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Fragile Reign (Mortal Enchantment Book 2)

Page 16

by Stacey O'Neale

  I lowered my head, ripping my own heart apart. “I’m sorry.”

  It was all I could manage to say without bursting into tears.

  Marcus whimpered.

  “I believe you have your answer, Rowan.” Sebastian said, smiling like a Cheshire cat. “I do hope you will hold no ill will toward our court. It is my fondest wish to reunite the high court. I expect you will represent the fire court. After all, you are the new king.”

  Joy radiated through me. Rowan was the new king. He had succeeded. I didn’t know how Sebastian knew that, but I was sure it was true. I glanced up at Rowan, but he quickly turned away. The small bit of enjoyment faded, replaced by an ache in the center of my chest. How could I have done this to him? How could I have let things get so bad? I never felt as horrible as I did in this moment. All of this was fully and completely my fault.

  “When you are ready to reunite the high council, the fire court will be there.” Rowan said, voice colder than I had ever heard before.

  “That’s wonderful news,” Sebastian said. “King Taron will be most pleased to hear this.”

  Rowan turned to leave and I gasped. He had wings. Beautiful black feathers with flecks of gold when they caught the light. He must have been so happy to be able to fly once more. Had this happened when he became king? I had the sudden urge to run to him, throw my arms around his neck. “Rowan, your wings.” I said, unable to hold back the excitement in my tone.

  But I quickly remembered where things stood now between us.

  Marcus watched Rowan. Apparently, he was just as eager to see his response as I was.

  Rowan looked over his shoulder at me for only a brief second, but said nothing. Then he was gone. Marcus lowered his head, following Rowan as he left. Rowan had given up on us because he thought I had given up on him. Even if I found some way to awaken my power, I wasn’t sure he would ever forgive me. Suddenly, every breath I took sickened me. I was overcome by a carnival of emotions. I wanted to scream and cry and vomit. I wanted to claw Sebastian’s eyes out. I wanted to wrap my hands around his neck and strangle him.

  Instead, I dropped to my knees.

  Sebastian bent next to me. He put his finger under my chin, tilting my head until our eyes leveled. I swatted his hand away. “Easy now, Princess.”

  “You haven’t won yet.” I snarled, fists clenched at my sides.

  “Now don’t get any ideas in that pretty little head of yours. This arrangement we’ve made stays between us. If I suspect you’ve told anyone, I will alert the council to your father’s health and your inability to use your power. As a matter of fact,” he said, twisting one of my curls around his finger, “you should be happy I’m allowing you to share the throne with me. I may end up insisting you thank me for it. After all, I am saving your father’s life.”

  His eyes travelled to my chest and lower. It was very clear what kind of gratitude he had in mind. “You are an evil little shit. I swear, I—”

  Sebastian pulled me into another kiss before I could push him away. “I do love the taste of your lips.” He stood, holding out his hand as if he fully expected me to take it. “Now be a good girl and pull yourself together. Our guests are waiting for us.”

  I glanced up at him in total astonishment. “Do you really think I’m going to go out there with you?”

  “I don’t think anything. I know it. I’ve made my position clear.” Grabbing my arm, he forcefully pulled me to my feet. “You will go out there and behave as if you are the happiest elemental that ever lived. You will go back to your castle and you will prepare for our upcoming nuptials. And when I say so, you will marry me.”

  There was nothing left for me to do. I had to follow his commands until I found a way to get myself out of this. I let him tuck my arm into his as we returned to the ballroom. We passed couples as they laughed and danced. I gave my best fake smile as we made our way through the crowd. Surrounded by hundreds, I never felt so alone in my life. I had been locked inside an invisible cage.

  I couldn’t scream.

  I couldn’t fight back.

  He had won this battle. But the war had just begun.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I need to clear my head.

  Away from my court.

  Away from everyone.

  I took a portal to the beach—the last place I had spent time with Kalin. Nothing about the last several hours made any kind of sense to me. I walked aimlessly down the sandy beach as I tried to unravel the confusion in my head. Dark skies made it difficult to see much of anything in front of me. The only illumination came from the full moon. In this dimmed light, I could make out the outline of the veil protecting Avalon. It sparkled like the stars in the sky.

  My thoughts quickly shifted back to the engagement party. Kalin just stood there at his side and didn’t say a word. She didn’t even bother to answer my question. Did she feel nothing when she saw me? Did she even care how I felt? This wasn’t the Kalin I had come to know. The brave girl I had trained. The girl who saved her father against all odds. The girl who fought viciously for her court. It was a nightmare. Unfortunately, my nightmare was also my reality. Kalin chose Sebastian over me.

  Over us.

  But maybe it was for the best. Sebastian was an air elemental and her betrothed. Clearly, Taron had picked him for Kalin for a reason. He must have thought Sebastian was right for her. I doubted that I could ever measure up against him. My family could be its own supernatural reality television show. Not to mention, my stepbrother was behind all of the problems we’ve had to deal with. Plus, I was the prince who refused his own crown. Of course it was to protect Kalin, but most elementals didn’t know the real story. They just saw me as an untrustworthy outsider. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if many thought I was secretly leading the rogue fire elementals.

