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The Badge Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

Page 12

by Tyler, Paige

  Capri’s breath hitched as the door opened. If Sam walked right past the shoes, the set-up was a bust. That was a serious possibility. How many men would notice a shopping bag?

  But Sam stopped in the living room. A moment later, Capri heard the bag rustle.

  Aly winked. “Score!”

  “Alyssa, what the hell are these?” Sam demanded.

  “Here we go.” Aly wiped the grin off her face and walked into the living room, motioning Capri to follow.

  Capri obeyed, but slowed the moment she saw Sam's face. He looked absolutely intimidating standing there in his uniform with his arms crossed over his chest. He also looked extremely perturbed. Maybe this hadn't been such a bright idea. What if he and Aly ended up having a fight over the shoes instead? That wouldn’t be very sexy.

  Sam held up the sales receipt. “Alyssa, what the hell is this?”

  “The receipt for the new shoes I bought today.” Aly took the box out of the shopping bag and lifted the lid. “Aren't they gorgeous?”

  Sam scowled. “No, they're not gorgeous. They're two weeks’ worth of savings down the drain. Alyssa, we talked about this.”

  Aly put on a crestfallen face. “I guess I screwed up again, huh?”

  “Yeah, Aly. You did.”

  She caught her lower lip between her teeth and looked up at him from underneath her lashes. Damn, Aly was good at this.

  “Are you going to spank me?” she asked softly.

  Sam did a double take. He looked pointedly at Capri, then arched a brow at his wife. Aly waved a hand in Capri’s direction.

  “Don't mind Capri. I told you, we share everything. She knows all about my spankings.”

  Sam went from surprised to looking downright shocked. “Does she? Well then, I guess she won't mind if I take you upstairs right now to give you the spanking you so richly deserve?”

  Aly’s eyes went wide. “Right now?”

  “Right now. The spanking I have in mind for you won't wait.” He turned his gaze on Capri. “I hope you won't mind if dinner is a little late?”

  “Of course not,” Capri murmured.

  She could hardly wait until Sam led Aly upstairs so she could follow. The fact that he knew she knew Aly was going to get spanked was so damn sexy she could barely stand it.

  Aly hung back when Sam took her hand. “I don't think I should be the only one getting spanked, Sam. Capri is way more to blame for this than I am. I wasn't going to buy the shoes, but she said it was none of your business what I do with my money. I tried to tell her we were saving up to remodel the kitchen, but she was in full I-am-woman-hear-me-roar mode and wouldn't let up. The whole store was looking at us, including the security guard. I ended up buying the shoes just to keep us from being tossed out. If I’m getting spanked, so should she.”

  Capri gaped. What the hell was Aly saying, this was all her fault? That hadn't been the plan.

  Chapter Four

  Sam slowly turned his head to look at her, and Capri felt the blood drain from her face.

  “Is that true, Capri?” he asked. “Did you talk Aly into buying the shoes?”

  Capri hadn’t noticed it when he’d scolded Aly, but now that he was directing his questions at her, the effect on her was shocking. This was just Sam, Aly's husband and her friend, but now he’d taken on a different role—one much more dominant and even more devastatingly sexy.

  She opened her mouth to completely deny everything, but closed it again. She had convinced Aly to buy the shoes so she could watch her friend get spanked. But that obviously wasn't what Sam meant by the question. Aly had twisted this all around on her.

  “Yes, but not the way you think. I…”

  Sam lifted a brow. “You what? Either you did, or you didn’t.”

  Capri bit her lip. If she admitted she’d talked Aly into buying the shoes so she could watch her get spanked, she’d have to admit she’d spied on him and Aly the past two nights. She couldn’t do that. Something Aly must have known. Her friend had set her up!

  She should be furious with Aly, but all she wanted to do was hug her. She hadn’t considered what it would be like to be on the receiving end of a spanking until trying out the paddles and straps a little while ago. Now, thanks to her friend’s scheming, she had the opportunity to live out a fantasy she hadn’t even known she had. And at the hands of Aly’s hot and hunky husband, too.

  “Capri?” Sam prompted.

