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What Remains: Untainted

Page 14

by Kris Norris

  The door cracked open, and she ran, barely making it three steps away before the damn thing crashed against the wall, zombies spilling into the room. She didn’t look back, focusing on the bins stacked on the floor in front of her. She yelled Darcy’s name, leaping onto the top container and pushing her body upward. There was a frenzied moment of panic, her arm stretched above her head, before his hand closed around her wrist, the force of the jump swinging her against the wall.

  She hit hard, angling back toward the open car, screaming when hands grabbed at her boots.

  Darcy slipped slightly forward, his harsh curse rising above the grunting below her. “Give me your other hand!”

  She reached up, kicking at the bony fingers tugging on her boot, feeling her body sink. “Darcy!”

  “I won’t let you fall, Abby. Just keep kicking your feet for me.”

  She flailed harder, finally shaking the boot free as Darcy hauled her up, dragging her onto the roof. She rolled onto her back, struggling to catch her breath, fear making the room dim at the edges.

  Darcy wrapped his arms around her, giving her a firm squeeze before lifting her to her feet. “You can be scared later. We have move. Now!”

  He took her hand in his, leading her to the far end of the car. She peeked over the edge, drawing a sharp breath at the mass of Gray pressing against the door, fighting to get inside. She’d never seen so many in such a small space and had no idea how they’d get past them. Heat flushed through her body, making it hard to breathe when Darcy tugged on her arm.

  He gave her a quick nod, moving all the way to the opposite side. He checked the floor, killing the couple of stragglers milling about before pulling a grenade out of his pocket. He removed the pin then tossed it toward the other end. It hit the metal roof and bounced, rolling across the top and over the lip, falling into the open space.

  He turned away. “Jump!”

  Her voice keened into a soundless scream as he launched them off the railcar, dropping them to the floor on the far side of the railcar just as the grenade exploded, shooting fire out the open doors and across the floor. Darcy shoved her beneath him, shielding her body with his as flames flared past them, incinerating everything in its path.

  She choked on the plume of smoke, staggering to her feet as Darcy heaved her up, grabbing her hand again and dragging her toward the main doors. He unloaded a full clip, cutting down half the Gray still standing, kicking at a couple as he changed magazines. She stayed behind him, emptying Barrett’s shotgun before switching to her Berettas, trying to keep up with him as they raced across the room, the stench of burning flesh filling the warehouse. They broke out of the smoke, and she sucked in a much-needed breath of clean air.

  “Fuck. Duck!”

  She reacted on instinct, the sheer tone of Darcy’s voice taking her to her knees. A volley of gunfire erupted over her head, a stream of empty casings raining down on her shoulders.

  Abby looked up, taking out four creeps rushing toward Darcy’s back. He snapped his head around, watching them fall before grabbing her hand again and heading for the tower. He bypassed the stealthy route, making a beeline for the row of vehicles stacked below the window. Scores of undead angled toward them, closing in the path. Darcy snugged his semi-automatic against his hip, clearing a swath through the bodies without missing a step.

  Abby concentrated on matching his stride, ignoring the burning sensation in her lungs and the muscles cramping in her thighs as she ran faster than she thought possible, not wanting to break Darcy’s pace. But as they emerged from the shadow cast by the last building, a group of Gray blocked their way.

  She called out to Darcy, thinking he’d change direction, but he kept going, killing those closest to him, when his gun clicked instead of firing.

  He dropped it, allowing it to swing at his side as he grabbed his handgun. “Damn it. I’m out.”

  She clenched her jaw, firing as best as she could with her left hand, wondering if he’d finally veer off course when the head of the zombie closest to them exploded in a shower of blood and flesh. Two more dropped behind it, creating an opening in the horde.

  “Hell yeah, Barrett.”

