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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

Page 26

by Rachel Wilson

  “And now, my little ass-tronaut, we the shuttle-cock Yrag will be blasting off in ten... Nine... Eight...” Every second in the countdown represented a slow, measured stroke into or out of Lucy's body. “Seven... Six... Five... Four...” Lucy squinted, the fingers curling fiercely to cover her mouth, her body braced for its ascent from the ground. “Three... Two... One... Blastoff!”

  Lucy gave up. She screamed and screamed and screamed at the top of her lungs, alternating back and forth between her two go-to sex phrases, “Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh God, oh fuck, oh God, oh fuck, oh God, oh fuck, oh GOOOOODDDDDD, oh FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!”

  Yrag had torn mercilessly into her body, pounding her relentlessly with the stated and highly successful goal of evoking as many tortured screams from the poor girl as his eight cocks could possibly manage. Her slick, tattered, sweat-soaked body shook as though struck by a hurricane, rocking helter-skelter to and fro with the loud force of his jackhammering erections, the constant, repetitive, staccato slap of his own green skin against hers, creating a constant sonic boom shouting up from their bodies, a merciless wet klpklpklpklpklpklpklp. Lucy, for her part, felt the end of her rope being torn off as the voltage surged uncontrollably through every last nerve of her broken wet body. Her spine arched, her fingers sank deep into her own flesh, and each of her limbs was set quivering with the fearsome sting of an unmitigated electrical orgasm, her surroundings curling in on themselves and disappearing into a little black speck in the distance, the very foundation of her world shaking, crumbling, bursting apart below her hands and feet as she began to cum with the most enthusiastic of high voltage orgasms.

  A moment later, however, and she realized that the world collapsing around her was not strictly some erotic delusion, but that during her agonized throes of passion, a large messy hole had been blast into the wall of the ship, and tables, chairs, equipment, and tools were soaring past her wet head right and left, hurdling at full speed out into the gaping black hole of outer space.

  Her eyes grew wide, her throbbing brain scarcely able to piece together precisely what was happening.

  “Run!” she heard Trebor shout through some unfathomable distance. The urgency of the situation was apparently far too great for Yrag to take the time to extricate himself before bolting across through the room, tailing his fleeing cohort in as prompt a manner as possible. Lucy in turn was hurdled through the ship with Trebor's cock lodged neatly up her cooter, as before he set off he'd turned her around like a centrifuge atop his eight erections, the first time in her life she'd actually literally been screwed by a man, and grabbed her by the ass, wrapping her legs around his waist and scurrying off at as fast a rate as possible, her body jiggling sincerely up and down on his pelvis, her tits flapping in the wind as they hopped away from the relentless sucking force of the vacuum.

  There was no stopping her screaming now. She howled at the top of the lungs, the electricity practically paralyzing her, tightening her grip around Yrag's slick neck. “Shut up!” he cried, knowing as well as she did that she was only making matters worse, but it was no use. Common sense didn't apply in this situation, and aside from the danger, suspense, and somehow arousal of this near-death scenario, Yrag was still technically fucking Lucy as he fled, his cock thrusting in and out of her bouncing pussy with every frenzied footstep, driving deeper and deeper and setting the combined sensation of all the disparate elements over the edge. She only grew louder as the enemies began to fire hot blasts from laser guns through the massive hole they'd created in the wall, and Trebor, his hands free, turned to fire back at them.

  Chapter Four

  “Keep your hands off our snatch, you bitches!” he cried, shooting a barrage of lasers in return, but in an instant the vacuum of space overpowered him, and his gun went flying out through the hole, spinning out of the ship to live out the remainder of its days in the coldness of space. He stared after it for a minute, feeling like a real tit, and then yelled instead, “To the escape pods!!!”

  But it was too late. Yrag had received a blast to his Achilles' heel, courtesy of the invaders, and stumbled painfully to the floor, ejaculating Lucy across the room, her screams so loud at this point that she was bursting with electrified orgasm, her body trembling without restriction, her bones rattling with the high voltage convulsions of carnal perfection.

