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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

Page 33

by Rachel Wilson

  “Celine grasped at it frantically, but her hands were already beginning to shrivel. She caught a few small drops on her hands and licked it, praying it would be enough to get her back to the warlock’s lair, and that she would live long enough for him to create another charm for her.”

  Maggie was enthralled, resting her chin on her hand as she listened with rapt attention. He continued, “She crawled into the lair, having aged so much the warlock barely recognized her. She croaked out the story, asked for help, and dropped the chain into his hand, but without the locket, which she’d left on the jeweler’s floor in her haste, he could do nothing, and she died in his arms. For ages, he mourned, carrying the necklace in a pocket. Finally, after nearly a century, he found a new purpose for the chain.”

  The kid stopped, and Maggie waited, but he said nothing more. “Oh, come on, you can’t stop the story there.” She grew more and more convinced that his tale did relate to the chain around her neck, and she wanted to know exactly how.

  He pointed to her neck. “If that chain was the one around Celine’s neck, and we’re talking about the same warlock, then you must be the doppelganger.” Maggie frowned. She didn’t quite catch his meaning, and he explained, “The warlock put a new spell on the necklace, aside from the protection against werewolves, so that it would find Celine’s doppelganger one day and bring her to him. If that’s his necklace, and it somehow came into your possession, you would be Celine, in this life.”

  Maggie would have laughed out loud, but something inside her burned as though it was true. Wouldn’t that be poetic, and just like the legend of the Three Fates, to bring the warlock the woman he loved, embodied by a woman who was only going to die again? “It’s a sad story,” she told her new acquaintance, “and I believe every good myth, legend, and fairy tale is based in truth. I’ll say I believe it to a point, but I think your ending is a romanticized version of it. Still, you’ve given me somewhere to start.”

  She stood to leave, but he held up a hand to stop her. “Wait. You need to go to Boston. When you get there, if that’s the right chain, it’ll lead you to the warlock.” His eyes were bright, his expression serious, and it sent a chill down Maggie’s spine.

  She nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She hurried back up to her room, and she searched for information on the legend, finding few discrepancies between the minimal results she found and the boy’s tale. Interestingly enough, no one else mentioned where the warlock might be, and she wondered how this kid would know. He claimed to be an expert, but she had no proof.

  Still, she had no other direction and no other leads to follow. What would it hurt to catch a flight to Boston? Worst case scenario meant she would find nothing and start over, maybe catching a clue on another magical creature. This was where the last-minute flight would cost her, and as she spoke to the booking agent on the other end of the line, Maggie decided to drive. She couldn’t justify nearly $3000 when she could make the drive in two days, with a short overnight stay somewhere in Middle America.

  Hanging up, she pulled up a map of the drive on her laptop and considered the distance. It was a 28 hour drive, so if she could make 14 hours a day, she could be there late the second day. Unfortunately, she didn’t think she had the stamina, so she packed up again, deciding that, with the short time she’d been given, she should start out right away. She paid her bill and turned in the keys, set her GPS to take her to Boston, and just started driving. She would stop for dinner, get as far as she could manage, and find somewhere cheap to stay the night. It wasn’t like she needed five star accommodations.

  She made it as far as Little Rock and found a small bed and breakfast with an open bed, got up early, and left again, grabbing a fast food breakfast sandwich on the way out of town. That was one of the good things about dying: she no longer worried about her diet.

  Stopping only for gas and food, she lasted until Roanoke, Virginia, exhaustion hitting her like a ton of bricks, and she stopped at an inn for the night, waking late the next morning and angry with her own body for making the trip all too difficult. The last leg of the trip seemed to take forever. She had to stop for coffee several times to stay awake, which involved stopping again to use the restroom frequently, and she didn’t cross the Boston city limits until nearly midnight.

  She thought about trying to seek out this warlock, but her body was having none of it. Her heart was fighting to maintain its function, and every inch of her body tingled and ached from the lack of appropriate blood flow. She obviously needed to rest, especially if she actually found the warlock, or she wouldn’t be able to handle the interaction she intended.

