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“This doesn’t happen until I decide it’s time.” Having said that she lowered her hips until the tip of his cock pushed inside her. She stopped and stared him straight in the eyes as if daring him to thrust upward. He gulped and maintained eye contact while making sure to keep his body perfectly still.
She slowly continued lowering her pussy down until he had penetrated her completely. She sat on him with his cock inside her and started slowly moving her hips in a tiny circular motions. She started to raise her hips off him while maintain her gyrating motion, her head thrown back in pleasure.
He tried to ignore the pain and cramping in his arms from being pinned under him as he enjoyed the sensation of her movement. She started to move faster, eventually leaning forward and placing her hands flat on his chest for support to move her hips up and down at a more rapid pace. Her eyes shut tight. She dug her nails into his skin as she reached climax, her orgasm pushed him over the edge, making him to cum. She breathed out heavily and pushed herself off him, moving to sit at the edge of the bed.
After a couple minutes during which she had caught her breath she looked over her shoulder at him. Her eyes were alive with excitement and satisfaction. She turned and lifted him to a sitting position to untie the ribbon from his wrists. She rubbed his wrists where there were marks from the cloth cutting into his skin before pulling him into an embrace.
His eyes had a look of being spaced out, but not in a bad way. She leaned down so he would lie back down and she went on her side beside him, draping an arm and leg over him and pulling him toward her body. She ran her hand in circles over his chest and shoulders before leaning in and giving him a peck on the cheek. This went on for a few minutes until he seemed to come back down and he finally turned to look at her, his eyes looking like he felt satisfied and tranquil.
She ran her hand through his hair and asked, “How do you feel?”
“Great. You?” He smiled.
She leaned in and gave him a slow, affectionate kiss. When she pulled back she took the time to look over the details of his face, admiring everything about him. She couldn’t have asked for a better experience than the one she had just had.
“It’s almost unbelievable how well this turned out,” she mentioned casually. He hummed in agreement and leaned in for another slow kiss. More than everything being thrilling and gratifying, she also felt a new level of intimacy.
“I need to shower,” she said.
“Mind if I join you?”
She smiled and nodded, giving him a peck on the cheek before standing up and heading to the shower. As she turned on the showerhead and adjusted the water temperature he removed the bed sheets and replaced them with clean ones. He stepped into the bathroom to see her standing in the shower, the water cascading beautifully over her body and leaving her skin glistening.
He stepped in with her and turned her before pulling her so her back was pressed against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and slowly swayed from side to side, just enjoying how she felt in his arms and against his body.
He kissed her cheek and whispered, “I love you.” She pulled her head back and tilted it up to meet his gaze.
“I love you too,” she said softly. It was a tone drastically different than the one she had been using just a short while ago.
He squeezed her tightly before letting go so they could both wash up. They showered side by side in silence, just relaxing with the sound of the falling water. When they finished they stepped out and reached for a towel to dry off. While Billy went straight to the bed and spread out comfortably, Aria took the time to towel dry her hair and brush it out. She looked into the mirror as she did, completely lost in thought. She felt euphoric sense of happiness and relief.
Though they had discussed everything and found out they both wanted the same thing there was nothing quite like experiencing it together. When she finished she stepped out to see Billy had already fallen asleep. She smiled and turned off the lights before climbing into bed to join him.
Chapter 8
It wasn’t until Wednesday during her lunch break that Aria was able to meet up with Kay. The first thing her best friend asked, predictably, was how their first night of BDSM play had gone. Aria went on to tell her it had been wonderful.
“It was so much more than I ever could have expected,” she told her earnestly.
Kay wanted more details, but Aria felt hesitant to tell her. She wasn’t sure if this was something Billy would want people to know. Of course he knew how open she was with Kay and had never found it a problem that Aria confided in her so much, including things regarding all aspects of their relationship, but this was all so new Aria wasn’t sure how he felt about it. Kay understood her reluctance when she explained why she wasn’t dishing on all the dirty details.
“I will say I don’t think we did anything all that extreme,” she told Kay.
Kay nodded. “Well as long as you both really enjoyed and it’s what you really wanted, that’s what matters.”
Aria nodded vigorously. Kay giggled and took a sip of her iced tea.
“So John’s having a party at his place this Saturday and he left it up to me to convince you and Billy to go,” she informed Aria.
“We’ll go.”
“That was easy,” Kay said. Then Kay pressed her lips together as if she had something more to say but wasn’t sure if she should or how to bring it up.
“What is it?”
