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In the Absence of Monsters

Page 12

by Jp Barnaby

  We started driving through the garage. On the next level down, as Master Ethan rubbed my inner thigh softly, I happened to look out the window and saw my parents talking to Kim and Josh near their car. My father looked up and our eyes locked for just a second before I looked away. I was bound and exposed in the car; I couldn’t exactly roll down the window and have a conversation with him. When I looked back, he was in a heated discussion with Kimberly. I was sure I was going to hear about that later.

  As we drove into the sunlight outside of the garage, Ethan turned his head slightly and told Lexi to play with my nipples through my shirt. I didn’t even try to hold back my response as I dropped my head back to the head rest and moaned aloud. As I strained, the handcuffs made soft clinking noises against the metal posts of the headrest. For the next three miles, she pinched, pulled and rolled my nipples. I was gently rubbing my hips against the seat when Master Ethan’s hand moved from my thigh to my zipper and I felt him slide one finger into my pants and trace the contours of my swollen cock. I whimpered and bucked my hips up against his hand. Chuckling, he withdrew it, saying we were almost home. Thank God…I wanted to come so fucking bad.

  Before we got out of the car, he released my hands and I very carefully zipped up my pants. I didn’t bother redoing my shirt. As I reached the porch, Master Ethan called out, “Go up to the room, now.” I could have cried out in joy. Lexi and I ran up to the second floor and shed our clothing, not even bothering to hang or even fold them. We were in position when he entered the room nude about five minutes later.

  Master Ethan nude was truly a sight to behold. I had never been attracted to a man before I met Ethan, but he was absolutely beautiful. My glimpse from that one session did not do him justice and I couldn’t help but stare at him. Smiling down at us, he told us to stand and I saw him set the remotes down on a nearby table. Then he removed our harnesses, but left the plugs in, telling us to go lie down on the mats right next to each other. The thought of him taking me on the mat again made me shiver, but I followed Lexi and we carefully lay next to each other on our backs as he instructed. I felt the plug pushing into me as my ass touched the cool mat. Fuck, I needed to come.

  Master Ethan stood a few feet away, just watching us squirm on the mat as he turned both plugs on. “I want you to make yourselves come for me. You are too aroused to be able to control yourselves and you are of no use to me without that control,” he said sternly. I hesitated for just a moment before reaching down and wrapping my hand around my aching cock, when I heard Lexi whimper beside me and I knew she had her fingers inside, stroking herself. Both of us were writhing on the floor beneath Master Ethan’s gaze, performing for him. I watched him kneel down by our feet and grab Lexi’s ankle, lifting her leg to lay it over mine, spreading her legs wide as he watched her rubbing herself furiously. Even though I couldn’t see, her sounds made me frantic. Then, her hips came up to meet her hands and she began fucking herself in earnest. That did it for me and I closed my eyes tightly and pumped my cock hard. I was done with the playing and the teasing. I wanted to fucking come.

  Lexi’s orgasm hit first and she cried out desperately as her back arched and her fingers flew. That sound, that wildly free and untamed cry of passion ignited in my groin and everything exploded. Colored lights flashed in front of my closed eyes, my body was on fire and I felt my semen spraying over my stomach, not recognizing the sounds that were ripped from me, only my desperate whimpers as it all started to subside. It was a good thing I was already on the floor because my arms and legs dropped to the mat as I finished utterly spent.

  My eyes opened as I heard the sound above me and when I looked up, I saw Master Ethan’s hand flying quickly over his cock, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. It never occurred to me that he would join us in our little masturbatory escapade. Fascinated, I watched as his head dropped back and he groaned loudly and I wished I knew what he was thinking about. Oddly, I found I was slightly jealous of the thought of him using Lexi’s image to masturbate, it unnerved me that I hoped he thought about me. A spatter of something warm on my chest brought me from my thoughts. Master Ethan grunted in time with his pumping hand as he came first on my chest, then on Lexi’s. It was wickedly depraved and exciting to me, so much so, that without asking, I rolled over and quickly licked his semen off Lexi’s breasts. She moaned and then so did he. I looked up, hoping that this didn’t displease him, and when he smiled at me, I exhaled the breath I had been holding.

