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Fragile Reign (Mortal Enchantment Book 2)

Page 15

by Stacey O'Neale

  Any hope of getting the water court back to the high council meant bringing Brita back into the fold. No one in our court had seen her since the day the high council disbanded. All attempts to speak with her had been declined. But the fact that she came tonight was a good sign. Perhaps she was interested in the same things we were. If we could open up communication with her, maybe the three courts combined could help the fire court rid itself of Valac and unite them once more under one king—Rowan.

  I made my way through the center of the dance area. The current song was slow, making it easier to weave my way through the couples. Once I reached Brita, I bowed in respect. “You look extraordinary, Your Highness.”

  Brita nodded her head once. From inside my head, she said, “Good Evening, young Air Queen.”

  Air Queen. No matter how many times I imagined it—it never felt real. Maybe because I was considered so young in the mortal world, but here, I was an adult. “Oh, I’m not a queen just yet.”

  She smiled mischievously, like someone keeping a secret. “It has been your destiny since your birth. I saw it for myself the day you were born.”

  I was reminded of her ability to see the future. My purpose was to try to coax her into a conversation about the high council, but my curiosity got the best of me. “When you see my future, do you see me as an akasha?” I didn’t see the point in hiding anything from her. If she could see the future, it was likely she already knew.

  Brita placed her hands on either side of my head, thumbs over my temples. As she closed her eyes I felt a tinge of pain, almost like a tiny electric shock. She pulled her hands back making me wonder if she felt the tinge too. “Something is blocking my view. I see nothing when I glance into your future. All I see is blackness, but not death. It is something else. Something different.”

  Blackness? That was what I had been seeing for days. Every time I attempted to meditate, all I could see was nothingness. There was no power or even the slightest aura. It was as if all the elemental had been drained out of my body, leaving only my mortal half. “Could it have something to do with my abilities? I have been unable to use them or even connect with my aura. Do you think the two blockages are connected?”

  She bent down, her eyes piercing into mine. “For certain.”

  My heart beat rapidly. Enough that I could hear drumming in my ears. “Is there anything I can do to fix it?”

  “You must identify the cause of the block. Consult with Taron.” Brita pressed her lips into a thin, straight line. “Whatever is causing this is very powerful.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I waited at the beach, eager to see Kalin.

  The waters were calm without too much salty wind coming off the waves. As the sun set, the yellow and tangerine skies slowly melted into a light purple tinge. Soon the stars would be visible, the perfect scenery for a romantic evening. I didn’t have time to put together a picnic. After I left the caves of the eternal flame, I returned to my quarters only to shower and change clothes. Marcus tasked the hounds with interviewing all of the surrendering rogue elementals. He was sure one of them would be able to tell us where we could find Valac.

  When the battle began, I was surprised Selene wasn’t by his side. I replayed everything back in my mind. It was then that I realized I had not seen her at all. Would he keep her away, worried she might change sides? Or had he killed as I had feared? The thought sent a cold shiver down my spine. Selene had always been the mediator between us. We weren’t close, but we had our moments. I certainly wouldn’t wish for her death. But Valac wasn’t acting rational. It was absolutely possible he had made a reckless decision when dealing with her disloyalty.

  I heard a rustling behind me. I turned around, but there was nothing there. The anticipation of Kalin’s arrival was eating away at me. There was so much I had to tell her. I couldn’t wait to see her face when she saw my new wings. As the first hour rolled past, my excitement shifted to concern. Was she running late? I thought for sure she would have sent a message if she couldn’t make it. Or even send one of her knights. It wasn’t like her not to show up. Each passing hour made the intensity of my restlessness grow. After the skies had turned pitch dark, I finally gave up.

  Kalin wasn’t coming.

  There was a chance she had sent a message to the fire court. That was where I told her I would be. I decided to return to the castle and check before I took a pathway to the air territory. Last thing I wanted to do was barge in and make a scene for no reason. My temper has been known to get the best of me where she was concerned. But at this point, I had no reason to fear something bad had happened. For all I knew, she could have been exhausted and had fallen asleep. Even as I convinced myself there was no need for concern, something brewed deep in my gut. An inkling that I needed to return to my court.

