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To Protect Serve and Betray: A BBW Romance

Page 6

by Leila Lacey

  As the sisters laughed together, Alena admitted she missed the intimacy of sex with another person. Feeling a man’s large warm hands slide up and down your back, while he slid his tongue between her lips.

  No! I can’t have a sex fantasy before I go into church! Alena tried to push the thoughts of Seth without a shirt running around in her driveway with Ajani playing basketball with him, always letting him win.

  Alena admitted to herself, just last week, Seth is a man who was a temptation of the flesh. She’d worked hard to keep her eyes on what God would want her to do.

  After Marcus had died and Alena managed to make it through her initial depression, she’d been able to find her a small amount of faith in God again. Until her twenty-eighth week of pregnancy with Ajani. Alena started to run a very high fever, she’d gotten a virus which put her and Ajani’s life in danger. The doctors told her they may have to deliver him early and there was a twenty-seven percent chance he would not survive.

  She hadn’t felt so helpless and afraid since she got the call Marcus had been shot. One night, she’d snuck to the chapel in the hospital. She’d gotten on her knees and pleaded with God to let her carry her son until it was safe for him to come out safely. She’d promised him if he let her keep the last little bit of Marcus she had left, she would dedicate her life to him and live only as he would want her to.

  Two days later, her condition turned around and with lots of bed rest, she carried Ajani until two days before her due date. Alena had been so grateful to God for his grace, she to this day, kept her promise. She wasn’t about to break her vow, ever. “So, what’s going on with you and Peter?” Alena changed the subject.

  “His name should be Patricia! That’s what’s going on! Peter is too damn needy. I have never been a woman who enjoyed a man who needed my undivided attention. I’m too much of a free spirit. So, because I am okay with going to the bathroom alone, he thinks I’m cheating!” Vanessa gave a disgusted shiver.

  “Nessa, most women would love their man to want to spend a lot of time with them. You guys are newly married you’re supposed to be basking in the glow of love.” It was so hard to hear her sister criticize the man she loved for wanting to be with her, when all she’d wanted for years was to see Marcus again, just once…let alone be with him.

  “No Lena, you don’t understand. If I was taking a shit. Peter would be on the toilet next to me asking for the funny pages out the paper…pun intended,” Nessa said.

  Alena laughed so hard, she almost had to pull over. “Talk to him Nessa! Tell him how you feel. But don’t just give up on him,” she said as they pulled into a parking space at the church.

  “I am going to talk to him all right. I will talk to his ass in a Dear John letter after I have moved out!”

  Alena decided to pray for both her sister and Peter today.

  “Granny!” Ajani yelled running across the parking lot when he saw Hazel, Marcus’ mother.

  “Good Morning Lena,” Hazel said in her fake I am pretending to like you tone.

  Alena and Hazel had never really reconciled their relationship after Marcus died. For a long time, Alena blamed her mother in law for Marcus being out that night. After Alena gave birth to Ajani, instead of Hazel talking to Alena about making visitation arrangements for Ajani to spend time with his grandparents, she’d sued Alena for her grandparent’s rights. Alena won the case, but it caused a rift between the two women which wasn’t healed.

  “Good Morning Hazel. How are you today?” Alena responded in an icy tone.

  “I am well and you?” Hazel said

  “Good Morning, Mrs. Banner. I can see by your goatee run amuck, you still haven’t been introduced to an ear and nose trimmer,” Vanessa taunted Hazel.

  “Nessa! Not in front of Ajani and not now!” Vanessa said gesturing her head toward the church.

  While the ladies stood there in a stare down, they all missed the one person all of them would agree they didn’t expect to see and had no desire to see—Jeffrey Banner.


  “Nessa, you don’t have to stay and wait with me. I’m sure Peter is waiting for you to come home,” Alena told her sister as she paced back and forth, anxious about the meeting she’d agreed to with Jeffrey in the church parking lot. What was I thinking?

