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For Love or Country

Page 9

by Jesse Jordan

  “I see. Well, I guess I'll leave then. Good luck with this one, he's a ho,” Natasha says viciously to Christina before turning and leaving in a huff. An uncomfortable silence drops over the table, and I look at Christina, whose eyes are hurt and shocked.

  “I suppose that deserves an explanation,” I sigh, leaning my forehead into my hands. “Of all the things to happen tonight.”

  Karli shifts around, then starts to get up. “I think you two might need some privacy. I should go.”

  “No, please stay,” I say suddenly, looking up. “Karli, you are Christina's best friend, and I think... I think I could use your input as well.”

  Karli sits back down, and I turn my eyes to Christina, whose eyes go cold as she evaluates me. “Ivan?”

  “I...” I begin, then clear my throat. “Christina, when we started seeing each other, I told you that I have a past. And you saw part of that with Daria. I told you we flirted.”

  “Yes,” Christina says, her voice steely. “How many others?”

  “Many,” I admit. “I've been a player for most of my time here at West Point. It was easy, there are too many loose American sluts in the Corps, despite the supposed morals and ethics they try to teach here. Starting just after Beast, I sport fucked many girls on post. It was a game.”

  “And am I a game too?” Christina asks, her lip trembling. She's never known, her natural innocence has led her to always think the best of me, and seeing this just hurts her, shatters the image of the romantic loner that she has built in her mind of me. “Another point on your scoreboard?”

  I shake my head. “There is no more scoreboard. Christina, you may not believe this, but since the first time we kissed, you have changed me. I do not wish to just sport fuck you. Five Hundredth Night weekend had very intense meaning for me.”

  Karli looks at me with deep scrutiny, while Christina still looks blank and slightly angry. Karli takes the silence as an opportunity to ask her own question. “Ivan, what is to say that you won't try to play Christina the way you played others?”

  “I can offer no proof. I can only give you my word that... Christina, I do not want to play, not with you.”

  Christina finds her voice, and swallows. “I see. Ivan, I want to think about what you've said. Right now, I'm torn. Half of me understands, and what happened before we started seeing each other has nothing to do with now. You and... that girl may have hooked up before we even met. But the other half of me is emotional and hurt. I... I would like some time to think about what just happened. Would you please excuse Karli and I?”

  I get up, the happiness of earlier crushed as I stand. “I will return to my room. Congratulations on your victories, Christina. I know you deserve them. Goodnight.”

  Christina is not talking to me much as I take the train down to New York City on a leave that I do not wish to take. Part of being an international exchange cadet is the fact that we are often used as photo opportunities for dignitaries. Like today. The President of the Ukraine is making a speech to the United Nations, and afterwards he wishes to have a photo opportunity with his country's representative to West Point.

  I see my 'escort' when I reach Grand Central, a man that I've met only twice before. He says his name is Evgeny, but I doubt that is his real name.

  he asks in Ukrainian, ever the professional. New York City is one of the few places in the United States where someone might catch on if we spoke in Moscow-accented Russian.

  I ask, tugging at the stiff, high collar of my dress gray uniform.

  my handler says.

  I note, following him. There is a blue embassy Land Rover waiting outside, the meter maid standing by the vehicle unable to do anything but give my handler dirty looks as I climb into the passenger seat. We pull off into traffic shifting into Russian.

  Evgeny makes a right turn, away from the UN Plaza, and I give him a look.

  I reply, knowing I'm lying to my handler but I have to say something.

  Evgeny says with a sneer. Like many Russian men, he thinks that most lesbians are nothing more than women who want cock but are playing around for the attention.

  I've put up with enough of this, and I'm tired of the condescension. The fact is, I am the only person who can handle this mission, and this idiot needs to know it.

  We pull up to a red light, and Evgeiny looks at me with naked anger.

  I yell back, tired of this man's shit.

  Evgeny is pissed off, but he says nothing as the light turns green and we pull up to the Waldorf-Astoria. Up in my room, a regular single, I do not rate a suite, I put my bag down and turn to him.

  Evgeny crosses his arms over his chest, looking smug.

  A little ripple of fear goes through me, it seems the Russians have other assets on post, or perhaps just someone checked out the boxing. In any case, if they saw that, then they saw how Christina called out to me.

  It's just cocky and aggressive enough that it speaks to his Russian pride, and Evgeny nods.

