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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

Page 32

by Rachel Wilson

  He seemed to relax a bit, but she could tell he was still waiting for her to explain why she was here. "I'm dying, and I don't have much longer, Evan. And all I would ask of you is that you give me one night of ultimate pleasure. Sex, Evan, is all I ask from you, and since your senses are heightened tonight, during the full moon, I'm sure it's not too much to ask."

  During that entire time, the wolf hadn't moved with the exception of his mouth. Now, he stalked toward her, his shoulders rolling gracefully and huge paws making no sound as they padded over the soft dirt and grass. She stood still as he approached, circling her and sniffing the air around her to catch her scent.

  He came back in front of her and stared up at her, and he stuck his snout between her thighs and breathed deeply. At that point, Maggie shoved his head away angrily. "Alright, you aren't a dog. Have some manners."

  He ducked into a pose as if planning to leap at her and snarled, and Maggie realized she'd made a mistake. But she dared not backtrack and show fear, so she simply stood her ground. "I expect you to act decently because Christophe assured me you were a gentleman. Besides, whatever the belief is, I don't think you're a monster. Werewolves are magical creatures with supernatural abilities and a taste for meat. That doesn't make them monsters."

  Chapter Two

  Slowly, he backed away, and Maggie sighed. Now, he was going to disappear and have nothing to do with her. She was zero for two right now. Rather than strike out, she simply closed her mouth and waited, hoping he wouldn't just run off. He stopped about twelve feet away and just stared, locking eyes with her in what she assumed was a battle of wills. She would see this one to the end. It was her life, what little was left of it, and this was her last chance.

  Before her eyes, a shadow of Evan's face showed through, in and around the eyes, and the wolf's muzzle shrank slightly, the teeth squaring off like human teeth rather than animal. Though he remained covered in the thick, soft fur, his body righted itself, and he stood like a man. Interestingly enough, Maggie could see his muscular physique, even through the fur. She held her breath and waited to hear his voice.

  "I smell your desire," he said, his voice deep and resonant so that Maggie could feel it in the ground beneath her feet, and she understood him clearly, despite the muzzle muffling his words slightly. "Is that desire for the man, or for the wolf?"

  Maggie wasn't stupid; she knew why he was asking. The nature of the lycanthrope required that both exist in harmony. To accept one and not the other meant you didn't truly accept the creature. The same would be true of attraction. If you were attracted to the man but not the wolf, or vice versa, it would only fulfill half the equation and be insufficient.

  Of course, she couldn't lie; just like fear, lies carried a certain scent. So, she thought for a moment for the best answer, and she realized how desperately she'd wanted to cuddle with the wolf. And to start with, she'd stuck out on her journey to be with paranormal creatures. There was nothing magical about a man, or about a wolf. But combined, the two were powerful and carried with them the magic of the moon cycle and so much more. That was what attracted her.

  With a smile and complete honesty, she replied, "Both."

  The grin he returned reflected his predatory nature, flashing mischief and sinister intent in his eyes. "You truly are a strange woman. If they call me beast, they must call you beauty."

  She smirked at the cheesy line. "That's probably the least enticing attempt at seduction I've ever heard. Would you like to try again?"

  Now, he moved toward her again with the grace of the wolf in the form of a man, tainted by the connection of the beast to the moon. Maggie held her breath, trying to still her erratic heartbeat before the source of life - and cause of death - exploded in her chest from anticipation and desire.

  Three feet away, she could smell him, a blend of fresh rain and pine needles, coupled with a territorial musk and some sort of citrus aroma completely unique to the man behind the beast. It was intoxicating, and Maggie wanted to just breathe him in. He crossed the rest of the distance between them in two strides, standing with only a little over an inch between them as he gazed down at her.

  His taunting smile remained an odd expression on the lips of a wolf with the teeth of a human. "This is no fairy tale, you know," he said in that same deep voice, backed with a bit of a growl. "You're not Little Red Riding Hood, and no huntsman is going to save you. What will you do if my animal nature turns on me, and I try to devour you?"

  Now, it was Maggie's turn to be cocky as she fingered the chain around her neck. "I believe I have my ways of protecting myself."

  He didn't look shocked or angry, as she'd expected, but rather, relieved. "You certainly knew what you wanted and were prepared when you arrived, and on the full moon, of all nights." He shook his head and chuckled from deep in his belly, a barking sound slipping in with the laugh. "I find assertive women insanely attractive."

  "Really?" she asked, forcing herself to maintain eye contact without melting to the ground or begging to be touched. "Then you should find me devastating."

  "I most certainly do," he said, and his words came clear as his human mouth appeared, with full lips and the sweet breath of cinnamon and spice. Should anyone else have seen him in this state, half man and half beast, they would have run screaming, and had they known how utterly aroused Maggie was by Evan at that very moment, they likely would have expressed disapproval or even disgust.

  But as his lips brushed against hers and hands with dangerous claws slid up her arms, Maggie shivered in delight. This would be a unique and awe-inspiring experience, she thought as his tongue found its way between her lips, engaging in a sensuous dance with hers that made her knees weak.