  “Woman…sit down. You’re walking a whole in hardwood floors!” Vanessa said going back to peek out the window at Seth. “You know I’m not leaving my sister alone with crack baby Jeffrey. I’m just glad mom and dad could take Ajani tonight.” She still wasn’t looking at Alena, her undivided attention was on Alena’s delicious next door neighbor. “Besides, the real punkass husbands of Texas will make it through another couple of hours without me—DAMN!

  Jumping up and running to the window Alena asked, “What?”

  Looking over at her sister, Vanessa pointed at the window. “I know your ass isn’t blind and you see that fine ass man out there who just took his shirt off and gave us full view of his back tattoo!”

  Alena laughed and sat back on the couch while Vanessa stood at the window fanning herself while mumbling, “Be still my quivering kitty!”

  “NESSA!” Alena said laughing. “Bring your behind away from the window!”

  “LENA! Get your ass up and get across the street and serve your vagina to that man like its Duck Confit!” Vanessa exclaimed, finally coming away from the window to sit in a chair

  “You just don’t quit do you? I don’t have time for worrying about Seth right now. What am I going to do about Jeffrey?

  “Why did you tell him you would meet with him if you are worried about it?”

  “Because…I can’t keep walking around with all this anger in me. I am not the only one who lost Marcus. He lost him too. Because I know, he did not mean for what happened to happen. I told God when he saved Ajani. I would live my life the way he would want. I know our father would not want me holding a grudge or prevent Ajani from knowing his uncle if there’s a chance for it to happen.” Alena got up and started to pace again.

  Taking a deep breath Vanessa stood up and grabbed Alena by the shoulders to stop her movement. “God does not expect you to do anything but forgive that jackass. If you have forgiven him in your heart sis. You do not owe him anything else!”

  “I know you are right”

  “Yes, I am. It happens so often, you should be used to it by now.” Vanessa smirked as she sat back down in the chair to resume her ogling of Seth. “I am also right about that delicious man across the street. You need to let him scratch your itch!”

  Laughing and shaking her head, Alena looked across the street at Seth, mentally agreeing with her sister completely.

  Seth’s six pack had a six pack and his were like granite rocks. He kept his haircut low to keep it neat. He’d told her in one of their long talks, his hair was naturally red and curly, he dyed it and kept it short to keep from looking like Archie from the comics. His nails were always dirty and his hands were calloused but somehow, Seth made manly very sexy.

  Alena was so wrapped in her thoughts, she didn’t realize Vanessa had picked up her cell phone, found Seth’s name in her contacts and called him until she heard her say,

  “No, this is not Alena. I’m her sister Vanessa.”

  Alena’s heart dropped to her feet as she started to chase her sister around the living room trying to get the phone from her.

  Vanessa asked him if he’d ever thought of taking her sister out on a real date? She watched helplessly as Vanessa spoke to Seth setting up a date for Alena and Seth for Saturday at a jazz club.

  Finally giving up on getting the phone from her, Alena slumped onto her couch covering her face with her hands in embarrassment.

  “Okay great, she will be ready at eight!” Vanessa said, happily giving her sister the thumbs up. “I’m sure she is looking forward to it too.” She shut the cell phone.

  “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” Alena yelled at her sister.

  “What? I did for you what you were too chic
ken shit to do for yourself. You’re going to be thanking me when all that hunk a man is taking your new virginity and you’re squirting like Mount St. Helens”

  “EWW! Nessa! You are so nasty. It’s Sunday!”

  “So? If anyone knows your ass is horny, it’s the lord! Even HE wants you to get some,” Vanessa said laughing.

  “What am I going to wear? I have not been on a date in forever. What if he’s just going to be nice? I don’t need a pity date.”

  “Excuse me?” Vanessa retorted. “First of all, you are a beautiful and a wonderful woman, who is smart, loving and talented. Who wouldn’t want go out with you? And second…Have you seen your ass lately? I want to slap it up, flip it, rub it down—Oh, NO!” she finished saying the phrase the way Bell, Biv DeVoe said it in their song Do Me Baby. “You need this Lena. You will never find love again, if the only man you ever interact with is Ajani.”

