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You’re the Reason

Page 10

by J. Nathan

  We finally reached the car. Chantel sat in the front seat, avoiding all of our pissed faces. Chase stood outside with a towel outstretched and his eyes looking elsewhere. Ryan grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me, making sure not to touch or look at any part of me.

  “Thank you,” I said. “Let me just put my clothes on and then you can have the towel.”

  “Ummmm…” Chase began, still averting his gaze.

  Sudden dread swept over me. “What?”

  “Your clothes are soaking wet.”

  “Of course they are,” I said, knowing Chantel had purposely done something to them while we were in the water.

  “Dude, rein your girl in,” Ryan said, anger coloring his tone. “She’s always such a God damned bitch.”

  Chase shook his head, looking just as pissed as Ryan and I were.

  It was a quiet ride back to the restaurant to get Ryan’s car. I didn’t want to give Chantel the satisfaction of a reaction, so I said nothing, sitting in the back seat with the towel wrapped around me tightly. I caught Chase’s eyes in the rearview mirror throughout the ride, but avoided looking back at him.

  We finally pulled into the parking lot at the restaurant.

  “I’ll bring Sophia back to the dorm,” Chase said. “She already got my seat wet. No need to get yours wet.”

  Ryan looked to me in question.

  “I’m fine,” I assured Ryan. Besides, I didn’t want to get out of the car to get into another one while wearing only a towel, and campus was only five minutes away. “Thanks for…an interesting night.”

  Ryan smiled, lowering his voice. “Next time just you and me.”

  My lips curved, not confirming or rejecting his offer.

  He stepped out of the car. “Later, guys.”

  Once he closed the door, the car was eerily silent.

  Chase pulled out of the parking lot, turning up the music so no conversation could take place. The five-minute ride felt like an hour, but he finally pulled to a stop in front of our dorm. I opened my door and stepped out, not looking back or saying a word to either of them. I slammed the door and made my way inside.

  Once upstairs in my room, I grabbed my shower caddy and took a nice long hot shower, washing off the salt water as well as the disgust I’d felt toward both Chantel and Chase. I’d been embarrassed, humiliated, and made to look like a fool—yet again by both of them.

  I returned to the room in my sleep shorts and top, stopping in the doorway when I found Chantel alone in our room crying on her bed. I said nothing, just closed the door behind me and put my shower caddy in the closet. I made my way over to my bed and slipped under the covers, not about to console her after how totally bitchy she’d been.

  Silence filled the room for a long stretch, her soft sniffles piercing the quiet every now and then.

  “I know I’m a bitch,” she finally said.

  There was nothing to say. She was.

  “I wanted to embarrass you tonight.”

  I stayed silent.

  “But in the end, it didn’t matter. Chase wants nothing to do with me.”

  My stomach dipped, but I gave myself a much-needed internal tsk. He was just on a date with someone else! He just embarrassed you at the restaurant! He was playing with your feelings, and that is not all right!

  “Don’t act like you’re not thrilled,” Chantel said.

  I said nothing. I had nothing to do with their relationship.

  “We could’ve been friends, me and you. But you’re always off with Valerie. You turn your nose up at me and my sorority.”

  I finally spoke. “Valerie and I are similar.”

  She scoffed. “You don’t know the real Valerie.”

  I liked to think I did, but kept that to myself.

  “Chase wants you, you know?”

  I said nothing.

  “Don’t think I don’t know about your secret meet-ups at the library. I have eyes everywhere.”

  “We’re partners in history class,” I explained.

  “Didn’t think to mention that before now?”

  She had a point. I hadn’t mentioned it.

  “Yeah, your paper wouldn’t have disappeared had you thought to.”

  I felt the blood drain from my face as I finally turned to look at her. “What?”

  “Oh,” she said all sweet. “I just meant I would’ve been able to help you with that tricky portal.”

  Son of a bitch.

