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To Protect Serve and Betray: A BBW Romance

Page 8

by Leila Lacey

  “Girl, Bye! You know I’m your best friend and your ass don’t trust nobody else. You adore me!” she said laughing. “Listen, all I’m saying is if he’s been calling you over and over, maybe there is a good explanation for what happened. I mean you said he told you he works in security maybe something came up?”

  “Are you serious Nessa? So, he had something that was so urgent, he couldn’t pick up the phone and call or text?” Right at that moment, Alena’s cell phone vibrated indicating she had a text message from Seth. “Like he’s doing now!” She showed her phone to her sister.

  “Listen, I am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt because that man is sex on a stick. I mean damn, if he were my man, I would be putting Viagra in his morning smoothie. We would be getting it on, you hear me!”

  “I swear you are the most over sexed woman I know. What is going on with you and your husband?” Alena asked her sister while shaking her head.

  “Why are you always worrying about my needy ass husband?”

  “Because he is married to you!” Alena joked while laughing. “He needs all the understanding and prayer he can get.”

  “He’s whipped and simple,” Vanessa said flipping her sister off.

  “Okay, Okay. I am sorry. I just—can I tell you something without you getting mad?” Alena asked.

  Placing her fork down on the table and wiping her mouth with her napkin, Vanessa said, “Aww shit, are you about to make me go DMX up in here?”


  “Yeah, ya’ll gone make me lose my mind up in here, up in here!” Vanessa sang.

  Alena howled with laughter. “I swear you are stupid. It’s nothing bad, I just want you to think about something. If you love Peter, then love him. Trust me, I know you can lose him in the blink of an eye. There’s nothing like the pain of losing the one you love Nessa,” Alena said looking off remembering her days of waking up next to Marcus, watching him sleep peacefully. She always thought to herself, one day, the humming thing he does in his sleep is going to get on my nerves I am sure. But today, it’s so cute. Little had she known she would never get the chance to be used to it, let alone for it to bug her.

  “Well, talk about a mood killer. Now, you are going to make me go home and be nice to my husband,” she grumbled taking out her phone and sending Peter a text.

  “Really?” Alena asked looking toward the front of the restaurant.

  Vanessa whipped around to see what had turned her chocolate kiss sister ashen white and there was Seth standing by the hostess podium waving Alena toward him.

  “How did he know you were here?” Vanessa asked her sister whipping her head back around.

  “I don’t know. Wait—he told me at the dinner from hell, he’s an investigator...” Alena said her blood starting to simmer with anger. If Seth tracked her phone or any other stalkerish behavior, she was going to lose her religion.

  “LENA! LENA” Seth yelled from the front of the restaurant. Beckoning her again, to come and talk to him. The restaurant was extremely busy at this time of day. It was one of the new trendy hot spots in Southdale, so it became the place to be seen. Therefore, if you didn’t have a reservation you weren’t getting in.

  “Girl, I think you might have a nut on your hands,” Vanessa said smirking with excitement as she fanned her face. “That’s so HOT! You know I like them crazy,” she added while smiling.

  Alena stood up to go and talk to Seth before he embarrassed her any further. “Yes, that’s because you’re crazy as hell your damn self. Text your husband psycho. I will be right back,” she said as she walked away.

  “If he is into wearing a fuzzy pink robe and some bunny slippers I am in love and leaving Peter today!” Vanessa said in the loudest whisper Alena ever heard.

  “Ma’am would you like me to call the authorities?” the mater D asked Alena as she approached the podium.

  “No that’s fine. Thank you though,” Alena said as she walked past Seth heading outside. “How did you know I was here?” she immediately asked him as soon as she could feel the southern Texas sun on her skin.

  “Don’t be mad. I went by your house and Mrs. Haskin’s said you were here having lunch,” Seth told her.

  “You went to my house and questioned the babysitter? Are you crazy? Do you have issues that need to be addressed by medication, a doctor or a bullet? Because I can oblige you with anyone those if you like,” Alena snapped angrily.

