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Barbour, Carolina - Watch Me, Desire Me (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 25

by Watch Me, Desire Me

  Tyree nodded.

  “Let’s see if you do.” He moved to face the Tyree, withdrew his sword, and made as if he might attack. “Be prepared to defend yourself.” He could see the boy’s Adam’s apple bob as he sucked his mouth dry. “Ready?”

  Tyree nodded.

  Juden advanced, sword held high in an arc, he charged—Tyree clasped the hilt of the sword between both hands, raised it high in front of his face—Juden slammed his foot into his thigh and watched Tyree crumble to his knees. He caught the sword before it hit the boy in the forehead.

  “How on earth did you intend to strike me when you couldn’t see me?”

  Tyree scratched his head, baffled.

  “By raising your weapon in front of her face you blocked your line of sight. Whilst fighting, I like to see my opponent, and I would think you would feel the same.” He helped Tyree to his feet and returned his sword. “During battle you must use all your senses, sight, smell, intuition. Understand?” Juden waited to ensure the boy was listening before he continued. “You move in fluid motions, synchronized, mind, body, and weapon as one. We will try it again. Shall we?”

  He took the time to work with Tyree until he felt relatively sure the boy could continue practicing without slicing off a toe. Then he left him in Faison’s care, while he watched from the sidelines. Jilst coming to his side, they appraised the men doing maneuvers. Juden pointed to Tyree and said, “The weight of his sword will hamper him. Speak with the smith and have him fashion another blade. I want the material used made lighter, the blade streamlined, and some of the bulk of the hilt removed to lessen the heaviness. In fact, work with Faison and check all the weapons and make the necessary changes to bring the swords up to my standards.”

  “I will talk to the smith.”

  When Jilst didn’t move Juden looked at him. “What are you waiting for?”

  Jilst motioned to Viola who headed toward them. Juden followed the girl and noticed Saxby made her way in their direction, as well. He saw the determined expression and trouble on Viola’s face. On the other hand, Saxby merely strolled toward him unaware Viola’s claws had extended.

  Juden frowned. “I take it you haven’t spoken to Viola, as yet? Why do you delay?”

  “The same reason as before. To allow her way will set precedent for our marriage. I don’t intend to allow Viola to always get her way and she must learn that I’m the man and respect such, and like it.”

  Juden agreed, understanding. “I agree, but maybe you might want to have another serious discussion with her.” He kept an eye on Viola who charged determinedly toward them. He looked at Jilst. “Soon Jilst…soon,” he said, and made to avoid Viola. She was Jilst’s woman to handle.

  Viola tried to side step Jilst when he reached out for her. It amused Juden when she tried to dash around Jilst who caught her by the waist, lifted, and sat Viola down beside him. When she tried to move, Jilst hissed and held on possessively.

  Viola stomped her foot. “I will not be bullied by you, Jilst. I do not want you. Yet, you continue to be overly aggressive in getting your way.”

  “I’m persistent. There is a difference. Aye, you do want me,” Jilst said full of arrogance. Then he added sternly, saying, “Behave.”

  “You would think after what happened between Juden and me you would respect my wishes.”

  Juden saw Saxby’s step falter and she regained her composure. He got the evil eye though. He turned to Viola and scowled making his anger known. He spoke, directing his words to Jilst. “Get your woman under control or I will.” With that he strolled to intercept Saxby.

  Standing with his arms behind his back, fingers clasped, Juden bowed forward, saying, “Is there something you wanted, Lady Saxby? You shouldn’t be out on the practice field as I can’t guarantee one of Milo’s men might not lose control of their weapon and it come flying through the air.”

  “I’m on my way to the stable to check on Tibby’s foal.” She made to move around Juden who blocked her path. Sasha and Rogue, who followed along, started to move forward. Juden eyed the dogs and they immediately tucked their tails and dropped their heads.

  Saxby looked at her pets astounded. “How do you control my pets?”


