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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

Page 15

by Rachel Wilson

  Tired of lounging here with a guy who wasn’t even close to her type, Callie excused herself with a teasing kiss and stood. The liquor went to her head, and it took her a minute to get her balance. When she did, she walked gingerly over to the grill, where a second round of food was coming out, and folded her arms over her chest. “Are you ever going to get out and enjoy your own party?”

  He shrugged without looking up. “People are still hungry. I’m still cooking. Don’t worry about me. I’ve got plenty of doting admirers to keep me hydrated with beer, and all my friends come over and talk to me from time to time.” He glanced up briefly. “Besides, you seem to be enjoying my party enough for the both of us.”

  She waved a hand in the air to dismiss his words. “You do realize I’m bored out of my mind, right? I mean, the food is great. You’re excellent with the grill. But I have to admit, I thought my friends could be boring without additional stimulation until I met these guys.”

  Keegan smirked, but there was no humor in his eyes. “If you’re not having a good time, you don’t have to be here. You can go upstairs and go to bed or whatever it is you want to do.”

  She saw an opening, and as she moved toward the bar to mix another drink, she said, “What is it you think about me doing up in my room?”

  For the first time in at least an hour, he laughed sincerely. “I don’t think about you, really. But I’m sure you’re up there, fantasizing about me stepping out of the shower.” He spoke in an almost sing-song voice, and Callie found herself flushing, whether from the alcohol or his reminder it didn’t matter.

  She tossed back the drink and poured another. “How much have you drunk already, Callie?”

  She held up her glass to him in a toast and said, “Enough to stick around with Luke the Lively but not enough to let you come to my room and take advantage of me.” Hit him below the belt, she thought. It was the only way to get what she wanted out of this. She swallowed the drink and made a face, the burn in her chest rising back up into her mouth with acid and bile.

  “Come on, Callie, you need to slow down a little. And get the hell off Luke, okay? He’s an idiot, and you can do way better than that.” There was real concern in Keegan’s voice, and it seemed to echo in her head. Maybe she was drinking too fast, but it was the only way to liven up this party to a tolerable level. Maybe if she went to talk to some of the people who had arrived after she’d started working her way into Luke’s pocket, she’d be having more fun. They were jumping into the pool, laughing and going on.

  But she couldn’t step away from Luke when she had obviously really affected Keegan with her work so far. And all he wanted to do was sit in the lounge chair, feed her tiny bites, and talk about math and sports. Not even the good sports, either. He was talking about tennis, golf, and bowling, of all things. Who actually watched bowling unless it was three in the morning and they had insomnia? And even then, you could usually find a rerun of Cops or something.

  Depressed now and wishing she could have just been patient enough to wait for more variety; Callie did the only thing she could think of to cheer herself up. She poured another drink. She glared at Keegan defiantly as she swallowed it, and for a moment, she thought she was going to throw up. When that settled, she realized she needed to use the restroom and turned toward the house.

  “Are you alright, Callie? You aren’t going to puke are you?” he asked as he pulled the steaks off the grill.

  “No, dear brother. I’m glad you’re worried about me. I’m just going to use the bathroom, if you must invade my privacy. I’ll be right back.”


  Keegan scowled. Callie was stumbling, and he was willing to bet she hadn’t eaten until he’d started grilling. She’d eaten well, but that was after she’d started drinking, and instead of that slowing down, she’d picked up the pace. He wanted to play the game with her, wanted to tease and taunt. And he didn’t want to lose. But he certainly hadn’t meant to frustrate her to the point of alcohol poisoning.

  He couldn’t in good conscience, just let her wander into the house like that. She could knock into one of the antique tables or something, slice her hip, and bleed to death. Or she could fall and hit her head and pass out. Taking the last steak off the grill, he closed the lid for the moment and hurried after her.

  She hadn’t made it out of the kitchen yet, and that was a relief. She could still hit her head pretty hard on the tile or countertops, but it was too narrow for her to stumble far and knock herself down. He grabbed her arm, and she jerked away with enough force to spin her around. She was scowling at him, but Keegan watched the dizziness overtake her, and she fell toward the refrigerator.

  He reached out to ease Callie over so she stood in front of the fridge, leaning back against it. Her head lolled to the side a little bit, but she righted herself and smiled. It was a drunken expression, but he could see lucidity in her eyes. “My hero,” she quipped. “You shouldn’t have followed me. You have guests to tend to and steaks to grill.”

  Keegan sighed, leaning a hand against the fridge by her head. “The steaks are done, and those people can entertain themselves for a few minutes while I make sure you don’t crash land into something sharp or bash your head on the floor and bleed all over it.”

  Her smile faded. “What difference does it make to you, Keegan? We’re not going to be here much longer, and it’s not our responsibility to clean up. And it’s not like you’ve ever really cared what happens to me. I made you hate me as a kid, and we haven’t had any interaction for twenty years. You come home, and you’re suddenly this hot guy, and maybe you find me a little attractive. So what? Why does it matter to you if I go out and screw your boring friend or if I drink myself into oblivion or if I stumble into the house and have an accident?”