  * * * *

  Seth loved the way her eyes sparked when she was mad. She always looked nice but today, to Seth, she was downright breathtaking. Today was the first time he’d gotten to see her beautiful curly hair down around her shoulders blowing in the wind.

  She wore a yellow sundress that complemented her delectable wide hips, tiny waist, ample bosom and smooth complexion to a tee.

  “Lena I called you, I emailed, sent text messages and you wouldn’t respond. I need to talk to you,” Seth pleaded.

  “To do what Seth? To explain to me why you left me stranded at a restaurant? To explain why you didn’t call me for two weeks to tell me what was going on? What is it exactly you need to say to me so badly, you’ve turned into a stalker?”

  “Yes, all of that and then some. Lena I—we—there is so much I need to tell you. I just—I can’t do it here. Will you please come by my place tonight, I can cook you and Ajani dinner and we can talk?”

  “Yeah…um, NO! So, you can leave us standing on the doorstep. I think not. Say what you have to say now, or keep it moving Seth.” Alena crossed her arms to shield her heart from this man who seemed to have a hold on her she didn’t understand.

  Without any warning, Seth pulled Alena into a kiss. He kissed her softly, lingering on her lips, and it felt so arousing.

  Halting, she then melted into his arms.

  Seth slid both arms around her waist, wanting to feel his body pressed against her from head to toe. The kiss was the kind of kiss that was meant to ignite all of your senses, his hands roamed over her body, as his lips moved gently over hers.

  The kiss said he was emotionally present and in the mood for a truly intimate experience with her and no other woman. Seth paid attention to the needs of her soft succulent lips and her pliable body which was straining to get closer to him.

  Alena didn’t seem to forget about Seth’s needs either, as she matched his mood by stroking his arms and nibbling lightly at his bottom lip while she moaned with desire.

  Seth was the first to break away, needing to step back before he picked her up and carried her to his truck to show her what he wanted to say right there in the parking lot. “I’m sorry,” Seth whispered out of breath. “Actually no, I’m not sorry, you’re amazing.”


  “Lena I have to go,” Vanessa said walking up to her sister. “OHH! What ya’ll been doing? Your lipstick is smeared all over your face.” She handed her a handkerchief. “Damn, and right here in front of the restaurant! You’re my kind of fella!” She gave Alena her purse while elbowing Seth playfully.

  “Nessa!” Alena said embarrassed, “This is Seth. Seth my sister,” she introduced them while digging a Kleenex out of her purse.

  “We met. Nice to see you again, sexy,” Vanessa purred at him while smiling.

  “Hi, I’m sorry to interrupt your lunch,” Seth said trying to wipe Alena’s lipstick off his mouth with his hands.

  “So, why did you bail on my sister on your date and then come here today to slow her down? Are you crazy? Inquiring minds want to know,” Vanessa stated, handing him a Kleenex she’d snatched from Alena.

  Seth’s face immediately turned three different shades of Crimson.

  “Don’t answer. It will only get worse if you do,” Alena warned him. “Nessa, I will call you later. Tell Peter I said hi.” She stared at her sister in disapproval.

  “Uh-Oh! That means I’ve said too much. I’m going to go now. See what you did?” Vanessa said, slapping Seth on his abdomen playfully before kissing her sister on her cheek, whisperin
g, “Will you PLEASE let this man tickle your fancy? For me!” She snickered as she walked away.

  Alena and Seth stood there in front of the restaurant like two awkward teenagers who’d shared their first kiss, neither of them knowing what to do or say.

  “Ajani hasn’t been feeling well the last couple of days. Why don’t you come by tonight around nine after I have gotten him to bed and we can talk?” Alena finally broke the silence.

  Seth glanced up with a huge grin on his face. “Yes, I can do that. Should I bring anything with me?” He felt like he was nine feet tall, yet terrified at the same time. She was actually giving him the chance to explain himself. Which was a relief but tonight, was going to be the night he told her who he is. Which could make her hate him forever.