  None of that screamed perfect son-in-law material.

  “Rowan,” a voice shouted out.

  I unsheathed my sword as I turned around. Out of the shadows, Marcus appeared. I growled. “I thought I told you I wanted to be alone?”

  Marcus crossed his arms. “I thought I told you that wasn’t going to happen.”

  I returned my weapon to its sheath. “What do you want, Marcus?”

  He pointed over his shoulder. “I want you to go back and fix that mess you just left.”

  “Me?” My eyes widened with shock. That was definitely not the response I was expecting. “You saw what happened back there.”

  Marcus rolled his eyes. “Sebastian is lying.”

  I lowered my head. “She made her choice.”

  He shook his head with disgust. “That’s complete bullshit and you know it.”

  I really wasn’t interested in rehashing the event. As far as I was concerned, Kalin made her feelings known. “She had every opportunity to contradict him, but she stood there silent.”


  “Exactly what?” I said, irritated.

  He put his hand on my shoulder. “She said nothing. That doesn’t mean she agreed with him. Didn’t you see the way he grabbed her wrist? I don’t think it’s a matter of wanting to say something. I’m guessing she couldn’t say something. Think about it.”

  Marcus was right about one thing: Kalin didn’t agree with Sebastian.

  And when I tried to get her to explain herself, all she did was apologize.

  The last time we were alone, Kalin told me about an argument she had with members of the council. Some of them wanted to replace her father with another healthier elemental. The same members who pushed for his removal did not support Kalin as his successor. There was pressure mounting for her to marry to strengthen her position in the court. Had the pressure from the council gotten to her? Had she felt she had been backed into a corner without any other options?

  I replayed the event in my mind.

  During our conversation, Sebastian was the one doing all of the talking. They had been alone when I found them. I had assumed they were kissing�
��but thinking about it now with a clear head—I really wasn’t close enough to say for sure. For all I knew, they were just talking. Or, maybe he was warning her. When Kalin first saw me, she motioned as if she were about to come toward me. I could tell she had something she wanted to say. But she froze when Sebastian whispered something to her. All the emotion faded from her face. Had he threatened her?

  Rage roared in my chest.

  Why hadn’t I thought of this before? I never should have left her alone with him. All the signs were there. Subtle, but there. I just chose to ignore them, instead believing the load of crap he fed me. That arrogant piece of shit. Fire burned from the tips of my fingers. I had to take a few deep breaths to calm down. I knew I didn’t like that asshat from the beginning. There was no real proof to support my belief—yet—but I sensed he shouldn’t be trusted. He said all the right things, but it didn’t come off as sincere. I ran my hands over my face, screaming into my palms.

  I should’ve sliced into him when I had the chance. “I’m really going to enjoy killing him.”

  When I reached back for my sword, Marcus clasped his hand around my wrist. “I share your sentiments, but you have to be smart about this. If Sebastian has threatened Kalin in some way, we don’t want to expose whatever she’s afraid of.”

  “I have to find a way to get Kalin alone.” I said, rubbing my finger over the silver bar in my eyebrow. It was the only way I could truly find out if Sebastian was blackmailing her. But how? It’s not like I could just walk into the air court inconspicuously. Taron had her followed by knights no matter where she went. And if Sebastian had threatened her, he would surely be monitoring her every move. I thought about trying to sneak in, but quickly dropped the idea. If they didn’t recognize me, they would probably assume I was one of the rogue fire elementals looking to harm the royal family. They would attack me on the spot.

  Yeah, I was sure that would go over well.

  “I’ll get a message to Kalin.” Marcus said. “There’s a hidden tunnel at the bottom of the mountain with a passageway to the castle. Most air elementals don’t know it exists. That’s how I get to Ariel’s quarters unseen. I’ll go there now. Ariel can find Kalin and bring her to us.”

  Of course! Ariel was the answer. She could easily get to Kalin. No one in the air court had more access to Kalin than her. A tiny ping of hope lessened the intense ache in the pit of my stomach. I had a way to get to her, but would she see me? A wave of doubt washed over me. As much as I hated to admit it, I still had to consider that Kalin may have fallen in love with Sebastian. All of this could end up being for nothing. “And then we’ll find out the truth. Whatever it is.”

  Marcus cupped his hands over my shoulders. “We already know the truth. We just need to give Kalin a chance to tell it. Have a little faith.”

  Feeling insecure about anything was something new for me. I had spent years honing my fighting skills and mastering my fire magic, but I rarely opened up to anyone. My family drama had made me closed off and untrusting. Marcus had always been the one person I could count on. The only person I let in. That was until Kalin came into my life. I certainly didn’t make it easy for her, but I eventually let her in. I ran my fingers through my hair, letting out an exaggerated breath. I had to let go of the insecurities I was feeling and focus on the relationship we had built. “You’re right. Find Ariel and have them meet us here tomorrow night at sundown. Kalin knows the spot. She’s met me there before.”

  Marcus nodded.

  I refuse to give her up.

  I refuse to believe she has given up on me.

