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The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power

Page 51

by Jeff Sharlet

  Eldridge Cleaver and, 240

  Doug Coe on, 29–30, 216, 380

  Charles Colson’s Prison Fellowship and, 235–36

  Family/Fellowship and, 4, 27, 275–76

  Charles Grandison Finney on, 77, 83

  God’s will, 107, 123, 141–42, 378

  as interventionist, 374

  Ivanwald brothers and, 1–2, 14–15, 27, 31–32, 39–40, 45

  Ed Meese and, 28–29

  as mood, 5, 60, 72

  as personality (see personality)

  as psyops man, 194

  Billy Sunday’s, 87

  Abram Vereide and, 94–96, 109–10, 152–53

  Jesus plus nothing theology, 241–56, 272, 283, 386. See also accountability; Jesus Christ; personality

  Black Buffers and, 238

  George W. Bush and, 58–69

  Doug Coe and, 30, 217, 252–56, 264–65

  mainstreaming of, 272

  responses to author’s article about

  Ivanwald and, 241–45, 394n

  Social Gospel vs., 370–79 (see also Social Gospel)

  Suharto’s Indonesian massacres and, 245–52

  Dawson Trotman and, 211

  Jewish people. See also anti-Semitism

  American fundamentalism and, 257–58, 334, 346, 353

  author and, 15, 257

  Bruce Barton on, 136

  Family/Fellowship and, 27, 139, 220, 230, 254, 395n, 420n

  Henry Ford and, 122–24

  Gustav Adolf Gedat and, 164

  history of, 360–61

  Israel, 224, 245, 262, 270, 303

  philo-Semitism, 262, 316, 36–61

  postwar Nazi suffering and, 160–61, 164–65, 411n

  Swiss bankers and money stolen from, 169–70

  Abram Vereide and, 123

  Theophile Wurm’s desire to convert, 176

  Manfred Zapp and, 148–49

  Johnson, Harold K., 219–20

  Johnson, Marian Aymar, 156

  Jones, Bob, Sr., 155

  Jones, Bob, IV, 396n

  Jones, David, 281

  Jones, Don, 273–74

  Jones, Mike, 293–94

  Jordan, 270

  Jordan, B. Everett, 249, 423n

  Judd, Walter, 139, 168

  just (term), 373–74, 386

  Kemp, Jack, 58, 380, 406n

  Kemp, Joanne, 273

  Kennan, George, 162

  Kennedy, Ted, 380

  Kenya, 281–82

  Kerr, Robert, 190

  key man theory

  American fundamentalism and, 364–65, 368, 386

  Chile and, 248

  Doug Coe and, 215–16, 254

  foreign connections and, 250

  Otto Fricke and, 159

  Stonewall Jackson and, 353

  Arthur Langlie and, 117

  liberalism and, 367

  management and, 137–38

  Popular Front and, 385–86

  providential history and, 343–45, 363–64

  Somalia and, 282

  Spain and, 227

  U.S. Congress and, 395n

  Abram Vereide and, 89–92, 113

  Vietnam War and, 206–8

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 236–37, 362, 431n

  Kingsbury, Kenneth, 105

  Kissinger, Henry, 114, 247

  Korry, Edward, 248

  Krogh, Egil “Bud,” 230

  Kuo, David, 24–25, 379–86

  Kuyper, Abraham, 349–50, 429n

  labor unions

  anti-union legislation and, 141–43, 193, 382

  Frank Buchman and reconciliation of management and, 129–30

  Hillary Clinton and, 273

  Charles Colson and, 231

  It Can’t Happen Here book and, 131

  Arthur Langlie and, 122

  prayer breakfast meetings and, 140–41

  San Francisco strike by, 99–113

  Seattle mayoral race and, 119–20

  Abram Vereide’s reconciliation of management and, 108–13

  LaHaye, Tim, 342, 376

  Laird, Melvin, 19, 227, 230, 246, 248, 396n, 422n

  Landon, Alf, 186–88

  Langlie, Arthur B., 116–22

  language, American fundamentalism and, 42, 373–74, 386–87

  Largent, Steve, 18, 264, 396n, 399n

  Lawrence, David, 139

  leadership, 3, 133–37, 235. See also Congress, U. S.; key man theory; obedience

  Lebanon, 224–25

  Left Behind (book series), 342

  legislation. See Congress, U. S.; domestic politics

  Lenin, Vladimir, 3, 30, 45, 194, 216, 255, 393n, 400n

  Leverone, Nathaniel, 170

  Lewis, Sinclair, 130–31, 134


  conservativism vs., 182 (see also conservatism)

