But for some reason, the thought of screwing some random chick made him sick to his stomach. It wasn’t that he was prude or anything; the European culture was pretty promiscuous. But honestly, you had a small circle of trusted people you could sleep around with. Every once in a while, they added new friends to the circle, and you connected with other trusted partners through those people. You didn’t just pick up some chick in a bar.

  He hated Callie more than ever for making him feel this way. Once again, he was a reject, and now, it was a completely valid term. After all, he was lusting after his adopted stepsister like some idiot out of Deliverance. To make matters worse, she seemed to have decided to turn this into a real game rather than a little friendly – if sick – fun. He’d played along for a bit, enjoying the fact that the girl who’d treated him like shit couldn’t hold herself together at the sight of him. And needless to say, she was the poster girl for lusty bodies.

  Now, though, this idea Keegan’s idiot father had dropped on them had created an opportunity to turn the game into a real war. Callie had bit at the chance, whether out of greed or pride, it didn’t matter. She had set Keegan up so he couldn’t say no and keep his dignity.

  Placing his anger into compartments toward his father and Callie had helped ease the pain of his blue balls. With a little blood flowing to the head on his shoulders again, he leaned back against the wall in his bedroom, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. He was willing to bet Callie didn’t know what she’d gotten herself into. Keegan was a competitor in everything he did.

  And he didn’t lose.

  Whatever tricks Callie pulled, he could take it up a notch. He could anticipate anything she considered fair game and block her attacks or take her by surprise by intercepting her or making her plans backfire.

  Knowing exactly where to start, he reached for his cell phone and made a call.


  Callie heard the doorbell and frowned. It was nearly eight, and she wasn’t expecting anyone. She’d told Rena she needed a night to recuperate, which had been perfectly fine with Rena. She was obviously worn out from all Callie’s recent demands. And Callie couldn’t really blame her. In fact, last night’s attempt to get her rocks off hadn’t gone so well. She couldn’t find a single guy worth her time, and she’d drank far too much to go home with anyone anyway. It was part of the reason she’d slept so late and been so callous to Keegan this morning. Or rather, this afternoon.

  She couldn’t imagine anyone showing up to talk to Keegan. He hadn’t been around in two decades. Callie didn’t think he even knew anyone here, much less had any friends. And Callie didn’t have any friends who would just drop by without calling or texting first. She was in for the night, and they all knew that.

  She had a bad feeling that someone had come looking for her mother or stepfather, and she didn’t like the idea of having to handle that discussion. Maybe whoever answered the door would seek out Keegan first, since he was the ‘blood relative’ onsite.

  When no one had tried to contact her after a few minutes, Callie assumed that was exactly what happened, and she went back to removing her toenail polish. She was going for a Mani Pedi and facial tomorrow, and she’d be radiant when she got home. She would lay out by the pool and let Keegan have an enticing view.

  The doorbell rang again, and the sound was followed by voices out back, in the pool area. Scowling in confusion, she got up and peeked out her window to see three people she didn’t know milling around the wet bar with beers in their hands. She gaped, thinking that someone on the staff must have decided to take advantage of the fact that her mother and her soon-to-be-ex-husband were out of town. The gall!

  She was going to storm down there and fire the scoundrel and chase those people out, including whoever had just arrived. She grabbed her door handle and jumped when there was a knock on the other side. Gathering herself and throwing the door open, she stopped with her mouth wide open. She’d been ready to let someone have it, but it was only Keegan standing there. He wore a pair of black swim trunks with gold piping that were slung low on his hips, and she quickly snapped her mouth shut before she drooled.

  “Hey,” he greeted with his dimpled grin. “I just thought I’d let you know I’m having some friends over for a little reunion downstairs at the pool. If you want to join us, you’re welcome to. Maybe you can, you know, do your thing and pick up someone for the evening.”

  A reunion? Had he contacted the two or three pathetic friends he’d had in elementary school to come over in an attempt to make her jealous? It was a strange move, and it goaded her curiosity. Besides, she was sure the dorks would follow her like a pack of hungry dogs, which just might rankle Keegan a bit. “Sure, I’d like that. Let me just change into something a little more appropriate.” She shrugged off her robe while he stood there, giving him a clear view of her still in lacy underwear.

  “Okay, I’ll see you down there. Oh, are you okay with steak on the grill? I’m doing up some veggies, too. I just don’t know if you have any special dietary requirements when it comes to protein.” There was a lilt to his tone that insinuated he referred to her sexual practices rather than eating habits.

  Still not facing him as she pulled out the skimpiest bikini she owned, she told him, “Oh, I eat meat all the time, as long as it’s high quality.” She glanced back at him over her shoulder and was glad to see that at least he didn’t look quite so smug. Still, he seemed barely affected, and Callie realized she might have actually met her match. How the hell had her snot-nosed stepbrother turned into such a fun, socially intelligent hottie?