  The portal opened at the entrance of the fire court castle. I had just entered the main foyer when Marcus came barreling down the hallway. By the time he reached me, I noticed he was panting. “I’ve been looking all over for you.” Marcus said, out of breath. He handed me a thin piece of yellow gold the size of a piece of paper. “This came from Orion.”

  I hadn’t heard from Orion since he healed Marcus. It was an invitation. I read the engraving. The fire court had been invited to an engagement party. A party for Kalin and Sebastian. Anger coiled in my chest. Kalin told me the engagement meant nothing. An elaborate ruse to keep the council happy while she attempted to study the akasha journals. Then Marcus came home to tell me she had set an actual date to marry this asshat. And now, I had an invitation to their engagement party.

  Through clenched teeth, I said, “He sent me an invitation.”

  “Invitation to what?” Marcus asked, worry creased across his forehead.

  What was I supposed to believe? Her relationship with Sebastian seemed to be escalating. Had something changed? Did the pressure from the council force her to change her mind? Had this piece of shit—whatever his name was—get into her head? Was he the reason Kalin didn’t show up for our date? Ever since she first mentioned him, I had a bad feeling. And since then, the feeling had only gotten worse. My hands ignited into flame, melting the gold to liquid splattering on the floor.

  I shook my head, still not accepting what I was about to say. “Orion is throwing an engagement party for Kalin and Sebastian. Apparently, she’s moving forward with the marriage.”

  Marcus backed up a few paces, taking a long look at me. “Okay, you’re looking all kinds of evil right now. I’m not sure what you’re thinking, but whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not good.”

  I had to see for myself. If she was going to marry this air elemental, I needed her to tell me to my face. “Get dressed into your nicest suit. We’re going to a party.”

  “Oh, no. You can’t just show up there. This is a really bad idea.” Marcus ran his fingers nervously through his hair.

  “You worry too much, Marcus.” I pointed to the puddle of gold at my feet. “We were invited to come. They’ll be delighted to see the new king of the fire court.”

  Marcus cringed. “And what are you planning to do once we get there?”

  I smirked. “I plan to congratulate the happy couple.”

  Chapter Twenty


  “It’s all taken care of.” Bash said, returning from a talk with one of the air court knights. “Rowan has received the message from you.”

  Relief washed over my shoulders. I was so worried that Rowan would be waiting at the beach for me. Once this party is over, I plan to send a message to him to reschedule another time to meet. When we’re alone, I will explain everything to him. Maybe then I can make him see what a good guy Bash really is. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate you doing that for me.”

  “It was no trouble at all.” Bash glanced at the dancing couples. “Care to see some of my moves?”

  After all he had done for me, how could I say no? “Of course.” He held out his hand and I took it. We made our way t
o the dance floor as a new song started. The tempo was slow. Bash gently tugged on my arm, pulling me into his body. His hands curled around my waist, alerting all of my senses. I locked my arms around his neck as we began to sway to the beat. “I have to warn you, I’m not that good.”

  “Don’t worry,” he responded, somehow managing to pull us even closer. “I’ll be happy to take the lead.”

  We danced together for the next couple of songs. We talked while we swayed to the music. He even managed to make me laugh a few times. I had really grown to like him over the last several days. But as much as he tried to keep my attention, Bash wasn’t my real focus. As we glided over the dance floor, I watched my parents work the crowd. They had spoken with many of the members of the high council. I couldn’t tell from here, but their body language suggested their interaction was positive.

  When I wasn’t trying to read my parents lips, I thought about my conversation with Brita. She was definitely spooked when she couldn’t see my future, which of course made my panic mode go into over-drive. I had to find out what was blocking my power. As much as I didn’t want to burden my father, I knew it was time to let him in on my secret. I hoped something similar had happened to him and he could tell me how to turn my powers back on. Maybe then I could finally discover the mystery of the akasha journals. That would solve all of my problems.

