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The Badge Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

Page 11

by Tyler, Paige

  “Both, I guess,” she admitted softly. “I couldn't stop myself from sneaking a peek, and when I did, I was fascinated. I don't know why, but I got aroused watching you and Sam do…what you did, and well…you saw what happened from there.” She chewed on her lip. “I want to say it was because I haven't had sex in a while, but that would be a lie. All I can say is that I'm sorry.” She lifted her gaze to Aly’s. “If you want me out of your house, I understand.”

  Aly reached across the table and took Capri’s hand in hers. “Don't be silly, honey. You're my dearest friend in the world. I couldn't imagine ever getting upset at you—for anything. And I’d certainly never ask you to leave. I love having you here.”

  “But I spied on you and your husband in just about the most intimate and private situation anyone could dream of. Doesn't that bother you?”

  Aly smiled. “In all the time we've known each other, have you ever seen me try to hide my sexual activities from you?”

  That was true. From the tell-all conversations they’d shared about sex to the times when they'd made out with guys with nothing but the privacy of a bedspread thrown over them, she and Aly had never hidden that kind of stuff from each other.

  “But this is different,” Capri insisted. “This wasn't some guy you brought back to the dorm and shagged under the blankets while I studied for a test. This was your husband, and you two were totally naked.”

  Aly didn’t say anything. Instead, she got up and grabbed the coffee pot. Capri automatically pushed her cup forward for a refill. This conversation was going a lot differently than she’d thought. She'd been sure her friend would be furious. She should have known better.

  “Well, I was totally naked—Sam was mostly dressed,” Aly corrected as she sat down again. “And since we're being totally truthful here, I can't really be upset with you considering I sort of lured you into watching in the first place.”

  Capri blinked. “You what?”

  It was Aly’s turn to look chagrined. “Yeah. I told Sam you were a heavy sleeper, even though I knew you weren’t. In college, you'd wake up every time someone on the first floor took a shower and made the pipes rattle. I also knew you had more than a little bit of a voyeuristic streak in you.”

  Capri’s face colored again. “I do not!”

  Aly arched a brow. “What about all those times we sat in our dorm room with the lights out so we could watch people get it on in the dorm beside ours? Don't even try and tell me that didn't turn you on. I know for a fact you’d play with yourself after we went to bed. Which isn't a bad thing. I did, too.”

  Capri opened her mouth to deny it, then closed it again. She’d almost forgotten about that. Aly was right. She had gotten hot watching other people have sex back then. And she’d played with herself after the fact. But she hadn't considered herself a voyeur. She supposed now that she had been.

  “I knew if Sam spanked me, you'd hear and coming running to see what we were doing,” Aly continued. “Speaking of which. I didn't see you, but I'm guessing you got a peek of Sam paddling me the first night you were here, too?”

  Capri nodded. “I heard noises coming from your room and peeked in to see if everything was okay. When I saw Sam spanking you, I almost busted in to tell him off for manhandling you that way.” She gave her friend a sheepish look. “Then I realized you were enjoying it.”

  “You’re right. I was.” Aly sipped her coffee. “Did you stay for the whole spanking?”

  “Yeah, but I bailed before you started to…you know.”

  Aly reached across the table again and playfully smacked her hand. “You missed my epic blowjob? Too bad. According to Sam, it was award winning.” She winked. “I was secretly hoping you'd seen it.”

  “Why?” Capri asked. “I mean, why did you arrange all this—making all that noise so I’d hear you, leaving the door cracked?” A sudden thought came to her. “I bet you even arranged yourself on the bed so I’d be able to watch without Sam seeing me. Why did you want me to see you getting spanked and having sex?”

  Aly gave her a shamefaced look. “Remember all those times I’d bring whatever guy I was dating back to our dorm room and shag them under the blanket while you were on the other side of the bookcase we set up between our beds?”

  Capri nodded.