  The last thing she saw as she faded off into the distance was the face of her attacker, a sharp, fierce, feminine thing, with piercing dark eyes, smooth green skin, and smiling red lips that Lucy knew were destined to devour her.

  Somehow while fading out, she made out the woman's words through the muffled ringing of her ears, “Let us now see how you fare beneath the gentle, calculated efforts of a woman's touch...”

  Lucy was out like a light.

  To Be Continued…

  XXXperiment - The Complete Box Set

  Streets Of Surprise: Incognito

  Chapter One

  If this were the case, and danger prevented either one of us from continuing our lives, I would make damn sure that tonight was the best night that we ever had. I reached behind my back and pulled his hips down to feel him inside me. Our bodies and minds moved to one beat. The muscles of his body bulged and pressed into me. I felt his perspiration drip and fall to splash on the skin of my back. The warm touch of his skin against mine was more relaxing and exhilarating than any Jacuzzi on planet earth.

  “I can’t lose you.” I turned my head and whispered back to him, tears beginning to form at the corners of my eyes.

  “I have hacked into the security cameras of Lau’s warehouse. Once you guys get inside, I will begin the loop. I would estimate that you have around 15 minutes before someone realizes what is going on.” Davis spoke over our headsets.

  “We won’t need 15 minutes.” Ethan replied confidently. That deep bass of a voice always sounded so calm, no matter the situation.

  Ethan, Walter and I sat atop a hill that over looked the harbor and Lau’s building in Walter’s Midnight Blue Eclipse. It was hard for Ethan to leave his baby behind tonight, but we decided that riding in something that Lau did not have an eye for would be our smartest option.

  The warehouse sat right on the coast, with a large wooden dock shaped around it like the wrap around porches I remembered seeing as a child in Arkansas. The neighboring buildings all looked abandoned. All Lau’s, I presumed, to keep the whole neighborhood under his watchful eye.

  Ethan and Walter planned to enter the building in a similar fashion that Ethan and I had: bypass security weak points, lay a few bombs, and detonate them once they were safely back in the car. It seemed simple, but when you are dealing with Lau things rarely go according to plan. They were professionals, although this fact did not help the butterflies that had flocked south for the winter in the pit of my stomach.

  Last night was incredible, and I would have given everything to go back in time a few hours to relive the passionate night that Ethan and I shared together. To see the moonlight reflect off of his muscular body. To feel the strength in his hands as he pulled my hips in motion. I looked to the passenger seat and pictured myself stroking the smooth skin of his head, moaning softly into his ear while his body pressed inside me…

  “Drop us off here.” Walter ordered, snapping me out of my daydream.

  I slid the car into an alley about eight blocks from Lau’s, and put it in park.

  “Stay close.” Ethan said. “Be ready to drive as soon as you hear our signal.”

  And with that, the two vanished into the night.

  “Davis, hit those security feeds.” I heard Ethan say over the headset. But those were far from the words I wanted to hear from him.

  I knew that he was not much for romance and that he looked at certain phrases as sappy or cliché. This was all fine for me, as I normally held the same opinions on such matters. But in this moment, on this day, I needed to hear something more from him besides: “Be ready to drive as soon as you hear our signal.”
/>   Thoughts flooded through my head and my finger pressed the talk button on the side of the Bluetooth earpiece three times before the two gave the confirmation that they had entered the building. The words, “be safe, I love you” sat on the tip of my tongue like a song on the radio that you can’t quite place the name of. But, the words never came. Each time my finger released itself, and my hand slowly lowered back to grip the steering with a petrified anxiousness.

  “The bombs are in place. Les, we are heading back to your position.” Ethan whispered, and my body deflated from the sigh of relief that exhaled from my chest.

  “Over.” I said begrudgingly, still itching to say more, and I cranked the engine on to hear the familiar purr of the Eclipse’s custom engine. Always the best, for Ethan and Walter.