  Chapter Two

  This time, she didn’t search for a place to stay, stopping at the first hotel she saw. It was a little pricier than she would have liked, but she had nothing left and had to rest. The bed felt welcoming, and Maggie set no alarm. She would naturally wake up when she was refreshed, and then she could begin her search for a magic man she didn’t know for sure she would find in Bean Town.

  To her surprise, she was up and showered before eight the next morning, eager to be on her way. Something about this hotel invigorated her, whether it was the nicer setup or something else. She didn’t question it, just glad to be feeling a little more herself, even if her chest hurt with her heart’s effort to support the rest of her body.

  She drove around aimlessly for some time, exploring the town and looking at sights. Nothing stood out, and her stomach growled as she became frustrated. She pulled into a restaurant, tired of fast food and convenience store snacks after the drive up, and she fueled herself with a fresh salad, fried chicken and mashed potatoes with cream gravy, and southern style green beans. It gave her the sustenance she needed, and when she left, she was determined to success or to prove the kid in Austin wrong.

  She headed to Boston Harbor, the scene of the infamous Tea Party, and though there were historical markers and materials for tourists, she saw nothing special about the place. Maybe she was just jaded, too caught up in her own fantasy and reality to care so much about history, but she couldn’t find any joy or excitement at gazing out over a bit of water where ships pulled in and out.

  Her neck began to itch and then burn and she looked down as she reached to scratch it, her eyes going wide as she saw the chain around her neck glowing. At first, she thought it was her imagination, but it grew brighter and brighter, and the bits that sparkled changed colors, from blue to red to yellow and back to blue again. She recalled the Austin guy’s words; that the necklace would guide her, and though she couldn’t be sure, she had a gut instinct that she was close to where she needed to be.

  Testing her theory, she turned a slow circle, and the necklace dimmed until she faced to the right of where she’d started. Then, it flashed brighter, and she walked in that direction. The terrain was rocky and uneven as she left the tourist area where everything was paved, and traversing it took some time, but it wasn’t any harder than the dark woods she’d had to creep through. At least there was still a bit of light left, though the sun was sinking fast.

  Maggie came to a tall mound of rocks, and she turned to try to go back up off the embankment, hoping to find an easier way around, but the necklace stopped glowing entirely until she started to climb. It burned her skin as she topped the mound, and she couldn’t tell if that was a good or bad sign. Again, she turned a circle, and the chain led her down the pile and to her left, almost as if she was expected to crawl into the freezing water.

  But as she finally slid to the bottom, heaving for a good breath, she looked to her left, and the chain lit up in a swirling rainbow. Now, Maggie didn’t have to guide herself any longer. Her feet moved as if controlled by an outside source, and as her feet splashed in the edges of the water, she came to an opening in the giant rock wall, a dim light inside calling to her to enter.

  The cave began barely big enough for her to stand, but it widened, and the ceiling rose. She stared in wonder, the light seeming to come from nothing, and sudde
nly, she stood in front of a huge red door with gold script in a language she couldn’t read. As if it was a perfectly natural thing to do, she lifted her arm and used the heavy brass knocker to announce her presence.

  She waited forever, marveling at her own patience. Usually, she would have walked away after thirty seconds with no answer. But finally, after what felt like several minutes, she heard a creak, and the door opened. In front of her stood a man with silver hair hanging straight down his back, eyes that matched, and a stony expression on a debonair face. He looked no older than the kid who had sent her here, and considering he wore nothing but a pair of jeans, she nearly swallowed her tongue at his sexy appearance.

  The strange eyes and hair threw her off, but as his expression changed, it didn’t seem to matter. He stared at her like a long lost relative, and his eyes fell to her throat, where the necklace now shone a brilliant white, like a crystal, refracting the rainbow of colors so they danced on his face. “Celine?”