“Well, someone is back in town and it seems like she is here to stay. I’m pretty sure she will be going to the party.” Aria tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows in question as she tried to think of who might be back and part of their larger social circle that would bother her, but she drew a blank.
“It’s Tina.”
Aria coughed as the water she had just taken a sip of went down the wrong way. She felt like she was choking or drowning, she wasn’t quite sure. Kay fanned her and waited a moment so Aria could collect herself.
“Tina? Seriously?” Her best friend nodded sympathetically, completely understanding Aria’s reaction to the news.
Tina had been Billy’s last girlfriend before they met and she had been an important part of his life. He had even confessed one night to Aria he had planned to propose to her before she ended things. She knew he was hung up on her for quite some time after the break up.
Tina had broken his heart by leaving and Aria had an inkling it wouldn’t be easy for him to be around her.
Later that evening as she sat on the chair out on the balcony of her apartment she couldn’t stop thinking about the fact Tina was back. Kay had mentioned she was likely here to stay which meant Aria would end up seeing a lot of her. She wasn’t insecure about her relationship and she definitely trusted Billy, but it was still an uncomfortable situation for her.
She had only met Tina once and that was the day she discovered they shared mutual friends in her extended social circle. She still remembered how striking Tina was. She was the kind of woman who wasn’t just conventionally attractive but actually interesting. She was the kind of woman people noticed for her looks and personality and it hadn’t taken Aria very long to figure out why Billy had been so in love with her.
She trusted Billy and had faith in their relationship, but this was still far from ideal. But there was nothing that could be done about it. They would just have to learn how to deal with having her around now. The good thing was that they didn’t share any close mutual friends. But her return and attendance at larger social gatherings afforded her the opportunity to become close to others.
“It doesn’t matter,” Aria muttered to herself.
She heard the apartment door close and she turned to see Billy placing his car keys on the hook. He saw her out on the balcony and greeted her with a nod and smile before heading into the bedroom. He emerged a couple minutes later in shorts and a tee and walked out on to the balcony to join her.
He sat on the other chair and said, “It
’s a nice evening.”
She hummed and continued looking out at the view.
“Listen, there’s something you should know.” She said nervously, swallowing against a dry mouth.
“Uh-oh, that doesn’t sound so good.”
“It’s nothing terrible,” Aria clarified. “I just found out today that Tina is back in town and it seems she will be here for the long run.”
“Oh,” he said with a somewhat downcast look in his eyes. He leaned back against his chair and looked out to the view. He looked to be searching for something but there was nothing to be found out there.
“It doesn’t really matter much, does it?”
Aria sighed and replied, “It doesn’t but you know we will end up seeing her. She’s pretty close to John and friends with a few others.”
“Ah,” he said as if he were being reminded of something he had long forgotten.
Billy tapped his fingers on the balcony table for a bit before standing up and walking to the kitchen. Aria didn’t make dinner that night, but brought some subs from a shop they really liked near her job.
“Are you going to eat yet?” His voice sounded distant but she reasoned she might be looking for something where there was nothing, much like he had been looking at the view from their balcony.
Aria stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before settling on the couch next to him. He turned on their favorite sitcom and started to silently munch on his sandwich. They ate in silence and neither really laughed at what was happening on the television; they were both too busy thinking about other things.
After they had finished eating and Aria had thrown the trash out, she sat on the couch and leaned back against the armrest, stretching her legs out and resting them on Billy’s lap.
“There’s really no need for this to feel like it’s something awful,” she said tentatively. He placed his hand on her ankle and nodded.
“I know, it just came as a shock. Plus I haven’t really interacted with her much since...” He turned to Aria and shrugged, lips pursed and a sad look in his eyes. She completely understood where he was coming from. Though she had never been in the same position as him she had an idea of what he must be feeling. She pulled herself up next to him and rested her chin on his shoulder.
“I understand,” she said softly. He turned to look into her eyes with something resembling gratitude. She ran her hand down his cheek before standing up and walking to the bedroom.
She sat on the edge of the bed wondering what to do or say. She didn’t want to be insensitive in any way but she couldn’t help but wonder if he needed some time to himself. How could she ask that without sounding like she wanted to get away? Or without making him feel like he would be a jerk to say yes?
She sighed and rubbed her face. She stood up and walked back out to the living room. He was staring at the television but she could tell he wasn’t really watching what was on the screen. She walked over and sat on the coffee table across him, leaning forward and placing her hands on his knees.
“Billy,” she said in as sympathetic tone as she could muster, “Do you feel like you need to be alone?” She asked him in a way she hoped conveyed whatever he needed was okay; all he had to do was speak up. He looked at her and nodded slowly. She closed her eyes and gave a nod before standing up and giving him a peck on the cheek.
