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The Cowboy Comes Home

Page 21

by Roni Adams

  Grinning devilishly, Beth finished in the ladies room and stepped back into the bar area. Not too far in front, seated at a table by himself, was Cole. Her smile faltered. He wasn't looking her way so she could have slipped past him without a word, but that didn't feel right.

  Taking the few steps to stand next to him, she set her hand on his shoulder. He jerked and stared up at her. “Hi,” she said softly.

  He stood. “Hi. Happy New Year."

  Beth hugged him and winced when he hugged her back, hard.

  He released her to grab hold of her hand. “It's packed in here tonight."

  Hand still in his, she slipped into the chair across from him. A prickle of unease raced up her spine; Tyler must have seen her by now and was probably watching. The last thing she needed was him to think she was coming on to Cole when she'd planned tonight to be all about Tyler.

  Still, she couldn't just walk past the other man without saying something. “Yeah, it's really hopping."

  "You look beautiful.” Cole stared into her eyes

  Beth lowered her gaze and pulled her hand back. “I don't know what to say to you. I feel like..."

  "Don't, okay? You don't have to say anything.” He shook his head. “Look, I know you never felt, well, what I felt for you. I knew that going in. If I got hurt, it's my own problem. You did nothing wrong."

  She frowned and tipped her head. “Why do I feel so rotten about this, then? I mean, you were—are—such a good friend and..."

  Cole leaned back in his chair and fiddled with the label on his beer bottle. “I just want to know you're happy, that's all."

  Beth ducked her head. She hoped to be before the end of the night. Returning Cole's gaze she nodded. “I'm taking things one day at a time."

  She reached over and covered his hand again just as a tall brunette she'd never seen before appeared next to the table.

  Cole smiled as he stood. “Beth, this is Ginny."

  Beth stood and held out her hand. “Hello. Sorry, am I in your chair?"

  The other woman glanced from Beth to Cole and back again, but her smile was warm when she said, “Not a problem. Will you join us?"

  Beth saw the grin on Cole's face directed at Ginny, not her, and gave a small laugh. “Uh, no. Thank you, but no. I'm with someone."

  "Ginny's staying at the ranch for a few days. Doc met her parents on one of the cruises and invited them all to spend New Year's with us."

  Beth nodded. “Ah, I see. So Doc's still in town?"

  "Yeah, he—they—are all leaving day after tomorrow."

  "I'll try to give him a call before he leaves, but if I don't see him, please give him my best."

  She stared back at Cole wondering why she had this pang in her heart. Was she jealous that Cole had already replaced her? Wow. How spiteful am I? She smiled at both of them. “Happy New Year."

  He squeezed her shoulder and kissed her cheek. “You too, Beth. I'm sure I'll see you next week."

  She nodded to the other woman who had already slipped into the chair she'd vacated. “Have a nice visit to Sweet Meadow, Ginny."

  "Thank you. Nice meeting you."

  Beth gave a small wave and headed towards Tyler.

  "Everything okay?” he asked, handing her a drink.

  She nodded and sipped the rum and coke. “Yeah.” Tilting her head, she smiled. Whatever next year held for the two of them, she wasn't going to worry about it. She was ready to live for today. Tonight, Tyler wasn't going to walk away from her.

  "Buck called."

  Her head jerked up. Was something wrong with Sara? “Is something wrong?"

  "No, they're fine,” he assured her with a knowing grin. “He just said Sara's really tired—and annoyed that it was New Year's Eve and they weren't going out. He's trying to keep her entertained."

  "We should take them a plate of Bill's ribs on the way home."

  "I asked him if he wanted me to, but he said they'd probably be asleep right after midnight."

  "I was there this afternoon, and she did look tired. How weird is that, the two of them home on New Year's Eve?"

  Tyler grinned. “I never thought I'd see the day. They used to help Bill clean up and then go out for breakfast with him and keep on going after that."

  "Isn't it weird how life turned out? I mean, did you ever think Sara would be the one who had the first baby? Or the two of them would be married? And how about Diane? Living in Paris, married to some French guy.” Beth wrinkled her brow, thinking about how much had changed in two short years.