  She stood from her bed and walked to the closet, grabbing some clothes and stuffing them into an overnight bag. “Andi’s roommate moved back home. I’m gonna stay with her for the rest of the weekend.” She moved to the door and grabbed hold of the handle. “I just need…space.”

  Glad she was leaving, I said nothing. I needed space from her too.

  “But, Sophia?” She pulled open the door. “If you think you’re gonna get with him now, you need to watch yourself.” She switched off the light. “Payback’s a bitch.” She turned and walked out, letting the door slam behind her and shrouding the room in complete darkness.


  “So, what’d you do?” Valerie asked over breakfast Saturday morning.

  My eyes shot around, making sure no one in the dining hall could hear me. Chantel did, in fact, have eyes everywhere. “Drove home in a towel.”

  Valerie shook her head. “She’s so twisted.”

  “She said if I go out with Chase, I better watch myself.”

  Her voice became serious. “She’s not kidding.”

  “Why are you so scared of her?” I asked.

  Valerie’s eyes drifted from mine, as if she was considering answering me but unsure if she should.

  Before Valerie could say anything, Tina passed by our table. She didn’t stop, but gave a little wave and said, “Hey, Val.”

  “Hey,” Valerie said back to her as she walked away.

  “Did she forget my name?” I asked.

  “She’s just like Chantel. Hot and cold.”

  “You sure Chantel didn’t already spread the word to ice me out now that Chase cut her loose?”

  “There’s that too,” Valerie said. “But you don’t seem like someone who’s fazed by her threats.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Are you gonna see Ryan again?”

  I shook my head. “He texted last night about going out again.”


  “I let him down easy.”

  “Poor guy.”

  “I’m sure he’ll bounce back. Kappa Sigmas seem to have their pick of willing females.”

  Her mouth opened. “Do you know what would be awesome?”

  I shook my head.

  “Chantel has a pledge event next weekend. Since we don’t have a house, she’s taking the pledges to a hotel for some bonding activities.”

  “Sounds awful.”

  “Oh, it will be. Luckily, I’m not invited. The only sisters she’s taking are Tina and Andi.”

  “Lucky you. So, what would be awesome?”

  Her eyes lit up. “The Kappa Sigmas are having a huge party on Saturday. Word will definitely get back to her if we show up there and there’s not a damn thing she can do about it while she’s with the pledges.”

  I laughed. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

  She laughed. “Oh, I have it in me.”


  I walked into History through Film Monday morning, keeping my eyes on my seat and not on Chase who was already there. I slipped into my chair and pulled out my laptop.

  “So,” he said, turning his body to face me. “When are you gonna let me take you out on a real date?”

  My eyes cut to his. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did you say something? My underage ears didn’t quite hear you.”

  He sat back and crossed his arms, a soft chuckle leaving his lips.

  Professor Irons began his lecture.

  I focused on him, trying to ignore Chase’s eyes boring into the side of my head for the remainder of the class.r />
  When the professor dismissed us, I tried to get out of there as quickly as I could, but Chase caught up with me outside the building. “You trying to avoid me?”

  “Yup.” I shot him a sideways glance as I kept walking toward my next class. “Friday sucked.”

  “It was the only way I could keep an eye on you,” he said, keeping pace with my strides.

  “You’re really starting to scare me,” I said.

  “I’m not the one you need to be scared of,” he said.

  “Yeah. Chantel’s pretty scary.”

  A flicker of amusement lit his eyes.

  “She says she has eyes everywhere,” I said. “I’d be worried about being seen with me if I were you.”

  “I told you. I’m not scared of her.” His eyes grew serious. “I’m sorry it took me so long to end things.”

  “You claim the two of you were never together, so…” I shrugged.

  We arrived at the building where I had my next class. Chase stopped and I kept walking. “See ya,” I called as I climbed the steps, not bothering to look back.