  “Well, it turned me on like crazy knowing you were there and could hear everything. In fact, those were some of the best orgasm I've ever had. Until I met Sam, of course. I realized years later the thing that made those times so hot was having an audience. I'd never have the balls to do it in front of any of our friends here, or heaven forbid, a complete stranger. I assumed that was a kinky itch I was never going to be able to scratch again. I pretty much put it out of my head—until you told me you were coming for a visit. Since then, getting shagged in front of you is the only thing I’ve been able to think about. You’re the only person I’d ever trust enough to have sex in front of. Can you forgive me?”

  Capri almost laughed. Pushing back her chair, she went around to the other side of the table to give Aly a hug. “I like to watch and you like an audience. Which makes us perfect for each other. Even if it is a little kinky.”

  Aly laughed and so did Capri. Now that she didn’t have to worry about her friend being mad at her anymore, she could finally get all those burning questions she had answered. She reached for her mug, then sat down beside Aly. First, she had to know whether Sam was aware of Aly’s proclivity for performing in front of an audience.

  “No way! I wanted to tell him, but I wasn’t sure he’d go for it.” Aly looked chagrined. “I’m bad, aren’t I?”

  “Devious maybe, but not bad,” Capri said. “I have to admit that while the sex was incredibly hot last night, what really got me going was the spanking Sam gave you with that strap. Tell me you weren't doing that back when we were in college. Because if you were, and you didn't tell me, I'll be pissed.”

  Aly grinned. “Oh no, that's new. Sam introduced me to it after we got married, and our sex life had never been the same since.” She eyed Capri thoughtfully. “I take it you’ve never gotten spanked?”

  “No. I'm not sure I could ever trust a guy enough to ask for one, either.” She let out a dramatic sigh. “I'll just have to live vicariously through you, I guess. So tell me everything, and don’t leave anything out. I want to hear exactly what it feels like. Doesn't it hurt?”

  “Good Lord, yes. Why do you think I was wiggling around like that so much?”

  Capri frowned. “Then why do you do it?”

  “Because it hurts in a good way. And because it gets me so hot.” Aly smiled. “Sam and I can be at a restaurant or a movie, and all he has to do is whisper in my ear that he’s going to spank me when we get home, and I practically come on the spot.”


  “It’s even more of a turn on if I’m getting spanked for being a bad girl and doing something I shouldn’t,” Aly went on. “Which is why I got that ticket yesterday. I figured there was a pretty good chance Sam would punish me.”

  That seemed extreme. What if Sam had made her pay the ticket, too? “Why don’t you just have Sam write a bunch of fake tickets for you? That way you can use them whenever you want him to spank you for being bad.”

  Aly considered the suggestion. “I thought of that, especially since he’s probably on to me anyway. But if I did, I’d have to admit to Sam that I purposely got the other tickets so he’d punish me.” Her lips curved in a sly smile. “Which would almost certainly get me put over his knee. Girlfriend, you’re a genius!”

  Capri would have pointed out she’d only said what Aly had already thought about doing anyway, but she was more interested in whether she could persuade her friend to confess her misdeeds to Sam while she was here so she could see Aly get spanked again. She opened her mouth to ask, but Aly was already getting to her feet.

  “Come on,” she said. “The museum opens soon and we want to get there before it gets too crowded.”

  As it turned out, they didn
’t get to the museum until almost ten, but they still had a good time even with the crowds. After lunch at an outdoor café, Aly took her to another mall.

  They were in the same dressing room trying on clothes when Capri caught sight of the barely discernible red marks crisscrossing Aly’s ass cheeks at the edges of her tiny bikini panties. Capri caught her friend’s arm and turned her back to the lights above the full-length mirror so she could get a closer look. She almost reached out to run her fingers over them, but stopped herself just in time.

  “I can’t believe you still have marks from last night,” she said.

  Aly looked over her shoulder at her reflection. “The strap always leaves marks. It’s one of the reasons I love Sam to spank me with it.”

  Capri studied them again. “They look really sexy. Can you feel them?”

  “When I sit down. A good strapping can do that even though Sam never smacks my ass harder than I can take. That's the best part of getting strapped. Feeling it the next day and remembering how hot the sex was. It keeps me excited for a few days afterward.”