  Tyler shifted his feet. “You didn't say anything about us? Did you ever imagine that we'd be the way we are?"

  Beth wet her lips and set her drink on the bar. She covered Tyler's hand with her own. “Let's not talk about the past tonight. I want to be here with you, right now.” She tossed her head and gave him what she hoped was a sexy smile. “Pretend we've only just met or that we've been dating a short time and it's our first New Year's Eve. What would you be thinking about?"

  Tyler linked their fingers together and tugged her closer. “I'd be thinking that you look sexy as hell, and every guy in this room hates my guts because you're with me.” He pulled her even closer and slipped an arm around her waist to bring her up against him. “I'd be wondering if I was going to get a kiss at midnight."

  Beth traced her finger down his cheek and across his bottom lip. “A kiss? Is that all you'd be hoping for?"

  Tyler's lips parted and he kissed the tip of her finger. “Well, I guess that would entirely depend on the lady. I mean, it would be rude for me to hope for anything more if we'd only just met."

  Beth smiled. “Let's make this a bit easier then, this is our fourth or fifth date, and up until tonight, we've only indulged in some serious kissing."

  Tyler pulled her hand from his face and kissed the middle of her palm. He gazed up over her fingers, his brown eyes dark and intense. “Dance with me."

  The thought of being held in his arms again on the dance floor and being pressed against him as they moved sent a shiver down her spine. “Yeah,” she whispered, already following him.

  Susan sang a country song about cheaters and lovers and broken hearts as Beth wrapped her arms around Tyler's neck and leaned into him. His hands were low around her waist and his fingers brushed her rear end. Head tucked against his chest, they didn't speak.

  With every brush of his thighs, the hardness of his erection pressed into her body, making her aware of every inch of her partner. She closed her eyes and focused on how good it was to let go of her resentment and anger and enjoy being with Tyler again. She wet her dry lips and lifted her head. Tyler immediately crushed them with his own.

  She threaded her fingers into his hair and pulled his head even closer to her, responding without holding anything back. Her breasts tingled beneath her thin dress. She pressed into him and twisted to rub them against his chest. Tyler growled, his large hands sliding down to cup her rear end and lift her inches off the floor.

  The song ended and they broke their kiss, Beth slid down his body until her feet hit the hardwood floor. Her entire body was on fire, from the warmth of the room, to the embers he ignited inside her. The next song was a much faster beat and Tyler took her hand and spun her around into the excited pace. Beth got into the rhythm, swaying her hips and shimmying in time to the music. She danced close to him and then pulled back as he reached for her. Laughing, she enjoyed herself in a way she hadn't in a very long time.

  After several more fast paced songs, the music slowed once more, but before she could feel his arms wrapped around her again, Tyler grabbed her hand and pulled her off the floor and through the door to the back patio. A few couples were enjoying the fresh air and in some cases, each other, so they moved to the shadowed farther end.

  The cool air on her hot skin was a welcome relief and she fanned her face. Leaning against the wooden railing, she braced both arms behind her, knowing it jutted her chest forward. It didn't escape Tyler's notice. Tossing her head, she glan
ced up innocently. “So, Cowboy, what do you think?"

  He lifted his eyes from her chest, slowly. “About what?” He moved closer and rested his elbow on the same railing.

  His body half turned towards, she watched him stare again at her cleavage. “Everything. The night, the band ... the company?"

  Tyler lifted one eyebrow. “I'm thinking that one more dance and I'm not going to be responsible for what I might do to you."

  Beth shifted until she faced him and slid both hands up his chest to toy with the collar of his shirt. “What do you want to do to me?"

  He slipped his arms around her waist, leaned back against the railing and brought her into the circle of his thighs. “Feel that?"

  Beth pressed into him. “Is that for me?"

  "Always.” Tyler cupped her face in his hands and tipped her head back. He slanted his mouth over hers, gently brushing her lips. He wet his lips and teased the seam of hers. Beth sighed and met his kiss with her own. She tugged at his shirt and brought him down to her as she arched closer.