  Family/Fellowship and, 275–76

  key men of, 367

  myths of American fundamentalism vs., 371, 386–87

  New Deal (see New Deal)

  strengths and weaknesses of, 153–55, 278, 375

  Lieberman, Joe, 24

  Lilly, Jim, 364

  Lindbergh, Charles, 123–24, 130

  Lindsay, D. Michael, 25, 235, 396–98n

  Lindsley, Art, 377

  Locke, David, 253

  love as theological concept

  Doug Coe on, 255–56

  Jonathan Edwards and, 61

  Richard Halverson on, 279

  Imago Dei Community and, 374–75

  Ivanwald brothers and, 27, 34–35, 42, 282–83

  obedience and, 211, 386 (see also obedience)

  Lowry, Charles Wesley, 184

  Lugar, Richard, 25, 239

  MacArthur, Douglas, 343–44, 428–29n

  MacBride, Neil, 43

  Mackay, John, 225

  Magruder, Jeb, 230

  Main, Ross, 21

  Malik, Charles, 224–26

  management. See also business

  Frank Buchman and reconciliation of labor and, 129–30

  Jesus and, 133–37

  prayer breakfast meetings and, 140

  Abram Vereide and reconciliation of labor and, 108–13

  Mandela, Nelson, 24

  man-method, Abram Vereide’s, 121, 138, 250

  Man Nobody Knows, The (book), 133–37

  Marcos, Ferdinand, 249–50, 424–25n

  Marcuse, Herbert, 143

  market economics, religious, 312–15.