  She was surprised by the extreme tenderness he employed, having expected him to be rough and demanding. In fact, even though she was aroused, she was somewhat unexcited. She tried to interest herself in the activity, she swept her hands through the silky fur on his back, down to his narrow hips and around, curious about possible changes in his nether region. After all, she'd been quite pleased with what she'd seen earlier.

  But as her hand curled around his shaft, finding it thicker and harder even than she'd imagined, Evan threw his head back and roared, his howl seeming to create a wind that had even the trees around them swaying and bowing to his power. The sound alone ignited the fire within Maggie that she'd been looking for, and the flames sparked out of control as Evan slashed his claws violently from her neck straight down the middle of her body, shredding her clothes and leaving her bare but unharmed, save for a tiny scratch over her right breast.

  His accuracy was definitely part of his magic, and as he grabbed her around the waist and threw her to the ground, she wondered how she could land with such force and impact, yet feel nothing, not a single sting, ache, or bruise. She had no time to assess any of it as he leapt and landed on top of her, his hands pinning her wrists over her head and his knees on either side of her hips.

  She insides trembled, and her core flooded, moisture pouring over the juncture between her thighs as his mouth came down on hers again with bruising force. His tongue swept over her lips, between them, and teased along her teeth and the roof of her mouth as she gasped and panted. Evan shoved one hand between her legs, and she was momentarily terrified, but two human fingers slid inside her, and she burst with ecstasy instantly, his fingertips pressing the perfect spot over and over at incredible speed.

  She fisted her hands in the fur on his back, barely hanging on to sanity, and he increased the intensity, using his thumb to roll her nub in circles as he stroked her inner walls. She felt like she was flying, her whole body weightless and consumed with the pure ecstasy of Evan's ministrations, and they'd barely even started.

  All at once, things changed, and Maggie's vision swirled. In that split second, with her body twisting and her equilibrium thrown, her heart stopped, and she thought she was dying. But the feel of dirt and grass under her hands and fur on her back told her she was still breathin
g - and quite heavily. Evan had simply flipped her over onto her hands and knees.

  Smiling to herself and knowing she should have expected as much from this particular creature, Maggie arched her back as she felt his cock sliding along her wet folds. He leaned over her, and furry paws with man-like fingers closed over her breasts, massaging delightfully as he prepared to enter her. "I bet you never planned to get into something like this," he breathed in her ear, and she could feel the difference in his face, the reversal back to a wolf's snout, as his nose brushed her neck.

  She shivered, so aroused she found it hard to compute an answer. "Actually, it's very much the fantasy I wanted to play out," she panted. With a chuckle at her words, he used his hold on her breasts and leverage, pulling her back and pushing himself forward so he slammed into her mercilessly.

  Maggie had a split second to register pain, but the enormous, blazing orgasm that ripped through her body negated any sensation but absolute pleasure. He pulled out slowly and then rammed right back in, and Maggie cried out as the second peak broke right on top of the first one. The overwhelming sensation left her blind, too much sensory input for all of her other senses to continue functioning.

  Now, she decided, if she died, she wouldn't be so sad. This was pure bliss, and as Evan began to stroke her, in and out, reaching around her waist to continue teasing her cleft, she couldn't imagine any other creature surpassing this moment. She couldn't count fast enough to keep up with her tidal waves of pleasure, and the only movement she could make was the back and forth motions Evan actually accomplished with his free hand on her hip. She was blind, and the only smell was the scent of Evan blended with the aroma of life altering sex.

  She sensed the change in Evan's demeanour, and though she wouldn't have thought it possible, he increased his speed, driving into her with such hard, fast thrusts it felt like a constant massage over every inch of her core. He didn't slow down as he crested, howling in a tone that even Maggie recognized as possessive as he spilled into her and sent her spiralling out of control with his continued thrusting.

  It seemed like hours passed as the screaming orgasm held her in its grip, and finally, Evan simply backed up, away from her. She still couldn't see or move, but she heard a loud thump behind her and fought for control of her body, worried something might have happened to Evan. She managed to lie down and roll at an angle so that, when she lifted her head and squinted, she could make out his form on the ground.

  He was already pushing himself to sit up and shaking his head, and to her surprise, most of the wolf had faded, with fur still on his legs, the yellow eyes, and claws coming out of enlarged human hands the only signs left. His face was that entrancing human face she'd first seen when she arrived. "Are you okay?" she asked, her throat raw from crying out in passion.

  He gave her a cocky smile. "I'm great. In fact, I should be forced into wolf form tonight, but it seems that maybe I've found a way to choose. You seem to have satisfied the animal."

  She laughed. "That's a new one for me. And it's a much better pickup line for you." It took her several minutes to recover, but she sat up, asking, "What am I supposed to do about clothes?"

  He smirked. "I have an entire closet full of things, just for such occasion. I tend to get carried away from time to time." He nodded toward his right, and as Maggie peered through the trees, she could see a cabin. "Come on, let's get you dressed."

  That was a good idea. She needed to get back to the car and on her way. She could feel her time growing shorter, and that meant she couldn't afford the luxury of spending the night this time. But that was fine; she was wide awake now.