  Even I can't help but laugh at that irony. I complete my mission, and the Ukraine's biggest ally is crippled, meaning it once again becomes easy for it to rejoin Russia, where it should be.
/>   Chapter 9


  Sixteen choices, the basic branch options available to West Pointers as we approach our Firstie year. I sigh, and look over at Karli, who's got the web page up on her laptop as well, both of us wondering what we might get. Branches are decided on three things basically. First, the needs of the Army. If the Pentagon decides they need up to fifty Armor officers from USMA, then fifty slots are made available, and so on and so forth. The next is class rank, first come first served. “So what are you thinking?”

  Karli shrugs and taps her desk. “I'm thinking that I'm glad I don't have a dick,” she says contemplatively. “I'd hate to get force branced.”

  The third and final deciding factor in branching, at least for men, is force branching. The Army decided that seventy five percent of male grads of USMA had to go into the combat arms. So, once twenty five percent of the graduating guys have selected a non-combat arms branch, everyone below that gets jammed into their first CA choice. Which means a lot of poor schmucks get jammed into the ADA or Infantry who really don't want to go there.

  At least Karli and I don't have that problem, we just have to worry about the fact our class ranks mean we probably won't get our first choice. “So, what are you leaning towards?”

  “Probably Finance,” Karli says, “if I don't get into medical school. I'll put Military Intelligence as choice two, but I doubt I'll get it. They don't have too many slots, and some uber-fucktard is going to be picking above me probably. What about you?”

  “I don't know... maybe MPs. I've always had an interest in law and order,” I say, putting in my choices. “Hell, whatever. Forget the odds, I'll just put in what I want. If I'm one of those five percent who don't get one of their top three choices, then the Army will just have to deal with it.”

  I put in my choices, Military Police first, then Quartermaster, and the rest are just on first impressions. My last three choices are Armor, Infantry, and ADA. If I actually get put in one of those three, the Army's in big trouble. I hit submit, and sit back. “Okay, choice made. I've still got... eleven hours to make any changes before they're locked in, it says.”

  “Me too,” Karli says a moment later, standing up and stretching. “Hey, speaking of decisions, how are you coming on Ivan?”

  “I think I'm going to give him another chance. He didn't lie to me, Karli. And from what I've heard since then, except for that time he flirted with Daria before we really started dating, he's stopped all of that stuff. Maybe... maybe he's trying to be loyal,” I tell her, giving her a questioning look. It's been more difficult than I thought it would be. I care for Ivan very much, but his revelation hurt me more than it probably should have. “You have an opinion?”

  “I actually agree with you,” Karli says, then in something I never thought I'd see, she blushes. “Do you mind if I tell you I'm a bit jealous? He's hot as hell, Chris.”

  I feel myself blush too as I nod. “He is. And no, you're not getting insider info on what he looks like under his uniform. You want to see him shirtless, come swimming with us some time.”

  “Yeah right,” Karli says with a derisive snort. “I'm a rock, remember? I barely passed beginner swimming, I'd look silly trying to keep up with you two. Ivan'd take two minutes to realize I'm just there to check out his chest and arms.”

  “And legs,” I remind her. “Those swim trunks are great for showing off his legs too.”

  Karli growls, and chucks a pen at me. I dodge, laughing. “And here I was going to ask if you'd let me join you for a threesome. Go, make up with your boyfriend. Before I see if he's into nerds.”

  I leave Karli, feeling better, and head back to Pershing Barracks. I'm actually in the same room as before, although with a new roomie, and Ivan's been moved to the far wing, still rooming with Gene. I don't know why they moved him, since they stayed roommates. I guess it was just a way to harass the two of them, the sort of 'death by a thousand cuts' approach that the Corps often uses on us 'losers.'

  I knock on the door of Ivan and Gene's room, listening as the music inside is turned down. “Yo!”

  I open the door, seeing Gene sitting down. “Oh, hi Christina. Sorry, had the sound cranked since Ivan's run down to Grant Hall for a minute. He said he'd be back soon.”

  “Thanks. So what were you listening to?”

  Gene taps his computer, and the softer sound stops. “Great new fantasy game I picked up. I'm playing the single player system right now, and then when I finish I'll take it online. Isn't the soundtrack bitchin'?”

  “It's nice,” I reply, then go over to Ivan's footlocker, sitting down. “Aren't you hurting your grades though?”

  “Nah. I got my acceptance letter in the mail the other day. I'm going to go to Penn State next year, and except for Math, Spanish, and Physics, they aren't accepting any of my transfer credits this semester. So I'm focusing there, and my grades in the rest of it can piss off.”