  And I will destroy anyone or anything that tries to harm her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  What a fool I was letting Sebastian get so close—believing all his lies. How could I have been so stupid? He had trained his entire life to be a king. Of course he would never just give up on all the power and prestige that comes with the crown. And now, he had total control. He could take everything away from me and my family. With the elements out of balance the council feared for the future of our court. If Sebastian told the council the truth about my father’s weakness, and my inability to use my power, they would vote to remove us.

  And without the power of the royal court, my father would die.

  Oh, and Sebastian relished every moment of it. He forced me to remain at the ball for several hours, never leaving my side. I spent the night trying to keep his wandering hands above my waist each time he forced me to kiss him. Always in public, so I couldn’t deny him. Ariel had tried to talk to me, but Sebastian insisted that I push her away. My mother must have sensed my pain because she watched me the entire night—her eyes filled with worry. I tried to smile, but she knew me too well. I had no doubt she could see right through it. But again, Sebastian managed to keep her away. Telling my parents that it was important that we mingle with our party guests.

  It was as if I was the puppet and he was holding all my strings.

  Sebastian even insisted on escorting me to my room, forcing me to dismiss my guards once we reached my quarters. As soon as they were out of sight, he cornered me into a wall. His voice was low as he gave me instructions. “You are not allowed to talk to anyone without me being present. I have elementals who are loyal to me, watching your every move.” He ran his index finger across the bodice of my strapless dress, making a point to skim over the top of my cleavage. He was testing me, daring me to push him away. I stood motionless without any expression on my face. His touch disgusted me. “If I suspect anything, I will immediately go to the council and tell them all of your dirty little secrets.”

  “I get it, all right?” I reached for the knob on my bedroom door, quickly turning it. The entryway creaked open.

  Before I could step inside, he cupped my face and forced another kiss. His lips were hard, his movement rough. It felt more like an attack than anything even close to resembling romance. And there was nothing I could do but let him. He let out an animal-like growl as his hands ran down the sides of my body, settling at the lower end of my spine. Then he released me from his kiss. Letting our foreheads touch, he said, “You look incredible tonight, my Princess. I can only imagine what you have hiding under your gown. If I had not been raised with the royal traditions in mind, I would take you right here.”

  I had to play it cool. The last thing I wanted was to be forced to lose my virginity to him tonight. The thought brought a rush of tears to my eyes. But no. I held them back. I wouldn’t let him see how his words affected me. “I’m glad you are as traditional as I am.”

  “So you never gave yourself to that mongrel from the fire court?” He let out a noise that sounded like a mix between a hum and a moan. “You’re completely pure. Wonderful.”

  I put my fist to my mouth letting out a fake yawn. “I am really tired. If you don’t mind, I’d like to get some sleep.”

  Sebastian backed up a step, giving me some much needed space. “Of course. You’ll need to get your rest for tomorrow.”

  My eyebrows knit together. “Tomorrow? I don’t have any plans for tomorrow?”

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you the great news.” A wicked grin grew across his lips. “We are getting married tomorrow at sundown.”


  “I simply cannot wait another day. I’ve pushed everything up to tomorrow.” He kissed my hand. “Sleep well, my Princess.”

  Sleep was not my friend. I tossed and turned in bed all night. Even after I drank several glasses of the wine someone brought to my room, I couldn’t stop thinking about my impending marriage. This was really happening. I had no choice. I was going to marry Sebastian. Each time I closed my eyes, I could feel his touch on my skin. I could hear the vile things he whispered to me. All the things he wanted to do with me once I was his.

  It was too much.

  Bile raced up my throat.

  I reached the toilet only a second before I vomited.

  Once I cleaned myself up, I made my way to the window. The
sun had just risen in the skies. Puffy clouds surrounded the castle with flecks of blue peeking through every crevice. I sat there for hours curled in my comforter. I couldn’t stop the images flashing in my head. Rowan, his face full of anguish as he turned to walk away from me. The hurt in his eyes. The anger in his enflamed fists. How would he react when he found out I was getting married today? I wished for a way to reach him. One more chance to tell him the truth without endangering my family. I burst into tears. I couldn’t be strong anymore. Sebastian had drained all of the hope out of me.

  A tiny scratching noise broke me from my thoughts.

  I wiped away the tears with the sleeve of my cotton nightgown as I tried to follow the sound. It only took me a second to realize it was coming from my bedroom door. When I opened it, I discovered Ariel outside with a finger over her lips. I nodded, pulling her inside. The moment the door clicked, I threw my arms around her neck. She hugged me tightly, wordlessly, letting me know she was there for me.

  “I heard the news. Is it true?” She asked.

  Sebastian must have made an announcement about our wedding being moved up to today. “It’s not what I want, but I have no choice. He threatened my family.”

  Ariel eyes widened. “What could he possibly have to threaten you with?”

  Then I realized I hadn’t told her about my power problems. I hadn’t told anyone except Sebastian. Even Rowan didn’t know I had completely lost my power. “I had confided in him about my father and the issues with my own power. Put it this way, he has enough information to cause me a lot of problems with the council.”

  Her voice was so low, I had to read her lips. “Well, maybe I can help.”


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