  To Be Continued…

  Paranormal Passenger: Wicked Wishes

  Chapter One

  Finding a hotel with Wi-Fi access proved more difficult than Maggie would have thought, considering she was only a few miles outside of Austin. But apparently, she had to go into the capital city to find the accommodations she needed to make her next step. Finally, she got a room close to the University of Texas campus, hoping that, if she couldn’t find the information she wanted online, she could delve through the endless volumes of the library at the school.

  She didn’t bother unpacking. It wasted energy and time, both of which remained in short supply. Instead, Maggie tossed her duffel bag on the bed and set up her laptop on the small desk in her room. While it booted up, a little slow due to age, she made some coffee to keep her eyes wide open while she did her research.

  Ready to dive into her next adventure after her first two successes coming with much greater ease than she would have expected, Maggie sat down in the rigid chair and pulled up a browser window. Carefully, she removed her silver necklace, the one given her by Christophe, her vampire, as a gift after their lovemaking to protect her from Evan, the werewolf he’d sent her to see and continue her journey.

  This chain belonged to a warlock, and Maggie had to assume he was still alive. She wasn’t sure if witches and warlocks were immortal or not, but they had enough magic to sustain their lives for long periods, at least. This necklace, though, didn’t stand out as the most unique of chains, other than how it sparkled, as if tiny shards of diamonds rested inside the silver links.

  She started her search with ‘enchanted necklace’, but that was far too generic bringing up everything from ‘how to’ to references from movies and books, such as the Auryn in The Never-ending Story. Sighing and trying again, she typed ‘silver necklace enchanted by warlock’. That, at least, narrowed down the search results.

  But when she’d gone through the first ten pages and found nothing relevant to her situation, she tried something different. She clicked on ‘images’. Perhaps she’d find a photo or at least a drawing of the necklace that lay on the desk beside her, and then she could click through to the site and get the information she wanted.

  Thousands of images appeared, and she scrolled through them, stopping when her eyes started to cross to get more coffee. She peered at each one that even closely resembled her necklace, enlarging the images for closer inspection, but she wasn’t having any luck. It was nearly lunchtime, and Maggie knew she had to eat something, so she grabbed her wallet and hurried downstairs and out of the lobby. She’d seen plenty of fast food places within a block, and she walked over to the Wendy’s right next door to order.

  She had to be reasonable about this; she couldn’t just sit in front of the computer screen for the remainder of her days, trying to find a supernatural being. If she did, she would run out of time before she actually had the chance to meet one. To keep her from obsessing too hard, Maggie sat at the restaurant and ate her food, watching the students from campus come and go.

  “You look like you’re meeting someone.” Maggie looked up into a very young face atop broad shoulders. The guy couldn’t be more than twenty one, likely a student, and she had no idea why he’d decided to address her at all.

  Of course, what did it matter? It wasn’t like she was worried about ruining her reputation. She didn’t care what people thought of her. “I’m just thinking. I’ve been looking for something all day, and I can’t seem to track down the information.”

  He frowned, his brows drawing tight together and his dark brown eyes curious. “Maybe I can help you. What are you looking for exactly?”

  Maggie narrowed her eyes, considering the young man. Since she’d begun this journey, almost no one had noticed her. She found that people who knew her penchant for the supernatural were drawn to her, and she wondered if the kid could actually help her. “Have a seat.” He slid in across from her, looking anxious, and she touched the necklace, which she’d fastened around her neck again. “I’m trying to find the original owner of this chain. I know that sounds like a lost cause, but it’s not just any necklace.”

  He gave her a crooked smile. “It’s enchanted, isn’t it?”

  Trying not to appear as startled as she actually was by his insight, Maggie nodded. “Actually, it very much is.” She leaned toward him and spoke in a lower
tone. “I’m told it belonged to a warlock.”

  “That is awesome,” the guy told her clapping his hands. “I’m a fan of local lore, and I consider myself a bit of an expert on magic. So, I’m very enthusiastic because there is a legend not well known regarding a warlock and his lost love.”

  Maggie was all ears. Though she didn’t know if this was the information she was looking for, she saw a distinct possibility that it might at least give her direction. “Let’s hear it.”

  Settling in like any proud storyteller, the guy rested his elbows on the table and began. “So, this warlock, some five hundred years ago or more, fell in love with a mortal woman, Celine. He gave her a silver chain with a locket that she was never to open, containing a spell that would keep her young and alive. She was never to remove it from her neck, as it was her lifeline, as well as her protection from other things, such as the werewolves that ran rampant in that time.”

  So far, Maggie thought the story might lead in the right direction. After all, Christophe had told her the chain was spelled for extra protection against werewolves.

  “They lived together for over a hundred years, during which time Celine never removed the necklace and never aged a day. But of course, all legends end in tragedy, right?” The guy smirked, and Maggie found herself hanging on his words, wondering what horror befell the couple. “Celine went to see a jeweler, deciding to have a matching chain created for the warlock she loved so dearly. The jeweler appraised the beautiful chain and the pendant, turning it this way and that so he could create an exact replica of it. But as he grasped it in his fingers, the latch on the locket snapped open, and the magic potion fell out.


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