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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

Page 27

by Rachel Wilson

  “How’d ya sleep?” Walter asked, hearing my bare feet pat onto the tile.

  “Eh, about the same as usual.” I lied. I had not told anyone about the dreams.

  “Well, we are a truffle short of a five star meal, but I think this will suffice.” He turned to me and grinned.

  Platters of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast lie in a row on the counter.

  “I am just finishing up this last batch of bacon. Go ahead and fix yourself a plate. Ladies first.”

  I did not have to be told twice. Breakfast had always been my favorite meal of the day. Even though the 12 o’clock hour had this placed in the normal time frame of lunchtime, I was happy to devour the meal that sat before me.

  Chapter Three

  After the Daytona produced separation, Walter came with me to Kansas to keep a watchful eye on me. He knew how hard that night was for me, and promised me to stay as long as he needed to. Half of the time, I wondered if he took Ethan’s death harder than I did.

  His presence was the ultimate blessing for a broken heart. Walter was Ethan’s best friend for a reason, and we found ourselves interested in similar things. Cars were at the top of that shared list of loves.

  He sold the broken down parts of his Eclipse for a good chunk of cash after we left Florida, and bought a black Nissan Altima – not too flashy to keep a low profile, but just sporty enough to cure his fix for sexy cars.

  Usually, Walter was the type to have more color in his automobiles. But Ethan was always the “black-on-black” type when it came to cars, so Walter and I figured that we would get the Altima in Ethan’s liking in honor of him.

  The two of us sailed down the long country plains that Kansas had to offer, testing the limits of the six cylinder engine. At my request, we always kept the windows down so that the crisp rural air would blow my hair back, like the humid Florida air used to in Ethan’s convertible.

  We bought a small two bedroom farmhouse with enough land to seclude us from the rest of the world. The nearest neighbor was a quarter of a mile away. It was a perfect getaway for a paranoid pair like us who had grown accustomed to looking over our shoulder for Lau or his men.

  There was a small grocery store seven miles away where we could get most of our necessities, which basically consisted of whatever we did not grow in our garden.

  The garden was undoubtedly my favorite part about Kansas. It started off as just a small patch of dirt where our tomato supply came from, mostly just to keep my mind busy during the day. But I found a love with the earth, and a tomato singular plot soon turned to provide us with; okra, squash, peas, potatoes, and green beans. There is not much more fulfilling than cooking a fresh old country meal from ingredients that your hands, labor and sweat produced. It was my sanctuary.

  “I am going to town to pick up some chicken breasts for tonight.” Walter yelled from the driveway as I pecked at the freshly sprouted weeds in the garden.

  The sun hung high overhead on another cloudless day. A light blue sea filled the sky, as the sun’s rays glistened off of the sweat layer that had built up on my arms. I sat down on the ground to take a break, and rested my arms across my bent knees. My head turned from left to right, taking a panoramic view of the flat field that seemed to stretch on for miles. When my eyes reached a 2 o’clock position in front of me, I saw a dark figure probably 40 yards to the front of me in the field.

  My eyes squinted, trying diligently to make out some details of whatever this was. I stood up and brushed a dirt build up off of my knees, and walked forward to investigate the matter further.

  As my steps brought me closer to shape, the life form began to bring to life all too memorable features. The man sat with his back upright, legs pointed straight out in front of him. His head bowed loosely in front of his chest, almost as if he was staring intently at something on his lap. The sun reflected off of the smooth, bald skin that coated his head. ‘

  Closer I stepped. Creeping up to make out the final details.

  His arms were bent and sank into his lap, lifeless. A small black box rested upon the palms of his hands, with a single red button. Ethan looked up at me with the same wiry grin, his cold dark eyes penetrated my soul. His thumb heaved forward with all of its might and pressed the button.

  “Leslie. Leslie, wake up.” Walter gently shook my body to life.

  I slowly raised up, eyes barely able to open all the way from the bright sun that hung overhead.

  “Too in love with your garden to take your naps inside now?” He chuckled.

  “Yeah. The heat must have tired me out for a moment there.” I said, blinking the slumber haze from my brain.

  “Well let’s go cook this food! I know you must be starving from sweating it out in the garden all day.”

  I turned to look over my shoulder when we got to the steps of the back porch. I peered over the vast landscape of the field. It was vacant, as always.

  After dinner, Walter and I cleaned up the kitchen together. I always insisted that I do all the cleaning, since he did most of the cooking. But he was a gentleman through and through. He never let me get off without a helping hand from himself.

  My hand clutched the steel wool pad, scrubbing furiously at the grease stained pan that the chicken had come to temperature in. I vigorously moved from side to side, my body vibrating with the force that I was exerting to get the last caked on, stubborn piece of breading that would not come clean, when my hand slipped and the steel wool went flying behind me. Slightly embarrassed, I walked over and bent down to pick it up, just as Walter was doing the same thing.

  Our eyes looked up and locked onto the other as our faces came to mere inches apart.

  “Don’t worry. I will get that for you.” Walter said, face turning bright red from the close proximity of our heads.