  I wouldn’t lie. Chase asking me out created that warm fuzzy feeling inside me that usually came whenever he was near. But, if he thought for one second that I’d drop everything because now he’d finally broken things off with Chantel, he didn’t know me very well.


  On Tuesday, I arrived to Art History right on time, inwardly groaning when I spotted Chase in the seat behind mine again. The lecture hall had five hundred seats. Why did he need to sit behind me? I slipped into my seat without looking at him.

  “Go out with me this weekend,” he said from behind me.

  The professor began speaking, so I ignored him. Halfway through her lecture on Picasso, the girl next to me handed me a folded-up sheet of paper. I stared down at the paper then looked to her in question.

  Her eyes flicked over her shoulder.

  Of course.

  I took the paper from her and covertly unfolded it in my lap so Chase couldn’t see over my shoulder.

  Put me out of my misery and go out with me this weekend.

  I fought the urge to smile, tucking the note in my bag and continuing to listen to the lecture.

  He was going to have to work harder than that.


  I arrived to History through Film right on time on Wednesday. Chase, again, was already there, playing on his phone. He didn’t glance up when I slipped into my chair.

  “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,” Professor Irons said. “Today we’re going to discuss the difference between the bombing of Pearl Harbor as depicted in 2001’s Pearl Harbor and 1970’s Tora! Tora! Tora!”

  My phone buzzed in my back pocket. As soon as Professor Iron’s turned to cue up the first film, I slipped my phone into my lap and peeked at the screen. I can’t be held responsible for my actions when he shuts off these lights.

  I sobered my features and responded to Chase’s text. Would you like me to leave then?

  The raspy sound of his chuckle carried my way, but I focused on the front of the classroom where Professor Irons had started the movie right at the bombing scene. Intense echoes of explosions and gun fire on-screen reverberated off the walls of the small classroom.

  My phone buzzed again in my lap.

  I fought the urge to look, keeping my eyes on the film. I knew Chase was watching, and it made it even harder to resist looking.

  As Professor Irons stopped the first film and called up the next, my phone buzzed again in my lap, reminding me of my unread text.

  I finally peeked at my screen.

  I’m sorry things between us haven’t been easy.

  Another text popped on my screen. I plan to change that.

  I closed my eyes, praying for the strength to walk out of that class when we were dismissed and keep Chase Reed at arm’s length. At least until I knew for sure if he was even someone I wanted to invest time in.

  He was right. Nothing about us had been easy.

  My phone buzzed again.

  I never should have allowed her to speak to you the way she did.

  I could feel my strength wavering. I responded to his text the only way I could. Yup. You suck.

  I didn’t peek over to see his reaction. And, he left me alone for the remainder of the class.

  When Professor Irons dismissed us, I stood. I expected Chase to do or say something. He didn’t. I walked out into the hallway and toward the stairwell. Once I stepped outside, I realized Chase hadn’t followed me, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Was he giving up that easily?

  On Thursday, Chase was back in his regular seat at the other side of the lecture hall. He didn’t pass me another note; he didn’t even acknowledge that I was there. Was he trying a new approach, or did he not like having to work so hard?

  On Friday, he walked into History through Film two minutes late, not even glancing to me when he sat. His silence continued throughout the whole fifty-minute lecture. At the end of class, Professor Irons explained that our next film project would be due in two weeks, then dismissed us.

  I gathered my belongings.

  “So, when do you want to get started?” Chase asked me.

  I glanced to him. “Oh, you’re speaking to me again?”

  He cocked his head.

  “Well, you know where to find me when you’re ready to begin the project.”

  “See? You say that. But if I show up at your room, how do I know you’ll even answer?”

  I shrugged. “I guess you’ll just need to show up.” I spun away from him and walked out of class, wondering if he’d actually show up.


  “Chase showed,” Valerie announced as she entered her room.

  I winced as I looked up from her bed where I’d been doing my homework while trying to avoid Chase. “Was he pissed I wasn’t there?”