“I’ll be at Kay’s,” she said sweetly before heading to the bedroom for a change of clothes.
Once in her car she opened her contacts list on her phone and selected Kay. It rang a few times before she answered.
“Hey,” Aria said, “Are you busy?”
“No. What’s up?”
“Would you mind if I go to your place for a bit?”
“Not at all. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll explain when I get there.”
“Okay. See you soon.”
Aria put her phone on the passenger’s seat and leaned her head back against the headrest. She let her eyelids close, giving herself a moment before driving off to Kay’s apartment.
Chapter 9
“Tell me what’s going on,” Kay said as she opened her apartment door for Aria to step in.
Aria eyed her and shrugged before walking straight into the bedroom. She promptly kicked off her shoes and flopped down onto Kay’s bed.
“It’s Tina,” she said, Aria’s voice muffled from her face being buried in the sheets. She heard Kay sigh and felt her hand on her back. Aria turned her head to look at Kay.
“It’s nothing big, really. Billy just needs some time to process. She was a really big part of his life for a long time. He really loved her and it took him a while to get over that relationship. It just came as a shock for him that she’s back and he is going to have to hang around her from time to time, you know?”
Kay sighed and nodded. It made perfect sense. “You’re not worried though, are you?”
“No,” Aria replied before turning over onto her back. She stared at the ceiling and stretched her arm upward. She held her hand above her face and stretched it open, wiggling her fingers and focusing on how it looked against the white color of the ceiling. She meant it. She wasn’t worried, at least not about the relationship.
“The only worry I have where Tina is concerned is how it will work out, you know?”
Kay nodded and said, “That makes sense. Let’s just hope for the best.”
A couple hours later Aria’s phone buzzed. It was a message from Billy letting her know he was feeling better and it would be nice if she would go back home.
“Time for me to go,” Aria announced as she pushed herself up off the couch. Kay paused the movie they had been watching and looked over at Aria, nodding. Aria grabbed her bag and put her shoes back on, thanking Kay for having her over and listening before leaving.
It was only a few minutes later when she walked through the door of her apartment to see Billy sitting out on the balcony, a cold beer resting on the balcony table. She noticed there was another cold beer set out for her. She placed her keys on the hook and dropped her bag on the coffee table before going out to join him. He smiled and handed her the beer.
“Thanks. I feel a lot better. I really appreciate how understanding you were.”
“Of course,” she said as she took a sip from her beer and watched the last of the sun disappearing behind the horizon. “There’s a party on Saturday,” she told him. He took a large gulp of beer before turning to look at her.
“I had already said we would probably go before I found out about Tina.”
He nodded and took another drink. “That’s fine, we should still go.”
It was Friday evening and Aria had just gotten home from work to an empty apartment. She thought Billy would have already been there, as he usually was, so she sent him a text asking if he was working late and if she should whip something up for dinner. He replied he would be home soon with food so not to worry.
She walked into the bedroom and undressed, putting all her clothes away carefully. She took off her bra and dumped it in the hamper before jumping onto the bed and stretching out. The gentle glow of the setting sun filtering through the shutters lit up the room nicely and she enjoyed the subtle warmth on her skin.
She heard the front door open and Billy announce, “I’m here.”
“I’m in the bedroom,” she called out not wanting to move just yet. She was far too comfortable. What she didn’t expect was for him to enter the bedroom and, upon seeing her, climb on the bed right over her and kiss her eagerly. His hand ran up her torso until he cupped one of her breasts and started massaging it.
She arched her body up into his touch, sliding her leg back and forth to rub against him. He dipped his head into her neck and kissed it before biting down her shoulder, making her cry out in pain. His tongue darted out to lick the outline of his teeth marks, her skin red from it.
He kissed down the middle of her chest and stomach until he reached her hips, where he licked down in a straight
line with his tongue pressed flat down against her skin. He hooked his fingers under the waistband of her panties and pulled them off, tossing them carelessly onto the floor behind him.
He stood up and right when he was unbuckling his belt his phone started to ring. They stared at each other until the phone suddenly stopped ringing. He shrugged and was about to continue when his phone rang again. He let out a sound of frustration as he buckled his belt and walked out of the bedroom to answer the call.
“Hello,” he answered rather gruffly.
He was silent for a long time prompting Aria to walk out to the living room, wondering what was going on. There was a strange look on his face, one Aria couldn’t exactly pinpoint, but she could tell it was not a good expression.