  She wet her lips. If she refused, Sam wouldn’t force the issue. He’d take Aly upstairs, and Capri would miss the only chance she’d probably ever get to experience what a real spanking felt like.

  She glanced at Aly. Her friend’s brown eyes were bright with excitement. Was watching her husband spank her best friend another of her kinky fantasies?

  Capri turned back to Sam. “I did talk her into buying the shoes. If she’s getting spanked, so should I.”

  Just saying the word out loud made her pussy quiver. She wasn't going to be watching a spanking. She was going to be getting one.

  Sam’s eyes went a little wide, as if he hadn’t expected her to agree. “Then you can march upstairs with Aly.”

  Capri tried to obey, but she couldn’t make her feet work. Aly grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze, then led the way up the steps. Her heart beat so hard she could hear it.

  Once in the bedroom, Sam crossed his arms over his chest again. Capri’s pulse fluttered. God, he looked so damn sexy when he did that.

  “Usually, I’d spank you bare bottomed, Aly, but since Capri’s here, you can keep your jeans on.”

  Capri didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed.

  “Or Capri could push her jeans down, too,” Aly suggested.

  Sam’s brow rose.

  His wife sighed. “It’s not like Capri and I haven’t seen each other naked a hundred times. If we're going to get spanked, it should probably be bare-bottomed. I know I won't learn my lesson otherwise, and I doubt she will, either.”

  Capri wanted to point out that Sam spanked Aly bare-assed all the time and she hadn’t learned her lesson yet, but didn’t.

  Aly nudged her. “Push those jeans down and lay across the bed, girlfriend. You know this is no less than exactly what you deserve.”

  Without another word, Aly did what she'd ordered Capri to do, unbuttoning her jeans and pushing them down to her ankles, then wiggling her barely-there panties over her curvy hips until they were banded around her thighs. She bent over the bed, making sure to leave plenty of room for Capri.

  Capri glanced Sam's way one more time. He regarded her expectantly, but didn’t say anything.

  Hands trembling, Capri turned away and unbuttoned her jeans. Blushing, she slowly pushed them down, then did the same with her panties, leaving them around her thighs like Aly had done. Then she threw herself across the bed before she could change her mind. How could having her bare bottom on display be embarrassing yet arousing at the same time?

  She prayed Sam didn't noticed how excited she was. She was soaking wet and knew her panties must be, too. She’d felt the dampness on them when she slid them down. There was probably a puddle of goo in the crotch.

  Fortunately, Sam wasn't interested in her underwear. “Did Aly tell you the rule about not reaching your hands back to cover your ass while I’m spanking you, Capri?”

  Capri didn’t look at him. “Sh-she mentioned something about it.”

  “Good. Then I’ll make it simple. Keep your hands clutched on the blanket in front of you. That way, I won't hit your hand by mistake once I get started. That could hurt you, and I don't want to do that.”

  Capri almost laughed. Sam was about to spank her. Wasn't that going to hurt? More importantly, would he restrain her with those chrome-plated handcuffs she’d seen in the closet earlier if she didn’t obey? While the thought of being cuffed had been mesmerizing, sticking to one major kink at a time was probably a good idea.

  She reached over her head and grabbed a handful of blanket in each fist. She took a deep
breath and let it out slowly. She’d seen Sam spank Aly the other times, so she knew what to expect, but she was still nervous. What if she didn’t like getting spanked as much as she did watching her friend get her ass warmed?

  Beside her, Aly placed her right hand over Capri's left one and gently squeezed it “Relax. You're going to love this, I promise.”

  She wanted to ask how Aly could be so sure, but didn’t. Her friend had suspected she’d get turned on by watching her get spanked, and been right. Maybe Aly was right about this, too.

  Aly looked over her shoulder at her husband. “Go easy on her, babe. It's her first time.”

  Thank God Sam couldn't see her face. It was likely scarlet from the embarrassment. She was happy Aly had said something to him, though. She sure as hell wouldn't have.

  Even though she wasn’t as tense as she’d been a minute ago, Capri still jumped when Sam brushed his hand over her bare bottom.