  “Now, I’m sure your parents want to take you out tonight Jayden, so you should go get ready. You can take the plug out when you get in the shower. I’m taking Lexi out tonight as well.” He smiled down at her and she returned his smile. Then we all left the room together, completely devoid of any clothing, to get ready for our respective evenings.

  Since it wasn’t raining, I took my bike and met my parents at a local high-end restaurant; it was just like them to choose the most expensive place around, they just wanted to be seen. That was why I had refused their help for school. I wasn’t like them; their money wasn’t important. I just wanted to live my life on my own terms. My mother’s disapproving glare greeted me as I threw the kickstand. The dislike for my bike was something she did not hide; she said it made me look like a common hoodlum. I grinned to myself as I walked over to them. My mother kissed my cheek as I hugged her, but I noticed my father didn’t meet my eye as we shook hands. It unnerved me.

  Dinner was relatively uneventful; mostly talk about my plans for grad school and about my new living arrangements. My father, normally in control of every situation, spent the time glancing around nervously, like he was at dinner with a mistress. He was social when called upon to be so, but his behavior was just odd. My mother was her normal cheerful self and that made me feel a bit better. They wanted to hear about Lexi, my mother’s disappointment obvious when I told them that we were just friends. Thankfully, the two topics I wanted to avoid, Ethan and Kimberly, were not discussed. Although, I found it odd that they didn’t ask me why Kimberly and I were fighting. Finally, the check came and I could escape the awkward evening. Just before I turned to go, my mother hugged me once more and shoved an envelope into my hand. I looked at her questioningly, but she just told me that she loved me and they would see me soon, so I shrugged and threw the envelope in my inner jacket pocket before getting on my bike.

  Ethan and Lexi weren’t back from their dinner when I got home. Thinking about that afternoon’s session, I smiled. It had been so hot listening to Lexi and I hoped Ethan would want to have another session when they got back. I went into my bedroom and took off my shoes. The envelope my mother had given me caught on my shirt when I pulled my jacket off; I’d nearly forgotten it. Sighing, I pulled it out and ripped it open. There was a check and a short note from my parents.


  We know that you are in trouble. We had a long talk with Kimberly. Please don’t be angry with her, she was only trying to help you because she loves you. Please accept this help with your education and other expenses. We love you so much and just want for you to be happy.

  - Mom & Dad

  I looked at the check for one hundred thousand dollars. The check and the note trembled in my hands as I thought about the implications. My father didn’t meet my eye at the restaurant, my father and Kimberly had a heated discussion in the parking garage. Oh God, she had told them about her suspicions. That’s why they were giving me money; they think I’m fucking guys for the rent. Oh Jesus, my mother thinks I’m a prostitute. How the hell can I tell her the truth? The letter and the check fluttered to the floor as I picked up the first thing my hands came across on my desk. I threw a book with as much force as I could against the far wall. The rage and adrenaline coursed through my veins as I grabbed my desk lamp and hurled it, watching it explode as it slammed into the drywall.

  I was halfway through destroying my room when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Violently, I shrugged it off and pulled my bookshelves over, everything slamming to the flo
or. In the next instant, I felt steel bands wrap around my arms and chest. I struggled ferociously, but they held firm. Then, I heard Ethan’s voice in my ear, telling me that it would be okay, that we would figure it out, begging me to calm down. I continued in a futile struggle until I watched Lexi pick up the letter. I stopped moving and Ethan sank with me to the floor as I put my head in my hands.

  It took days for me to put my bedroom back together. However, it took me much less time to drop the check into a fresh envelope and pen a response to my parents. It took nearly as little time to pen one for my dear sister as well; I would never forgive Kimberly for what she had done.