  There was no mistaking the pride in Darcy’s voice as he wove them through the path Barrett made, each shot dropping more bodies. He kept up the frantic pace until they reached the first truck, grabbing Abby by the waist and bodily tossing her into the flatbed. She landed on her ass but managed to roll to her feet just as Darcy vaulted in, yanking her up as he pulled her toward the cab. She fired at the pale flesh reaching for them, following Darcy across the vehicles, half tripping as he dragged her behind him at a blazing rate. He jumped up when they reached the window, slipping through before hanging out his arm and signaling her to grab it. She wrapped her fingers around his wrist, popping in through the window as if she weighed no more than a child. Her momentum slammed her into Darcy’s chest, taking them both to the floor. Footsteps clattered down the stairs before Barrett charged into view, barring shut the window before rounding on them.

  He pounded his fist on the wall, looking at them as if they’d lost their minds. “Jesus Christ, Darcy. What the hell kind of stunt was that? If I’d missed just one shot, I would have had a real great view of the two of you getting eaten!”

  Darcy’s chest heaved against hers, his heart racing beneath her fingers. He gave her a wink before pushing up on his elbows, taking her with him. “But I knew you wouldn’t. It’s like I told you. I’d bet my life against your sniper skills any day.”

  Barrett glared at him, offering his hand as he pulled them both up. “Well next time do me a favor and don’t.” He shook his head, his gaze finding hers. “Do I even want to know if you got the medicine?”

  She gave him the first real smile she’d felt since Colby had collapsed. “Four bottles of pills as well as some other supplies. I’m not sure if this combination will prevent another episode, but it’ll stop this round—give me time to get more before it happens again.”

  “Thank fucking god. He’s been mumbling since you guys left, and I finally had to tie him to a damn chair to keep him from trying to leave.”

  She stepped over to him, reaching up to brush a kiss across his cheek before moving to the first stair. Barrett snagged her arm, spinning her around and tugging her into his chest. His lips came down hard on hers as his arms held her tight against him. He didn’t draw the kiss out, just a quick possession of her lips before he moved back, his jaw clenched, his hands fisted at his sides.

  She spared a look at Darcy before focusing on Barrett. “I love you too.” She skimmed her fingers down his face. “Thank you.”

  He kicked at the step, giving her a curt nod. “Just don’t scare me like that again.”

  “I’ll make it up to you once Colby’s out of the woods. Promise.”

  He moved forward, tapping her firmly on the ass. “Don’t worry, love. I’ll make sure that you do. Now go help Colby before I forget how much the man needs you and pin you to this wall.”

  She grinned and ran up the stairs.

  Chapter Eleven

  Barrett leaned against the window, raking a hand through his hair as he released a weary breath. It’d been two days since Abby and Darcy had damn near died getting Colby the medicine, and it looked as if the man was finally on the mend. Abby had stayed by Colby’s side the entire time, adjusting his meds, hooking up an IV to keep him hydrated. She’d only just removed it an hour ago when he’d been able to drink a few mouthfuls of water before fading again. Then she’d curled up beside Darcy when Barrett had all but threatened her if she didn’t get some sleep.

  His gaze fell to her silhouette, and he smiled as he studied her while she slept, her chest rising and falling rhythmically, soft snuffling sounds drifting through the air. Wisps of hair fluttered about her face, and he knew he could spend a lifetime watching her and never get enough. Never learn every subtle nuance or memorize every delicate feature. She was so much more than just beautiful, and he swore he’d go
to Hell and back just to see her smile.

  “That girl is something else.”

  Barrett jumped, looking over at Colby. The man stared back at him, his brown eyes weary but clear for the first time in days. He’d braced himself up on one elbow as his gaze alternated between Barrett and Abby.

  Barrett smiled, nodding at Abby. “Dangerous in every sense of the word. How are you feeling?”

  Colby grunted as he levered up, shuffling back until he could rest against the wall. A flicker of pain creased his forehead, but at least he wasn’t trying to kill them. “Like you ran over me with the damn Hummer. But I’m still breathing. Can’t really argue with that.” He glanced over at Abby. “I suppose I owe my recovery to our feisty Vet?”

  “She hasn’t left your side in two days. I had to threaten to paddle her ass to finally make her get some sleep. Why didn’t you ever tell us you had malaria?”