  Oh my God. Aly's husband was actually touching her ass. She couldn't control the shiver that passed through her.

  “Never been spanked before, huh, Capri?” His voice was as warm as honey.

  Capri couldn't speak. She shook her head.

  “I'll keep that in mind then. If I spank you too hard, let me know. But as Aly said, this is no less than exactly what you deserve.”

  A rush of heat pooled at the juncture of Capri’s thighs. Aly was right. There was something incredibly hot about getting spanked for being a bad girl.

  The sound of a smack startled her. Capri had expected Sam to spank her first since he’d been caressing her ass, but when she didn’t feel the accompanying sting that came with getting spanked, she realized he was punishing his wife first. Capri turned her head to look over her shoulder. Sam had one hand on Aly's back and was lifting the other to smack her again. When he brought it down, the pop that came with it was even louder than the first one. Aly gasped as her cheek jiggled under the impact.

  Seeing her best friend get spanked from a distance was one thing. Seeing her spanked while lying right beside her was a completely different level of hot.

  Sam worked slowly and methodically, leaning over to pepper his wife's ass with smacks from every angle. As he worked on her bottom, he scolded her about spending so much money on shoes—money that was supposed to go toward the kitchen remodel. Capri noticed Aly didn’t point out she could take the shoes back for a full refund. Probably because it would almost certainly have lessened her punishment.

  Capri was torn between watching Sam’s hand come down over and over on Aly’s rapidly reddening ass and her friend’s flushed face. She might yelp every time her husband spanked her, but she looked as if she was in heaven. When Sam stopped, she actually pouted.

  Capri was so mesmerized by the expression on Aly’s face she didn’t realize Sam had moved to stand beside her until his leg brushed against hers. She jerked. Aly took her hand and held it.

  If Sam noticed, he made no comment as he placed his hand on her lower back. His skin was warm through the thin material of her tank top, and Capri let out a sigh. She could almost forget she was about to get spanked.

  “Are you ready, Capri?”

  She tried to answer, but couldn’t get the words out, so she nodded instead.

  Capri thought Sam would give her some indication he was about to start, but the moment she bobbed her head, his hand connected with her right cheek. She felt a light sting, not much more than she’d felt when she playfully smacked her own ass earlier with one of Aly’s paddles, and yet she almost jumped off the bed anyway. She probably would have if not for the hand firmly pressed to the middle of her back.

  Sam moved slowly back and forth from one cheek to the other, like he’d done to Aly, his hand coming down on a different part of her bottom each time. While the smacks stung, they immediately gave way to a sensation of warmth that felt more pleasant—and arousing—than she’d imagined. No wonder Aly liked getting spanked. It was hot as hell.

  Without even realizing what she was doing, she pushed her bottom up in the air to meet each spank.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re enjoying this, Capri.” Sam delivered another firm smack to her upturned cheeks. “Not that I’m surprised. You have an ass that’s made for spanking.”

  Capri felt her face color at the compliment even as a silly sense of pride surged through her.

  “Told you so,” Aly whispered in her ear.

  She didn't remember Aly ever saying her ass was made to be spanked, but Capri gave her a pass on that.

  “On the other hand, you’re supposed to be getting punished for getting Aly into trouble, remember? You shouldn’t be enjoying this too much.” Sam’s authoritative tone almost made her moan. “I guess I’ll have to spank you harder.”

  It wasn’t really a question, but Capri found herself nodding anyway.

  Sam chuckled. “Glad you agree. I wasn’t asking permission, though.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Capri saw Aly’s lips curve in amusement. Capri opened her mouth to tell Sam she knew that, but all she could manage was a gasp as he went back to spanking her again. The smacks came fast and hard, first on one cheek then the other, back and forth until her ass felt like it was on fire. She wanted to crane her head to watch him spank her bottom—she bet it was fire engine red. But with Sam pressing her flat down on the bed, turning around to look was out of the question.

  Aly was watching her get spanked, though. If the fevered look on her friend’s face was any indication, her ass was really getting it.