  Just as the cars rhythmic hum sparked to life, I noticed movement behind me that my peripheral vision caught through the rear view mirror. A black Suburban with tinted windows was moving down the street that the alley intersected at a snail’s pace. Without moving a muscle, I watched wide eyed as it creeped out of my view.

  “Boys, we’ve got company.” I said, keeping my eyes fixed on the mirror.

  “Shit!” Davis exclaimed from his position at the hotel. “I lost the cameras!”

  My heart raced as we both waited on a reply from Ethan and Walter. The silence was ringing into my ears, and seemed to last an eternity. Finally, I heard that familiar gruff voice.

  “Les! Can you get to a closer position?”

  “On it.” I replied. Tires squealed as I threw the car in reverse.

  “There’s too many of them!” Walter yelled. “We can’t make it out!”

  “Three blocks from your position.” I reassured over the headset. The tension in my chest tightened like the clamp of a vice.

  “How many bullets do you have left?” I heard Ethan ask Walter.

  “Four. Not enough. What about you?”

  “Where are you guys?!” I interrupted frantically. “I can help!”

  They ignored me.

  “A clip and a half.” Ethan solemnly responded. “I’ll cover you.”

  “No. We ride together…”

  “And die together.” Ethan interrupted Walter to finish his own words. “Go.”

  “Ethan!” I screamed hysterically. “Ethan answer me!” Tears now streaming down my face.

  “Les.” He spoke softly. Softer than I had ever heard his voice get before. “Take care of yourself.”

  His feed cut out after the echo of gunshots. My face was covered in the moisture that pooled from the corners of my eyes. I sat frozen in the dead of night.

  “Leslie.” Walter panted. “Leslie, I am coming out the rear of the building. Can you be here?”

  Without saying a word I gunned the car around the opposite side of the warehouse. I saw Walter running to me, spotlights from the rooftop prodding the ground for his whereabouts. He took two last shots, taking out the men who had followed him out the door, and threw his gun into the night.

  I jumped out of the car and screamed, “Where’s Ethan.”

  He shook his head and grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling on my defiant body to get me back into the driver’s seat.

  “No! No, I can’t. I won’t! Not without Ethan!”

  “Leslie don’t be a fool!” He Pleaded. “Get in the damn car!”

  “Leslie get in the car.” Davis spoke up from his brief silence.

  Walter’s strength finally overtook me, and he slammed the passenger door closed just as my curled up legs touched the leather of the seat.

  My noise had long since compromised our position, and a rain of bullets clattered on the bullet proof roof as Walter hopped inside and flung the car forward.

  I spun around and stared at the exit to the warehouse out of the rear window, praying to anyone who would answer me for the door to open and to see Ethan’s stout frame come running out. To see his white V-neck, translucently drenched in sweat, emerge unscathed. My prayers were not answered.

  “What the hell?” Walter muttered.

  I glanced over to see him patting at the pockets of his dark blue jeans.

  “I don’t have the detonator.” He said bewildered. “I could have sworn that Ethan gave it to…” His voice trailed off as a loud boom rattled the air around us.

  Quickly, I returned my gaze to the building, which was now engulfed in flames. The previously pitch black night was now an orange glow that that burning building was emitting. I felt Walter’s right hand pat me on the shoulder, as the steady stream of tears turned to a heavy sob that violently shook my body with each gasping breath.

  Chapter Two

  Two Months Later

  I ran into the peppered spray of bullets and raindrops, miraculously staying clean from the piercing penetration that would have ended me. I screamed at the top of my lungs, “Ethan!” I removed my pistol from its holstered spot between my belt and the bare skin of my hip. My finger repeatedly pulled the trigger, mowing down any unwanted adversary that met my path as I ripped open the door of Lau’s Daytona warehouse and plunged into the darkness that awaited me. My body moving in slow motion, I descended the metal steps that led to the basement of this godforsaken drug highway.