  Colby sighed. “I guess I didn’t think it was important. The doctor treated it while you and Darcy were busy, and I never thought I’d get sick from it again, so…” He paused as if remembering something important. “Wait! How was Abby able to treat the malaria? I searched through every damn bottle of medicine she had, and I wasn’t able to find anything close to what our doc gave me.”

  Barrett scrubbed a hand down his face, knowing Colby would go ballistic once he heard about Abby’s little excursion. “She had access to some.”

  The muscle in Colby’s jaw pulsed as his eyes narrowed. “Access? What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means we can’t seem to say no to the girl, especially with your life on the line.”

  Colby bowed his head, his hands balling into fists on his lap. “Please tell me she didn’t run off alone on some heroic quest just to save my ass?”

  Barrett scoffed, sliding off the counter onto his feet. “Do you really think Darcy and I would let her go anywhere alone? Darcy went with her. Apparently there was some kind of railcar loaded with medicine in a warehouse by the main terminal building. Abby secured enough to cure this round and treat another if you have one.” He frowned. “At least, I’m pretty sure that’s what she said. I got lost a bit when she started tossing out Latin names for things.”

  Colby gave him a curt nod, though Barrett could tell he was seething under the surface.

  Barrett crossed his arms on his chest. “You might want to cut her and us some slack, mate. Did you really think she’d just sit here and watch you die if she had any chance of saving you? Did you think Darcy and I could let you go that easily after everything we’ve been through? You’re family. And one doesn’t give up on family without a fight. So if you’re going to get pissy over this, you might as well start now because I’m not apologizing for helping her save your life.”

  Colby held his gaze, his face set firm. “Can I at least thank the three of you first before you chew my ass off?” He released a slow breath, glancing at Abby again. “I just don’t know what I’d do if I lost one of you…especially if it was because of me.”

  “Which is why Darcy let her drag his ass halfway across the damn airstrip. You’re not the only one hanging on by a thread here. We all know what’s at stake and exactly how much we have to lose. But if you can’t risk your life for those you love…”

  Barrett glanced away. Tears prickled the backs of his eyes, and he’d be damned if he’d cry in front of Colby. The man was as solid as a damn stone. Barrett took some deep breaths, regaining his composure before turning to Colby.

  The man gave him a genuine smile, motioning to Abby. “Sounds like you might need to show our girl what happens when she scares us.”

  “Just waiting for you to wake up. Thought you might like to watch.”

  Colby chuckled when Abby stirred, suddenly bolting awake, a harsh cry splitting the air. Darcy sat up beside her, his arm instinctively pulling her into his chest as he drew his weapon, scanning the room before cursing and tucking it beneath the pillow again. He placed his chin on her head, whispering soothing words as he met Barrett’s gaze, giving him a raise of his brow. Barrett moved over to the mattress, crouching beside the couple and brushing his hand down her hair. Abby took a few shuddering breaths then eased away, nuzzling her head into Barrett’s hand. He knew the moment she realized Colby was conscious. Her eyes bulged wide, and her breathing hitched.

  Darcy lowered his arms, helping her shuffle over him until she knelt beside Colby, tears pooling in her eyes. She reached out her hand, palming it on his chest much like she’d done that first day. She sobbed once, and he opened his arms, welcoming her into his embrace as she lunged forward, laying her head on his shoulder.

  Heat blossomed in Barrett’s chest as he watched Colby hold her, finally realizing the depth of their relationship, knowing he was tied to the other men as much as he was to Abby. Calm settled low in his gut, and he knew he’d come home, whether they ever returned to the compound of not. That as long as they kept each other alive, it’d be enough.

  Abby dropped a kiss on Colby’s chest then eased back, wiping at her eyes as she appeared to draw herself up. “About bloody time you woke up for more than a second or two.”

  He gave her a sexy smile. “Looks like I have you to thank for that.”

  “I never would have gotten the drugs if Darcy and Barrett weren’t as damn good as they are. I’m just glad you’re better.” Her mouth tightened, and she gave his shoulder a light whack. “But I swear…if you ever lie to me again about something this important, I’ll slip Ipecac in your coffee one morning. I strangely have plenty of that.”