  “Good,” he responded. “I’ll see you down there. I don’t want to leave these guys alone with an open liquor cabinet too long.”

  There was no way Keegan had party friends, no matter what he suggested. Still, Callie was confident she could change that. A little flirting turned the shiest of men into party animals around her, and that’s exactly what she planned to do. By the time she was finished, Keegan’s jealous would run so deep his blood would flow green.

  She quickly changed, rubbed the polish off the last two toes, and slipped her feet into a pair of cute sandals. She twisted her hair up into a messy quaff, knowing it would just give her that ‘cute’ edge on top of the sex appeal, and grabbed a towel. By the time she actually made it to the pool, four more people had arrived, and the ‘reunion’ was shifting from the population of a gathering to a shindig. Another four or five and they would have a definite party on their hands. If she didn’t have a particular agenda, Callie would have started calling her friends and torn the place apart.

  Her eyes fell on Keegan, who stood in just the right lighting to throw shadows across all the deep lines of his muscles. She bit her lip to keep from growling as she took note of the little bleach blond bimbo clinging to him. The girl’s eyes were devoid of any brain acti
vity and registered only lust.

  The thought that he could do so much better truly surprised Callie, and she brushed it off. After all, it was just the reaction of a sibling being protective. Keegan was smart, and while he should be with someone that matched him in terms of looks, he also needed to be intellectually stimulated. Girls like that one would bore him in minutes.

  None of that had anything to do with the fact that Callie couldn’t take her eyes off the guy. The two reactions were mutually exclusive. At least, that’s what she told herself as she approached the group with her hips swaying. She made a quick assessment, knowing she had a good eye for it, and determined which of the guys she should hit on to get the biggest reaction from Keegan.

  She was surprised that, out of four options, there was only one she wouldn’t consider attractive at all and another that was somewhat plain. Three of them were viable options, and she went for the obvious choice. He was taller than Keegan by about three inches, with dark hair and green eyes. His physique was similar to Keegan’s, but his shoulders were slightly broader, and he stood with an aloof attitude that made him stand out.

  “Well, look who it is!” Keegan called out as Callie rounded to the side of the pool where they stood. “Callie, these are some of my oldest and dearest friends. Guys, this is my stepsister, Callie. I didn’t think she’d miss a chance to party a little.”

  Callie nodded to each of them, skimming past the bimbo and focusing her attention on the tall guy. “You know, it’s been so long since Keegan was around I could be wrong, but I think I would have remembered you.”

  He gave her the calculated lopsided grin that told her he was definitely interested. “I never came to the house as a kid. We were on a swim team together, outside school. I’m Luke,” he told her, holding out his hand. “I think I would have remembered you, too.”

  Feigning humility, she brushed him off. “I doubt it. Keegan and his friends tended to ignore me most of the time. I’m afraid I was never quite as smart as he was.” She turned and gave Keegan a look and was triumphant in seeing his cheek twitch. “I never knew he was on a swim team, but we weren’t really close as children.”

  With a sinister smile, Keegan added, “You know what they say, though. Absence makes the heart grow fond, and since I’ve been back, we’ve grown really close.”

  Callie felt her smile falter a bit and had to force it to remain in place. “Yes, we very much have. I’m impressed with how much he’s grown and changed. After all, I had this image of a little boy in glasses, and here comes a grown man who happens to be a genius. What more could a woman want in her family?” She turned pointedly back to Luke. “Of course, she might look for a little more in her personal life.” She dropped her eyes to his crotch suggestively.

  He took the hint and winked at her. She didn’t look back at Keegan as his big-busted tart fawned over him and said, “He really is smart. I had no idea he was going to law school. I bet he’s not even just a lawyer, he’s an attorney. Am I right, Keegan?”

  Callie had never been more relieved to be facing away from someone – or to not have a swig of beer in her mouth. The rest of the group chuckled and said nothing, while Keegan stroked the girl’s ego. “You are right, Misty. I’m impressed with you.”

  The girl giggled. “Oh, if you’re impressed because you think I’m smart, wait till you see what else I can do. I’m a very talented girl.”

  Clenching her fists at her sides, Callie gazed up at Luke through her lashes. “Hon, would you mind opening a beer for me? I always end up tearing skin or breaking a nail. And Keegan, how about firing up that grill? I’m starving.”

  The others chorused their agreement as Luke dug into the cooler someone had filled with beer and popped the top. He handed it to her, and she used her lips and tongue to make her swig sensual. Luke swallowed visibly, and she knew he was hooked. It would work so much better now!

  She took his hand and guided him over toward the grill, where Keegan was now diligently working. He gave her what she assumed was supposed to be some sort of warning look, and Callie just smiled back at him. There was nothing he could say or do to stop her. Sidling up next to him and sandwiching herself with Luke on the other side, she asked, “So, how long were you on a swim team together? I want to hear more about this. My brother here never shared his particular talent with me.”