  In that moment, I felt a wave of loneliness crash over my body. The feeling that I had been denying for two months now. The two of us were all alone in the middle of nowhere. My body spoke to me after weeks of suppressing itself. Hiding under the blanket of mourning, sulking in the closet of depression. Not any longer.

  I grabbed the back of his sun tanned neck and pulled his lips against mine. The steel wool pad fell to the floor for the second time tonight, and our bodies followed shortly after. My knees pressed into the hard tile of the kitchen floor as I straddled Walter’s midsection, bringing forth a brief moment of pain that I shrugged off immediately.

  He ripped my shirt off of my body and ran his hands down the back of my pajama pants. I felt his warm, smooth hand caress the soft skin of my bottom.

  “Ah.” I gasped for air. Every nerve ending of my body screamed at finally being able to release themselves.

  Walter picked me up and carried me into my bedroom. I sucked on his neck, leaving small red marks of lust wherever my lips went.

  Our naked bodies rubbed against the others as we rolled around in between the sheets. His fingers felt deep in between my legs, and my hands caressed his stiff staff, stroking up and down until he grew to his maximum length.

  Walter positioned himself on top of me, and began to kiss his way down the terrain of my chest. Starting first at the two peaks of my breasts, slowly working his way down to explore the rest of the territory. When I felt his tongue on my belly button, I grabbed two handfuls of his hair and yanked him back up to eye level.

  “I can’t wait. Get inside of me now. Please.” I begged.

  He did not disappoint. My hips rose up as my back arched when I first felt him enter my body. His long, sleek body pressed against mine and his hips pushed into me over and over. It had been far too long since I had felt a man’s touch. I came within seconds of feeling his warmth in me.

  “Keep going.” I whispered, pulling him back down to me.

  He pushed my legs out wide, holding a calf in each hand, balancing himself on his knees. My hands caressed my body, gently rubbing on my nipples while my eyes closed and my lips remained open to make the heavy breaths easier to exhale.

We flipped around and I rode up and down on him. His arms wrapped around my upper body and pulled me to him so that the only thing I could move was my hips. Bounce, bounce, bounce; my hips rocked. Over and over.

  The muscles of my body began to sporadically contract again, and I felt another wave coming. I kept riding as long as I could, pressing on so that he could reach his pinnacle as well. Finally, the buildup grew too much for me to contain.

  I let out a loud moan and clawed at his skin, rolling my hips forward four more times. Then I felt his hips do the same. He took in a big gust of air and gripped me even tighter, and pulled out of me abruptly. I felt his warm liquid shoot up my spine.

  I slept in Walter’s arms that night. We lay cuddled up against each other all night long, my head resting on his firm chest.

  I woke up suddenly at around 2 a.m., and I saw the silhouette of a sitting figure at the corner of the room. Legs outstretched in front of him; back against the wall; a small black box resting on his hands. I closed my eyes and pushed my head deeper in the nook of Walter’s shoulder before the thumb made contact with the red button.

  To Be Continued…

  Streets Of Surprise: Discovery

  Chapter One

  I slept in Walter’s arms that night. We lay cuddled up against each other all night long, my head resting on his firm chest.

  I woke up suddenly at around 2 a.m., and I saw the silhouette of a sitting figure at the corner of the room. Legs outstretched in front of him; back against the wall; a small black box resting on his hands. I closed my eyes and pushed my head deeper in the nook of Walter’s shoulder before the thumb made contact with the red button.

  “Listen, if you feel uncomfortable about what happened last night, I understand.” Walter said, at a very quiet breakfast the following morning.

  “I would be lying if I said that I did not feel at least a little awkward about it.” I replied without looking up from my food.

  “Then we can mutually agree that it will never happen again. We are both just lonely and found refuge in each other’s’ arms. Nothing more. Ethan would forgive us.”

  “I hope so.” I mumbled.

  But I was not so sure that I was feeling the excuse that Walter presented. Sure, we had seen very little of the outside world and 90% of our human interaction was with each other. Still, there was no denying the fact that when I looked at Walter, I felt something. I have no idea how long I had felt this way, but yesterday it all seemed to make sense. When our eyes met, mere inches apart, a feeling resonated in me that had not rumbled since Ethan.

  Walter could not know how I felt, though. This could potentially ruin the only real relationship that I had in my life right now, and I could not risk losing him. And he saying that the actions that transpired last night were due to loneliness broke my heart a little. I know what my body sensed when he lay between my legs.

  I daydreamed a scenario where things got too complicated for Walter and me to handle. One of us would leave our secluded sanctuary to find solitude elsewhere. If the one to leave was me, what would I do?

  I saw myself in a bar, pulling off similar gimmicks as I had before Ethan came into my life. It would have to be in a town with little population, so that my cover was not blown. But, a small town meant that the clientele would have less wealth for me to hustle than the ones that Florida had to offer. The decrease in finances, would result in an increase in anger when they watched the last 20 dollar bill before payday disappear in my pocket. This was too dangerous a scenario for me, and was part of the reason I worked so hard to escape Arkansas. If I slipped back into that life, then everything Ethan ever did would be for nothing. He deserved better.

  “Want to go for a ride?” Walter snapped me back to the present reality.