  Saxby wrinkled her brow. “They normally only obey me.”

  “I have a way with animals,” he said casually. He could have elaborated on the fact variants was at the top of the tier hierarchy within the animal species. Her pets sensed a predator and instinctively wouldn’t foolishly challenge him unless necessary for the sake of survival.

  “Are you like Tavian?”

  He knew what she meant but chose to ignore the question. One, he didn’t want to go into his unique abilities. Two, someone shot an arrow in their direction he followed the sound of it passing through the air.

  Saxby opened her mouth to speak…he encircled her waist and moved her just in time for the arrow to whiz by, it barely missed, and landed in the ground behind her. He whirled around and scanned the men on the field. Then he caught Jilst’s eye, who was already making his way through the crowd of Milo’s men to seek out the offender.

  Unsure if the narrow miss was an accident or intended, he looped his arm in Saxby’s, and started walking, wanting her out of the line of fire. “I will accompany you to check on your horse.”

  “I can handle myself. I’m sure you have more important matters to attend.”

  He caught her glance directed at Viola and understood why she sounded waspish. “You are my priority at the moment.” He continued to walk, keenly aware Saxby dragged beside him. He covered the ground in a matter of minutes and didn’t stop until they reached the building doors.

  He stopped, stepped aside, and allowed Saxby to precede him inside the housing. Before he followed, Juden studied the activities going on outside, and caught the glimpse of a shadow disappear behind one of the cottages.

  “There is really no need for you to watch over me.” Saxby moved along, making her way toward the stalls.

  Juden followed. His eyes and ears absorbed every nuance of sound and movements in the room. When he was comfortable they were alone, he shifted his attention to Saxby who hurried along to the last cubicle. She raised the hem of her gown, modestly displayed an ankle, unaware the innocent action sent his thoughts in a wicked direction.

  Suddenly, the familiar scent of the stable, sweat, leather, and fresh hay drifted to the background and the alluring fragrance of lavender and femininity held his attention. He watched the gentle sway of hips and allowed his imagination to run wild, as Saxby moved. By the time he caught up to her it was all he could do not to tumble her in the hay and bring the fantasies inside his head to reality. He restrained himself.

  Saxby stroked the foal’s coat. She spoke quietly, and glanced over her shoulder. “She is beautiful, and I can see why you would be enticed by her.”

  Bewitched by the distracting sight of full, creamy bosom and round derriere to notice the frisson of jealousy in her tone, he said, “She is a beauty, spirited, and I’m sure in time will be fine to mount.”

  Saxby blinked, and then blinked again. “Excuse me?”

  Her baffled expression made him catch his blunder. “You referred to Tibby’s foal, weren’t you?” He asked a second after he realized she meant Viola.

  “Of course, I did,” she lied.

  It wasn’t characteristic of him to explain himself, not his normal method of operation, and for some reason he heard himself say, “Viola belongs to Jilst. When they return home they will wed.” He drove the point home and clarified matters.

  Or so he thought.

  “Really? It seems the girl thinks differently.” She looked up at him. “If you want her or any other woman I have no right to begrudge you. You can do as you please.”

  “I never required permission to fuck someone,” he said softly and with a hint of sarcasm.

  “There is no need to be boorish,” Saxby retorted sharply.

  “Then don’t think to
overstep your boundaries,” he said quietly. “Perhaps we should drop the subject.”

  “I believe your suggestion is best.”

  “When you finish visiting the foal we will go for a ride.”

  “If you are asking the answer is no thank you.”

  Juden smiled mildly. “I thought you love to ride.”

  “That was a long time ago, another place and time, when the simple pleasure did not leave me with regrets.”

  “That was all before me. I promise you if you indulge this whim, you will not be disappointed. Trust me.” He held out his hand, which she took, and Juden helped Saxby to stand.

  Juden frowned, captured her chin, and tilted upward so he could see her face. He was surprised that tears pooled in her eyes. “Have I said something to upset you?”

