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The Cowboy Comes Home

Page 20

by Roni Adams

  Susan leaned forward. “You never read his note? How could you not read it? I mean God, Beth, he left and you weren't even curious?"

  She studied her mug instead of the accusations evident by her sister's tone. “I thought it was going to be lots of ‘I'm sorry and don't hate me,’ and all that. Frankly, I didn't want to hear it, so I shoved it in my desk drawer. As time went by, I thought of it but figured whatever he had to say was best left in the past.” Leaning back, she pushed her hair out of her eyes. “Anyway, in the note he wanted me to join him at the Circle S at the end of the summer.” She shrugged. “Obviously I didn't show."

  Sara winced, one hand on her back as she shifted in her seat. “So, you were hurt that he left, and he was hurt that you didn't show up?"

  Beth nodded. “Pretty much. Turns out, we were both to blame for what happened. I still believe he should have called me. I mean, I would have. Of course, I never would have left in the first place."

  Susan reached across and touched Beth's hand. “Get back to the story."

  She couldn't sit still and pushed her chair back to stand. To give her a minute to organize her thoughts, she grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. “We both acknowledged that we have a hard time keeping our hands off each other. Since neither of us is with anyone else, we figured what's the harm in sleeping together as long as we both know it's only for the sex."

  Sara snorted. “He said that to you? That he only wanted you for sex?"

  Beth twisted off the top of the water. “No, that was my idea. I was trying to keep from getting hurt again. I thought I could live for the moment, have a fling, be like every other woman today."

  Susan shook her head. “That works if it's not someone you have such a history with. Honestly, Beth, did you really think you could do that and keep your emotions out of it?"

  She nodded. “Stupid, I know, but yeah, I really did."

  Once again, she watched her sisters exchange a serious glance at each other as she slipped back into her chair. “Christmas Day, when Chase dropped that bombshell on everyone, I thought Tyler knew all about it. I thought that he was lying to get me back or sleep with him."

  "How on earth does your brain work?” Susan sat back and crossed her arms over her ample chest. “Why would he do that when you just said it was your idea?"

  "I know, I know.” She set her bottled water on the table and reached for a cookie. “I don't know what I was thinking.... I don't know what to think. It's just.... this whole Circle S thing, that's a pretty big coincidence don't you think? That Chase wants him to run the whole ranch and Tyler claiming he knew nothing about it?

  "According to Charli, even she didn't know anything about it.” Sara bit into a gingerbread man. “Chase has been known to make rash decisions; at least that's what Daddy always said."

  "So, you guys don't think he knew about it?"

  Susan shook her head. ‘I doubt it. I would be surprised, especially if Cord didn't know. It would have made sense if Chase had discussed it with Cord first, but he didn't. I know that for a fact because he told me outright."

  "You and Cord having private meetings now?” Sara teased.

  Susan reddened. “He was up late one night when I came in from a date. He's still pretty lathered up over Diane and was talking about going to go to Paris, can you believe that?” She shook her head. “I talked him out of it. Don't get me wrong, I hate this marriage of hers too, but she not twelve. This is her life and if that's what she wants..."

  "Henri's slime,” Sara bitched. “If I wasn't in this condition, I think I'd be tempted to go over there, too, and knock a little sense into that sister of ours. Mark my words, this is going to be bad. Something isn't right about her marrying this guy."

  Susan waved her hand. “Oh, stop. Just because he's not from Texas doesn't make him a bad guy."

  Sara raised one eyebrow, and Beth took a long drink of her water. “We'll just have to wait and see."

  "Okay, back to you, Tyler, and sex.” Susan pulled the plate of cookies away from Sara who glared. “Do you want to be as big as a house?"

  Their round sister stuck her tongue out.

  Beth chuckled and continued. “After brunch on Christmas, I was furious and he knew it. He followed me over to the clinic and tried to talk. We fought, then one thing led to another and pretty soon we were on the floor."

  "And you decided the sex was too good to worry about being mad?” Susan urged, grinning from ear to ear.