  Capri didn’t know why having an audience excited her so much—she was the one who like to watch, wasn’t she?—but she was insanely turned on. This was so much hotter than watching Aly get spanked—and that had been mind-blowing. If she hadn't been face down on the bed with orders to hold onto the darn blankets, she would have reached down to play with herself.

  Since she couldn’t, she ground her clit on the bed instead. It wasn’t quite the same as masturbating, but combined with the delicious feel of Sam’s hand coming down over and over on her ass, it was enough to send familiar little tingles of pleasure through her that made her think she just might come.

  But then, completely without warning, Sam stopped. Capri almost groaned in frustration. He couldn’t be done yet.

  “Don’t move,” Sam ordered from behind them. “Either of you.”

  Capri sensed more than heard Sam walk away from the bed. Curious, she pushed herself up, half turning to find out what he was up to, and saw him heading to the closet where they kept their spanking toys. Her pulse skipped a beat.

  Aly caught her shoulder, pulling her back down to the bed. “Sam told us not to move. Stay put.”

  Capri complied, but it was damn tough. Especially since she could hear him moving around in the closet. She was dying to know what he was going come out with. She was a little nervous, too. What if he picked something that hurt?

  A few moments later, Sam emerged from the closet and walked around the bed until he was in front of them. Heart going a mile a minute, Capri looked up at him from under her lashes as he slowly laid out an assortment of paddles, straps and crops.

  “Since this is your first spanking, Capri, I thought I’d do things a little differently. I'm going to let each of you decide what implement you want me to use.”

  Excitement rippled through Capri. She pushed herself up on her elbows, all set to pick when Sam spoke.

  “Capri, I'm going to let you decide what I spank Aly with, and she’s going to decide what I spank you with.”

  Capri looked at her friend to see Aly regarding her with wide eyes. Apparently, Aly was as surprised as she was.

  Sam crossed his arms over his chest. “Capri, since you're the guest, you get to choose first.”

  Capri studied the spanking implements arrayed on the bed before her. There was the strap that Sam had used on Aly last night. And a large paddle that looked like the one he’d spanked Aly with the first night. Then there was the heavy wood pad
dle with the shiny surface and the beautiful grain pattern Aly’d said was her favorite.

  She pointed at it. “This one.”

  His mouth twitched. “Nice choice. I'm sure Aly will love it.” He turned his gaze on his wife. “Now you, Aly.”

  Aly didn’t even hesitate. She pointed at the long, brown leather strap. “This one.”

  Capri’s pulse went into overdrive. The strap had been tantalizing when she’d tried it on herself. She could only imagine how much more delicious it would feel when Sam lashed her.

  Sam lifted a brow in Aly’s direction. “You sure? This is Capri's first time. You don't have to go hardcore on her just because she picked that paddle for you.”

  “I’m sure. She deserves it for getting me into trouble.” Aly slanted her a conspiratorial look. “Besides, something tells me she’s going to like getting spanked with it.”

  Capri held her breath after that last part, half worried Sam might not use the strap if he thought she’d enjoy it too much. She was supposed to be getting punished, after all. But Sam only inclined his head and moved the other implements off the bed and onto the bedside table.

  “Since you might be tempted to reach back and cover your bottom while I’m spanking you, I've also brought these for you, Capri.”

  Sam reached into his back pocket and came out with the chrome-plated handcuffs Capri had seen earlier. They’d looked tantalizing hanging up in the closet, but in the hand of a uniformed cop as gorgeous as Sam, they were downright criminal.

  His expression was serious as he gazed down at her. “These are for your own protection.”

  Capri’s pussy purred as he snapped the cuffs first on one wrist, then the other. Spanked, and now handcuffed. This exceeded her naughtiest fantasies. She moved her wrists back and forth experimentally to see if she could wiggle out of the manacle. She couldn’t. That only made the whole thing more arousing.

  Sam turned his gaze on his wife. “I couldn't forget you, Aly.” His mouth quirked. “I know you have a problem keeping your hands where they’re supposed to be when I paddle you.”

  Reaching into the leather case on his belt, he pulled out his standard-issue cuffs and locked them around Aly's wrists.


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