  Seth knocked on Alena’s door at eight fifty five pm. He wasn’t going to be late after what he’d done on their first date.

  “Hey” Alena said giving him a slight smile as she opened the door.

  God, this woman is beautiful! Seth thought as he walked past her into the house. He’d hung out here with Alena and Ajani a lot in the past couple of months while getting to know each other. Just as she’d been to his. Now, that he thought about it, he couldn’t think of a meal in the past few months that he’d not shared with Alena and Ajani or just Alena.

  He went into the family room, where Alena and Ajani hung out most of the time. Sitting on the sofa, Seth realized he felt more at home here in the comfort and warmth of Alena’s home than he did in his own, possibly even in his parent’s home.

  Alena followed slowly behind him, handing him a glass of wine she’d poured for him and sat down.

  Seth’s stomach was in knots trying to find the words to tell her who he was. While he sat there looking at the sad indifference he read in her eyes for ditching her at the restaurant on their first date, he could almost imagine the hate and anger he would see there once she heard his news.

  “Are you going to say anything or just sit here and stare at me?” Alena asked him, taking a sip of her wine.

  “The more I see of you, the more I want to stare. Is that a bad thing?” Seth whispered.

  “No, I guess not. It would be a wonderful thing for a woman who hadn’t not been disposed of at a restaurant, who’s expecting to hear an explanation,” she said. “I am not that woman, so all it sounds like to me is a stalling tactic.”

  “I assure you that is not what this is,” Seth denied with his head dropped low. “Can I ask you a question?” Seth gazed up at her.

  “Sure,” Alena said sitting back in the chair.

  “What kind of man did you think I was before the date from hell?” Seth asked her.

  Alena took a moment to think, as if tried to get a read on where he was going. “I would say I thought you were a strong upstanding man. Who’s a hard worker, a man who loves his family and is loyal to his friends why are you asking?’ she finally said.

  “Because—” Seth started to answer but was cut off by his cell phone ringing. He recognized his mother’s ring tone. “Can you give me one second?” he said taking the phone out of his pocket. “Hey mom, I’m with Alena right now can I…” He paused mid-sentence.

  * * * *

  As he listened to his mother on the other end, Alena watched his expression change from one of concern to one of complete and total horror.

  “WHAT? WHERE? HOW? WHAT HOSPITAL?” Seth yelled into the phone. He stood up and started to walk to the door, but instead, turned and sat on the sofa. Listening to his mother. It seemed like the caller was speaking for several before Seth finally said, “I am on my way Mom! I am on my way!” before hanging up.

  “What’s wrong what happened?” Alena asked him.

  “My brother has been shot on the job today. Trying to stop a robbery. I have to go,” Seth said distracted.

  Alena met Seth’s mother and father a month ago at his house warming. His brother hadn’t been able to attend. His parents said it was because of work. Seth had said he didn’t expect him to come, because they weren’t on the best of terms.

  Seth turned in circles a few times. He was in an almost zombie like state.

  Alena knew she couldn’t let him drive like in the state he was in. “Seth stop, slow down its going to be okay. Let me get Mrs. Bramston from across the street to come and sit with Ajani for a few hours and I will go with you,” Alena offered with no hesitation.

  It was twenty minutes before they were on their way to the hospital. Alena was surprised Seth hadn’t given her more of a fight with driving him to the hospital. But from the look on his face she wasn’t sure he could’ve driven if he wanted to.

  All he could think about was getting to his brother. Alena could remember and sympathize with the feeling all too well.

  Seth was getting text after text, from cops on the force who knew Shawn. They were both quiet in the car. He was fielding text messages and trying to stay calm while she was remembering the last time she’d rushed to the hospital, and the outcome.

  When Alena pulled her SUV up to the hospital parking lot he finally spoke, “You don’t have to come in if you don’t want. I know you need to get home to Ajani.” His hands were noticeably trembling and he had unshed tears in his eyes.

  As angry as Alena had been with Seth the past couple of weeks, she couldn’t leave without making sure everything’s okay. “I want to come in,” she said as she parked and jumped out of the car grabbing her purse.