  Fireworks went off in the back of her mind and lights flashed behind her eyes. She'd forgotten how hot a kiss could be, how incredibly aroused she could get from making out with Tyler. For so many years, they'd made love and had wild passionate sex, but it'd been years since they indulged in some good, old-fashioned, melt-your-bones kisses. When he broke off and buried his face in her neck, holding her tight against his body, they were both having trouble catching their breath.

  "It's not very private out here, Angel,” he whispered against her neck, before pulling her ear lobe into his hot mouth.

  "Ahh,” Beth moaned as his lips sent spirals of desire racing up and down her spine. Between her legs, warmth pooled and her nipples itched to be touched.

  He kissed his way down her neck to her shoulder and over to the pulse point near the base of her throat.

  Beth wiggled against him. “Where's your truck?"

  Tyler pulled back, his eyes widened in mock shock. “My truck? Why would you want to know where my truck is parked?"

  She trailed her hands down to his chest once more and teased the button on his dress shirt. Looking up from under her lashes, she wet her lips. “I was thinking it might be a more private place to.... talk."

  Tyler raised his hand to stroke her hair and tuck it behind her ear. He caressed her cheek and brushed his thumb over her swollen mouth. Beth opened her lips and drew his thumb inside and suckled. His harsh intake of breath encouraged her and she slid her tongue around the tip of his thumb, looking up at him with hunger in her eyes. She released him and pressed her breasts into his chest.

  He cleared his throat and, in one fluid movement, pushed away from the railing with her hand in his, headed towards the steps leading to the ground. Beth laughed at his rush and hurried to keep up with him. When she reached the stairs, Tyler simply reached up and plucked her down.

  They walked around the building, wincing at the glare of the lights in the parking lot. “I'm way in the back,” was all he said as he held tight and led her through the people coming in and the vehicles parked everywhere.

  Tyler unlocked the door to his truck and held the passenger side open. The look in Beth's eyes told him she wasn't changing her mind. He had no idea what had come over her tonight, but he liked it.

  He helped her in, but before he could close the door, she turned in the seat and grabbed him. Kissing him hard she pressed her body against him. The slippery material of her dress slid under his hands and he wanted desperately to touch her skin. But they were still way too close to the bar, and he wasn't going to fool around with her here where they could be interrupted.

  He took her arms from around his neck. “You impatient hussy,” he teased.

  "You love it and you know it,” she bantered, and swung her legs inside the truck.

  Tyler closed the door. Nope, no clue what had gotten into her, but he was not questioning this. It felt too damn good to have fun with her again. When she'd danced and her eyes sparkled, she was the old Beth he'd loved and lost and just maybe had found again. Whatever he had to do from this point on to keep her this way, he was going to do.

  He ran around to the driver's side and climbed in. Starting the truck, he turned to find her smiling at him.

  "Where are we going?"

  Tyler slid his arm along the seat and turned to face her. “I've got something I want to show you."

  She smoothed the material of her dress on her knees. “I hope it's good,” she sassed.

  "I'll do my best,” he promised, and pulled the truck out of the parking lot. For several minutes they drove in silence. What was she thinking? She wasn't changing her mind was she? He was enjoying this little pretend game, especially if she meant what she said and wanted to focus on the future and not the past. His conscience pricked, reminding him that she didn't trust him. He pushed the thought back. If Beth wanted to focus on right now and pretend they were on a date like any other couple, then that's what he would do.

  Next to him, he felt her slip out of her seat belt and slide across the seat. He glanced over as she settled against him, resting her hand on his thigh. His blood pressure skyrocketed.

  Beth had always loved to tease him while he drove. She thought it was the funniest thing in the world to torment him until he was forced to pull over. He hardened instantly, knowing what her next move was going to be. Sure enough, it was only a short few second later that her hand slid to the inside of his thigh and then covered his straining zipper.

  "Behave,” he cautioned, and brushed her hand away.

  "I'm not doing anything,” she lied.