  “Point taken. And you’re right. It was foolish of me to ignore the symptoms and not tell you what I thought was going on. But when I realized you didn’t have the meds…”

  She snorted. “You thought you’d spare us all the worry and just let yourself die? Great plan, Colby.”

  “I had visions of getting back to the center before the fever really took hold, but that obviously didn’t happen. Besides, I didn’t want you to do something stupid, though from what I hear, you seem to have a penchant for putting your ass on the line.”

  “I couldn’t let you die.” Her chin quivered, and she seemed to force herself to swallow. “I love you guys.”

  Colby brushed his thumb along her cheek, wiping away some of her tears as he drew her close. “And for that, we’re forever thankful. I don’t know what deal we made with the devil to deserve you, sweetheart, but we’d make it a thousand times over. Thank you.” He leaned in, giving her long, sensuous kiss before easing back, nodding at Barrett and Darcy. “But as fortunate as we are, I believe we warned you there’d be consequences for scaring us.”

  Her brow furrowed a moment before she squealed as Barrett moved, lifting her into his arms as he carried her over to a chair. He turned, placing on her feet just enough for Darcy to undo her pants and push them over her hips, taking her panties as well. She inhaled sharply, and Darcy paused with his hands fisted on the bottom of her shirt, seemingly waiting to see if they were crossing a line she wasn’t ready for. Her gaze drifted from Darcy to Colby, finally landing on Barrett. The lines around her mouth tensed as she watched him, her eyes softening as her lips lifted into a stunning smile.

  Barrett’s heart clenched as she visibly surrendered, raising her arms as Darcy dragged her shirt over her head, unhooking her bra after tossing the other fabric on the floor. A shiver trembled through her as her bra fell to the floor, leaving her dressed in nothing but a smile. Barrett took his place on the chair, firming his expression as Darcy urged her forward. She stopped in front of Barrett’s legs, worrying her lip between her teeth as her gaze swept up and down his body. He patted his legs, trying not to smile as Darcy picked her up, another squeal echoing through the room when the man juggled her around, finally splaying her across Barrett’s lap.

  He smoothed his hand down her spine and along the cleft of her ass, circling his hand over her ass cheeks. Her silky skin spiked his cock against his fly, pressing against her ribs. She groaned, wiggling closer
to him, earning her a sharp smack to her ass. Her entire body tensed, and she gasped, her breath hissing through her teeth when he trailed his fingers over the area.

  “God, your skin is so soft and so white. I can’t wait to see it flushed a nice shade of pink.” He raised his hand again, letting her anticipate his action for a few seconds before connecting, using just enough force to add a slight sting. “Shit. Your ass feels so good flexing beneath my hand.” He made another pass. “Do you enjoy having me spank you?”

  She hissed out a husky, “Yes,” as his hand landed again, a bit harder.

  “Good, but know this. If you put this ass in jeopardy, we’ll react accordingly.” He laid down six sharp smacks in quick succession, groaning at the sight of her pink flesh. “We love you, Abby. More than you’ll ever know.”

  Abby’s breath panted across his leg when he stopped, loving how hot her skin felt against his hand. He smoothed his fingers over it, trailing the tips down to her inner thighs. “Open for us, love, and let Darcy see how much you enjoyed your punishment.”

  When she kept her thighs pressed together he tsked at her, spanking her four more times, grinning at the moan of pleasure from deep in her chest.

  He stopped. “I’ll ask you again. Open your thighs and let us see how wet you are.”

  Her shoulders hunched slightly before she inched her legs apart, crying out when Darcy’s hand disappeared between them.

  “Fuck. Darling. You’re soaking.”

  “God. Darcy. Barrett. Please.”

  Heat flared in Barrett’s chest, and he had to bit back more tears. He’d never dreamed he’d find a woman who’d embrace this side of him, and just knowing Abby willingly gave herself to him made him love her even more.


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