  See also biblical capitalism

  Marpaung, Darius, 247–48, 422n


  same-sex, 375

  sexual purity movement and, 324–35

  spiritual war and, 213–14

  Marsden, George, 59–60, 393n

  Marshall Plan, 150–51

  Martin, William, 44

  Martinez, Gustavo Alvarez, 25

  martyrdom, 346, 351

  masculinity, 109–10, 138, 172, 214, 235–36, 316–17, 330, 345–46

  Mather, Cotton, 5, 66

  maximalism, 4

  McCarran, Pat, 190

  McCarthy, Joe, 200–201

  McClure, Harold, 249

  McCord, James W., 230

  McHugh, Michael, 343

  McIntyre, Mike, 19

  McNarney, Joseph T., 158

  Medcalf, Lane, 360–64

  Meese, Ed, 27–29, 267, 381–82, 399n

  megachurches, 7–8, 73. See also New Life Church

  Meyers, Vic, 119–20

  Michelet, Edmond, 224 “Militant Liberty” project, 202–4

  military-industrial complex, 201

  Miller, Perry, 5

  Minutemen United, 356–57

  Moorer, Thomas H., 248

  Moral Majority, 258, 346

  Moral Re-Armament, 125, 141, 154, 178, 405–6n

  Mullen, Shirley, 373–74

  murderers, Doug Coe on, 222

  Museveni, Yoweri, 23, 46, 52–54, 223, 328

  Muslims, 13, 29–30, 266–67, 3

  Mussolini, Benito, 129, 136

  National Association of Evangelicals, 152, 155, 180–83, 185, 294, 299, 426n

  National Association of Manufacturers, 138, 156, 170, 189

  National Committee for Christian Leadership, 21, 139

  National Day of Prayer bill, 276

  National Economic Council, 124, 189

  National Leadership Council, 21–22

  National Prayer Breakfast. See also Prayer Breakfast meetings

  Costa Rican, 220

  Family/Fellowship, Ivanwald, and, 22–26

  Indonesian, 221

  David Kuo and, 379–80

  power of, 91, 259–60, 270

  Presidential Prayer Breakfast as first, 195–98

  National Security Council, 151, 243, 253

  national socialists (Nazis). See German fascism

  Navigators, 22, 152, 210–11, 216, 253, 263, 295

  Nazi fascism. See German fascism

  Negri, Antonio, 387

  Nelson, Bill, 18

  Nelson, Grace, 273, 275

  neoconservatism, 183, 267. See also conservatism

  neo-evangelicals, 43–44

  New Deal, 98, 117–18, 141–43, 187–88, 194, 200, 210–11, 357

  New Life Church, 291–321

  author’s experience at, 293–97

  Linda Burton’s experience at, 304–7

  Christian groups in Colorado Springs and, 319–21

  Colorado Springs as fundamentalist city, 291–93

  exurban movement and, 309–12

  Ted Haggard and, 293–97

  Ted Haggard on free-market capitalism and, 304–7

  market economics and small-group organization of, 312–15

  Royal Rangers, Frontier Christian Fellowship, and Christian manhood at, 315–19

  World Prayer Center at, 301–4

  New York City, 13, 320–21, 324–27

  Nickles, Don, 6, 60, 265

  Niedicker, John, 215

  Nimeiry, Gaafar, 281

  Nixon, Richard, 19, 33, 176, 216, 221, 227–31, 246, 310, 398n, 400n, 416n, 422n

  Noebel, David, 322–23

  North, Gary, 348

  Northwest Ordinance of 1787, 339

  Nyerere, Julius, 384


  Bruce Barton on, 141–42

  Doug Coe on, 211

  Charles Colson on, 233–34

  Ivanwald brothers and, 2, 17, 38

  Stonewall Jackson’s, 352–53

  love and, 211, 386 (see also love)

  poverty and, 382

  providential history and, 365–66

  Suharto on, 247

  Abram Vereide’s concept of, 110, 143

  Ockenga, Harold, 180

  O’Connor, Sandra Day, 380

  Office of Faith-Based Initiatives, 381–83

  Ohlendorf, Otto, 411n

  Olasky, Marvin, 258, 381

  Olsen, Tillie Lerner, 107–8

  Operation Abolition (film), 203

  Operation Rescue (Operation Save America), 258, 343, 357

  Opus Dei, 262, 269

  organized labor. See labor unions Orr, J. Edwin, 186

  Orwell, George, 338

  Pakistan, 23, 26, 46, 418n

  Parent, Adam and Christie, 372–79

  Park Chung Hee, 24, 215, 250

  Parker, Tom and TJ, 315–19

  Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, 295

  paternalism, 103, 140, 266

  Patriot Pastor, 357, 364

  Peale, Norman Vincent, 139, 414n

  Pentagon prayer cells, 201–2

  Perdue, Sonny, 310

  Perkins, Tony, 266, 298

  personality as theological concept, 121–22, 137–41, 152, 215–16, 252–56, 343–45

  Philippines, 202, 204, 249–50, 261, 279, 424n

  Phillips, Douglas W., 346–47

  Phillips, Howard, 258, 346

  Phillips, Kate, 181–83

  Phillips, Tom, 26, 230–31, 398n

  Picardo, Juan Edgar, 220–21

  Pierce, Bob, 186

  Pinochet, Augusto, 248, 422–23n Pitts, Joe, 6, 18, 26, 265–67, 328, 405n Pledge of Allegiance, U.S., 26, 198–99

  Pohl, Oswald, 167, 411n

  Poling, Dan, 138

  politics. See also Congress, U.S.; power Frank Buchman and, 128–29

  domestic (see domestic politics)

  Jonathan Edwards and, 69, 71–72

  Family/Fellowship and, 5–6, 15–16

  Charles Grandison Finney and, 80–83

  foreign (see foreign affairs) history of American religion and, 2–3

  Arthur Langlie and, 117–21

  Abram Vereide and, 108–13

  Popular Front. See also Christian educational movement; New Life Church; sexual purity movement

  culture war and, 287–90

  Carl F. H. Henry on, 154–55

  merging of elite and populist fundamentalism in, 385–86

  populist fundamentalism. See also American fundamentalism

  elite fundamentalism vs., 7–8, 262, 277 (see also elite fundamentalism)

  Family/Fellowship and, 20, 43–44

  Jesus Christ of, 5

  merging of elite fundamentalism and, 372–73, 377, 381, 385–86

  National Prayer Breakfast and, 195–98 (see also National Prayer Breakfast)

  Popular Front culture war and, 287–90 (see also Christian educational movement; New Life Church; sexual purity movement)

  suffering, salvation, deliverance, and, 370–87

  pornography, 70, 332

  Porter, William, 238–39

  Potomac Point, 28, 30, 40, 42–43

  poverty, 118, 136–37, 172–73, 380–83.

  See also suffering

  power. See also politics

  American fundamentalism and, 16, 366

  Frank Buchman on, 125

  Doug Coe on, 25, 121

  Jonathan Edwards and, 61, 68–69

  Family/Fellowship and, 51

  Charles Grandison Finney and, 83

  international spiritual war and, 155

  Rob Schenck on, 257–60

  Truth and, 377–79

  Abram Vereide and, 96, 110, 114–17

  Power, Robin, 324–27, 334–35

  pragmatism, 376


  Doug Coe and, 52–54, 225

  Jonathan Edwards and, 61–62

  Charles Grandison Finney and, 75–76

  Ted Haggard and, 307–9, 312

  Ivanwald brothers and, 1–2, 15, 30, 42–43, 47–51

  “just” in, 373–74

  school, 225, 361


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