  Maggie wished she could say yes. Cautiously, she told him, “Not exactly. My name is Maggie. I assume this necklace belongs to you, or rather, it did belong to Celine.”

  “Where did you get this?” he asked, reaching out to touch it. The moment he did, the glow stopped, but a shock of electricity shot through Maggie’s system.

  A bit choked, she replied, “A vampire gave it to me.”

  Without another word, the warlock yanked her into his arms and combed delicate fingers through her hair. “I cannot believe the likeness,” he whispered, and his lips fell on hers. Maggie sensed the love he had for Celine instantly, and it raged through her system, filling her with the desire to give him everything he had missed for so long.

  He pulled away, his eyes swirling oddly, and Maggie was certain it was a sign of wonder and adoration. “Please, tell me your name,” he begged, and she wondered if he might bow at her feet.

  “My name is Maggie,” she told him, a bit breathless. “What’s yours?”

  “Cardew. In your language, it means ‘from the black fortress’, as this is from whence I came so many generations ago.” He gazed at her like a precious thing, and her heart squeezed. She hadn’t intended to come in contact with eternal love, but it stared her in the face. “Stay with me tonight,” he pleaded, and Maggie had no arguments. It was exactly the reason she’d come. How simple this had been!

  She nodded, and he swept her into his arms, carrying her through a dark interior, the only impression she got was of collections of ancient weapons and other antiques worth a fortune. But as he rounded a corner into a room with an enormous bed, one she knew had to be custom sized larger than a king, she caught a glimpse of the painting on the wall that must have been Celine.

  She gaped at it, recognizing herself in the image, and she wondered if she’d actually lived another life as Celine. But that train of thought left her mind as Cardew laid her back on the bed and snapped his fingers. Instantaneously, her clothes disappeared, as did his jeans, and she admired him from head to toe as his eyes drank her in. He was well formed, thick with plenty of length and already hard to the point she thought it might ache.

  He didn’t crawl over her, instead disappearing and reappearing over her in less than the blink of an eye, and his lips came down on hers again, searching and apparently finding what he was looking for. Maggie, too, found her reason for being here, and she reached to run her fingers through the silky mass of silver hair that hung like a curtain around his face. It felt like molten silver and gold flowing through her hands, and she reveled in the luxury of it.

  Cardew pulled away from her mouth, and she heard him uttering words she couldn’t understand. She stared at him in wonder, assuming those words were the same language as those written on the door, and as he finished, something snapped low in her belly. She flooded, her core pouring out her passion as she peaked without his even touching her. What unbelievable magic he held!

  As she rode the wave of pleasure, he continued chanting, peppering in kisses, licks, and nips over her body. It was as if he’d known her and was familiar with everything that drove her wild – taunting her with tiny nips of his teeth around her nipple, brushing his fingertips over her inner thigh but never touching her center, and even tickling his tongue on the backs of her knees.

  “Oh, Maggie, you embody her so thoroughly,” he moaned, sliding back up her body to her mouth as he caused another rocket of pleasure to launch inside her. She pulled him down so his body rested atop hers, no longer able to resist. She needed him to end the torment, to give her what she ached for before she lost consciousness under his ministrations. “Please, Cardew, give me everything!” she begged, and he kissed her with all the longing of centuries alone, the emotion he shared with her bodily almost too overwhelming to handle.

  Slowly, he entered her, hissing as he seemed to savor the moment, and as he pumped and thrust deeper in slow, rotating motions, Maggie’s eyes rolled back in her head, her body convulsing with back to back waves of ecstasy. She clung to him, wanting to feel his flesh slide against hers, the smell of his arousal inundating her. And she wanted to feel connected, as he felt connected to her.

  He never increased his speed, and whether by his magic or his natural ability, Cardew had Maggie screaming and whimpering with orgasms that never ceased. So caught up in her own pleasure was she that she almost couldn’t tell when he released, though his serene expression and stillness spoke volumes. He chanted again, and Maggie felt a flow of volcanic lava pour from her around him, coating him.