  Capri was still marveling at that as they tried on shoes a little while later. She and Aly both fell in love with the same pair. High heels with sexy straps, they were absolutely beautiful. But they are also crazy expensive.

  “You should get them,” Capri said impulsively.

  Aly looked up from the shoes she'd been admiring in the mirror. “Are you nuts? I can't afford these. I could pay for a top of the line sink for what they're charging for these things. Sam would flip out.”

  “I didn’t say you should keep them. You can always bring them right back and get a full refund. After they've served their purpose, of course.”

  Aly glared at her. “And what purpose is that? Getting me in trouble?”

  Capri didn’t answer. Probably because she couldn’t believe the direction her thoughts were taking. It seemed Aly wasn’t the only one who liked being a bad girl.

  Aly’s eyes went wide. “Oh, my God. You're trying to get me spanked again so you can watch!”

  Capri cringed. “Why don’t you say it a little louder, Aly? I don't think they heard you down at the food court.”

  Her friend pulled off the shoes and tossed them back in the box. “But that is what you're doing, isn't it? Trying to give Sam a reason to whack my ass again so you can watch and play with yourself?”

  Hearing Aly put it so bluntly made Capri’s face heat. Her friend wasn't wrong. That was exactly the thought that had crept into her naughty head. “Yes. But it sounds pretty bad when you say it like that. Forget I said anything.”

  Aly stood there regarding her for so long Capri blushed all over again. “So you really want to watch me get spanked again?”

  Capri nodded.

  “Okay. Then I'm up for it.” Aly pointed a finger at her. “But you have to promise to stay for the whole thing. I want to know you're watching me the entire time, and that includes the sex afterward.”

  Capri felt like Aly had just given her an extra special Christmas present. She jumped up and hugged her friend. “Deal. But only if you're sure Sam won't freak out too much about the shoes. I don't want to get you into any serious trouble.”

  “He won't. Besides, if he gets too upset, I can always tell him it was all your idea.”

  Capri laughed. “Very funny.”

  She and Aly giggled about their plan all the way home. Underneath the laughter, however, the sexual tension was palpable. Capri’s clit tingled so much, she had to rub her thighs together to keep from going insane.

  The moment they got home, Aly put the shopping bag in the living room, positioning it perfectly to make sure Sam couldn't miss it. The store they’d purchased the shoes from used fancy bags with their name on them, so he’d know right away that his wife had spent some serious change. To be on the safe side, Aly placed the sales receipt right on top.

  “I’m getting spanked, guaranteed.” Aly grinned. “God, I'm so excited.”

  “Me, too,” Capri admitted. “I can't believe we're really doing this.”

  “We?” Aly laughed as she took vegetables and beef tips out of the fridge. “You plan on getting spanked with me?”

  “Of course not!”

  “Didn’t think so.” Aly turned on the oven. “You know, this will be the third night in a row that I've gotten spanked. I'm going to have one hell of a sore bottom tomorrow.”

  Capri would have felt bad if her friend wasn’t practically pinging off the wall in anticipation. Aly couldn't wait for her hunk-of-a-cop husband to punish her while Capri watched. She wrapped her arms around her friend and gave her a hug.

  “Poor Aly. Don't worry. I'll rub lotion on your bottom afterward.”

  Aly’s lips curved. “Don't think I won't remind you of that promise.”

  While she couldn’t resist teasing her friend, Capri was just as eager for Sam to get home. She could barely concentrate on helping Aly make dinner.

  “Do you think Sam will want to spank you the moment he gets home?” she asked as Aly put the casserole dish in the oven.

  Aly shook her head. “Not with you here. He’ll do it when we go to bed.”

  Capri didn’t know if she could wait that long.

  Her friend refilled their glasses with iced tea. “We don't want to look too obvious when Sam comes in. That could blow the whole deal. Remember to look natural.”

  “Will he use the strap on you again?” Capri asked.

  “Probably not. At least not the strap you saw.” Aly put the pitcher back in the fridge. “Sam never likes to use any particular spanking implement too often. He doesn't want me to get bored with it, you know? He'll pick something different.”