  But it broke my heart so much more that Lexi would be leaving for New York the next day. I couldn’t stand my life falling apart anymore.

  Chapter Nine

  Rising early, I wanted to take a shower before driving Lexi to the airport. As I stood under the spray, I listened to the piano music coming from upstairs. Every so often, I would hear a few missed notes. Ethan was playing and he was upset. I went downstairs and thought about breakfast, but couldn’t make myself eat anything. Instead, I sat at the breakfast bar, playing with a glass of juice until it was time to pick up Lexi. Briefly, I considered not going. Then she’d have to stay – but all that would do was complicate an already awful day. I headed out to my truck and made the short drive to her house.

  When I arrived, she was standing out front with only her carry-on bag, as everything else had already been shipped to her new apartment. I got out of the truck and took it from her without a word, putting it behind her seat while she climbed up into the cab. I closed her door with a heavy heart. The drive to the airport was quiet; neither of us seemed to want to talk about the elephant in the cab. She reached over and held my hand, a simple gesture, but it helped the sadness that was gripping me.

  I parked the truck in short term parking and grabbed her bag from behind the seat. Carrying it for her, I walked her through to the security checkpoint. I wasn’t allowed past this point, so this would be the scene of our farewell. I set her bag down between my feet and wrapped my arms around her waist. She smiled up at me, wrapping her arms around my neck. To any passersby, we would look like a normal couple saying a temporary goodbye. How I wished that were true.

  “I’m going to miss you, Lexi – so much,” I whispered into her neck as she held me to her.

  “I’m going to miss you too, Jayden,” she murmured and squeezed just that much tighter. I pulled back slightly and dipped my head down bringing my lips to hers. The kiss started softly, but quickly deepened and I felt my heart clench painfully as her lush lips responded to mine. I couldn’t be sure, but it felt like she was kissing me with the same intensity, the same desperation, that I was using to kiss her. Suddenly, it occurred to me that we were probably making a scene, so I stroked her face gently and pulled back just a little. Her eyes met mine and then closed as I kissed her forehead. We looked up at the clock and saw that her flight would be boarding soon, so I picked up her bag.

  I couldn’t stand it; I pulled her to me and nearly crushed her in my arms. “Please…Don’t leave,” I whispered to her in a broken voice; she pulled back with tears in her eyes.

  “Don’t do this to me, Jayden,” she said and took her bag. Putting it over her shoulder she turned to go, but I grabbed her hand.

  “I’m sorry…” I said quickly. “Please, have a safe trip.” She nodded and headed for the metal detectors.

  Suddenly, I heard running footsteps behind me. I turned to see Ethan running full out towards us. I was too shocked to say anything, but he called to Lexi and she turned. Skidding to a stop next to me, panting, he bent and put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Lexi watched him with a look of absolute shock on her face.

  When he got a hold of himself, he stood up looking at Lexi. Then a look of sheer determination appeared in his eyes and he bridged the distance between them in three long strides. He took her face into his hands and kissed her. It was long and sweet and full of meaning. Her hands came up and rested on his shoulders as their kiss began to fade and he pulled away slowly, pressing his forehead to hers. Then, just loud enough that I could make it out, he whispered, “I love you, Lexi.” My heart sank as she stretched up and kissed his cheek, then whispered in his ear. I knew that she was returning the sentiment, and it hurt – more than I would admit, even to myself.

  “Please, please be safe,” he whispered and then pulled out of her arms and turned. He walked away without looking back and Lexi watched him leave with tears on her face. Without another word or even a glance in my direction, she walked through the security checkpoint and down towards the terminal. All I could do was watch her leave.

  When I left the airport alone, I headed to the shore. There was no reason to return to the house and the thought of being there without her made me feel sick. I had been sitting on the beach just watching the waves for hours when my phone chirped with a text message. I didn’t really want to look, but I did. It was from Lexi.