  He looked down at her with utter adoration. “Now that I have found you, I cannot let you go,” he breathed in utter contentment.

  Maggie wished she could fulfill that wish, but she knew better. She couldn’t even lie to him about it, knowing his magic would likely allow him to see right through it. Besides, she had to give an explanation as to why she was leaving, since she was only three encounters into her bucket list.

  “I’m sorry, Cardew, but I can’t stay with you. I have far too much left to do in life, and I’m dying. My time is already very short.”

  He frowned at her. “You cannot be dying. The Fates wouldn’t be so cruel as to take you away from me twice.”

  But Maggie shook her head. “It’s true, and I’m so very sorry.”

  He smiled down at her again, toying with her hair. “That is fine. I gave you immortality before. I can do it again. All you have to do is ask.”

  Maggie hesitated, thinking about that. Immortality. She could live forever, and enjoy this magical man until the end of time. But would it work with her heart condition? Could he heal her with his magic so that she could remain with him?

  She didn’t know what to do; it sounded too good to be true. At the same time, she’d made her peace with death, and Maggie wasn’t sure she was ready to accept the fact that she wouldn’t die. It was a choice she needed to make quickly, though, if she intended to make either option work.

  To Be Continued…

  Paranormal Traveler – The Complete Series

  A Night At Home

  Chapter One

  It was late September. Jasmine watched as her step-brother Julian, her step-father Jimmy, and her step-mother Leann gathered out on the porch. Julian was freshly eighteen. He was leaving for the military that evening. Jasmine wasn’t particularly sad to see him go. Julian was shy, quiet, and boring. Jasmine didn’t see how he’d fit in. She’d thought military guys were hot. Not scrawny, tall, dark haired guys with glasses. Jimmy and Leann though were beside themselves.

  Jimmy and Leann married when Jasmine was fifteen and Julian was thirteen. They’d been in love in high school. Separated for college. Married other people. Met up when Jasmine was ten. Started cheating on their partners with each other. Jasmine’s dad had divorced her mom when she was twelve. Julian’s mom had left when Jasmine was thirteen. Leann and Jimmy had moved them in together not long after. Jasmine felt like Julian and Jimmy still didn’t belong in her life. She tried though to accept them.

you going to come say goodbye to your brother?” Leann asked.

  “He’s not my real brother.” Jasmine snapped.

  “Just come and say goodbye.” Leann snapped back.

  Jasmine walked out on the porch.

  “Bye Julian. See you after boot camp.” She said.

  “I probably won’t come back until before Christmas next year.” Julian said.

  “See you then. I’m done here.” Jasmine said.

  She walked back in the house.

  In late November the next year just after Thanksgiving, Julian came home. Jasmine was sitting with her new boyfriend Daniel, mom, and step-dad in the living room when he arrived. When he arrived, Jasmine jaw dropped. Julian had somehow become gorgeous. He’d always been tall and tan sure. Now he had lean muscles, a nice haircut, and a big smile on his face. Jasmine’s heart skipped a beat. She reminded herself that was her step-brother.

  “Hey guys.” Julian said.

  Leann and Jimmy ran to hug him. Jasmine just sat there.

  “Who’s the guy?” Julian asked.

  “Julian this is my boyfriend Daniel. Daniel this is my step-brother Julian.” Jasmine said, staring at Julian.

  “Nice to meet you.” Daniel said, extending his hand.

  “You too.” Julian said, shaking it.

  “We’re going out tonight.” Jasmine said, grabbing Daniel’s hand and jumping to her feet.

  “Shouldn’t we stay here?” Daniel asked.

  “No it’s fine. Julian and his dad want to catch up. Bye.” Jasmine said, pulling Daniel out the door.

  Her heart was fluttering weirdly. She had to get out of there. Jasmine and Daniel went out to eat. She pushed Julian out of her mind.

  The next day, Jasmine got up around noon to fix her a bowl of cereal. Julian was sitting at the table alone.


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