  Blinking in disbelief at her honesty, likely induced by the truth serum better known as alcohol, Keegan really considered her for the first time. Sure, he’d memorized her body from head to toe, and he’d really started to enjoy their banter. It wasn’t just because it was sexual in nature. Keegan knew very well how smart Callie really was, and though that intellect was misapplied, it came through in the insults and underlying entendre in her words.

  But now, he looked deeper, and he realized that, despite all her gusto, Callie was really vulnerable. She doubted her own value and even as she pranced around and paraded herself in front of him, she couldn’t see a reason for Keegan to care about her. She could imagine herself as a piece of meat to be devoured. But she didn’t feel that her inner person was worthy of love or kindness or even familial concern.

  If that wasn’t a sad discovery, he didn’t know what would be. It was the last thing he’d expected to come out of this whole endeavor tonight.

  Keegan’s heart felt like it was choking, and he wanted to comfort Callie, let her know that no matter what he’d said or believed in the past, he had never actually hated her. He’d only been jealous or hurt. And now, the feelings inside him were eating away at his soul. He couldn’t understand them, only knew they shouldn’t exist. It would be unfair to express those emotions to Callie when there was nothing they could do to act on them.

  Now, in his silence, she shook her head. “See? You don’t have an answer because you know deep down that it doesn’t matter to you. It’s just that bit of chivalry that’s buried inside all guys like you.”

  He quirked a brow at her. “Guys like me?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, guys like you. The rare man out there who has the looks, the smarts, and a heart that’s not three sizes too small. Even when you don’t want anything to do with someone, and even when you hate someone, you feel the need to show courtesy and rescue the dreaded damsel in distress. It’s almost insulting, you know. If you really hate me that much, why can’t you just leave me alone and go be with the people you do like?”

  Now, Keegan was offended. “Listen to me, Callie, I’ve never hated you. Kids use strong words they don’t mean, and I didn’t know what else to call it at the time. Bu
t put all that aside. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have invited those people over tonight. I asked them to come over for you. I wanted to be around you, and I wanted to flaunt my prowess in front of you to make you jealous. You can’t tell me you didn’t want the same thing.”

  Her mouth moved, but no words came out, and she looked like she was trying to process what he told her through the haze of her drunkenness. Keegan heaved a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. “Come on, Callie. I don’t know exactly what this is I feel for you, and it’s completely inappropriate. But I know I can’t just let you walk away when you’re hammered and not worry about you. I can’t stand there and watch you throw yourself at another guy you don’t even like who isn’t even good enough for you. Hell, I don’t even like the idea of you going out with your friends and picking up some random stranger because it makes me so jealous I see in shades of yellow and green.”

  She met his gaze, and she was breathing in short bursts of air. Her pupils were dilated, and yet, she looked completely shocked. “What are you saying, Keegan?”

  He didn’t know. He was screwing it up, twisting his words every way but the way he wanted them to come out. Driven to satisfy his own urge and show her what he couldn’t tell her, Keegan leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.

  Chapter Five

  In all her experience, Callie couldn’t remember a kiss ever feeling like this, and she opened like petals to the rain as Keegan pressed his tongue into her mouth. All the stress and all the haze of drinking disappeared, and she was stone cold sober.

  And burning hot with desire.

  She wrapped herself around Keegan, her arms around his neck, and she pulled him tighter to her body. She reveled in the feel of his flesh against hers, warm from the outside air and damp from the sheen of sweat. He smelled so good, like that cologne and the natural scent, with the addition of that scent of warm outdoorsman.

  It enticed her, and she never wanted to stop as he made love to her mouth. Something inside her tingled with anticipation, and it was similar to picking up a random guy yet deeper and more disturbing.

  And so much stronger.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair, clenching her fists in it, and he pulled her to her feet from where she leaned against the fridge. He cradled her body to his, and he broke their kiss to look down at her with an expression of wide-eyed wonder. Callie groaned at the separation. Something about Keegan made it feel like she could die happy in his arms, like he surged contentment and relaxation and shared it with any woman in his arms.

  Right now, she was that woman, and she didn’t want it to be any other way. “Take me upstairs, Keegan.” She leaned into him as he climbed the stairs, supporting most of her body weight. He took her to her room, but Callie resisted when he tried to lay her down. Instead, she fought past him and shut the door, locking it. “You’re right; they can entertain themselves for a while.”

  Keegan looked nervous, and Callie’s pulse was thread at best as she realized what she was about to do. But it wasn’t like they shared the same blood. And soon, their parents would be divorced. Callie would file to change her name, basically voiding the adoption, and this moment would be nothing to worry about.

  She wrapped her hands around the back of Keegan’s neck and pulled him back into a kiss, one that was slower and more passionate while also more demanding and urgent. Callie didn’t think she could wait any longer, now that she had him here, in her room. And feeling the reaction in his trunks against her stomach made Callie moan. There was no way she could suffer such attention for long, and to her delight, he made fast work of both their bathing suits.

  She thought back to the way she’d remained scantily clad since Keegan’s arrival, but now, with nothing left to the imagination, Callie felt super vulnerable. Never had she feared rejection until she stood in front of him like this.