  Saxby sniffled. “On the contrary, you have said something to make me very happy. For the first time, someone made a promise I can believe in. ‘Tis silly, I know. I suppose my feminine emotions, as you say, are running amuck again.” She laughed, nervously. Juden stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Come, I promise to make you feel better. Satisfaction is guaranteed.”

  Chapter 39

  “I thought when you said ride we would bring Tibby.”

  “I don’t recall specifically saying such.”

  “No, but you implied it.”

  “I rarely make remarks that would make someone draw wrong conclusions. Besides,” he patted her thigh affectionately, “I prefer you where you sit.”

  “I shouldn’t allow you to take such liberties with me.” Her smile was bright as sunshine.

  “Yet, you continue to.” He grinned.

  She melded against his frame and snuggled into the folds of his embrace as he lead the horse through the blanket of grass, past the willowy trees, and headed into the forest. When he passed the entrance, Juden managed the mount around the large pines, thicket, and followed the narrow path that twisted and turned and lead to the embankment that ran along the river. At the sandbank, he eased the horse into a leisurely motion, his intent was to see Saxby relaxed and enjoyed herself.

  She squirmed, moved about, and wiggled her bottom against his groin. Juden swore softly and caught her hips between his fingers to keep her still.

  “What? I was trying to get comfortable.” She looked innocent.

  “Mayhap, but you are making me damned uncomfortable.” A sudden thought occurred to him. Was it what she wanted? If so, he had no intentions of objecting. Already he was hot, hard and ready, no additional stimulus was necessary. “Mmm, I wonder,” he murmured.

  Saxby’s mouth flew open. “I assure you I wasn’t thinking what you are thinking. I do have some control, you know. Goodness.” She blushed, lowered her lashes. “I suppose you are accustomed to women fawning all over you so I see why you think I can’t keep my hands to myself.”

  Juden scanned the area before looking down at her. His smile was charming. “How well do you ride?” It was a safer topic then his many experiences with the women.”

  “‘Tis been awhile, but I considered myself excellent when it came to riding. My father started my instructions when I was four. My mother who was overly protective objected thinking I was too young. Up until Milo’s accident, I was never squeamish about mounts and could handle one as well as any man.”

  He saw a sudden movement in the trees up ahead. He focused on the spot to assess if danger was amiss, and then decided it was nothing. He gave Saxby his undivided attention. “Do you always do that, listening…ever watchful for an attack? Do you ever drop your guard?

  A faint smile curved Juden’s lips. “On occasion I’m mindless to what is happening around me.”


  Juden’s smile broadened. “When I’m between your luscious thighs I find myself totally enamored and very much distracted.”

  “You do not fear me.”

  That was an understatement if he ever heard one. If any situation should make him leery, it should be Saxby. With her things took on a normalcy he knew didn’t exist, a surreal occurrence, in her arms he allowed imagination to surpass reality. A dangerous position, he thought. “Aye, you are correct. I have no reason to fear you except when I believe I could possibly fuck myself to death. Although, I believe there are worst ways to expire.”

  “You are positively horrible, Juden.” Her tone was light and teasing.

  “So, when you learned to ride was it astride with your thighs spread?” A heated utterance, it slipped from his lips like honey. He felt her tremble. “That was just a question.”

  “You have no motive behind it, I take it?” She eyed him questioningly.

  “There is always a reason for everything, darling. Spread your legs.”


  “I want to see if you have the strength in your thighs to hold on properly during vigorous motion.” The double entendre was obvious.

  “If you are suggesting what I think…” Her voice faded when Juden leaned and whispered exactly what he meant in her ear. He laughed seeing her cheeks flame. He continued in her ear, saying daring things he knew would make her hotter than the warmth he felt radiating off her body and sunlight. “Do it,” he said, low and husky.

  “This is insane,” she said.