  I hum, sitting back and leaning against Ivan's footboard. “I'd like to say I wish you'd stay, but I think you'll be happier there, Gene. Good luck though. I will say that the Corps is a less meaningful place without you.”

  Gene blushes and pulls his headphones down from his shelf and plugs them in. “Thanks, Christina. If the Corps had more people like you and Ivan around, I wouldn't be going to Penn State next year.”

  Gene puts his headphones on and taps at his computer, focusing. I watch him get into his game just as Ivan comes back, stopping in the door when he sees me sitting there. “Christina. I'm sorry that I was not here earlier.”

  “You're using contractions now,” I note, standing up. “Karli told me she encouraged you to try. Can we talk?”

  “I would like that,” Ivan says, setting a bag down on his desk and taking out a fruit juice. “Would you like to share?”

  “Sure, why not? Don't worry about a cup, I don't think you have germs I need to be afraid of,” I tease, and Ivan smiles a little. He looks nervous, and I understand. I haven't been the best girlfriend the past few weeks.

  “Sure. So....” he says, before offering me the bottle. I take a sip and hand it back, and Ivan drinks a little more before setting it on his desk. “What would you like to talk about?”

  “You and I,” I tell him, and he nods. “Ivan... you hurt me a few weeks ago. You didn't mean to, but you did.”

  “I know,” he replies, sighing. “And I have felt bad ever since. I have made many bad choices in my time at the Academy, Christina. I'm not perfect, but... I'm sorry.”

  I shake my head, and reach out, taking his hand. “Ivan... it's okay. I realize that we both have pasts, and... and to be honest, I've not told you a lot about mine. It doesn't seem all that important around here, does it? But... what I'm saying is, if you still want to be my boyfriend, I'd like to be your girlfriend. What do you say?”

  Ivan goes over to the door of his room and closes it, something allowed since Gene is also in the room, and comes back, taking me by the hand. He wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up easily, smiling. “I am your Moose if you will be my Squirrel.”

  I chuckle and pull his head down for a kiss, enjoying the strength of his hands on my back and the way his tongue traces mine. We keep is short, Gene is in the room after all, and he sets me down, smiling. “So that is a yes?”

  Ivan grins and nods. “That is a yes.”

  When I get my summer assignment, I'm excited. Beast One, platoon leader. It's probably the closest that I'll get to doing an actual leadership job all year and that kinda sucks, but I don't care. Three weeks off, Beast One, then an academic internship with the VA near Fort Gordon before coming back for Firstie year. I can do this.

  Ivan sticks his head in the door of my room, grinning. “I got it too.”

  I practically jump out of my chair, I'm so excited. “Really? Beast One?”

  “Squad leader,” Ivan replies, showing me the paper. “What company did you get? I am in Golf Company.”

  “Echo,” I reply, still grinning. “Not q
uite perfect, but that's okay. I don't think I'd do very well if you were working underneath me.”

  “That's not what I remember,” Ivan teases, and I blush. It was only one weekend, but both of us want it again. We're getting tired of heavy petting on Flirtie Walk and stealing kisses up by Fort Putnam. I know Ivan knows other places we could sneak away for a tryst, but we're both taking this time to try and explore the emotional side of our relationship as much as the physical. Still, it's hard going to bed at night after feeling nothing but a kiss and his hands on my body over top of my shirts, Gene pointedly ignoring the fact we've been making out in the room sometimes. Ivan's smile turns slightly embarrassed, and he blushes some too. “Sorry.”

  “It's okay. Actually, I had a question. What are you going to do during the three weeks in between the start of summer and Beast train-up?” I ask.

  “There isn't much to do,” Ivan says. “As a foreign exchange cadet, I spent last summer before Buckner here on post, in the barracks. I was allowed to go out to Buckner early to stay in the huts out there while the cadre finished their train-up. So there is not a lot for me. I have no family to fly back to, or at least none that can afford the air fare.”

  I shake my head, then an idea comes to my mind. “Well... what about you coming to Colorado? Great Falls is a nice place, it's in the Rockies so we can make sure we stay in good shape, and well... it'd be nice, that's all. It's gotta be better than mess hall food for three weeks again.”

  Ivan thinks, then shakes his head. “Christina, I cannot ask you to do that. Besides, I cannot pay for the tickets. I do not have a lot of money in my account right now, and I cannot get a credit card.”

  “Then let me worry about that,” I tell him, taking his hand. “I'd rather spend a few hundred dollars on a plane ticket for you than an upgrade for my class ring. And if you really want, you can pay me back over the next academic year.”


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