  Her nose wrinkled. “I don’t know. He threw back his head and laughed when I told him you went out.”

  I studied her face. “He laughed?”

  “Yeah. Like he almost expected it.” She dropped down onto her bed beside me. “I think you put him through enough this week, don’t you? I think it’s about time you figure out what’s going on between the two of you. You both owe it to yourselves.”

  My lips twisted as I contemplated her question. “Soon.”


  Valerie and I got out of the Uber and walked into Kappa Sigma Saturday night. I left the leopard print at home, opting for torn jeans and a green shirt. People filled the front porch and all the rooms as we made our way toward the basement. I kept my eyes out for Chase, but didn’t see him. Downstairs, the music roared, drinks were flowing, and people all around us were dancing.

  “Let’s get a beer,” Valerie said, weaving us through the crowd.

  The guy behind the bar, likely one of the new pledges, poured two cups from the keg and handed them to us. We made our way to the dance floor, laughing and moving to the music for a while. A short time later, I noticed Valerie’s eyes latch on to something over my shoulder. I twisted around and there he was, standing on the stairs, towering over everyone and searching the room. Our eyes collided.

  My heart fluttered as I held his gaze, now staring across the crowded space at only me. He didn’t move to come down. He just stared, and the corners of his lips twitched. What are you gonna do now, frat boy?

  I turned back to Valerie and continued dancing with her, throwing my arms in the air and moving my hips to the music.

  Time seemed to stall as two strong hands grasped my hips and a hard chest pressed to my back.

  Valerie’s eyes widened as she stifled a grin.

  Lips moved beside my ear. “I guess you’ll just need to show up, huh?” Chase’s voice sent goosebumps dancing across my skin. Damn him.

  “Oops. Was I not there?”

  “No, you weren’t.”

  “Well, I’m here now.”

  “Yeah.” He dragged his chin alongside my neck and
more goosebumps erupted. “And that makes me very happy.”

  I continued moving to the music with his hands on my hips, but I said nothing.

  “Have I mentioned that you naked under water last weekend did some uncontrollable things to my body.”

  I clenched my thighs as heat shot to my core.

  Valerie winked. “I’m gonna get another beer.” She turned away from us and disappeared amongst the moving bodies.

  I spun around and slipped my arms around Chase’s neck.

  His hands shifted to my back as his eyes gazed into mine, like no one else occupied that crowded basement. “Hi.”


  “Am I forgiven?”

  In that moment, with the music pumping through the room, his arms around me, and his hopeful eyes anticipating my response, I could only nod.

  The smile that swept across his face did crazy things to my body. He leaned in, his lips dangerously close to mine.

  “Remember,” I warned. “Chantel has eyes everywhere.”

  “Then let ’em watch.” His lips crashed into mine, his tongue sweeping inside my mouth. I tried pulling back but he wouldn’t have it; he kept our mouths locked as his tongue tangled with mine in a room full of people. Silence drowned out the noise around us, and all I could focus on was his strong hands holding my ass to him, his erection pressing into me, and his mouth devouring mine. This wasn’t the frantic kiss in the library. This was intimate. This was binding. This was everything I wanted in that moment—even in a room full of people.

  We eventually split apart, our chests heaving as we drank each other in with our eyes, both of us wanting more.

  “Let’s go back to your room,” he said.

  My brows shot up.

  “I want to spend time with you, Soph.” He motioned around us. “Without all of this.”

  I considered his request. But I’d come with Valerie and I didn’t want to leave her alone.

  “She’s fine,” he said, reading my mind and pointing her out with a group of girls drinking at the bar.

  “Let me just go tell her.”

  He grabbed hold of my hand and walked with me. When Valerie spotted us, she didn’t even wait for me to say anything; she shooed us away. “Go. Get outta here.”

  I smiled and mouthed, “Thank you.”

  “Have fun,” she called as we headed to the stairs.


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