  The music stopped abruptly.

  I turned my head the same direction as the crowd. At the end of the dance floor, a set of steps led to a stage. Orion stood between two parted forest-green curtains with his wife Marlena at his side. “Good evening everyone,” Orion said. “I am so pleased to see so many here tonight. We have elementals from all four courts present. Marlena and I would like to thank everyone for coming to celebrate such a joyous occasion.” Marlena seemed to be searching through the crowd. When she spotted us, she waved as if she wanted us to come up onto the stage. She pointed us out to Orion. “Kalin and Sebastian, please join us.”

  Bash placed his hand on my lower back, urging me forward. My legs were numb even as I was moving through the crowd. It felt as if I were gliding. The closer I got to the stage, the more my stomach twisted into knots. Not only was I about to lie again to Orion and Marlena, but now I had a room full of elementals from each court. When the truth comes out, I only imagined the added damage this would do. My palms started to sweat.

  As we stood next to the king and queen, Bash came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. It felt too intimate. Uncomfortable even. I couldn’t help wondering how Rowan would feel if he saw us standing up here like this. I was so relieved to know he got my message and there was no chance he would be here. Bash startled me once more when he rested his head on my shoulder. I had the urge to wiggle out of there, but a move like that would confuse the audience who expected us to be a happily engaged couple.

  Orion spoke to the crowd. “I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see you both so much in love. Witnessing your union reminds us all of the unity we share as elementals. Nothing is more important than the balance of our four elements—”

  “I couldn’t agree with your more, King Orion.” Bash said, interrupting Orion’s speech. He released me from his hold, instead putting his arm around my shoulders. “Once Kalin and I sit on the throne, reuniting our elements will be our highest priority. We must end the tension between our courts. I sincerely hope tonight is the start of a new age for all elementals. A time of peace.”

  The crowd cheered.

  I stood frozen with an awkward smile. Where was Bash coming from? He knew our union wasn’t real, yet he was announcing his plans as if he were moments away from ascending to the throne. Was Rowan right all along? Did Bash always have an ulterior motive? I attempted to pull away from him, but he tightened his grip. I tried to remind myself I had to put on a show, but he was really starting to piss me off. My eyes searched the crowd. The audience seemed to be enamored with him. Bash certainly had a way with words.

  “But first,” Bash said, pulling me around to face him. “I get to marry the love of my life. And that is far better than any throne or anything else this world has to offer.”

  “What are you doing,” I whispered. “What’s come over—?”

  Bash’s lips crashed into mine. His hand gripped the back of my neck, making it impossible to pull away. It wasn’t a pleasant kiss. His lips were hard, pressing into mine until I opened my mouth. A second later, his tongue plunged inside of my mouth. Each time I tried to use my hands to push his away, he fisted my hair tighter. I had never felt so violated in my life. As the crowd roared with excitement, I wasn’t sure what I wanted more: to scream or cry.

  When he finally released me, Sebastian said, “Next time, go along with it and I won’t have to make it uncomfortable for you.”

  Anger bubbled in my chest as I continued to play along, smiling and waving at elementals who congratulated us. We stepped behind the curtain, no longer in view of the crowd. My hand was still inside his—in a death grip— as he led me down a back staircase. When I was sure we were alone, I said, “There won’t be a next time.”

  “Oh yes, there will be.” Sebastian pushed me against a wall. With his hands on either side of my shoulders, he kept me from escaping. “Your father is weak and your power may never return. Do you know what that means?”

  I opened my mouth.

  He put one of his hands over the top of my lips, muffling my intended response. “It means you’re screwed without me. I’m the one with the power here. You will marry me now or I will walk away. You stand to lose everything. Do you think your father will survive without the additional power that the throne provides your house? Not likely.”