  Capri’s eyes widened. “Exactly how many spanking implements do you guys have?”

  “Oh! I forgot you haven't seen our collection.” She grabbed Capri's hand and pulled her toward the stairs. “Come on. I’ll show it to you. If you like one, maybe I can steer Sam in that direction.”

  Upstairs, Aly led her into the big walk-in closet. She pushed aside the clothes that hung from an upper rack, revealing an entire wall of spanking implements. The array was bewildering.

  “There are so many. How do you ever choose which one to use?”

  “Sam always picks for me, and he's never wrong.” Aly took a wooden paddle off its hook. It was so highly polished, it looked like glass. “This one is my favorite. It doesn't look it, but it’s heavy. It doesn't leave a smack as much as it does a solid thud when it hits my ass. I feel it all the way to my toes when he gets me good with it.”

  Capri took the paddle from her friend and tested its weight. “You’re right. It is heavier than it looks.”

  Before she even realized what she was doing, she reached around and experimentally smacked herself on the ass with the paddle. She didn't do it very hard, but she still felt it through her jeans. Yikes, that thing was dangerous. Aly must have a tough bottom.

  She handed it back to her friend. “That’s way too much for me.”

  “I agree.” Aly hung it back up. “It’s definitely not something a novice should start with.”

  Capri laughed. “Hey! You're the one getting the spanking, remember? I'm the one hiding behind the door playing with herself.”

  “I know.” Aly reached for another paddle. This one was wider, but much thinner, kind of like a ping pong paddle. “I was just telling you in case you decide to buy yourself some paddles. When you find the right guy, I mean.”

  “Right. Like a good spanker comes along every day.”

  They spent the next fifteen minutes trying out the different paddles, crops, straps and whips in Aly’s collection. Capri almost asked Aly to give her a few smacks with each of them, but just the thought made her blush. Then she imagined Sam spanking her, and her face colored even more.

  She couldn’t stop oohing and aahing over how different they all felt. Her bottom was tingling nicely by the time she handed the last paddle back to Aly, and she was tempted to push down her jeans
and sneak a peek at her ass in the full length mirror on the wall to see if it was red.

  Aly regarded her thoughtfully. “I wouldn’t have thought it, but I’d say you're a strap girl.”

  “You think so?” Capri eyed the long, brown leather strap Sam had used on Aly the night before. “Maybe so. It does leave a nice heat as it wraps around during the swing.” She swung her gaze around to Aly. “But that was with me using it on myself. I'm sure it’d sting much more if someone used it on me.” Like Sam. “Not that I intend to find out, of course.”

  “Of course,” Aly agreed.

  As her friend pushed the clothes back over the wall that held her toys, a flash of something silver caught Capri’s attention. She reached out and pushed aside one of Aly's sun dresses to reveal a pair of chrome-plated handcuffs dangling from a hook.

  “Why are Sam’s handcuffs in here with your spanking stuff?” Capri couldn't take her eyes off them. They were like jewelry.

  Aly laughed. “They’re not his work handcuffs. They’re for me. Even though I loved getting spanked, I sometimes have a habit of reaching back to cover my ass. I do it without thinking. Sam doesn't like it. He's afraid he'll whack my hand or arm and hurt me. He’ll cuff me so I can’t reach back.”

  Capri remembered hearing Sam ask Aly if she needed to be restrained during the strapping he’d given her last night.

  “Sometimes I put my hands back on purpose just so he'll cuff me,” Aly admitted. “Being held captive like that is a mind-bender.”

  Capri stared at the cuffs, entranced. Just the thought of having them on her wrists was making her so wet she had to fight the urge to shove her hands down her jeans and touch herself.

  “We’d better get back downstairs,” Aly said. “Sam'll be home soon.”

  Her friend’s timing was impeccable. They weren't in the kitchen for more than five minutes before Capri heard the sounds of Sam's cruiser pulling up.

  Aly grinned. “Show time.”

  How could she be so calm? Capri felt as if she was about to explode.


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