  Two more of Lau’s men met my path in a long corridor, but they were no match for me. Before they could raise their weapons, my right finger flexed twice.

  Bang. Bang.

  Both bodies fell in a heap to the floor, and I continued my rescue mission. Hugging the walls, I crept along the hallway in search of the man I adored so much. I tiptoed into a dark cavernous room, straining my eyes to better adjust themselves to this pitch blackness.

  A crack of lightning illuminated the room briefly through a small window at the top of the far wall. Just long enough for me to make out a figure slumped over in the corner.

  “Ethan.” I whispered.

  No reply. I continued to silently glide across the floor, when another bolt of lightning preceded a deep rumble of thunder. Just long enough for me to make out a face, and a smooth shaved bald head.

  My pace quickened, sprinting over to Ethan’s body. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket to shine it in the corner where he resided.

  Two circular crimson red spots stained his white V-neck. Ethan sat motionless, head hanging limply pointing at the floor; back resting against the cold damp wall of the basement, legs outstretched in front of him. His hands sat limp on the seat of his pants, with the detonator resting on them like a basket of bread.

  “Ethan…” I whispered again. “Ethan get up.”

  I knelt down in front of him and reached a solitary hand out to touch his face, when a sudden movement startled me almost to the point of losing my balance.

  He raised his head up to make eye contact with me. A small smirk was the only expression that his face had to offer. His eyes looked cold, and as black as the night that surrounded him.

  I reached forward once more.

  With a motion that had to be the last of the strength his body had left, Ethan lifted his thumb to the red button on the small black box that his hands could not even lift.

  “Ethan, wait!”

  His thumb pressed down.

  My body leapt upright to a 90 degree angle. A cold sweat was trickling down my face from its origin above my brow.

  Another dream.

  In the months that followed Ethan’s death, the three of us moved far away from Florida. Davis moved the solitude hills of Northern Washington. I had not heard a word from him since the day we said goodbye.

  A single tear meandered down Davis’ face that blistering Florida day. He wrapped both of his arms around me, and whispered something into my ear that I will never forget.

  “He loved you, Leslie.”

  I hoped that he had found peace and tranquility in the mountains, but could not bring myself to call him. I was too broken. Hearing his voice over a telephone would revert me back to the last time I heard his voice in my ear through a cellular device. When h
e spoke to me over the Bluetooth headset on that dreary night in Daytona.

  “Leslie get in the car.”

  Why did I get in the car? Why did I not risk my life to save Ethan like he had risked his to save us?

  My tattered and depressed mind could not help but think that the recurring dreams were speaking to me in some way. A constant midnight terror reminder that in Ethan’s last moments, he was alone. Beaten, bruised, wounded, as his girlfriend and best friend rode off safely into the night. Had he sat alone in that basement, hunched over in the corner, using his last ounce of strength to finish the job for us?

  The truth of that scenario plagued my thoughts. If that were not the case, and Ethan’s soul was not behind my dreams in some way, then how were the details always so vivid? I had never set foot in that warehouse, yet the schematics of the place always remained identical each night. I took the same route through the door, down the stairs, and killed the same two guards in the same long corridor each time. Ethan’s body was in the exact corner, in the exact position on the floor with his back against the wall. And the detonator always lay on his lap, sitting atop his limp hands. If I had pushed Walter off of me, and ran into the building, would saving him have been that easy?

  This conclusion always brought me to my feet and out of bed. I could not let my depression ridden imagination get the better of me. This is the way Ethan would have wanted it; the three people he cared for the most were safe and sound.

  I walked out of my bedroom and through the hallway that lead to the front of my new house. The salty smell of freshly cooked bacon filled my nostrils. I stopped my pace, closed my eyes, and breathed a deep breath of the breakfast aroma that hung in the air.

  When I stepped into the kitchen, the culprit behind this morning concoction stood with his back to me, short blond bead head stuck in all directions.


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