  Her fingers slipped the button on his khaki pants open and he caught his breath as she slid his zipper down. Her hands in his boxers were warm and soft. “Beth,” he warned, but it was a half-hearted complaint. She squeezed and pleasure shot through him until it became difficult to concentrate on driving. He took one hand off the wheel and searched for her legs. Slipping his hand under the edge of her dress, he teased the softness of her knees and caressed the skin of her inner thighs.

  She hissed as he covered her damp panties, his fingers stroking across the moistness.

  "Ty...” she moaned.

  "I'm not doing anything,” he lied as he slid his finger beneath the elastic of her panties.

  Miraculously, he spied the turnoff he'd been hoping for and turned the truck up the deserted road, or at least he hoped it was still deserted. Beth sat up straight and removed her hand from his lap. He put both hands on the wheel again and maneuvered the truck off the road and out of view.

  "Where are we?"

  "Just an empty road that doesn't go anywhere anymore."

  She scooted back across the seat. “I don't know if it's safe to be out here alone with you, maybe we should go back to the bar.” She glanced up from under her lashes, her mouth curving into a sexy grin.

  "Too late, babe, you teased me and tortured me all the way here. Don't tell me you're one of those girls who promises a guy everything and then says no?"

  He reached for her, but the steering wheel got in his way. She giggled and he climbed out and jogged awkwardly around the front of the truck. He had a hard time walking because his pants were open, but he managed to open the passenger door. She turned around in the seat until her legs dangled off the side.

  "You love playing games with me when I'm driving and can't stop you, don't you?” He slipped her shoes off her feet and tossed them to the floor of the truck then moved in closer. He wanted to see her naked, wanted her screaming his name on the night wind. He caressed her bare knees pushing the fabric of her dress up higher past her thighs. He stroked her soft skin and thumbed the hot moisture between her legs.

  Beth whimpered and reached for him. “I didn't know that bothered you when I touched you when you drove."

  "It does far more than bother me,” he growled.

  The top to her dress seemed to be held up by two tiny clasps on the gold chains. He flipped them open, and the bodic
e fell to her waist, baring her breasts to the night air and his avid attention. Her nipples were rosy and puckered and he weighted them in his hands, brushing his thumbs across the erect peaks. Beth squirmed in his hands and he dropped a kiss on her lips.

  "What's wrong, Angel? Don't you like that?

  She arched, encouraging him, and he squeezed both in his palms, making her cry out with pleasure. He rolled her nipples between his thumb and fingers and gently tugged as she moaned.

  "Ty, please,” she begged.

  "Hmm, I don't know. This is only, what ... our fifth date? Do we go that far on date five? Are you that kind of girl?” he mused. He wet his finger and stroked her nipple once more.

  She jerked in response and groaned again. “Only with you. I mean you are so strong and handsome, and you've swept me off my feet. All my convictions have gone right out of my head."

  He lowered his head and lifted one soft mound to his mouth. “I wouldn't want you to ruin your reputation with a cowboy like me.” When he laid his tongue across the erect peak, she gasped.

  "It's fine, I don't mind. It feels so good, and I want you sooo bad."

  Tyler took her nipple between his lips and suckled. She grabbed his head with both hands and fisted her fingers into his hair. He winced, but continued to feast on first one and then the other breast. Beth's breathing was rapid and she arched and wiggled and cried out as he caressed and kissed her. Every erotic sound she made spurred him on, and he shoved his hand up her dress, pulled her panties off, and tossed them outside.

  "Oh, those were new,” she protested.

  He lifted his head. “Should I stop?” His fingers brushed the curly hair between her thighs and teased the swollen bud.

  Beth shook her head furiously. “No, no it's fine. I can buy another pair.” Her eyes rolled back in her head as he slid his finger inside and pressed. “Ohhhh,” she moaned.

  When he stopped and stepped back for a second, her eyes flew open, but the worried gaze soon left when she realized he was shoving his pants down. Beth shimmied to the edge of the seat, wrapped her legs around his waist. He held her gaze as he shoved inside her. Her arms clung to his neck and her legs clamped tighter, drawing him closer. Thank God he'd removed her heels.


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