  A knock at Alena’s front door told them they would have to finish this pep talk later, Jeffrey was here.

  “Oh, yeah. Captain Crack head is here!” Vanessa scoffed with false enthusiasm while Alena opened the door.

  Alena and Jeffrey walked into the living room.

  Jeffrey looked nervous but not surprised to see Nessa. “Hey, Vanessa. How you doing?” he asked her humbly. He also looked her in the eye and extended his hand like a man.

  Alena had never seen Jeffrey act like this. He’d been so coddled by Hazel all his life, he’d been an entitled little boy, no matter how old he was.

  “I will be a lot better when you go home Satan. So, why don’t you say what it is you want, so my sister can go on with her day, and cleanse her home of your foul spirit in the mighty name of Jesus!” Vanessa sung raising her hand in the air as if she’d just been touched by a powerful sermon.

  Clearing his throat, Jeffrey took a moment to try and find the right words before speaking. “Lena, I wanted to come by and say to you face to face what I should have said years ago...I am sorry.” With his head held high and looking her in the eye, he went on to explain to her he’d been sober for two years now. How his time in prison had opened his eyes to what his problems were for all those years. It was himself. Never being a man, never taking responsibility for himself and his actions.

  After two hours of talking and airing out their differences and apologizing to each other, Alena realized the change in Jeffrey was real. He seemed to be a changed man who just wanted to make amends for his mistakes. She knew in her heart, Marcus would want her to forgive him. She had no right to hold his past against him when God had forgiven him.

  Jeffrey was getting ready to leave and he turned to Alena. “Lena I know you do not trust me with Ajani and I totally understand, under the circumstances. But I’m wondering if I can set up a time to come over once a week and spend some time with him? Tell him some stories about his dad as a kid?”

  Vanessa stood behind Jeffrey waving her hand and shaking her head no, as she mouthed the words, “Don’t do it!”

  Alena decided to take a leap of faith. “Sure. Why don’t you call me sometime this week and we will set up a regular time for you to come over and hang out with him for a couple of hours.”

  Smiling Jeffrey said, “I will—thanks Lena.” He turned and left.

  Before Alena could get the front door locked, Vanessa chimed in with, “Damn your own mansion in heaven! Your ass is aiming for your own suburb!”


  “Nessa! This is the tenth outfit I have tried on! I can’t figure out what to wear! I am not going,” Alena exclaimed, falling back on her four-poster bed queen, into the pile of clothes she’d already tried on and vetoed.

  “You are going if I have to drug you and prop your naked ass up in a chair on the other side of a candle light dinner!” Vanessa yelled from inside Alena’s closet.

  Seth would be at Alena’s house in less than an hour and Alena’s room was a total disaster. She hadn’t gotten dressed, let alone done her hair and make-up.

  “FOUND IT! Vanessa shouted stepping out of the closet with a dress her mother bought her two years before, when Alena was supposed to go out on a blind date she’d set Alena up on with a personal care attendant who worked with Alena’s grandmother.

  Thankfully, he’d called Alena last minute and cancelled. Two weeks later, his wife had shown up at the retirement community screaming and yelling at him about cheating. Vanessa and her mother had been visiting her grandmother and had a front row seat for the show.

  The dress was an awe-inspiring delight…an exquisite ivory cocktail dress. Lavishly embellished by a dramatic black lace collar and softly overlapping bias pleats, the enchanting fit and flare dress would swath any woman wearing it in elegance.

  Alena loved the dress the moment she saw it. But was relieved she hadn’t worn it. The only thing she hated on her plus size body were her large flabby arms and the dress was sleeveless “No…No! Nessa, I can’t wear that dress!” She lamented, holding her arms up in the air waving them back and forth, so the extra skin on the underside of her arms flapped in the air. “Look at these things! If I there was any muscle or definition, my biceps would be bigger than Dwayne Johnson’s! No!”