  "Yes, and no. He stopped. I mean at the worst possible time, he stops and says, “We're not taking this any father until you believe that I had no idea what Chase was planning."

  Beth swallowed, remembering the hurt that filled his eyes when she couldn't answer honestly. Shame flooded her with the memory of how much she wanted him that day and that he walked away.

  "I didn't believe him, so he said he didn't want this arrangement anymore; that it was all or nothing for him. I told him I chose nothing then, and he left.” She drew a deep breath. “I haven't spoken to him since.” She was shaking as she finished and couldn't look at either of her sisters. She was embarrassed, but also confused. When they didn't say anything, she glanced from one to the other. “Was I wrong? I mean, I didn't believe him. Maybe I do now since you guys seem to think he wouldn't know, but ... I didn't believe him at that moment."

  "If all you wanted was a sexual relationship, why did it even matter about all that?” Sara asked.

  "Yeah. You just wanted him for sex, and you said yourself that you wouldn't get involved emotionally because you thought he might leave again.” Susan waved a dismissive hand. “Seems to me like you made a huge issue out of something that, frankly, wasn't even your business."

  Beth's mouth dropped open and her heart pounded. “How can you say it isn't my business? It is my business when he's been telling me he's moving home for good. When he's telling me that he doesn't want to be on the Circle S and he wants me and..."

  "Right. He's been saying all that, but you've been saying you don't want him back or believe him. Why the heck shouldn't he agree to have sex with you if that's the best you're going to offer?” Susan rolled her eyes. “First of all, come on, he's a guy. Second, he probably thinks if he gets you back with him that way, he can eventually win your heart again."

  Susan stood up, crossed the room and picked up two wrapped packages off the counter. She brought them back to the table.

  "Look kid, you love him, plain and simple or you wouldn't be so worked up over all of this.” Sara leaned her elbows on the table. “You've always loved him and he loves you. The rest is simply details. I think you should go to him and tell him you want to take it one day at a time, but that you're ready and willing to put the past behind you and start fresh. Today. Put away what happened when you were kids or what happened two years ago, and you each admit you both made a mistake. Be a grown up, Beth. Have a mature relationship with this guy who, for all his faults, worships the very ground you walk on, and as an added bonus, gets you hot."

  Beth stared with an awed grin at her older sister. Never in her life had she strung so many words together, or in such a well, almost flowery manner.

  Susan seemed just as shocked. Then she laughed. “Wow, when did you turn into Diane?"

  Sara reddened. “It's not just Beth who had to grow up the past few years. I almost lost Buck because of my pride.” Her eyes welled and she brushed at them with an impatient hand. “Don't make that mistake."

  "Okay, so say I take him back? How about this Circle S deal, what about that?” Beth swallowed hard, although her heart was hopeful that maybe her sisters were right. Maybe there was still a chance with Tyler. And Sara was right—she loved him, always had, always would.

  Sara shrugged. “This ranch is everything to me, but if Buck said to me tomorrow, ‘I'm moving to Alaska because that's where I need to be', well, I'd be having a papoose right now instead of a baby."

  Susan and Beth both eyed her skeptically, and then burst out laughing.
  "You're full of crap,” Beth said.

  Sara grinned. “Okay, bad analogy, I'm not moving to Alaska. But you get my point. You need to figure out what you want more: being a vet here at home or being a vet and with Tyler, wherever he needs to be."

  Beth held her gaze. She was right. She was absolutely right. Had her pride blinded her to something so simple?

  Susan smiled and handed them each a flat package. “On a lighter note, I wanted to give you this for Christmas but they didn't come in time.” Her blue eyes sparkled and she looked as if she was going to bust out of her seat, she was so excited. “Open them!"

  Feeling suddenly lighter and even a bit giddy, Beth picked up the package and gingerly peeled back a corner of the wrapping.

  Sara ripped into hers. “This is fantastic,” her older sister cried out.

  Beth glanced up and saw the music CD her sister held. She quickly finished opening hers. Susan's picture on the cover was beautiful—more so for it's simplicity. Unlike her usual sexy pose and gorgeous evening gowns, the cover reflected her sister barefoot and dressed in jeans and a soft sweater.