  “Sure!” I exclaimed. That sounded perfect.

  I closed my eyes as the wind fluttered against my cheeks. We flew down a long stretch of an old, almost abandoned, highway. Surely not much more than a black blur to the rest of the world. For us, it was slow motion. Speeding along at triple digits is a cleansing experience for a troubled mind. Walter and I did this every day, and each time was a little bit better than the previous one.

  Walter slowed the Nissan back down to the speed limit when we approached the point where the old highway met with a more populated area. He pulled the car into a carpool lot to turn around and begin our journey back to the house. It was then that we noticed we were being followed.

  Two cars whipped into the lot behind Walter and me, the first speeding up to position itself perpendicularly in front of us. I quickly turned my head and saw that the 2nd car had done the same to our rear.

  “Be cool.” Walter said, as the man behind us exited his vehicle and approached ours. “I will handle this.

  The car behind us was a white Mustang, with heavy customization work. A bumper kit that fell just inches from the ground, two blue stripes along the sides, and extended chrome rims were the first details that caught my eye.

  The one in front, was a black painted make and model that I had never seen before. The windows were darkly tinted to match the rest of the car. Black-on-black, a car that Ethan would have envied, I thought to myself.

  Walter rolled the drivers’ side window down.

  “We don’t mean to alarm you two, but my friend here was wondering if you would be up for a race on the straightaway.” The man said.

  He was slightly overweight, and greasy brown hair sat matted atop his country tanned skin.

  I strained my eyes to get a look at his friend who remained in the sleek black vehicle. The windows were too dark for my vision to penetrate. The only thing I could see was a faint, bulky silhouette in the driver’s seat. There were no identifiable features. Rounded head, rounded shoulders - it was almost as if it was only a shadow, and not a real person at all.

  “Sorry, but with all due respect I am not interested.” Walter replied.

  A small grin grew on the man’s face. “He was afraid you would say that.”

  “Look, maybe another time. Right now we are just trying to escape the world and have a relaxing drive together.”

  The smile disappeared. “A relaxing drive at 115 miles per hour? How about this… Either you race my friend, or we take that pretty little lady off of your hands.”

  “Then I would say, fuck you.” Walter’s cheeks burned a bright red hue.

  The man lifted up his sweat stained t-shirt to reveal a black handgun nestled in the waist band above his crotch. “I think you should probably reconsider that, with all due respect.”

  Walter’s voice dropped in pitch. “What are the stakes?”

  “Nothing. We don’t see many races out here. We are just looking for a little fun. I will drive ahead about 2 miles and park on the side of the road. First one to pass me, wins.”

  “Fine. I’m in.” Walter sounded frustrated, and rolled the window up.

  “Do you trust them?” I asked, feeling my blood pressure rise.

  “Not as far as I can throw that chubby bastard.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “I am going to whoop him, and keep going. Once I am sure that we lost these guys, we will go back home.”

  I was worried, but not as much as I should have been. Walter was an incredible driver, and there were not very many people on the planet who could out drive him.

  Both cars lined up next to each other. I continued squinting my eyes to try get some sort of a visual of what this mystery man looked like, but to no avail.

  Our Nissan rumbled from Walter’s revving of the engine. A look of sheer determination showed on his cold as stone appearance.

  The mystery man honked his horn.

  Chapter Two

  The car lunged forward and the back of my head pressed into the headrest. My right hand clutched at the door handle to gain more stability as our speed increased.

  The mystery man jumped off to a better start, and was about two car lengths in front of us now. Walter cursed under his breath
, knuckles beginning to go white from gripping the gear shift. The muscles in his right arm held a constant flex.

  Click. Pull.

  He switched gears, providing us with another lurch forward.

  “Shit! This guy is fast!” Walter yelled, slamming the gear shift left and back again.

  The trees on either side of the road whizzed past us in a smudged green blur. I glanced at the speedometer to see our speed approaching triple digits again. We were gaining on the mystery man.

  Finally, Walter changed gears for the last time and the nose of our Nissan inched ahead of his unmarked black coupe. Walter did not let go of the shift stick, and I caught him sneaking a peak to his left, presumably wondering the same thing I was at this point.

  “Who the hell is this man?”

  The mystery man made his last move. He switched gears a few seconds after we took the lead, accelerating his car one last time, pushing him to another lead – this time of just under a full car length.

  The finish line that the chubby man had marked was fast approaching, and Walter was pushing it to the limit. Beads of sweat were developing into rivers that trailed down his face. His short blonde hair was growing darker with perspiration around the tops of his ears.

  We were no more than 100 yards from the finish line, caught in a stalemate. Neither car had made a significant push in over ten seconds. Suddenly, a screeching of tires pierced our eardrums. Both Walter’s and my head spun to the left simultaneously to the direction that the noise came from.

  The mystery man had slammed on his brings, causing a plume of smoke to envelop around his car. We flew across the finish line alone, and did not slow down until nothing was present in the rear view mirror.

  “What was that about?” I asked, now comfortable enough to speak.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t really care to find out.” Walter shrugged. “I still can’t believe that guy was going to beat me. Either he was really good, or I am really rusty.”


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