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by John Keay

  21 Clements, Pirate King, pp.160–61.

  22 Ibid., p.214.

  23 Cheng et al., The Search forModern China, p.92.

  24 Rossabi, China and Inner Asia, p.131.

  25 Perdue, China Marches West, pp.184, 283–5.

  26 Ibid., pp.291–2.

  27 Joseph Fletcher, ‘Ch’ing Inner Asia’, in CHC, vol. 10, p.59.

  28 Crossley, A Translucent Mirror, p.330.

  29 Rawski, The Last Emperors, pp.254–6.


  1 Macartney, An Embassy to China, pp.65–70.

  2 Ibid., pp. 252–4.

  3 Jonathan D. Spence, in ibid., p.254.

  4 Ibid., p.165.

  5 Ibid., pp.162–5.

  6 ‘Kangxi’s Valedictory Edict, 1717’, in Cheng et al., The Search for Modern China, p.63.

  7 Madeleine Zelin, ‘The Yung-cheng reign’, in CHC, vol. 9, pt 1, p.209.

  8 William T. Rowe, ‘Socal stabilityand social change’, in CHC, vol. 9, pt 1, p.480.

  9 Hiromi Kinoshita, in Rawski and Rawson, China: The Three Emperors, p.408.

  10 Jonathan D. Spence, in Cheng et al., The Search for Modern China, pp.10-101.

  11 Keay, The Honourable Company, pp.348–9.

  12 Frederic Wakeman, ‘The Canton trade and the Opium War’, in CHC, vol. 10, pt 1, p.172.

  13 Naquin and Rawski, Chinese Society in the Eighteenth Century, p.233.

  14 Wakeman, ‘The Canton trade’, p.182.

  15 Translation in Waley, The Opium War, pp.28–31.

  16 Liu, The Clash of Empires, p.31.

  17 Joseph Fletcher, ‘The heyday of the Ch’ing order in Mongolia, Sinkiang and Tibet’, in CHC, vol. 10, pt 1, pp.360, 373–82.

  18 ‘Lord Palmerston’s declaration of war’, in Cheng et al., The Search for Modern China, pp.123–7.

  19 Wakeman, Strangers at the Gate, p.21.

  20 Teng, The Taiping Rebellion, pp.1–3, 224.

  21 Spence, God’s Chinese Son, p.93.

  22 Wang Fuzhi, quoted in Crossley, A Translucent Mirror, p.248.

  23 Wakeman, Strangers at the Gate, p.130.

  24 Teng, The Taiping Rebellion, p.187.

  25 Ibid., pp.213, 229.

  26 Rutherford Alcock, quoted in ibid., pp.244–5.

  27 Joseph Fletcher, ‘Sino-Russia relations 1800–1862’, in CHC, vol. 10, pt 1, p.347.


  1 Cheng et al., The Search for Modern China, p.239.

  2 Ibid., p.153.

  3 Wilkinson, Chinese History: A Manual, p.452.

  4 Ting-Yee Kuo, ‘Self-strengthening: the pursuit of Western technology’, in CHC, vol. 10, pt I, p.515.

  5 Rossabi, China and Inner Asia, p.189.

  6 W. A. P. Martin, Cycle of Cathay, p.234, quoted in Liu, The Clash of Empires, p.122.

  7 Jacques Bainville, The French Republic 1870–1935, p.93, quoted in Hibbert, The Dragon Wakes, p.316.

  8 Hall, A History of South-East Asia, p.704.

  9 Cheng et al., The Search for Modern China, p.222.

  10 ‘Zhang Zhidong on the Central Government, 1898’, in ibid., p.182.

  11 Robert Hart, quoted in Preston, Besieged in Peking, p.232.

  12 D. Varé, The Last Empress, pp.259–61, quoted in ibid., p.236.

  13 Fairbank, The Great Chinese Revolution, pp.151–2.

  14 Spence, The Gate of Heavenly Peace, pp.105–6.

  15 Rossabi, China and Inner Asia, p.246.

  16 Jasbir Singh, Himalayan Triangle, p.62.

  17 Macmillan, Peacemakers, pp.331–2.

  18 Ibid., p.337.

  19 Spence, The Gate of Heavenly Peace, p.122.

  20 Quoted in ibid., p.135.

  21 Cheng et al., The Search for Modern China, p.352.

  22 Keay, Last Post, pp.74–84.

  23 Chang and Halliday, Mao, pp.134ff.

  24 Fairbank, The Great Chinese Revolution, p.233.

  25 Cheng et al., The Search for Modern China, p.423.

  26 Ibid., p.339.


  1 Richard Madsen, ‘The countryside under communism’, in CHC, vol. 15, pt 2, p.642.

  2 Macfarquhar and Schoenhals, Mao’s Last Revolution, p.68.

  3 Ibid., p.9.

  4 Stuart R. Schram, ‘Mao-tsetung’s thought from 1949 to 1976’, in CHC, vol. 15, pt 2, p.89.

  5 John Gittings, The Changing Face of China, p.290.

  6 Schram, ‘Mao-tsetung’s thought from 1949 to 1976’, vol. 15, pt 2, p.91.


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