  "It's a collection of lullabies. Open it up.” Susan hurried out of her chair and picked a sharp knife off the table. Grabbing the CD from Beth she slit the cellophane and handed it back to her then did the same for Sara.

  Beth opened the plastic cover. She pulled out the pamphlet of songs inside. Her eyes filled as she noticed the dedication and she glanced at Sara. “Listen,” she commanded. “To my brand new baby niece or nephew, I love you and you're not even here yet. This is for you. Love, your Aunt Sues."

  Tears streamed down Sara's face and Beth started to cry too. Susan stood up and moved behind Sara's chair to wrap her arms around her shoulders. “I was so mad when it didn't come in time for Christmas, but this seemed like a more perfect time.” She sniffled and straightened.

  "Aunt Sues?” Sara wrinkled her nose, reading the pamphlet herself.

  She shrugged. “I hate Susie, and Susan is too stuffy. I decided I liked Sues. Auntie Sues."

  Beth read the selections. Most were traditional lullabies, but a few she didn't recognize. “Did you write some new stuff for this?"

  "Yep, I didn't even know I could write something like that. I woke up one night to this melody flowing through my head. I took out the guitar and put it on paper.” She turned around and leaned back against the counter. “After that, a few more came, and I thought, hmm this could be pretty cool."

  "Thank you.” Sara said, sniffling.

  "Somehow I think giving birth to a CD is a lot easier than what you're going to go through."

  "It won't be any big deal. How much worse can it be than being kicked by a horse?"

  Beth raised one eyebrow. “It's a different kind of pain."

  Sara rubbed her stomach. “I'll just be happy when he or she is finally here."

  Susan hugged her sister. “I'm glad that it all worked out so I had this time off in between shows so I could be home until the baby gets here."

  Sara awkwardly pushed to her feet. “I gotta pee,” she announced and walked through the kitchen to the small bathroom off the laundry room.

  Beth put a piece of foil over the remainder of the cookies. “This was great, Susan, but I gotta get back to the clinic. The paperwork is piling up.” She shook her head. “Neither of us is very good at office work."

  "You know, I'd love to help out if I wasn't already committed to the community theatre. They have a show tonight."

  Beth shrugged. “On New Year's Eve? I thought you were singing with Teddy tonight?"

  "I am, but that's not until after nine. I told the cast I'd be there for the dinner show and then I'd have to scoot out."

  "You amaze me. Don't you ever get tired?"

  The back door flew opened. Buck stomped in and swept his hat from his head. “Wow, look at the beauties in my kitchen.” He wiggled his eyebrows and rubbed his hands together. “Okay, it's been a while since I had a threesome, but I'll try to keep up."

  Susan walked across the room and patted his cheek. “Your wife would cut off your private parts, sauté them in garlic, and force feed them to you."

  Buck winced and shifted his feet. “Where is the love of my life?"

  "In the bathroom.” Beth reached past him for her coat on the hook. “Are you guys going to finish getting the fencing done on that corral?"

  Buck lifted the foil on the cookies and grabbed one. “It's done. You now have two smaller corrals both inside and out."

  Beth smiled. “Thank you. That's perfect. Have you, um, seen Tyler anywhere today?"

  "Yeah, he was helping us, but I don't know where he is now. Maybe taking a shower."

  Sara walked back into the room and Beth watched as her sister's green eyes glowed when she spotted her husband. Buck's did the same as he closed the space between them and leaned down to kiss her lips. “Hmm, better than sugar cookies."

  "Look what Susan did,” Sara crossed the room and picked up the CD to show to him.

  "I gotta go,” Beth said, heading to the door. “I'll give you a call tomorrow.” She waved to Sara and turned to Susan. “I'll probably see you at the LoneStar later."

  "Sounds good."

  Beth hurried to the truck and climbed inside. For some reason, she had this strong urge to see Tyler. Her sister's were right; she needed to just let things happen as they should without worrying so much about what it all meant, or the past, or even the future.