  She watched him unpin the brooch that held the opening of her wrap closed. He moved it back and started on the ribbons bounding her breasts inside the bodice of her gown. Adept at what he did, in a matter of seconds he unlaced the binding and gently tugged the material down until her nipples poked free.

  He looked up at her. “Are you going to show me your sex or not?”

  “I thought you were interested in getting my thighs open.”

  “I learned early on getting thighs open is the first step necessary to get to a woman’s sex.” He grinned. He helped her raise her gown leaving it bunched around her waist. “Now, if you don’t mind I’m growing impatient.”

  She did as he instructed. Juden stared fixated on the plump folds already glistening with her juice. He licked his lip as if he could suddenly taste her.

  “Nice. Part the labia so I can see the rosy interior. Touch yourself and feel how wet you are becoming.” When she hesitated, he gave her further directions until she slid between her legs, glided a finger into the damp lips, and eased the opening apart. He sensed her reticence. He sought to relax her. “‘Tis okay to touch yourself, Saxby. Haven’t you done so before?”


  “Then it will be my pleasure to show you how to satisfy your lustful cravings when I’m not around. You will find it enjoyable and helps take off the edge until I can take cares of matters for you.” He put his hand over hers, guided her palm to cover her mound. He showed her where her clit was located, and how to glide her finger over the small crest. When she became adept at what she did, Juden dropped the horse reigns and let the animal roam aimlessly. He cupped her breasts between his hands, and licked his tongue over the twin peaks. Tantalizingly, he used his tongue to massage the pert nipples, licking back and forth, before he started sucking. He rotated between hard and soft, knowing the contradicting feelings would heighten her arousal.

  She moaned and fell back against his chest, her finger working feverishly over her pussy. He said, “You are slippery, dripping, and primed for cock.” He unfastened his pants and freed his turgid penis. “If you want it, take it.”

  “Stop the horse,” she said, winded.

  Juden tickled her earlobe with his mouth. He hummed against it saying, “My mount is loyal to me. He won’t talk.”

  Her eyes flared, unbelieving, as he moved her until she straddled his waist. He gripped her hips, balanced her weight, and brought her down on his cock. Saxby cried out softly when he raised her slightly, flexed his hips, and set her into a steady rhythm. “Oh Juden...” Her voice died away with the breeze as she trembled, squeezed him hard, crushing her breast against his chest. She faded into the thongs of rapture, sung with delight, and collapsed as the last of her orgasm rippled through
her. Her pussy clenched, demanded his release, which he obliged willingly, and came convulsing when he erupted.

  She smothered his face with kisses, whispered praises, saying, “You are incredible.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I should be thanking you. You are most skillful, darling.”

  After he assisted with fixing her clothing, he adjusted his pants, regained control of his mount, and set it into a gallop. He drove the animal faster, over the landscape, and for a fleeting moment left the world with all its intricate complications behind.

  * * * *

  The men waited in the umbra of forest until Juden disappeared over the hillcrest before they took off after him.

  Chapter 40

  Saxby sighed in contentment when Juden moved her thigh higher up his back, forged deeper, and rotated his hips sending the entirety of his cock to soar and stroke the right spot sent sensations to ignite and burst alive inside her pussy. He sank to the depths again, glided along her vagina walls, and continued the pace making her ravenous with need. “I wish we could be like this forever,” she said, kissing him.

  “I’m good, not that damned good. Forever would require a lot of stamina.”

  She giggled and clung to him when he moved from their sides and laid her on her back. He withdrew and plunged greedily until she felt each thrust in her belly. He did it again…then again…more and more until all the nerve endings in her body went into a tailspin, all topsy-turvy, and stopped spinning and shattered feeling like a thousand pieces of splendor had stolen her emotions.

  When she could breathe, think, Saxby curled around Juden and held him. She ran her fingers over his slick flesh, enjoying the feel of satiny hardness beneath her hand. Laying her cheek against his chest, she listened to succinct thumping of his heartbeat.

  “When I said forever, I meant you and me could remain in this wonderful universe we created.


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