  I am here safely. Please take care of him, Jayden – for me.

  I sighed and stood up. Walking back to the truck, I typed out a quick reply and decided to head home. I did care about Ethan and I knew he had to be hurting as much as I was. As I pulled around that last corner, I saw his car in the drive. I decided that maybe beer and pizza was in order. Looking around the first floor, I didn’t see him so I headed up to his room. I knocked, but there was no answer. Either he didn’t want to be bothered or he wasn’t in there. Then it occurred to me that he might be in the room. That room was where he and Lexi spent most of their time together. Did I want to disturb that? I told Lexi I would take care of him, I might as well start.

  I opened the door of the room and looked around, at first, not seeing him. He was sitting in the back corner with his back against the far wall and his knees pulled up to his chest. He was holding something in his hands; his eyes were blank, like he was looking right through it. As I got closer, I realized that it was Lexi’s wrist cuff. I sat down on the floor next to him, but he didn’t move. He looked…broken, there was really no other word for it. We sat like that for a long time and then, abruptly, he stood up while I sat on the floor looking up at him.

  “Take off your clothes, Jayden,” he said in a low stern voice. I blinked up at him, but he turned and walked over to the wall with the ropes hanging. Stunned, I stood up and headed for the front of the room. I removed my clothing and assumed my position on the floor, watching him as he picked up seemingly random things and then walked over to me. When he looked down, I saw that all of the emotion was gone from his face, like he’d just turned it off. But what struck me the most were his eyes – his eyes were wild. He was Master Ethan now, not my friend Ethan, and he was in control. I started to get hard thinking about being controlled by him.

  “Come with me,” he demanded and I followed him on my knees. He turned me roughly and bound my wrists behind me with a short piece of the rope, tight, but not too tight.

  “Open,” he said tersely and I opened my mouth as he shoved his hard cock in roughly and I nearly lost my balance. Grasping my head in his fingers, he fucked my mouth steadily. I closed my eyes and worked to please him. “That’s it. You love sucking my cock, don’t you?” I moaned around him, trying to convey my answer to him since I couldn’t speak. Groaning, he moved his hips faster. “God, it’s almost like you were made just for this. You’re so fucking good.” Suddenly, he stopped and pulled out of my mouth, tugging me up by my arm, forcing me to bend over the table.

  With one hand pressed against the back of my neck, he held me on the table and used one of his feet to kick apart my legs. I was spread wide for him as he did something behind me that I couldn’t see. In the next instant, he thrust himself roughly into me. I cried out from the pain of it, but didn’t use my safe word. It fucking hurt and my eyes watered as I felt his grip tighten on my neck, but he didn’t slow as he took me over the table. He slid his other hand down between my body and the
table and began stroking me. My cock hardened in his hand and the pain slowly started to subside as it mixed with the pleasure of his touch. The lubricant still on his hand from getting himself ready made his fingers glide over my skin.

  “So fucking good…” he groaned and stroked me harder.

  Then his lips were at my ear, his body pressing me harder into the table. “You are my little whore aren’t you? I wonder what your dear sister would think if she walked in now.” I was too shocked to say anything. How could he bring that up? After all that had happened, he would use that to degrade me? However, there was nothing I could do about it pinned to the table as I was, being driven into harshly.

  “You’re spread wide for me on this table, grunting and whimpering with my cock buried in your ass.” He growled as he stroked me faster. I moaned, not only because of his touch, but because of his tone. I felt ashamed, but it fucking turned me on when he talked to me like this. “You’d beg me to let you come right in front of her wouldn’t you?” I groaned, feeling my orgasm start to build. I started distracting myself to delay it as he fucked me harder. “Beg me, my little whore. Beg me to let you come.”

  “Please…Please Master, it feels so good. Please let me come for you,” I cried, totally lost to the overload of sensations he was causing, entirely devoid of shame. I would beg, plead, anything he wanted, if he would just let me come. “It’s all for you Master, everything, please…”


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