  But as he covered her body with his, she knew there was nothing to worry about. He was hard and strong against her softness, and everywhere their skin touched tingled. Callie drank from him as he kissed her, his tongue plying at her mouth with desperation, begging her to open up to him. She responded with fervor, letting her tongue keep pace with his as they danced together.

  This was like nothing she’d felt before. She’d had plenty of hot sex, but now, her emotions were raw and out in the open. Coupled with the physical stimulation, it overwhelmed her, and she couldn’t seem to move her hands fast enough to touch Keegan, no matter how hard she tried. She ran her palms over his smooth back, her nails down his muscled arms, and she splayed fingers over his perfectly toned chest and abs.

  All the while, Keegan kissed her neck, nibbled at her ear, and suckled at her breasts, his hands sliding over her body deliciously. When he slipped two fingers between her thighs, toying with her folds, Callie cried out with a vicious orgasm that arched her back and made her see stars. And it doubled over as those fingers pushed inside her and hit the ripe spot that worked like an ignition switch.

  She poured, and Keegan groaned, obviously taking his own pleasure in her reaction to him. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted all of him, and she was going to get it. He didn’t seem content, either, as he stopped the torment and settled himself between her legs. Callie instantly wrapped her legs around him, crossing her ankles and lifting her hips to beg him to enter.

  Keegan gave her what she wanted, kissing her thoroughly but gently as he thrust into her inch by slow inch. It was maddening to wait as he took his time filling her and completely sensual and satisfying, all at the same time. Her body shuddered with release over and over, just from the one act, and it proved promising for what was still to come.

  Finally fully inside her, Keegan stopped and held there for several long breaths, his eyes closed and his jaws clenched shut. But Callie couldn’t stand the hesitance, her body too hot to wait. She urged him on, rocking her hips and pushing at him with her heels, as if he could go any deeper.

  When he began to move, his rhythm was slow and sensual, pumping in and out while swirling to assure he caught every last erogenous zone in her core. Callie came again and again, unable to stop the tumultuous reaction, like a rockslide within. As he filled her, he flicked his tongue over her lips, scraped his teeth on her nipples, and tended to every part of her. In all the sexual exploration she’d partaken of, she’d never felt so worshiped, like her needs mattered most. In the back of her mind, she wondered what Keegan was thinking, something she’d never been concerned with for any partner she’d had. But mostly, she could tell he wasn’t thinking, just feeling.

  He adjusted slightly, and he picked up the pace. It drove Callie right over the edge of a cliff, and she rolled her head and thrust her hips forward, taking him in deeper. He grunted and shivered, and she knew she’d taken Keegan to the end of his sanity. With hard, determined thrusts, he reached his pinnacle and spilled, crying out as his body convulsed above hers. Callie rode out the orgasm with him, her inner walls in spasms as they clenched around him.

  Exhausted, Callie let her head fall back on the pillow and closed her eyes, her limbs dropping away from Keegan. He went limp on top of her for a minute, and Callie smiled softly at the beauty of his weight on her. Normally, she was on top and got off immediately, or pushed the guy to the side before he sweated on her too much. But this was different. She liked the feel of their bodies molded together.

  When he did move to the side, he remained tucked tightly up against her, and Callie turned her neck to look at him through hooded eyes. He glowed with satisfaction, and when she realized that made her happy, she marveled that she even cared. “What just happened here?” he asked in a raspy, light voice.

  Callie took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I’m not sure, but I think it’s called sex.” He nudged her playfully, and she giggled. “Keegan, I don’t know what to say or what to think about it right now. We’re going to have to talk this through or something.”

  “Of course we are,” he agreed, pushing up onto his elbow to look down
at her. “I’m going downstairs to tell everyone to head home, that I put you to bed and I’m not feeling so well. I’ll pass it off as food poisoning or something.”

  She gave him a skeptical look. “Are you sure?”

  He rolled his eyes. “I don’t really like most of those people. I just happened to still be in touch with them.” He rolled to his feet, stretching, and Callie took advantage of the view. He donned the bathing suit, and she envied his ability to look no different than when they’d started. Her hair was probably a royal mess. He walked over to kiss her and said, “I’ll be right back. Just wait here, okay?”

  Callie nodded. She had no intention of moving unless the house caught fire. And maybe not even then.

  Chapter Six

  Trying not to be irritated, Keegan looked up from the breakfast he was preparing as Callie came down the stairs and into the kitchen. For the first time since he’d been home, she didn’t seem to be suffering from a hangover. Not that she hadn’t tried to drink too much, but something about making love typically sobered a person pretty quickly.

  And as far as Keegan was concerned, that’s what they’d done.

  His feelings for her were far stronger than he’d realized, and it didn’t make sense with the short time they’d been here together. Still, he couldn’t deny the obvious. He wanted Callie as more than a fling, and for more than sex. It was an awkward situation, and that was why he’d wanted to talk things through last night.

  Unfortunately, some of his guests had been entirely uncooperative, and it had taken a little longer than he’d anticipated to get them all shoved out the door. By the time he got back upstairs, Callie was sound asleep. He’d sighed, tucked her in, and spent the night sitting in his own bed awake with his thoughts spinning at lightning speed.


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