  “What was it, about four years?” Luke asked, and Keegan nodded silently. “Well, the first year or so, it was more like lessons and swim meets. It wasn’t until we were about seven that it really became competitive. Keegan here was the champion at the butterfly and not half bad at the thousand meter freestyle.”

  Keegan looked up and pointed with the barbecue brush at Luke, but his eyes were on Callie. “This man right here won several medals and trophies for his breaststroke.” She shivered slightly at the insinuation.

  But she came right back at him. “Is that why you still like to wear a Speedo when you come out to swim laps? Or is it because it catches the ladies’ attention?”

  With a knowing expression, Luke quipped, “I know at least one or two women whose eyes I’ve caught in my Speedo.”

  Now that she knew Keegan was going to keep up with her tit for tat, Callie smirked and took it to the next level. She gazed up at Luke, letting her fingers crawl over his chest lightly. “So, which one is the breaststroke? I get confused. I’m not a particularly good swimmer myself. I’d rather lie out and tan or maybe skinny dip on a really hot night.”

  “It’s hard to explain the different strokes,” Luke told her, suddenly getting a bit cocky, as if he was an expert on the subject. For all Callie knew, he was still a competitive swimmer and could very well be. “It’s easier to show you.”

  She waggled her eyebrows at him. “Ooh, I would love to see it. I mean, aside from learning something, I’d be watching a master at work, right? Those muscles pumping like pistons. And I can just imagine the water rolling over those abs when you get out.”

  He stood straighter, and though he was definitely full of sex appeal, Callie wanted to laugh at his pompousness. She wanted to laugh even harder as Keegan’s movements flipping the steaks grew a bit violent. “I’d love to show you.”

  Before Callie followed him to the pool, she winked back at Keegan. In return, he called, “Hey, Misty, where are you? I’m thirsty.” To Callie’s horror, the girl took a swig of beer, went to Keegan, and pushed it into his mouth, kissing him with long, deep strokes of her tongue after he’d swallowed.

  Callie moved quickly toward Luke and stood at the edge of the pool as he dove in and started swimming across the length. Another one of the girls there cheered him on with Callie, though the girl had obviously already had quite a bit to drink. “Damn, girl, you have him wrapped around your finger. You took, what, thirty seconds? Teach me your tricks!”

  Callie shook her head with a gracious smile. “I’m sorry; I didn’t catch your name.”

  “I’m Barbara. And you’re Callie, right?”

  “Yes. It’s nice to meet you.” She watched Luke turn around and start back, still not quite seeing the difference in his strokes than any other swimmer. “I could teach you a few tricks, but at the end of the day, it’s a natural gift. You have it or you don’t.” She crouched down to greet Luke as he returned, knowing that the thong left her completely exposed from behind. At this angle, Keegan had no choice but to look; she was directly in his line of sight.

  Callie knew Keegan thought he’d made a smart move planning this little surprise soiree but he was wrong. In scenarios like this, she was completely in her element, and there was no way he could best her tonight.

  Chapter Four

  Callie quickly realized that Luke was not a three beer sort of guy. To tolerate him and his overbearing cocky attitude, she was going to need far more than three beers. Usually, she set her limit at three. If the guy she targeted required more than that, she moved on to someone else.

  But she refused to back down tonight. Callie was really starting to get
to Keegan, and if she gave up and started over with someone else now, she’d lose her edge. She couldn’t let that happen, especially since he’d all but shoved Misty the Airhead onto another friend to be rid of her. Callie was surprised; she figured he would put up with the lack of brain cells for the night, just to piss her off.

  Instead, he worked the grill, pretended to be lighthearted and excited to have his friends around while he was actually growing more miserable by the moment. He really had it for Callie, and she reveled in it. She felt less disgusting for her own attraction to him knowing it was mutual.

  Since she had this round under her belt, she stuck with Luke, opting to up the intake of liquid tolerance instead of dropping the intolerable man who was eating out of her hand. But as she laid across his lap, letting him feed her as she tossed back another rum and Diet Coke, Callie’s eyes were on Keegan.

  He looked at home behind the grill, but she could also see him in a suit in court, charming the jury as much as hitting them with facts and an intellect they couldn’t even fathom. She could also see him on the slopes of the Alps or surfing in California. She had the impression that it wouldn’t matter where he was or what he was doing. He would fit in, and he would look good doing it.

  That made Callie jealous. No matter what, she would never be the sort of person who was versatile. She’d built her reputation as a party girl for a reason. It was the only place she fit in, the only place she looked at home. Sure, she could be just about anything she wanted to be. She was intelligent. In fact, her grades didn’t even reflect her capabilities, and they were excellent. But there wasn’t a single profession that fit her personality.

  She couldn’t wow a courtroom, and though she could dance, she wasn’t coordinated enough to do something like ski or surf. She couldn’t cook and didn’t have the desire to learn. No, Callie belonged in the high society tabloid crowd, right there with Rena and the rest of her friends.


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