  “What? Who? You know what…never mind. You are wearing this dress. You will look hot, regal and elegant all at the same time in this dress. It frames your body magnificently and shows off how small your little waist actually is. Now put on the damn dress woman, you have twenty minutes.”

  “Crap!” Alena exclaimed jumping up off the bed, taking the dress from her sister and putting it on. She had no more time to waste at this point

  “CRAP! CRAP?” Vanessa said clutching her chest and laughing. “Lord Jesus, such foul language Lena! I mean really?”

  “Bite me, Nessa!” Alena said as she wiggled her way into the dress.

  “Girl, you keep going and you’re going to let out a cuss word that parts the red sea!” Nessa continued to tease her.

  The doorbell rang and both women looked at each other, saying simultaneously, “He’s early!”

  Alena ran to her vanity and sat down while starting to panic. She hated keeping people waiting for her.

  “Calm down. I will go and let him in and keep him entertained until you are ready to go,” Vanessa suggested heading for the door.

  “NESSA!” Alena yelled feeling a wave of fear rush over her all of a sudden. “Please don’t embarrass me?”

  Holding up to fingers, Vanessa winked and said, “Scouts honor.” She turned with a wicked smile and skipped down the steps.

  Alena knew that meant she was going to do exactly the opposite. She gazed at her face in the mirror. She wasn’t a woman who really wore makeup very often. Actually, she mostly only wore it on special occasions and dates. She hadn’t been on the latter in a very long time. She’d painted her nails a candy apple red, so she decided to make her make up striking.

  Once she was done with her hair and makeup, she grabbed her one and only pair of Christian Louboutin’s and her evening bag, then headed for the front door. When Alena got to the top of the steps, her breath was literally taken away by how sexy Seth looked.

  He’s wearing a Navy Plaid Slim Fit Men's Designer Suit with a crisp white button down dress shirt. He wasn’t wearing a tie. But Alena doubted he would make him look anymore delicious than he did right now. “Hi!” she whispered starting down the steps.

  Looking over at her, Seth flashed his warm sexy smile.

  It made her want to forget her promise and ride his face until the wee hours of the morning.

  “Good Evening Gorgeous!” Seth greeted, stepping forward, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. “Lena you look amazing.” He stared intently into her eyes.

  “Thank You!” Alena replied shyly taking the long stemmed red roses from him that he’d brought for her. “They are beautiful!” she said inhaling there scent. “Let me put them in some—”

  “Ah! NO! I will put them in water. You two go out and have fun,” Vanessa said taking the flowers
from her.

  “Well, alright then,” Seth said smiling and extending his elbow to Lena for her to slide her arm around his.

  They were on their way to the restaurant before either of them spoke again.

  “Can I ask where we’re going?” Alena finally spoke.

  “The Shore. Have you ever been there?”

  “N.! I have wanted to go since it opened but it just always seemed like a place for lovers and romance. Not a night out with the girls.”

  “So, does that mean you don’t do much dating?” He looked over to Alena in the cozy warmth of his SUV as they waited at a red light.

  “Actually, I haven’t. Believe it or not, I’m a widow. When you lose the love of your life very early in life, dating seems pointless. You know what I mean?”

  Seth seemed to go quiet.

  “Not that I am not glad to be out with you!” Alena corrected herself because she thought she’d upset him. “I’m really sorry about Vanessa by the way. My sister can be a bit much sometimes. She has no filter but she means well,” Alena finished while looking out of her passenger window.

  “Oh…No, No problem. I’m actually glad she called. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to ask you out for a couple of days, so I was relieved when she called and did it for me,” Seth said smiling.

  “Really? I didn’t—Really?” Alena asked, completely amazed.

  “Yeah! Why are you surprised?”

  “Well, because I just figured you thought of me as a friend. I mean I wouldn’t think someone who looked like you would be interested in someone who looked like me.”

  “What? Well then, you would be very surprised to know I have wanted to ask you out on a date since the first day we met. I just didn’t think I would be your type!” Seth told her with a grin.

  “WHAT? What woman in her right mind would not think of you as her type?”


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