  * * * *

  Tyler strolled through the LoneStar amazed at how many people fit into the bar. The pool tables were pushed away, the dart boards were removed and the dance floor was widened out of necessity. It was New Year's Eve and everyone wanted to be on the floor, not sitting and watching.

  He grabbed a beer and leaned against a pole to watch his brother's band work themselves up to a particularly rousing tune. When it ended, he clapped with the rest of the room as Susan joined Teddy on stage. She was dressed to the nines in a long black evening gown and heels so high it seemed impossible she could even walk on them.

  Susan wrapped her hands around the microphone and belted out a bluesy number that impressed the heck out of him. Sometimes he forgot she was a hell of a singer and actress.

  Drinking his beer, Ty was astonished as always at how Susan and his brother could perform together and convince the audience they got along. They sang duets as if they were lovers. Their bodies moved as if they were one. But it was all a show: Teddy thought Susan was the biggest phony on the planet, and she thought the singing cowboy was an idiot. It was testament to their professional abilities that they could perform together as if they adored each other.

  Across the room, he heard someone call Beth's name. A jolt of heat went through his body. Ever since Christmas, he'd steered clear of her. Not that it was difficult, she hadn't exactly been around. He wanted to talk to her, but what could he say? They had reached a point where he wanted more than she was willing to give. He had two options: he could wait it out until she realized he wasn't going anywhere and give him another chance, or he could ... well, there really wasn't any other option. That was the only choice. Give her a bit of space and wait it out.

  If Beth didn't want him back, didn't trust him enough to try again, then he'd have to face that fact eventually. He hoped he wouldn't have to. Even if she didn't believe in them, he did.

  He turned towards the doorway and his mouth went dry. Beth stood there in a red dress, his favorite color. The neckline, held up by thin gold chains, dipped low on her chest. Each step she took revealed a flash of leg all the way to her thigh. She walked straight to him, holding his gaze as her hips swayed.

  Tyler straightened and pushed away from where he'd been leaning against the post. Her hair framed her face and her bright blue eyes were beautifully huge. She looked like a woman who'd spent a considerable amount of time to look smoking hot. Gut wrenching need slammed through him, and he couldn't see or hear anything except her.

  He didn't move toward
s her, choosing to enjoy the visual instead. When she finally reached the spot on the floor directly in front of him, the smile she gave from under her lashes was smoking hot, too.

  "Hey, cowboy.” Her voice was soft and sultry.

  Tyler cleared his throat. “Hey, yourself."

  She wet her lips and his attention honed in on her moist red mouth.

  His tongue dried right up, but he managed to squeak out, “You look amazing."

  "It's New Year's Eve. I was in the mood to celebrate."

  His gaze lowered to the creamy swell of her breasts. The red silk of her neckline rested on them, giving only a teasing glimpse. “I love red,” he said huskily.

  "I know you do.” She tossed her head. “Dance with me?"

  He had no idea what had come over her, but he wasn't going to question the look in her eye. She took his hand, and he set his beer down to follow her to dance floor. She settled against him as she had all their life. His body sprang to hard arousal when she brushed her thighs against his. She tipped her head back and laughed.

  Tyler held her gaze. “You take my breath away,” he whispered.

  She shifted in his arms and thread her fingers through his hair. “I expect you to return the favor before the night's over."

  Tyler wasn't sure how to respond to that. He pulled her closer and danced her around the floor, grasping the moment—and her—with both hands holding on tight.

  When the music ended, they broke apart and clapped as Teddy approach the microphone on stage. “Thanks, folks. We'll be taking a short break. But don't worry, we'll be here all night to help you usher in the New Year."

  "I'm going to freshen up,” Beth said, indicating the ladies room.

  "I'll get us a drink.” Tyler turned away but Beth touched his arm. He looked back, and she reached up to frame his face in her hands. She went up on tiptoe and he leaned down, their lips meeting briefly before she slipped away. At that moment, he didn't care what had gotten into her, he just hoped that it stayed.


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