  I bit his palm, forcing him to pull his hand back. Even though I was hearing the words, it was hard to believe this was the same person I thought I had come to know. “Everything you said about wanting to help me, was that all a lie? Is this who you really are?”

  I tried to wiggle free.

  Sebastian pressed his body weight into me, making it impossible to move. “You just don’t get it, do you? I’ve spent my life preparing to rule our court. Do you really think I’d walk away from all of that just because you have feelings for that traitor to the fire court? No way. I will rule.” He said, running his finger over the top of my cleavage. “And you will rule at my side.”

  My blood burned in my veins. Everything about him was a lie. All this time he was using me as a pawn. He was only positioning himself within our court. And all along, he planned to blackmail me into marriage. “You disgust me. I will never marry you.”

  “You will, pretty Princess.” Sebastian pressed his lips into mine, even harder than the last time. “Fight it all you want, but I’m the only choice you have.”

  “Well, isn’t this special?” A familiar male voice said, turning Sebastian around. His movement made it possible for me to get away from him. When I finally escaped, I could see who the voice belonged to.

  It was Rowan, standing next to Marcus in his animal form.

  I stepped forward, but Sebastian clasped his hand tightly around my wrist. Marcus growled. Sebastian leaned in close to my ear, and said, “Before you do anything stupid, remember what I said. You will lose everything if I walk away. The council will never support you alone on the throne.”

  “You don’t know that.” My father has allies on the council. Surely they would support me. Then I thought about Samson. He would fight me every step of the way. How many council votes did he have in his pocket? And would Jaya support me if I didn’t marry her son? I wondered if she had been part of Sebastian’s plan all along.

  Sebastian nestled his nose against my earlobe, making me want to vomit. “Are you willing to risk your father’s life to find out?” he asked, voice sweet as honey.

  His words sent a cold chill down my spine. Within each court, all members of the royal and high-ranking families received the most power. The remaining elementals obtained a small fraction in comparison. I had not considered that the
additional power was responsible for Dad’s survival. If we lost the throne, would the remaining iron in his system kill him? No, I wouldn’t gamble on my father’s life. I wanted to kill Sebastian, but all that would do was endanger my father. I needed more time to come up with a strategy. As sick as it made me, I stepped behind Sebastian and said nothing to Rowan.

  Sebastian let go of my wrist, and said, “That’s a good girl.”

  Rowan’s face was full of disgust. His words came out like venom. “After I heard you set a date, I didn’t want to believe it. I was even willing to accept that the kiss on stage was for show. But here you are, making out with no one around. I guess it’s all true.”

  Tears welled in my eyes. Rowan wasn’t supposed to be here. Sebastian had lied about sending him a message. Everything inside of me desperately wanted to run to Rowan. To explain everything to him, tell him how sorry I was for not believing him when he warned me about Sebastian. I should have trusted his instincts. Now I had no choice. I needed Sebastian until I could discover what was blocking my power. Meanwhile, I watched in horror as Rowan’s heart broke right in front of me.

  “I’m sorry you had to find out this way, Rowan. It certainly wasn’t my choice.” Sebastian ran his knuckles across the side of my cheek. Bile rose into my throat. “But yes, we have fallen madly in love. The sooner we marry, the better. Isn’t that right, Kalin?”

  Rowan’s eyes settled on me. As his stare bore into me, I could see the hurt he was trying to hide. Knowing I caused him such pain was like getting stabbed in the chest. “Is it true, Kalin? Is this how you really feel? Because if it’s not, I will gladly separate his head from his body. All you have to do is contradict it.”

  I wanted nothing more than to reveal the truth. Rowan was all that I ever wanted. The one I had fallen in love with. I would have been beyond happy to call Sebastian out on his lies. And I would have enjoyed every second of watching Rowan slice him in two. But I was stuck in the web that I had built. I told Sebastian all about my father’s health and my inability to use my powers. I handed him all the ammunition he needed to turn the council against me. Now the only hope I had was to regain my power somehow, but for that, I needed more time.


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