  * * * *

  When his mother called, Seth’s heart was pounding so loud he actually couldn’t hear his own words. All he heard was his own rapid pulse. Luckily, he’d trained with the Sheriff’s department and was one of the best lip readers on the force, so he knew what Alena was saying when she offered to drive him.

  Now, he almost smiled to himself, he should’ve known she would not leave him there. He wondered if she thought about Marcus.

  The last time he’d been to a hospital had been the night Marcus died. After giving his statement to Internal Affairs and turning in his weapon, he’d gone to the hospital to see how he was doing. He’d walked in on Alena on the floor in the middle of the emergency room while she was screaming his name.

  At that moment, Seth never knew so much shame. He’d wanted to end his life that very night.

  They walked into the hospital hand and hand. Alena did all the talking, sensing Seth wouldn’t be able to find the words.

  When they entered the family waiting room, Seth’s parents were sitting huddled together on a brown tattered sofa waiting to hear about the wellbeing of their son.

  “Mom, Dad!” Seth said walking toward them.

  His mother stood up and ran into his arms while gasping his name as she fell into his arms, crying hysterically.

  His father stood up and hugged them both, tears streaming down his face.

  Alena looked around the waiting room.

  There was a lot of cops and members of the sheriff’s department.

  Seth figured, this was the first time she’d been around members of law enforcement since Marcus’ death. The irony of the roles now being reversed wasn’t lost on him.

  She sat quietly in a chair in a corner.

  A team of three doctors and two nurses came into the waiting room.

  “The family of Officer Shawn Hale?” one of them said.

  “Yes,” Mr. Hale said stepping forward with his arm wrapped around his wife who could barely stand. “I’m his father”

  “Sir would you like us to clear some of the people from the room, so we can talk privately?” one of the nurses asked him.

  To Seth it seemed like his mother and father aged twenty years in the last five minutes. He was doing all he could not to fall apart himself. He looked over at Alena and she looked ashen as if she knew it was bad news.

  On the trip over, he kept thinking of all the times he and Shawn played baseball together, or went out on their motorcycles. It seemed stupid to him now how long they’d not been on
speaking terms. As soon as Shawn got better, he was going to rectify that.

  “No. This—we’re all his family,” his mother said in broken sobs.

  The doctors looked at each other and each took a deep breath. The oldest of the three doctors stepped forward resting his hand on Mr. Hale’s back. “Sir, your son came in with a fatal gunshot wound to the head. We did everything we could to revive him but there’s nothing we could do. I am so sorr—”

  Before the doctor could finish his statement Mrs. Hale screamed and fell to the floor in tears. Distraught with the pain of losing her son.

  Seth had to catch his father who buckled to his knees at the same time.

  Alena sprang into action, coming to Mrs. Hale’s side holding her in her arms as she screamed in pain. Alena rocked her, empathizing with her pain.

  Seth held his father as he cried.

  Alena picked up the Bible his mother brought with her and went to Genesis 37: 34-35 and read it aloud to her, “Then Jacob tore his garments and put sackcloth on his loins and mourned for his son many days. 35 All his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted and said, ‘No, I shall go down to Sheol to my son, mourning.’ Thus, his father wept for him.”

  Seth hadn’t found solace in God or the bible in a long time. He watched on as his mother slowly started to calm down. He hoped there was a God who loved them all, gazing down on him and his family right now. He helped his father into one of the chairs as a family friend helped Alena with his mother.

  “Seth can I talk to you in the hall for just a minute please?” Detective Jay Samuels asked, tapping him on the shoulder.

  Seth looked at his mother and father reluctant to leave them until Jay said, “Please? It’s important.”

  Looking to Alena to let her know he would be right back, Seth stepped into the hall with Jay.

  Jay’s family had lived next door to his for the past thirty years. Seth almost knew him as well as he knew his own brother.

  He fell against the wall once they were in the hall, letting the tears and pain of losing his little brother hit him now, he was out of his parent’s presence.


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